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08-20 投稿


casse 发音

英:[k?s]  美:[k?s]

英:  美:

casse 中文意思翻译




casse 短语词组

1、casse ty Casse ty ─── 公司

2、casse dental ─── 牙齿骨折

3、casse ko ─── 卡斯科

4、extraordinary casse ─── [法] 特殊案件

5、casse tete ─── 拼图

6、binocle casse moto ─── 双筒摩托车

7、casse dental shreveport casse ─── 牙科什里夫波特

casse 相似词语短语

1、chasse ─── n.(舞蹈)追步,滑步;换口味饮料(尤指喝咖啡后的甜酒);v.跳追步,跳滑步;n.(Chasse)(美、加、法)沙塞(人名)

2、caese ─── 案例

3、cassie ─── n.[林]金合欢;包损纸

4、cause ─── n.原因;事业;目标;vt.引起;使遭受

5、caste ─── n.(印度社会中的)种姓;(具有严格等级差别的)社会地位;(排他的)社会团体;n.(Caste)人名;(英、法)卡斯特

6、masse ─── n.(撞球)挫杆;立杆击球;n.(Masse)人名;(英、法)马斯;(西)马塞

7、carse ─── n.(苏格兰)冲积平原;低湿地

8、case ─── n.情况;实例;箱;vt.包围;把…装于容器中;n.(Case)人名;(英)凯斯;(西)卡塞;(法)卡斯

9、passe ─── adj.已过盛年的;过时的;凋谢的;n.(Passe)人名;(法)帕斯

casse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、CASS process to Treat Wastewater of Beer Brewing ─── CASS 工艺在啤酒废水处理中的应用

2、Gerbera piloselloides Cass. ─── [医] 兔耳风(毛灯草)

3、Rising unemployment and a widening income gap are the two issues of most concern to Chinese people, an annual report released yesterday by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) said. ─── 中国社科院昨天发布的一项年度报告显示:不断上涨的失业率和收入差距的扩大是现在大部分中国人关心的两个问题。

4、Huainan Zhao, a banking expert at the Cass Business School, in London, said: "The problem is that China's economic growth is slowing down when it is most needed. ─── 伦敦卡斯商学院的一位银行业务专家赵淮南(音)称:“问题在于中国经济增长在人们最需要的时候出现了放缓势头。

5、Deal with Paint-producing Waste Water with CASS Technology ─── CASS工艺处理油漆生产废水

6、Method of Data Transformation Between CASS and MapInfo ─── CASS与MapInfo的数据转换方法

7、"Cass Law" and the Education Viewpoint "Take Human as the emphasis" ─── "科斯定律"与"以人为本"的教育观

8、Therefore, two kinds of spatial data were effectively fused by means of CASS, and implemented visualization for landform in mining area considering surface subsidence. ─── 为此,基于CASS软件有效地融合了这两种空间数据,并成功的实现了顾及地表沉陷的矿区地貌可视化。

9、Application of the Software CASS in Engineering Survey ─── CASS软件在工程测量中的使用

10、"By the bye, what became of the baby?" said Cass ─── “顺便问一下,那个孩子怎么啦?”卡斯说。

11、He graduated from Law Department of HeNan University (1987), SouthWest University of Political Science &Law (1995) and Post Graduate Institute of Chinese Academe of Social Science (CASS) (2003). ─── 1987年、1995年和2003年分别毕业于河南大学、西南政法大学和中国社会科学院研究生院。

12、Application of CASS Process in Papermaking Wastewater Treatment ─── CASS工艺处理造纸中段废水的应用研究


14、Professor Liu Zhiyan is a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Research Centre for Urban Development and the Environment. ─── 刘治彦(教授)就职于中国社会科学院城市发展与环境研究中心。

15、CASS technic has many excellences for example it has good water quality, runs stable, manages simply, occupys little eara, produces low slob quantity. ─── CASS工艺处理小区污水具有出水水质好、运行稳定、管理简单、占地少、产泥量低等优点。

16、Mr.Xiaoshuang(X): It's very possible. In fact I have more confidence than CASS! ─── 先生:非常可能。我比社科院更有信心!

