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08-20 投稿


indirectly 发音

英:[,?nd?'rek(t)l?]  美:[,?nd?'r?ktli]

英:  美:

indirectly 中文意思翻译



indirectly 同义词

circuitously | subtly | sideways | secondarily |around | incidentally | implicitly | deviously | obliquely | tacitly

indirectly 反义词


indirectly 短语词组

1、indirectly heated thermister ─── [电] 间热式热阻体

2、indirectly referred ─── 间接引述

3、indirectly synonym ─── 间接同义词

4、indirectly-coupled system ─── [计] 间接耦合系统

5、indirectly proportional to ─── 间接正比于

6、indirectly correlated ─── 间接相关

7、indirectly definition ─── 间接定义

8、indirectly controlled variable ─── [电] 间接控制变量

9、indirectly bi ─── 间接bi

10、indirectly augmented ─── 间接提高(augmented是augment的过去式、过去分词) ─── 间接增加(augmented是augment的过去式、过去分词)

11、indirectly augment ─── 间接增加

12、indirectly mentioned ─── 间接提及

13、indirectly heated cathode ─── [电] 间热式阴极

14、indirectly-connected interrupt level ─── [计] 间接连接中断级

15、indirectly heated ─── 间接加热

16、indirectly refer to crossword ─── 间接指纵横填字游戏

17、indirectly-heated rotary dryer ─── [化] 间接传热旋转干燥器

18、indirectly proportional ─── 间接成比例

19、indirectly excited antenna ─── [电] 间接激发天线

indirectly 相似词语短语

1、link directly ─── 直接链接

2、indirect ─── adj.间接的;迂回的;非直截了当的

3、directly ─── adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就

4、point directly ─── 直指

5、indecently ─── adv.猥亵地;下流地;不堪入目地

6、indirection ─── n.间接;迂回;不坦率

7、indigently ─── adv.贫乏地;穷困地

8、indiscreetly ─── adv.轻率地

9、incorrectly ─── adv.错误地;不适当地

indirectly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In sharing the sufferings of others we indirectly diffuse joy. ─── 分担苦难,间接也就散布喜乐。

2、God also does it indirectly through the church. ─── 上帝也间接地,透过教会施行管教。

3、The State Council has approved insurance companies to indirectly invest their capital in infrastructure construction. ─── 国务院日前批准保险资金以间接方式投资基础建设。

4、Entering into a sexual relationship too soon raises the emotional stakes for you and your partner, and indirectly, your children. ─── 过早进入性关系会给你和你的对象带来情感上的风险,并间接影响孩子。

5、Understand the differences between the direct and the indirect SCF. ─── 了解直接法与间接法现金流量表的不同。

6、What are Direct Referrals and Indirect Referrals? ─── 什么是直接下线和间接下线?

7、Its stability is only maintained by indirect repercussions. ─── 它的稳定是通过间接冲击维持的。

8、Everything on the earth absorbs heat from the sun directly or indirectly. ─── 地球上万物都直接或间接地从太阳吸收热量。

9、It either directly or indirectly influences my life style a lot. ─── 它直接或间接地影响我的生活习惯了很多东西。

10、It has thus indirectly promoted fierce competition in international banking. ─── 因此,这间接促进了国际银行市场的激烈竞争。

11、In the process, has directly or indirectly of the matter or energy to the marine environment and the expense of resources and human health. ─── 船舶在营运过程中,不可避免的直接或间接的把一些物质或能量引入海洋环境以至产生了损害资源,危害人类健康。

12、The area was indirectly ruled by the French through a puppet emperor. ─── 当时那里是由法国间接操控的傀儡政府统治。

13、Therefore we use an indirect way: the thermometer. ─── 因此我们要用一个间接的方法:温度计。

14、Back in the days of command lines and character-based menus, interfaces indirectly offered services to users. ─── 回到命令行和基于字符的菜单时代,那时界面通常间接地为用户提供服务。

15、Added Windows components that require indirect access to network. ─── 增加需要间接访问网络的视窗系统组件。

16、What is direct and indirect disability discrimination? ─── 何谓直接及间接残疾歧视?

17、We went to the house by an indirect road. ─── 我们经过一条曲折的路到了这座房子。

18、Indirectly construct it using a document template. ─── 使用文档模板间接地构建。

19、The adjustable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the target cell. ─── 可变单元格必须直接或间接与目标单元格相关。

20、What he did indirectly hurt me. ─── 他所做的间接伤害了我.

