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08-20 投稿


mustiness 发音

英:[m?sten?s]  美:[?m?sten?s]

英:  美:

mustiness 中文意思翻译



mustiness 短语词组

1、mustiness in house ─── 室内发霉

2、mustiness smell ─── 霉味

3、mustiness meaning ─── 霉意

4、mustiness definition ─── 霉味定义

mustiness 词性/词形变化,mustiness变形

名词: mustiness |形容词最高级: mustiest |副词: mustily |形容词比较级: mustier |

mustiness 相似词语短语

1、mistiness ─── n.模糊;雾浓;朦胧

2、mushiness ─── 糊状物

3、lustiness ─── n.精力充沛;活泼

4、muskiness ─── n.麝香;麝香气味

5、dustiness ─── n.灰蒙蒙;多灰尘;尘污

6、mussiness ─── 杂乱

7、fustiness ─── n.霉臭

8、bustiness ─── 胸围

9、gustiness ─── n.狂风,[气象]阵风性

mustiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. ─── 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。

2、I also dislike ferment, mustiness and all other defective flavours. ─── 我当然也不喜欢发酵味、霉味和所有的缺陷风味。

3、The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. ─── 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。

4、The room smelled like Chinese medicine an imported faraway mustiness. ─── 这房间闻起来就像中药有一股进口的遥远的腐臭。

5、Every year about 2% of foodstuff cannot be fed or eaten because of mustiness in the world. ─── 全世界每年平均至少约有2%的粮食因污染霉菌发生霉变而不能食用和饲用。

6、Secondly, eliminate dampness and mustiness. ─── 二、除湿瘀陈腐。

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