17、Application of Hospital Effluent Treatment by CASS Process ─── CASS工艺在医院污水处理中的应用

18、Study on Treatment of Dyes Wastewater by CASS Method ─── CASS法处理印染废水

19、Old Vintage WIZARD OF OZ Puzzle in Casse-tete age ? ─── 旧老式向导盎司拼图在卡斯马西,太特省的年龄?

20、In normal city sewage nitrogen phosphorus removal uses the CASS tprocess, the A~2/O process and A~2/C process, and so on, can achieve "Sewage Synthesis Discharges Standard" (GB8978-1996) level of standards requests. ─── 传统城市污水中的氮磷通过采用CASS工艺、A~2/O工艺及A~2/C氧化沟工艺等,能够达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)一级标准的要求。

21、JIANG Xiaojuan Institute of Finance and Trade Economy; CASS; 100836; ─── 中国社会科学院财政与贸易经济研究所;

22、Mr. Cass checked out before they reached the hospital. ─── 他们到医院之前卡斯先生就已经出院了。

23、Mr Cass checked out before they reached the hospital. ─── 他们到医院之前卡斯先生就死了。

24、Sseveral new technologies of biological sewage disposal at present are introduced, and the technological process, characteristics, application condition and promising future of the AB, CASS, SBR and LINPOR technology are analysed. ─── 介绍了目前废水生物处理的几种新工艺 ,对AB工艺、CASS工艺、SBR工艺和LINPOR工艺的工艺流程、工艺特点、使用条件、应用情况及发展前景进行了分析。

25、This paper introduces an example of wastewater treatment engineering design by using CASS. ─── 介绍了CASS法生活污水处理工程的设计实例.

26、Gynura Cass. ─── [医] 土三七属

27、Keywords CASS;Hydraulic residence time;nitrification;denitrify; ─── CASS法;水力停留时间;硝化;脱氮;


29、"We've become a big economy," says Wang Zhenzhong, an adviser to the Chinese government and director of the economic-research institute at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). ─── 中国社科院经济研究所主任王振忠是政府的经济顾问,他说,我们已经把经济做大,现在我们需要进一步把经济做强。

30、Design on Monitoring and Controlling System of Waste Water treatment by CASS ─── CASS工艺污水处理监控系统设计

31、By employing CASS method accompanied by detoxication process in treating hospital effluent, better treatment effect in each sereral targets are all obtained with more merits in comparing with traditional actirated sludge method. ─── 利用CASS法配合消毒工艺处理医院废水 ,各项指标均取得了较好的处理效果 ,与传统的活性污泥法相比有更多的优点

32、CASS technic has many excellences for example it has good water quality,runs stable,manages simply,occupys little eara,produces low slob quantity. ─── CASS工艺的出水经过膜过滤和消毒处理即可达到中水回用的标准,为小区污水处理及回用提供了一种可供选择的工艺.

33、The Barnburner Democrats of New York refused to accept Cass as their candidate.They walked out of the Baltimore convention. ─── “这很荒唐,”约瑟夫.泰勒说,“他和我一样,都不适合当总统,你将会看到,你的这个决定是多么的愚蠢。”

34、Furman JM,Cass Sp.Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo[J].N Engl J Med,1999,341(21):1590. ─── 刑光前,卜行宽.颗泣复位法治疗后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕[J].中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志,1999,34(3):163.

35、John Dix of New York;and Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan. ─── 他说,扎克支持亨利.克莱,但不想像安德鲁.杰克逊那样。

36、In doing it, CASS listed four criteria that were used to judge a person's mental harmony: self-satisfaction, interpersonal relationship, family relationship and attitude towards society. ─── 中科院列举了四项标准,用于评判一个人在精神上的和谐状态:自我满足,人际关系,家庭关系以及对社会的态度。

37、The application of CASS process in treating and reusing domestic wastewater is presented. ─── 介绍CASS工艺在生活污水处理及回用中的应用.

