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08-20 投稿


carbohydrate 发音

英:[kɑ?b?'ha?dre?t]  美:[,kɑrbo'ha?dret]

英:  美:

carbohydrate 中文意思翻译



carbohydrate 词性/词形变化,carbohydrate变形


carbohydrate 短语词组

1、inversion carbohydrate ─── [医] 碳水化物转化, 碳水化物水解 ─── [作用]

2、complex carbohydrate ─── [化] 复合糖

3、carbohydrate loading ─── [体]糖原负荷

4、carbohydrate antigens ─── [医] 糖抗原

5、carbohydrate fever ─── [医] 碳水化物热, 饮食热

6、carbohydrate indigestion ─── [医] 碳水化合物消化不良, 糖类消化不良

7、carbohydrate metabolism ─── [医] 糖类代谢, 碳水化合物代谢

8、lignin-carbohydrate linkage ─── [化] 木素-糖类键

9、carbohydrate tolerance ─── [建] 忍糖性, 忍糖度

10、lignin-carbohydrate complex (LCC) ─── [化] 木素-糖类复合物

11、carbohydrate moiety ─── [医] 碳水化物部分(氨基酸脱氨基后的酮酸部分)

12、carbohydrate gum ─── [机] 醣胶

13、high-carbohydrate diet ─── [医] 高糖类饮食, 碳水化物丰富饮食

14、carbohydrate tolerance butter ─── [医] 碳水化物耐量试验, 糖耐量试验

15、carbohydrate binder ─── [机] 碳水化合物粘结剂

16、carbohydrate granules ─── [医] 碳水化物粒

17、carbohydrate cycle ─── [医] 碳水化物变化循环, 糖变化循环

18、carbohydrate requirement ─── [医] 碳水化物需要量, 糖类需要量

19、carbohydrate broth ─── [医] 糖肉汤

carbohydrate 相似词语短语

1、carbohydrase ─── n.[生化]糖酶;碳水化物酶

2、noncarbohydrate ─── 非碳水化合物

3、cryohydrate ─── n.冰盐;低熔冰盐结晶

4、carboxylate ─── n.[有化]羧酸盐;羧化物

5、carbohydrases ─── n.[生化]糖酶;碳水化物酶

6、carbohydrates ─── n.[有化]糖类(carbohydrate的复数);[有化]碳水化物

7、carbonylate ─── n.羰基化作用;引入羰基-tion

8、carbon-date ─── 碳定年代;碳素测定年代

9、carbon-dated ─── 碳定年代;碳素测定年代

carbohydrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The ribulose biphosphate is regenerated in the Calvin cycle when the carbon dioxide is converted into carbohydrate. ─── 在二氧化碳被转化为糖类时,核酮-1,5-二磷酸在卡尔文循环中重新生成。

2、Water-soluble carbohydrate plays an important role in metabolism of the plant. ─── 可溶性碳水化合物是参与植物生命代谢的重要物质。

3、Results: The two purified fimbriae were mainly composed of proteins and small amount of carbohydrate. ─── 两种菌毛均是天门冬氨酸、谷氨酸、丙氨酸、赖氨酸和甘氨酸含量较多。

4、This study provided a precursor of N-propionyl-D-mannosamine for the tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen. ─── 为肿瘤相关糖抗原提供了N-丙酰甘露糖胺前体。

5、These can form a source of energy when carbohydrate levels are low, being broken down by lipases into fatty acids, which can enter metabolic pathways. ─── 当体内碳水化合物水平降低时,可以转变为能量,它可以被脂肪酶分解为脂肪酸从而进入代谢途径。

6、Lactose is the main carbohydrate occurring in milk. ─── 乳糖是乳的主要碳水化合物。

7、It takes as little as 20 grams of ingested carbohydrate to raise insulin and reduce fat as fuel. ─── 只要摄取少少地20克的醣类就能提高胰岛素和减少脂肪提供能量。

8、The receptor for hemagglutinin may be a carbohydrate. ─── 其血凝素受体为糖类。

9、CALORIE:A measurement of the energy provided by food. The sources of calories in a diet are carbohydrate, protein, alcohol and fat. ─── 卡路里:描述食物产生的能量。饮食中的卡路里来自碳水化合物、蛋白质、酒精和脂肪。

10、Whole grain carbohydrate sources to allow for stable energy levels. ─── 全谷碳水化合物来源,稳定供应身体能量水平。

11、People believes generally, all containing but the food of barmy carbohydrate can is opposite of dental caries form a potential effect. ─── 人们普遍相信,所有含可发酵的碳水化合物的食物都会对龋齿的形成起潜在的作用。

