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08-20 投稿


penance 发音

英:[?pen?ns]  美:[?pen?ns]

英:  美:

penance 中文意思翻译




penance 词性/词形变化,penance变形


penance 短语词组

1、penance is the play hp ─── 忏悔是游戏hp

2、penance stare ─── 忏悔凝视

3、penance relentless ─── 无情的忏悔

4、penance lane 2020 ─── 忏悔巷2020

5、penitence penance ─── 忏悔 ─── 忏悔

6、do penance ─── 忏悔,以苦行赎罪

7、penance definition ─── 忏悔定义

8、penance is the play ─── 忏悔是一出戏

9、penance aura rs3 ─── 忏悔光环rs3

10、sacrament of penance ─── 忏悔圣礼

penance 相似词语短语

1、penanced ─── n.忏悔;苦修;苦差事;v.使忏悔;使苦修

2、elance ─── 投射式动作

3、enhance ─── vt.提高;加强;增加

4、penances ─── n.忏悔;苦修;苦差事;v.使忏悔;使苦修

5、pence ─── n.便士(penny的复数);n.(Pence)人名;(英)彭斯

6、finance ─── n.财政,财政学;金融;vt.负担经费,供给…经费;vi.筹措资金;n.(Finance)人名;(法)菲南斯

7、Penzance ─── n.彭赞斯(英国英格兰康沃尔郡西南部城市,临英吉利海峡)

8、tendance ─── n.照顾;服侍;随从

9、prance ─── v.昂首阔步;(马)后足立地腾跃;n.昂首阔步;(马)后足立地腾跃;n.(Prance)(美、英、加、澳)普兰斯(人名)

penance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What need is there of penance if God is seen within and without? ─── 如果既在内也在外都看见神,那么苦修又有何必要?

2、In order to attain this virtue of austerity the monks perform penance on the riverbanks in extreme winter; ─── 为了获得朴素的美德,僧侣在严寒中的河岸边进行苦修;

3、If you are bent upon doing penance, first enter into wed-lock like your ancestors and then perform penance in the company of your spouse. ─── 如果你倾向于要苦修,那么首先要向你的先辈一样结婚然后在你的妻子的陪伴下完成苦修。

4、Even if the events to which the third part of the Secret of Fatima refers now seem part of the past, Our Lady's call to conversion and penance, issued at the beginning of the20 th century, remains timely and urgent today. ─── 即使事件是法蒂玛第三部分的秘密,现在看起来也是成为过去的一部分,圣母在二十世纪初已经呼吁归皈和忏悔,今天仍然是及时和急迫的。

5、He did penance for hurting his mother. ─── 他为伤了母亲的心而表示悔过。

6、Inner Focus: Now works properly with Mind Flay, Mind Sear, and Penance. ─── 心灵专注:现在正确作用于精神鞭挞,精神凋零和忏悔。

7、So she sat me down, forced out a confession, and the delivered her own penance. Whacking me with a damp shoe she'd just taken off my foot. ─── 她要我坐下,认真忏悔,并采用了她自己的惩罚方式—用我刚脱下的湿漉漉的鞋狠狠地打我。

8、It is probable that there was an idea of penance in this mode of occupation, and that she offered up a real sacrifice of enjoyment in devoting so many hours to such rude handiwork. ─── 她做这种活计可能有忏悔的念头,不过,她花这么多时间干粗活,确实牺牲了乐趣。

9、She regards living in New York as a penance; she hates big cities. ─── 她把住在纽约视为一件苦事,她讨厌大都市。

10、She made him do the washing-up as penance for forgetting her birthday. ─── 因为他把她生日忘了, 所以她罚他洗碗.

11、This self-restraint is achieved only when one is made purified by external and internal penance, otherwise not. ─── 一个人只有内心和身体都苦修的时候才能够变得纯洁。

12、I.e., A king defends his nation, her culture and her people only by observing the vow of self-restraint, penance i.e., austerity and celibacy. ─── 即:一个国王想要保护他的国家、他的文化和他的人民就只能通过遵守自制的誓言,苦修即朴素及禁欲。

13、At the same time, the benefits he stands to gain are colorfully magnified, while the bitter taste, which will remain after the act of penance, is played down as an illusion. ─── 同时,他着眼要得到的利益被渲染了,而痛苦的体验,在赎罪的行为之后将保留下来,被缩减成一种幻觉。

14、A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions. ─── 宗教裁判所罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭

15、If a living being performs penance within his power, he reaps its fruits beyond imagination. ─── 如果人们依照能力进行苦修,那么他就会有意想不到的收获。

