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08-20 投稿


calefactive 发音

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calefactive 中文意思翻译



calefactive 短语词组

1、calefactive def ─── 加热定义

calefactive 相似词语短语

1、malefaction ─── n.罪行;罪恶;犯罪行为

2、rarefactive ─── 稀薄的

3、benefactive ─── adj.施益体的

4、calefactor ─── 发暖器;温暖器

5、maledictive ─── 恶毒的

6、calefaction ─── n.加热;热污染(等于thermalpollution);温暖(的状态)

7、calefactors ─── 发暖器;温暖器

8、calefactory ─── adj.温暖的;增温的;n.取暖房;增温物质

9、calmative ─── n.镇静剂;adj.镇静的,有镇静效果的

calefactive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The orthogonal experiment method was employed to examine the effects of the synthesizing temperatures,time hold and calefactive speed on the whisker quality,and the various parameters were optimized. ─── 通过正交试验设计及结果分析,得出反应温度、保温时间以及升温速率对产物的影响主次关系,并对各项参数进行了优化。

2、The thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model. ─── 本实验通过建立数学模型对传统莲蓉包蒸汽加热过程的热扩散与升温特性进行研究。

3、calefactive interzone ─── 升温区间

4、Establishing the evaluation model of calefactive methods by comparing the four manners of heating: Hot-air, Infrared, Laser, and Hot-Liquid. The result is that Hot-Liquid is better than other methods. ─── 通过比较空气加热、红外线加热、激光加热和液体加热四种脱焊加热方式,建立脱焊方法评价模型,得出液体加热方式的优越性。

5、The thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model. ─── 本实验通过建立数学模型对传统莲蓉包蒸汽加热过程的热扩散与升温特性进行研究。

6、Under the calefactive and isothermal conditions, the seepage flux increased nonlinearly as the pore pressure increased. ─── 等温或升温情况下,渗流量随孔隙压力增加均呈现非线性递增关系。

7、In calefactive phase, the electro thermal model of hot bridge wire was established, the calefactive time of invariable current fire case and capacitance discharge fire case were both studied. ─── 在升温阶段建立桥丝电热升温模型,分别求解恒定电流点火升温时间和电容放电点火升温时间。

8、The factors include the calefactive process of stabilization,the temperature of carbonization and the condition of activation craft. ─── 对影响转印膜质量的各种因素包括活化剂、界面剂、转印温度等进行了讨论。

9、temperature was defined, the thermal ignition process of electric hot wire initiating devices was divided as calefactive phase and explosion phase. ─── 定义了热点火温度,将桥丝式电火工品的热点火过程分为升温阶段和爆炸阶段。

10、Also the effects of calefactive velocity for stress field was analyzed.The results reveal the influencing rule of calefactive velocity for interior maximum thermo stress. ─── 同时分析了升温速率汁应力场的影响,该分析结果反映了升温速率对磁瓦内部热应力最大值的影响规律。

11、calefactive oxidation ─── 氧化

12、It is a perfect equipment to improve the biscuit to different tastes and a topgrade production.In addition,the hopper has automatic mixed and calefactive equip-ment. ─── 本设备最多可同时喷三种不同颜色或味道的浆液,使饼干得到不同颜色或味道的配料,是改善饼干口味和提高饼干档次的理想设备。

13、thermal diffusivity and the calefactive characteristic of Lianrong bread by steam heating were studied via establishing math model. ─── 通过建立数学模型对传统莲蓉包蒸汽加热过程的热扩散与升温特性进行研究。

14、The reduction time could be shortened and the production time and efficiency could be increased when two towers of jointed alcohol catalyst were paralleled connected and calefactive simultaneously. ─── 联醇催化剂双塔并联同时升温还原较两个单塔先后单独升温还原可以缩短升温还原时间,增加有效生产时间,提高企业生产效益。

15、Keywords coal;mesoscopic scale;fractal dimension;islet method;calefactive oxidation; ─── 煤;介观;分形维数;小岛法;升温氧化;

16、Methods: Infrared spectroscopy and compare software were used to distinguish the different Niuxi,and simulation testing were used to observe calefactive stability. ─── 方法:采用红外光谱技术结合计算机辅助比对软件技术,对牛膝药材贮存过程中的药材质量的变化进行了比较研究,并对牛膝药材的热稳定性进行了模拟实验。

17、Keywords super slice graphite;conductive concrete;compressive strength;resistance rate;electrothermal calefactive rate; ─── 超薄片石墨;导电混凝土;抗压强度;电阻率;发热速度;

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