12、The microflora growth concentrate selected for PB8 is inulin, a natural carbohydrate from chicory root . ─── PB8所精心挑选的微生物群是菊粉,来自于菊苣茎的天然碳水化合物。

13、Kwashiorkor is seen most commonly in areas where the staple food is mainly carbohydrate, such as tubers and roots like cassava. ─── 在以木薯等块茎类和根茎类碳水化合物为主要食品的地区最易出现浮肿型营养不良症。

14、Waston H A. Determination of starch gelatinization temperature[J]. Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry, 1964(4):240. ─── 张燕萍.变性淀粉制造与应用[M].北京:化学工业出版社,2001.33-34.


16、Low carbohydrate diets are often designed for fast weight loss. ─── 低碳水化合物经常用于快速减肥。

17、Some foods, such as pizza, casseroles, and soups, are a combination of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. ─── 其他像是比萨饼、砂锅及汤等,则是综合醣类、蛋白质及脂肪。

18、Q5.A high protein,low carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight. ─── 5.高蛋白、低糖的饮食是理想的减肥方法。

19、A carbohydrate resembling starch that is composed of glucose and forms the reserve foodstuff of certain algae. ─── 副淀粉,类淀粉,裸藻淀粉一种类似淀粉的碳氢化合物,由葡萄糖构成并保留了某些藻类植物的营养成分

20、In recalcitrant seeds, the predotninant reserves were soluble sugars, and starch was only complex form of carbohydrate reserves. ─── 主要的贮藏物质是可溶性的糖,淀粉是碳水化合物贮藏物的唯一复杂形式。

21、Clinical research shown that 1g of phaseolamin 2250 is able to burn 500g of calories in carbohydrate. ─── 只须餐前半个小时服用,无须激烈运动,简易的步骤,您就能安心,可靠减重.

22、What is the relationship between food, carbohydrate, fat or protein? Are they parallel structure or subordinate elements? ─── 修改:食物中的各种成分,无论是碳水化合物、脂肪还是蛋白质,都是由极少部分能从未转化的形式向身体提供养料的。

23、See what happens if you eliminate wheat and refined carbohydrate from the diet for a few weeks. ─── 尝试几周,移除菜单中的小麦及精致的碳水化合物。

24、A white, odorless powder, C9H12N2O6, that is the nucleoside of uracil, important in carbohydrate metabolism, and used in biochemical experiments. ─── 尿苷白色无味粉末,C9H12N2O6,是尿嘧啶中的核苷,在糖类新陈代谢作用中很重要,用于生化实验中

25、One part of the NLS asked subjects to interpret food labels, such as determining carbohydrate or caloric content of an amount of food consumed. ─── NLS的一部分内容是要求受试者解释食物标签,比如计算一定量食物中所含碳水化合物或卡路里的数量。

26、A carbohydrate that yields three monosaccharides upon hydrolysis. ─── 三糖完全水解时能产生三个单糖的一种糖

27、The proportion of protein and carbohydrate intake was appropriate, while the fat intake was higher. ─── 三大产热营养素中蛋白质和碳水化合物摄入比例合适,脂肪摄入较高;

28、Low carbohydrate intake depletes liver and muscle glycogen (stored sugars) and water molecules linked to these sugars. ─── 低碳水化合物摄取肝脏、肌肉耗尽糖原(储存糖)和水分子与这些糖。

29、The antigenic determinant is carbohydrate without saliva acid. ─── 抗原决定簇为不含涎酸的碳水化合物。

30、Carbohydrate foods that break down quickly during digestion have higher glycemic rankings. ─── 在消化中迅速分解的碳水化合物血糖指数更高。

31、Each peptide chain has a C-terminal lectin domain (carbohydrate recognition domain, CRD ) and a collagenous region near the N-terminal. ─── MBL是一个由若干个相同的亚单位组成的寡聚体分子,每条肽链的C端是一凝集素结构域(碳水化合物识别结构域),近N端是一胶原样区。

32、Under most circumstances, the body converts very little carbohydrate into body fat. ─── 大多数情况下,身体把极少部分碳水化合物转为脂肪。

33、Many people think of bread, for example, as a carbohydrate food. ─── 例如,很多人认为砚是碳水化合物(淀粉)食品。

34、The size of sclereid in fruit of dif ferent pears are different,the amount of carbohydrate is different too. ─── 不同品种梨果实中石细胞团的大小不同,糖分含量也存在一定差异。

35、Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat. ─── 任何人突然遭到饥饿,就会出现蛋白质、碳水化合物和脂肪的中间代谢的改变。

36、Pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone are all three carbon metabolites of carbohydrate metabolism. ─── 丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。

37、Fernstrom, J. D., and R. J. Wurtman. "Brain Serotonin Content: Increase Following Ingestion of Carbohydrate Diet." Science 174 (1971): 1023-1025. ─── 《科学》173(1971):149-152,〈脑羟色胺的反应内容:生理上的依赖血浆中色氨酸的浓度.