16、Individuals who could be sentenced to dreadful penance in other systems can attain rebirth and renewal by simply calling upon Her graces with utter and absolute sincerity. ─── 在其它系统被判决可怕的忏悔简单地通过全然和完全真诚地呼唤她的优雅就能获得新生和更新。

17、"You come around to the hotel to-morrow," she said, as sort of penance for error. ─── “那你明天到旅馆来找我吧,"她说,作为悔过的表示。

18、So intense was his penance that a smoke billowed from his head and the entire world was in the danger of annihilation. ─── 他的修行功力十分强大,从他的头上喷出的烟柱会使整个世界处于被毁灭的危险之中。

19、“History slowly smothers its truth,but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. ─── 历史慢慢地闷死了它的真理,但又在痛苦的可怕忏悔中匆匆地拼命去复活它。”

20、do penance for one's sins ─── 为赎罪进行自我惩罚

21、And are fallen away: to be renewed again to penance, crucifying again to themselves the Son of God, and making him a mockery. ─── 如果背弃了正道,再叫他们自新悔改,是不可能的,因为他们亲自又把天主子钉在十字架上,公开加以凌辱。

22、They had confessed their sins and done their penance. ─── 他们已经告罪并做了补赎。

23、The world celebrated its last hours before the start of Lent--the 40 days of fasting and penance before Easter--with elaborate parade floats, llama sacrifices, fire-eaters, and more. ─── 在四旬斋(在复活节前40天的禁食和苦修)开始之前,这里的人们尽情狂欢,期间有精心安排花车巡游、骆驼祭祀、吞火魔术师和其他很多有趣的活动。

24、I vowed as penance to answer all the people who wrote to castigate me.It's been an intense professional embarrassment. ─── 人类未知的东西还是太多了,搞不好有天我们会发现整个世界观都是错误的。

25、He received an axe after doing penance for Shiva. ─── 他为湿婆作了忏悔后获得一把斧头。

26、He used to become deeply engrossed in self-meditation and perform severe penance at night going into a dreadful cremation ground on the 8th and 14th day of every fortnight of the month. ─── 他常常会深深地陷入自我冥想中,并且他在履行严酷的苦修,每个月前两个星期的第八和第十四个夜晚他都要开始一种可怕的燃烧修行。

27、Of penance, I have had enough! ─── 忏悔嘛,我已经做得够多的了!

28、Testifying both to Jews and Gentiles penance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. ─── 不论向犹太人或希腊人,我常苦劝你们悔改,归向天主,并信从吾主耶稣。

29、formal redemption as pronounced by a priest in the sacrament of penance. ─── 在忏悔仪式上牧师所布道的拯救行为。

30、Among the twelve penances, internal and external which are experienced by one wise person, there si no penance, that equals or will be equal to the study of scriptures. (479 ─── 在十二种修行中,智慧的人会进行内心和外在的修行;没有任何修行能够代替对典籍的研习。

31、She knelt at her mother's feet in penance. ─── 她忏悔地跪在母亲脚下。

32、Before 1174 he is only once recorded at Canterbury. After his penance, he made at least ten more visits. ─── 据载,在1174年之前,亨利国王只去过一次坎特伯雷,而此次忏悔后,至少又去过十多次。

33、I am ready to do penance and make satisfaction to the utmost of my power. ─── 不论活到几时,我要常常痛哭,常行苦工,尽力补赎。

34、The king of the gods had to perform penance to atone for his transgression ─── 众神之王不得不以苦行来为自己的过错赎罪。

35、The Lord delayeth not his promise, as some imagine, but dealeth patiently for your sake, not willing that any should perish, but that all should return to penance. ─── 其实是他对你们含忍,不愿任何人丧亡,只愿众人回心转意。

36、Likewise, if the snake of hypocrisy bites somebody, the person soon begins to neglect all vows, self-restraint, penance and meditation. ─── 同样的,如果虚伪之蛇咬了人,这个人就会放弃他所有的誓言、自律、苦修以及冥思。

37、The equanimity soul, who tortures his body in various ways in the hope of getting happiness in this world and the other world, performs the unblemished penance. ─── 一个镇静的灵魂,通过各种各样的方法来折磨自己的身体以期获得今生和来生欢乐,就要奉行纯粹的苦修。

38、Be that as it may. If our good senator was a political sinner, he was in a fair way to expiate it by his night's penance . ─── 不管怎么说,如果我们这位好心的参议员在政治上有罪的话,那么他那天夜晚的苦行也足以抵消他的罪名了。