21、In indirect mode, the rate of fire is lower than with direct fire. ─── 在弹道射击模式下,开火速度低于直瞄射击模式。

22、Any other purposes directly or indirectly related to Scouting activities. ─── 其他直接或間接與童軍活動有關之用途。

23、Ten to one, forms of energy come from the sun directly or indirectly. ─── 十之八九,各种形式的能量直接或间接地来自太阳.

24、Humans are extremely susceptible to plague and may be infected either directly or indirectly. ─── 人对鼠疫极为易感,可直接或间接遭受感染。

25、Information technology assists the Force in the furtherance of this aim both directly and indirectly. ─── 信息科技所提供的直接及间接支持,协助香港警队朝着此一目标推进。

26、There are two basic take-up mechanisms, the direct and indirect. ─── 基本的卷取机构有两种,直接式卷取机构和间接式卷取机构。

27、Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly. ─── 委婉地指出他人的过失。

28、Human beings abuse the environment directly and indirectly. ─── 人类直接地和间接地毁坏了环境。

29、Isolation till Commodore Perry appears and( indirectly) precipitates the Meiji restoration. ─── 十八世纪美国海军准将泼莱率领舰队驶抵日本恢复对外贸易间接促成明治维新改革。

30、Weather affects all of us in one way or another, directly or indirectly. ─── 天气在这方面或那方面,直接或间接地影响着我们。

31、Those things, indeed, are all indirectly connected, and react upon one another. ─── 实际上,这些事情全都间接地有联系并且相互影响。

32、Something insinuated, especially an artfully indirect, often derogatory suggestion. ─── 影射影射的事情,特别是巧妙地间接的,通常是贬义的暗示

33、You can access a generic class indirectly using a nongeneric base interface. ─── 您可以使用非泛型基接口间接访问泛型类。

34、He took an indirect way home to avoid the traffic. ─── 为了避免交通拥挤,他走了一条迂回的路。

35、Thatis, when the batter has indirectly increased the probability of Bisha. ─── 即有连击时能间接提高了必杀的出机率。

36、Hepatitis C virus antibody kit, indirect ELISA. ─── 丙型肝炎病毒抗体诊断试剂盒,间接法。

37、He gave only an indirect answer. ─── 他只作了间接的回答。

38、Grouping is often indicated in the score either directly or indirectly . ─── 群组常在乐谱中直接或间接的显示。

39、Implementation of indirect noise mitigation measures. ─── 实施间接纾缓噪音措施。

40、The third major indirect cost of soil erosion is the loss of navigability. ─── 土壤侵蚀第三个重要的间接代价是丧失航行能力。

41、How has religion contributed directly or indirectly to the maintenance of a democratic republic in America? ─── 宗教是如何直接或者间接的促成美国民主共和的持续?

42、Even Sorkin acknowledges that, albeit a bit indirectly. ─── 尽管有些间接,但索金接受这些评论。

43、He indirectly helped many people receive baptism. ─── 他间接的帮助很多人受洗。

44、In this way, the shape of the land steers the water, and indirectly, life. ─── 地形以这种方式掌控着水汽,也间接地掌控了生命。

45、If the President was involved even indirectly, full disclosure would not be the course selected. ─── 如果总统也牵连进去了,哪怕是间接的,那就不会采取透露全部实情的做法。

46、An application creates COM components from STA threads either directly or indirectly through libraries. ─── 应用程序通过库从STA线程直接或间接地创建COM组件。

47、Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence. ─── 毒品间接对暴力负有责任。

48、D. The indirect value of schoolwork. ─── 学校学习的间接价值。

49、She controlled the company indirectly through her son. ─── 她通过儿子间接地掌管着公司。

50、All our papers must emphatically refute this, directly and indirectly, in accordance with the following points. ─── 各报对此,必须依据下列各点从正面与侧面力加驳斥。”

51、In an indirectly addressed file, a record whose key randomizes to the address of a home record. ─── 在间接编址文件中,其关键字随机化成起始记录地址的一种记录。

52、All pressure differences between places on the earth's surface can be traced, directly or indirectly. ─── 地球表面任何地区间的压力差都可以直接或间接地测算出来。

53、Total diffuse and indirect illumination. ─── 全漫反射和间接光照。

54、You should put the direct object after the indirect object. ─── 你应该把直接宾语放在间接宾语之后。