38、The CCSD is a database containing complex carbohydrate structures and associated text. ─── CCSD是一个包含复和糖类结构和相关文本的数据库。

39、If carbohydrate is present, a violet ring will form at the junction of the liquids. ─── 如果存在碳水化合物,在液面交接处就有紫色环生成。

40、When you use more fat, you generate more energy and your carbohydrate supply lasts longer. ─── 当你利用愈多的体脂肪,不但能产生更多的能量,更能延长醣的消耗。

41、industry, stung by the current popularity of the Atkins low-carbohydrate diet, has begun to respond. ─── 行业受到阿特金斯低碳水化合物饮食目前流行的刺激,已开始作出回应。

42、The GI is a measure of how much the carbohydrate in a food raises blood sugar. ─── GI是用来衡量食物中有多少碳水化合物转化成了血糖。

43、Meanwhile,the calorigenic percentages of protein,lipid and carbohydrate were not fit for patients with COPD and cor pulmonale. ─── 同时,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物三大供热营养素的产热百分比也存在明显不合理。

44、Carbohydrate counting can help you choose what and how much to eat. ─── 醣类计算法可帮助您选择所吃的食物和份量。

45、It is a principle to have low fat and low sugar diet to shape your muscles,what's more, you have to eat enough vegetables and wholewheat carbohydrate. ─── 对于刻画肌肉线条来说,低脂、低糖饮食是一个基本原则,而且你要进食足量的蔬菜,还有全麦类碳水化合物。

46、The whole contents of low-molecular carbohydrate in the over-wintering larva's body rise from 54.22mg/g to 78.64mg/g, about 45%. ─── 小分子碳水化合物的总量由54.22mg/g上升到78.64mg/g,增加45%。

47、Heavily breaded for substance.Very high carbohydrate content. ─── 大量的面包物质,非常高的碳水化合物的含量。

48、Want to drink on one cannikin everyday only, because of,can reduce carbohydrate or adipose the bear of the peptic that cause! ─── 只要天天喝上一小杯,就能减轻因碳水化合物或脂肪引起的消化器官的负荷!

49、Preparation of carbohydrate encapsulated metal nanoparticles and carbohydrate microarrays. ─── 制作醣包裹金属奈米粒子及醣生物晶片.

50、He simply ran to the end of his carbohydrate supply. ─── 他轻易地耗尽体内的醣。

51、Lower molecular weight carbohydrate are often obtained by depolymerization of the natural polymers. ─── 低分子量碳水化合物,经常由天然多糖的解聚作用获得

52、Nowadays, changeable consumer food behavior prone to a low carbohydrate diet. ─── 当今,多变的食品消费行为更趋向于低碳水化合物食品。

53、Aim for a moderate intake of both fibre and carbohydrate and you may drop your triglycerides by as much as 28%. ─── 尝试维持均衡的纤维和碳水化合物摄取量,您或可降低三酸甘油脂水平 达28%。

54、For 12 muffins: Each muffin has 2 grams effective carbohydrate plus 6 grams fiber and 6 grams protein. ─── 一个马芬有8克碳水化合物但有6克是纤维而且有6克蛋白质。

55、Qiu cited the case of milk powder, which was difficult to export due to inadequate carbohydrate testing. ─── 他以奶粉事件为例,称由于检测的碳水化合物含量不足,导致出口困难。

56、So, a cookie will have no more effect on blood glucose than mashed potatoes, provided the total amount of carbohydrate is the same. ─── 所以甜饼对于血糖的影响和土豆泥相比并无区别,只要它们所含的碳水―――――化合物总量相等。

57、Do some Gatorade or Pocari if needed since they are both good sources of carbohydrate. ─── 如果你以养成定期锻炼的习惯,那么在这段时间你可以做一些轻度或中度运动。

58、Seeds grown for food generally contain large quantities of stored carbohydrate, protein and other reserves. ─── 为用作食物而栽培的种子通常含有大量贮藏的多糖、蛋白质和其它贮藏物质。