38、Mari Sloan commented on Mari Sloan's photo ' Boy With Dolphin' ...Papillon Casse commented on EILEEN ... ─── xiao777论坛 rogol ibu tiri 娜塔丽雅下载 cara tahan lama ngentot Natalia(吴清雅) ...

39、" Casse -toi alors, pauvre con, va, " he said, a phrase whose mildest translation is: "Then get out of here, you total jerk. " ─── 他说,这句话委婉地翻译过来是说:“那么你给我离开这里,你这个彻底的蠢货。”

40、E-mails between Cass Business School and I ─── 与学校来往信件

41、A Study on Treatment of Salt-Containing Was tewater by CASS Process ─── CASS法处理含盐废水的研究

42、The Theory and Design of CASS Process ─── CASS工艺的理论与设计计算

43、The CASS technology of SBR and its application in urban wastewater treatment ─── SBR法CASS技术在城市污水处理厂的应用

44、Sectional drawings plotted by CASS drawing formation system ─── CASS成图系统绘断面图的2种方法

45、The Forth Meeting of History Theory in CASS ─── 中国社会科学院召开第四届史学理论研讨会

46、Cass researcher Yi Xianrong pointed out that China's financial market development is seriously lagging behind. ─── 中国社会科学院研究员易宪容指出,中国的金融市场发展严重滞后。

47、Mr Lau joined Cass Phang and other celebrities in a series of three television messages encouraging higher courtesy standards from residents. ─── 刘德华又与彭羚及其他知名人士参与演出一套3辑的电视宣传短片,在本地电视台播放,鼓励市民更加以礼待人。

48、See Christine Jolls , Cass R. Sunstein , Richard Thaler , A Behavioral Approach to Law and Economics , In 50 (1998) Stanford LawReview , pp. 1476ss. ─── 值得注意的是,国外和我国也有“行为法学”这样的学术流派,但与行为法经济学无甚关联。与行为经济

49、The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) released its findings over the weekend in the 2007 White-collar Workers Salary Standard in Major Chinese Cities - the first of its kind. ─── 中国社会科学院(CASS)本周末发布了其调查结果,2007年中国第一类主要城市的白领阶层收入标准。

50、A report by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), has pointed out that China faces a serious problem in the future. ─── 中国社会科学院(社科院)的一份报告指出,中国将面临一个严重的社会问题。

51、The courses includes Casse, games, quizzes, and other interactive learning activities. ─── 课程包括案例,游戏,问答比赛,以及其他互动学习活动。

52、Activated Sludge Treatment System by CASS Process ─── CASS法活性污泥处理系统

53、Experience in the application of CASS drawing software ─── CASS绘图软件在应用中的体验

54、The engineering design and parameters of CASS process in treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater were introduced. The concrete operation parameters were put forward on the basis of the engineering operation and commissioning. ─── 介绍了CASS工艺处理制药废水的工程设计以及工艺参数,并结合工程的运行调试工作提出了具体的运行参数。

55、Application of CASS Process in Treatment of Pharmaceutical Wastewater ─── CASS工艺在处理制药废水工程中的应用

56、The Study on CASS Process of Brewery Wasterwater Treatment ─── CASS工艺处理啤酒废水的研究

57、To study the characteristics of VEGF and its geneexpression in CASS rabbit carotid arteries pre- and post-CEA, and toprovide scientific basis for experimental studying of VEGFpreventing restenosis after CEA. ─── 2:研究CASS家兔CEA手术前后局部动脉壁VEGF及其基因表达的特点,为下一步VEGF防治CEA后再狭窄的实验研究提供科学依据。

58、CASS Sewage Treatment Technics Computer Control System Design ─── CASS法污水处理计算机控制系统设计

59、An earlier CASS report said that the richest 10 percent of Chinese families now own more than 40 percent of all private assets, while the poorest 10 percent share less than 2 percent of the total wealth. ─── 中国社会科学院之前的一项报告显示,中国10%最富裕的家庭占有的财富超过40%,而10%最穷的家庭占有的财富不到2%。