39、To impose penance upon. ─── 使悔过,使悔罪

40、So long as we don't let our body pass through severe penance well performed, this body will not prove helpful in annihilating the karmas attached to our soul. ─── 如果我们没有很好的奉行苦修,那门我们的身体在消除因果报应的时候就会变得十分无助。

41、penance | confession ─── 告解| 忏悔式

42、She regards living in New York as a penance; she hates big cities. ─── 她把住在纽约视为一件苦事—她讨厌大都市。

43、* The Ancient Mariner said, I have penance done and penance more will do, o atone for the sin of killing the albatross. ─── *古代水手说, 我已经做忏悔和赎罪更将尽, 来弥补的罪恶造成的信天翁。

44、The Lenten fasting and Charity are intimately connected.Fasting (penance, recollection) helps us in our prayers to God and opens our hearts to those in need. ─── 四旬期的斋戒和爱德有密切的关系,斋戒 (克苦、收歛心神) 既能帮助我们祈祷敬主,更能解放我们的心胸去关怀有需要的人。

45、Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologising and doing penance. ─── 亨利四世决定向教皇请罪,表示诲意,以此希冀教皇解除将其逐出教门的惩罚,并撤回在其领土上的授权禁令。

46、austerities viz. self-meditation, doing penance, fasting and study of holy scriptures were performed during that period. ─── 在那期间进行苦修,即反思,苦行,斋戒及学习宗教经文。

47、Penance in its time, not to mention God, is the tiny micro-organisms ---- virus cells, do not look at it. ─── 在它苦修的时候,别说神,就是最微小的微生物----病毒细胞,也不瞧它一眼。

48、the sense of penance ─── 忏悔意识

49、It was time to stop the pain and accept my penance, if there was to be any salvation at all. ─── 多年的痛苦也该来个了断了,就算是我自己的赎罪,假使真的能赎回些什么的话。

50、of or relating to penitence or penance. ─── 属于或关于悔罪或忏悔的。

51、" Then the devils dispersed and left him, being vanquished and confounded by his penance and constancy. ─── ”后来,恶魔们离开他了,因为他们被他的忍耐和坚定击败了.

52、a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor) ─── 为罪恶行为而忏悔的人(罗马天主教徒被允许在接受忏悔的人的指导下忏悔)

53、Thus asceticism according to the definition of St.Jerome, is an effort to attain true perfection, penance being only an auxiliary virtue thereto. ─── 因此,根据禁欲主义的定义,圣杰罗姆,是为了实现真正的完美,忏悔只是一种辅助美德情况。

54、As she revealed to Avis Berman in a 1984 interview for Smithsonian, Marisol suffered self-inflicted acts of penance for a brief period in her early teens. ─── 她透露,艾维斯伯曼在1984年采访的史密森,拉马里索尔遭受自我悔罪行为的短暂时期内,在她青少年。

55、Dan led us in a group prayer of penance, and said a prayer of absolution ─── 丹领我们进行告解团体祷告,祈祷赦罪。

56、upon them is imposed a penance which holy souls escape, to wit, migration into other bodies. ─── 他们圣洁的灵魂、智慧迁移进入了其它人的身体里,他们只能用苦修以赎回这些。

57、Be that as it may. If our good senator was a political sinner, he was in a fair way to expiate it by his night's penance. ─── 不管怎么说,如果我们这位好心的参议员在政治上有罪的话,那么他那天夜晚的苦行也足以抵消他的罪名了。

58、Of penance, I have had enough! ─── 忏悔嘛,我已经做得够多的了!

59、Ah, if thou couldst but tell me how I can have offended him, that I might do penance, and then my heart also would be glad again. ─── 你要是能告诉我我怎么得罪了他,我也好赎罪,那样我的心才会快活起来。”

60、to do penance for your sins ─── 为自己的罪过做补赎

61、Oh! think not my penance deficient! ─── 但请别说我的忏悔不够多!

62、you come around to the hotel to - morrow , " she said , as sort of penance for error" . ─── “那你明天到旅馆来找我吧,”她说,作为悔过的表示。

63、135 History slowly smothers its truth,but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. ─── 历史慢慢地闷死了它的真理,但又在痛苦的可怕忏悔中匆匆地拼命去复活它。

64、6 Therefore I reprehend myself, and do penance in dust and ashes. ─── 为此,我收回我所说过的话,坐在灰尘中忏悔。

65、He had done penance for his sins; we should forgive him ─── 他已经为赎罪自我惩罚了,我们应该原谅他。

66、A monk who does not boast even slightly of his family, handsomeness, caste, learning, penance, scriptural knowledge and character observes the religion of humility. (88 ─── 僧侣应当谦虚,不应当夸耀其家庭,容貌,出身,知识,修行,对佛学典籍的认识以及性格。

67、Are you willing to do penance for your sins, my son? ─── 你愿意以苦行赎你的罪吗,我的儿子?

