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08-20 投稿


madder 发音

英:[?m?d?r]  美:[?m?d?(r)]

英:  美:

madder 中文意思翻译




madder 短语词组

1、madder red ─── 茜草红

2、madder rose albums ─── 疯人玫瑰专辑

3、madder root bags ─── 发根袋

4、madder sky ─── 疯狂的天空

5、madder root maine ─── 缅因州

6、madder lake red ─── 曼德湖红

7、wild madder ─── [植物]茜草

8、madder rose ─── 疯人玫瑰

9、madder making ─── 疯狂制造

10、madder family un. ─── 茜草科

11、madder root powder ─── 马兜铃粉

12、brown madder ─── 褐红

13、madder root ─── 茜草

14、Indian madder ─── [网络] 茜草;印度茜草

15、madder lake ─── 深茜红(茜草根制成的带黄色的红颜料,着色力强,耐久)

16、madder root dye ─── 马德根染料

17、white madder ─── [网络] 白adder

madder 词性/词形变化,madder变形

动词第三人称单数: maddens |动词过去式: maddened |动词现在分词: maddening |动词过去分词: maddened |

madder 相似词语短语

1、ladder ─── n.阶梯;途径;梯状物;vi.成名;发迹;vt.在……上装设梯子

2、badder ─── 坏蛋

3、padder ─── n.整垫电容;[电]微调电容器

4、gadder ─── n.钻机架;凿孔机;[机]凿岩机;创煤镐

5、madden ─── vt.使疯狂;激怒;vi.发狂;n.(Madden)人名;(英、意、捷)马登

6、adder ─── n.蝰蛇(欧洲产的小毒蛇);加算器;猪鼻蛇(北美产无毒的)

7、modder ─── n.改装者

8、mudder ─── n.善于在泥地上跑的马

9、madded ─── 疯狂的

madder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He's always been mad about kids. ─── 他一向特别喜欢孩子。

2、I helplessly looking at Anne Zhe, this boy why always takes Lin Xiao Shi to compare with Anne's madder. ─── 我无奈的看着安哲,这小子干嘛总拿林小诗跟安茜比。

3、Harry was staring at him, alarmed; Filch had never looked madder. ─── 哈利瞪着他,惊讶极了,费尔奇从来没有显得这样恼怒。

4、The joy and moral stimulation of work no longer must be forgotten in the mad chase of evanescent profits. ─── 务必不能再忘记劳动带来的喜悦和激励,而去疯狂地追逐那转瞬即逝的利润。

5、He has become as mad as a hatter. ─── 他变得古怪起来了。

6、There was a mad scramble for the best seats. ─── 人们不顾一切地抢占最好的座位。

7、The opaque, mad look came into his eyes again. ─── 一种意思不很明确而又狂野的神色又出现在他的眼睛里。

8、Either he is intoxicated, or mad. ─── 他不是醉了,就是疯了。

9、The world is racketing around at an ever madder pace. ─── 人世喧嚣,节奏越来越快,简直令人发疯。

10、He does nothing every day while I work like mad. ─── 他每天无所事事,而我则拼命地工作着.

11、No temperature made the mad elephants madder or saner. ─── 没有一种温度能让这些疯狂的大象变得更疯狂或更理智。

12、Their bare flesh is heavily decorated with tattoos made by their women with the dye of madder and woad, using the pinpricks of bone needles. ─── 他们身上还饰有纹身。纹身是由妇女们用染出的茜红和菘蓝色彩,用骨头作成的针刺成的。

13、He means mad out of his head mad. ─── 他说他疯,是说他的想法不对头。

14、You make me so mad. ─── 你气死我了啦。

15、You'll drive mum mad one of these days. ─── 你这样总有一天会把妈妈急疯了的。

16、Only a mad dash got them to the meeting on time. ─── 他们一阵狂奔,总算准时到达会场。

17、He is mad for water. ─── 他拼命地利寻找水。

18、"Luo's madder merely is to quake to shake brain, then say with laugh, " husband, seldom all over once, let's open building. ─── 罗茜却是摇了摇头,然后笑道,“老公,难得出来一次,我们去开房吧。”

19、He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists. ─── 他大怒,挥起双拳向沃勒打去。

20、He mad a great effort to smooth things over. ─── 为使事情好转,他做了很大的努力。

21、She gets mad when you wake her up so early. ─── 你这么早叫醒她,她被激怒了。

22、He's mad about her, ie likes/loves her very much. ─── 他爱她爱得如醉如痴.