55、Does not include suppliers of indirect materials, products. ─── 不包括间接材料,产品的供方。

56、We took an indirect route to the town. ─── 我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。

57、Learn the art of selling yourself indirectly, by persuasion and example rather than by the hard sell. ─── 学习间接推销自己的方法,要运用说服和楷模的方法,而不要强迫推销。

58、Ping: He is extremely polite and indirect. ─── 乒:他是一个极有礼貌而且含蓄的人。

59、Two or more components referenced directly or indirectly by the application manifest have window classes with the same name. ─── 至少有两个被应用程序清单直接或间接引用的组件具有同名的窗口类别。

60、Indirectly, you have essentially clustered Workgroup Edition (see Figure 2). ─── 实质上,您会间接拥有群集Workgroup Edition(请参见图2)。

61、SEM/EDX indirectly showed the nanoparticles dispersed well in the scaffold. ─── SEM/EDX结果间接表征了纳米微球在支架中分布均匀。

62、At second hand can mean in an indirect manner. ─── At second hand是指一种间接的方式。

63、It directly or indirectly accessories for Audi, JAC and JMC etc. over30auto factories. ─── 产品各项指标达到德国大众、法国雪铁龙等公司的技术标准。

64、She gave an indirect to my question. ─── 她兜着圈子回答我的问题。

65、On earth plants and animals get their energy, directly or indirectly, from the light and heat of the sun. ─── 在地球上,动物和植物都直接或间接地从太阳的光和热中获得能量。

66、This has had a direct impact on meat and poultry costs (and indirectly on eggs), as it has helped force up the cost of animal feed. ─── 这已经对肉和家禽的价格造成了压力,因为谷物迫使动物饲料的价格上涨。

67、In Midel ZW,the indirect heating still is omitted. ─── ZW型则省去间接加热蒸馏釜。

68、"He said he was hungry" is an example of indirect speech. ─── "他说他很饿"是间接引语的例子。

69、The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen. ─── 双方只会通过中间人间接会晤。

70、Distinguish between direct and indirect costs. ─── 区分直接和间接成本。

71、She still controls the company indirectly through her son. ─── 她通过她儿子仍然间接地控制着该公司。

72、new law will affect us all, directly or indirectly. ─── 新的法规将直接或间接地影响我们所有的人。

73、He intimated /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job. ─── 他迂回暗示对其工作不满。

74、A table that has associations with two other tables, and is used indirectly as an association between those two tables. ─── 已与另两个表相关联并间接用作这两个表之间的关联的表。

75、Client involves D.F.G. directly or indirectly in any type of fraud. ─── 客户利用达富直接或间接参与在任何类型的欺诈。

76、Indirect addressing for periodic grids. ─── 周期性网格的简介寻址。

77、You can use an indirect method to contact him. ─── 你可以用间接的方式接触他。

78、The accident was the indirect result of the train being late. ─── 引发事故的间接原因是火车晚点。

79、His indirect way of telling me to leave annoyed me. ─── 他那种不直截了当地让我离开的方式激怒了我。

80、This policy has indirectly led to a free iPad 2 to one customer and an amusing story that we thought was entertaining enough to share. ─── 这一措施间接制造了一则关于免费送客户iPad2的有趣故事,在此跟大家分享。

81、"From the start, I intend to go with you forever, you should understand."The man answered indirectly. ─── “从一开始我就是打算和你一直走下去的,你不会不明白。”男人间接的回答。

82、The Linux machine must be connected to the Internet, either directly or indirectly. ─── Linux机器必须连接到因特网上,不管是直接的还是间接的。

83、There would be some benefit, however indirect, to the state. ─── 国家会得到一些利益,不管有多少。

84、The taxi driver took an indirect route to avoid the town centre. ─── 为了避免经过市中心,出租车司机绕道而行。

85、Reactions among indoor pollutants relate directly or indirectly on the ozone. ─── 室内污染物间的化学反应都直接或间接与臭氧有关。

86、Neutrons in the slow and moderate speed ranges can produce ionization indirectly in other ways. ─── 慢中子和中能中子可以通过其它方式产生间接电离作用。

87、To use indirect, tricky, or fraudulent methods. ─── 假造运用间接、狡猾或欺骗的方法

88、We shall discuss quadruples, triples, trees, and indirect triples. ─── 我们将讨论四元组,三元组,树和间接三元组。

89、On the way home, we took an indirect route. ─── 回家的路上, 我们绕了一个大圈。

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