68、absolution:The formal remission of sin imparted by a priest, as in the sacrament of penance. ─── 仁慈,宽厚:指拥有权威或权力的人,尤指拥有审判权的人所表现出对罪犯或敌人的慈悲;

69、a person who repents for wrongdoing (a Roman Catholic may be admitted to penance under the direction of a confessor). ─── 为罪恶行为而忏悔的人(罗马天主教徒被允许在接受忏悔的人的指导下忏悔)。

70、I cannot be seen in this eternal form by study of the Vedas, nor by severe penance, nor by charity, nor by grand rituals and ceremonies is it possible to see me as you are. ─── 单靠研读吠陀经典,或是严格的苦修,或是布施,或是举行隆重的祭祀典礼,是无法像你这样看到我的这个永恒的形象的。

71、a mortifying penance ─── 一次修行的忏悔

72、And I was one of those, so I am either doing penance for that or trying to explain those peoples' positions. ─── 我是其中之一,所以我无论做苦行或试图解释这些人民的立场。

73、They no longer regard life as a mere penance to be endured by good Christians. ─── 他们不再尊重生命如同一个渺小的苦行僧默默承受。

74、It is not mortification, a penance. ─── 这不是羞辱,而是苦行。

75、Recession, they reason, must be a penance for past profligacy. ─── 人们争辩说,经济衰退必然是过去挥霍无度的一种自我惩罚。

76、But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance. ─── 他说:不,父亲亚巴郎!倘若有人从死者中到了他们那里,他们必会悔改。

77、One understands by his (right) knowledge the nature of substances, develops belief in them by his (right) faith and controls himself by his (right) conduct and purifies his soul by penance (i.e. ─── 人们通过知识来认识事物的本质,通过正确的信仰来树立信心,通过他的行为来进行自律,通过修行来净化他的灵魂。

78、His prayer also, and his being heard, and all his sins, and contempt, and places wherein he built high places, and set up groves, and statues before he did penance, are written in the words of Hozai. ─── 他如何祈祷和上主如何应允,他未自卑以前的一切罪恶和不忠,以及他在何处建立高丘,立阿舍辣和雕刻的偶像等事,都记载在诸先见者的言行录上。

79、In the tradition of the Church Lent is a time of preparation for baptism for the Catechumens. It is also a time for sinners to do penance. ─── 在教会的传统里,四旬期是慕道者准备领洗的时候,也是罪人做补赎的时期。

80、In truth, difficulties, which are part and parcel of penance, are the ladders that lead us to heaven. ─── 事实上,困难只是苦修的一部分,是带领我们通向天堂的阶梯。

81、If our good senator was a political sinner, he was in a fair way to expiate it by his night's penance. ─── 如果我们这位好心的参议员在政治上有罪的话,那末他那天夜晚的苦行也足以抵消他的罪名了。

82、A sunday school is a prison in which children do penance for the evil conscience of their parents. ─── 主日学校,是孩子们为其双亲的邪心、以苦行赎罪的监狱。

83、This is the Church's call to penance today and the invitation which the Confraternity of Penitents extends to all who want to give their lives as lay people to the Lord. ─── 今天,天主教忏悔者联盟向所有回应教会的召唤,欲将生命奉献于主的人们发出诚挚的邀请。

84、3Take heed to yourselves. If thy brother sin against thee, reprove him: and if he do penance, forgive him. ─── 3你们要谨慎!如果你的兄弟犯了罪,你就得规劝他;他如果后悔了,你就得宽恕他。

85、History slowly smothers its truth, but hastily struggles to revive it in the terrible penance of pain. ─── 历史缓慢地将真理窒息,但又仓促地在忏悔巨大痛苦中竭力令其复活。

86、What need is there of penance if God is worshipped with love? ─── 如果用爱来敬拜神,那么苦行又有何必要?

87、To do penance and leave home ─── 受戒出家

88、That penance is said to be of two types viz., external and internal. The external penance is again of six types, and so is internal penance. (440 ─── 修行分为两种,外在的忏悔和内心的修行,他们又都分别分为六类。

89、Are you willing to do penance for your sins,my son? ─── 你愿意以苦刑赎你的罪吗,孩子?

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