23、His obstinacy drives me mad! ─── 他顽固不化把我气得火冒三丈!

24、The doctor certified the prisoner mad. ─── 医生诊断并证明那名囚犯是疯子。

25、He went off his head, like a mad bull with rage. ─── 他发起狂来,象头疯牛。

26、He was mad with rage. ─── 他快要气疯了。

27、He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method. ─── 他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。

28、His mad sense of decency told him to shun such an encounter. ─── 一定是他愚蠢的爱面子思想促使他这么避开。

29、"Nuts" meaning "mad" is a colloquialism. ─── "nuts"作"mad"解,是一种口语用法。

30、He's quite mad: he goes round in very odd clothes. ─── 他真是疯了,竟穿著稀奇古怪的衣服到处逛。

31、He was mad at missing his train. ─── 他为没赶上火车而恼火。

32、They are sure to get mad to hear it. ─── 他们听了一定会气坏了。

33、You must be mad to drive so fast! ─── 你开得这样快, 简直疯了!

34、The truck spun out on the icy mad, and crashed into the fence. ─── 卡车在满是冰的路上打滑失控撞到篱笆上。

35、You're mad to go out in this thunder storm! ─── 你真太傻,下这么大的雷雨你还往外走!

36、They were mad about missing the train. ─── 他们为误了火车而生气。

37、"Either you are mad, or I am," he declared. ─── 他断言道:“不是你疯了,就是我疯了。”

38、He was hopping mad. ─── 他怒不可遏。

39、George is mad about his new saxophone. ─── 乔治对他的新萨克斯风爱不释手。

40、Once he knows what have happened,he will go mad. ─── 一旦他知道事情经过,他会冒火的。

41、I'm mad, without sense or coherence tonight. ─── 今夜我简直狂了。

42、He is mad for ( after ) a new car. ─── 他极想得到一辆新汽车。

43、They realized that he had gone mad. ─── 他们意识到他疯了。

44、They ran like mad t catch the moving bus. ─── 他们飞快地跑去赶那辆正在开动的公共汽车。

45、When Joel gets mad, just let him alone. ─── 乔生气时,先别理睬他。

46、Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first made mad. ─── 上帝要谁灭亡,必先让他疯狂。

47、Last time he had a mad on, it lasted for days. ─── 他上次生气,连续几天没消气。

48、You're mad because he was Godfather to Carlo's boy. ─── 你因为他给卡罗的男孩子当教父也就气得不顾一切了。

49、He is mad about Mary. ─── 他对玛丽很倾心。

50、"And you look gorgeous when you are mad. ─── "你生气的模样才好看呢。

51、Chinese people are sometimes too shy to tell you what they really think. They just get madder and madder at you, but don't tell you. ─── 中国人有时候太爱面子,不愿意告诉你他们在想什么,只会对你一直积攒怨气。

52、On speaking of own work, the Rui madder card immediately becomes very talkative and gradually gets into this job role. ─── 一谈到自己的工作,瑞茜卡立刻变得非常健谈,渐渐进入了本职角色。

53、He was ever so sorry. Was she ever mad! ─── 他很抱歉。她非常疯狂!

54、Don't shout down, the policeman would regard you as a mad man. ─── 别向下大吼大叫,警察会认为你是个疯子。

55、Both brothers are mad about tennis. ─── 兄弟俩对网球都很入迷。

56、They are mad about football. ─── 他们对足球很狂热。

57、Inventors are not mad scientists. ─── 发明家不是精神不正常的科学家。

58、also to Lizzie Madder for the tape! ─── 同时感谢丽紫·麦德录制磁带!