60、Abstract: A method to retrieve the oceanic chlorophyll concentrations in Casse I water based on Aritificial Neural Network (ANN) is presented. ─── 中文摘要: 介绍了一种基于人工神经网络的海中一类水域叶绿素反演方法。

61、Hildemann, L.M., Markoeski, G.R. and Cass, G.R. (1991) “Chemical composition of emission from urban source of fine organic aerosol “ ,Environment Science and Technology,Vol.25,pp.744-759. ─── 俞宗岳,2003,”大气中悬浮微粒二次气胶含量与生成速率之推估”,硕士论文,国立成功大学环境工程研究所,台南。


63、Ligularia Cass. ─── [医] 橐吾属

64、Wang Chaoguang, senior fellow of Instituteof Modern Chinese History, CASS ─── 中国社会科学院近代史所研究员

65、In doing the research, CASS tried to find out to what degree Chinese people felt harmonious in their state of mind. ─── 中科院进行此项研究的目的是为了找出中国国民对于和谐这一思想状态的认知度。


67、Discussion on Establishing MapInfo Database Using CASS Topographic Map ─── 利用CASS地形图建立MapInfo数据库的探讨

68、The Tentative LdeaTo Opimize CASS Technology ─── 优化CASS工艺的设想

69、This paper introduces a project of starch and lysine wastewater treatment with UASB and CASS reactors. ─── 介绍了采用UASB+CASS工艺处理淀粉及赖氨酸废水的工程实例,废水CODcr浓度在6000 mg.

70、A new study* by Professor Roy Batchelor and Richard Ramyar of the Cass Business School, finds no evidence that Fibonacci numbers work in American stockmarkets. ─── Cass商学院的RoyBatchelor和RichardRamyar教授,在一个新研究*中证实没有数据表明斐波纳契数对美国股市有作用。

71、CASS Process Treating Beer Brewery Wastewater in High-Cold Area ─── CASS工艺在高寒地区处理啤酒废水中的应用

72、Comparison of SBR process and CASS Process ─── SBR工艺与CASS工艺的比较

73、Furman JM,Cass Sp. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo[J].N Engl J Med,1999,341(21):1590. ─── 刑光前,卜行宽.颗泣复位法治疗后半规管良性阵发性位置性眩晕[J].中华耳鼻咽喉科杂志,1999,34(3):163.

74、The project case of using the combined technology of ABR and CASS for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment was introduced. ─── 介绍了采用折板厌氧反应器(ABR)/循环活性污泥系统(CASS)处理屠宰废水的工程实例。

75、The monitoring mainly includes CASS ponds and centralized monitoring of some important parameters. ─── 其监控主要包括CASS池监控系统和重要参数集中监控。

76、common address space section (CASS) ─── 公用地址空间段

77、Also in 1999, Motorola forged into a strategic alliance with Cass Group affiliated with Chinese Academy of Sciences to apply its HOPEN software onto Motorola's microprocessor. ─── 1999年,摩托罗拉与中国的合作继续深入发展。与中科院下属的凯思集团结成战略联盟,将其自主研发的HOPEN软件应用到摩托罗拉的微处理器上;

78、Keywords CASS process;hypothermal domestic sewage and application research; ─── CASS工艺;低温生活污水;应用研究;

79、Application of CASS process to domestic wastewater treatment and recycling ─── CASS工艺在生活污水处理及回用中的应用

80、Improvement of CASS mapping software for railway customization ─── CASS地籍绘图软件铁路专用化的改进

81、This paper mainly introduces the principle, operating mode and designing calculation of CASS, and looks forward to applying this process in our country. ─── 主要介绍了CASS工艺的原理、运行方式及其设计计算,并对该工艺在国内的应用前景进行了展望。

82、Cass Institute of financial development office of Yixianrong financial analysis said that "negative interest rate" will bring a lot of negative effects. ─── 中国社会科学院金融研究所金融发展室主任易宪容分析说,“负利率”带来了不少负面影响。

83、Application of CASS Process for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Residential Quarters ─── CASS工艺处理小区污水及中水回用

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