59、Was he mad! Until he saw the note on his pillow. ─── 他九点钟醒来,看见枕头上有张纸条

60、He is mad about books. ─── 他狂热地爱好书籍。

61、He must be joking ,or else he is mad . ─── 他一定是开玩笑,不然他就是疯了。

62、He was very frightened and clinging on like mad. ─── 他怕极了,手一直死死抓住不放。

63、He went stark raving mad and began smashing the place up. ─── 他发疯了,开始把这块地方砸得粉碎。

64、He still had a mad on. ─── 他怒气未消。

65、They ran like mad to catch the bus. ─── 他们飞奔赶上公车。

66、I have never been madder at anything in my life than I was at Halsey during Leyte Gulf. ─── 我生平从来没有一次象在莱特湾对海尔赛那样恼火过。

67、His behavior made me mad, so I had words with him. ─── 他的所为把我气疯了,我跟他吵了一架。

68、He gnashed at me, and foamed like a mad dog. ─── 他对我咬牙切齿,象个疯狗似地吐着白沫。

69、A mad scheme like this was bound to tempt me. ─── 像这样疯狂的计划,肯定会吸引住我。

70、When he gets mad,you'd better let him alone. ─── 他发病时,你最好别管他。

71、You must be stark raving mad! ─── 你简直疯了!

72、Whom god will destroy,the first made mad. ─── 上帝要使人灭亡,必先使人疯狂。

73、They admitted him to be mad. ─── 他们承认他生气了。

74、I had to run like mad to catch the bus. ─── 为了赶上公共汽车,我不得不拼命跑。

75、He had this same mad idea a few years ago. ─── 他几年前就有这种痴心妄想。

76、He looked at me as though I were mad. ─── 他那样看着我,好像我是个疯子。

77、He was mad about being waked up so early. ─── 他因为那样早被叫醒而生气。

78、The insult he received made him mad(angry). ─── 他因受侮辱而怒火中烧。

79、Are you mad that you should do such a thing? ─── 你是不是疯了,竟做出这样的事?

80、They ran like mad to catch the moving bus. ─── 他们拼命地跑,去赶那辆开动的公共汽车。

81、No,I was not mad, but my interrogator was furious. ─── 不,我没疯,只是质问我的人怒不可遏。

82、They had to drive like mad to get there on time. ─── 他们为了按时赶到那里只好开快车。

83、You must be mad to do such a thing. ─── 你一定是疯了,干出这样的事来。

84、When he gets mad ,you would better let him alone . ─── 他发病时,你最好别管他。

85、Oppression maketh a wise man mad. ─── 人处压迫下,聪明也会疯。

86、Don't get mad (about the broken window). ─── 别(为窗户坏了)大动肝火.

87、The crowd made a mad rush for the exit. ─── 人群疯狂地冲向出口处。

88、She went mad after the death of her son. ─── 儿子死后她就疯了。

89、"Damn it, Pop, somtimes you make me mad!" he cried. ─── “真要命,爸,有时候你能叫我发疯。”他喊道。
















保尔·桑德比(Paul Sandby 1725-1809)

托马斯·吉尔丁(Thomas Girtin 1775-1802)

约瑟·梅洛德·威廉·透纳(Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775-1851)

约翰·康斯太勃(John Constable 1776-1837)

约翰·瓦莱(John Varley 1778-1842)

约翰·西尔·柯特曼(John Sell Cotman 1782-1842)

大卫·考克斯(David Cox 1783-1859)

彼得·德·温特(Peter De Wint 1784-1849)

理查德·波克斯·波宁顿(Richard Purkes Bonington 1801-1828)



《水彩的诀窍:Terry Harrison教你画风景》

《世界绘画经典教程:Billy Showell的极致水彩花卉教程》





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