59、Preoperative Oral Carbohydrate Administration to ASA III-IV Patients Undergoing Elective Cardiac Surgery. ─── 择期行心脏手术的病人围术期口服碳水化合物的管理。

60、A carbohydrate that cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis, especially one of the hexoses, having the general formula C6H12O6. ─── 单糖一种不能被水解的碳水化合物,尤指有普通分子式C6H12O6的己糖之一

61、The human body consumes energy in the form of carbohydrate. ─── 人体消耗以碳水化合物的形式存在的能量。

62、Low carbohydrate, high protein diets may help to shed weight quickly but researchers warned on Friday that they can be unhealthy. ─── 低碳水化合物,高蛋白质饮食可以快速地减肥,但研究者警告这类饮食可能不利健康。

63、You shall not have too much carbohydrate in your diet. ─── 你日常饮食中不该有过多碳水化合物。

64、Effects of parasitism by Pteromalus puparum on hemolymph protein and carbohydrate metabolism in overwintering pupae of Pieris rapae. ─── 寄生对越冬代菜粉蝶蛹血淋巴中蛋白质和糖类代谢的影响。

65、UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase(UGPase)plays the significant roles in the carbohydrate metabolism in plants. ─── 尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UGPase)是植物体内的一种重要酶类,其催化生成的尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖(UDPG)是高等植物中主要的活化糖形式,与糖类代谢过程密切相关。

66、The main nutrients: carbohydrate, protein, fat, crude fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins and so on. ─── 主要营养成分:碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、粗纤维、钙、铁、维生素等。

67、Gram for gram the fat provides a lot more punch in terms of calories than protein or carbohydrate. ─── 蛋白质或碳水化合物相比,每克脂肪提供了更多以卡路里来计的热量。

68、We store only a very limited amount of carbohydrate (glycogen) in our bodies. ─── 人体只能储存非常有限量的醣(肝醣)。

69、Both MD and SD enhanced the remobilization of non-structural carbohydrate from stems (including sheaths) and increased its contribution to grains. ─── MD和SD增加了茎(含鞘)中非结构性碳水化物的输出率和对籽粒的贡献率。

70、It contains 50%-54% of fattiness, 6.6% of amylo and 16.5% of carbohydrate, is a kind of health care stuff with rich nutrition. ─── 含脂肪50%-54%,淀粉6.6%,碳水化合物16.5%。是一种营养价值很高的保健营养佳品。

71、A carbohydrate that cannot be decomposed by hydrolysis,especially one of the hexoses,having the general formula C6H12O6. ─── 单糖一种不能被水解的碳水化合物,尤指有普通分子式C6H12O6的己糖之一。

72、Every one knows that carbohydrate, protein, fatty, vitamine, minerals and water are six important elements for human being. ─── 人们只知道,人类成活是靠碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、维生素、矿物质、水维持。

73、He used enzymes to snip the long carbohydrate chain into framents and then rearrange them to form a sugar called fructose. ─── 他用酶把碳水化合物分子打断,并形成新的糖--果糖。

74、Gunter still points out, the different point of protein and carbohydrate is protein production muscle, and carbohydrate provides energy for muscle. ─── 我觉得无论你是初学者还是有一定经验的练习者,都应该吃点红肉,只不过要吃瘦肉。”

75、HPL is one of the factors that contributing to carbohydrate metabolism changes during pregnancy. ─── HPL是影响妊娠期糖代谢变化的因素之一.

76、A carbohydrate that consists of a relatively small number of monosaccharides. ─── 低聚糖由相对少量的单糖构成的糖

77、This manuscript briefly described the advance in functional carbohydrate, glycocluster and glycomics as viewed from glycobiology. ─── 作者劝功能性糖、糖簇分子和糖组学等糖生物学中重要领域的研究进展进行简要介绍。

78、And once the body has depleted its carbohydrate reserves, it has no choice but to turn its full attention to fat. ─── 而一旦糖的储存耗尽,机体将毫无现则的将其所有的能量源转向脂肪。

79、Because carbohydrate is the body's preferred fuel source, this first phase of the diet would most certainly challenge exercise enthusiasts. ─── 因为碳水化合物是身体的首选燃料来源,这第一阶段的饮食最好运动爱好者挑战。

80、Hedgehog Fungus is rich in protein, fattiness, carbohydrate and many kinds of vitamins necessary for human. ─── 含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物及人体所需的多种维生素等。

81、Inherent in this proposal is the assumption that growth is regulated by the availability of carbohydrate. ─── 实质上这个提法假定了生长是被碳水化合物的供应情况所调节的。

82、Protein and carbohydrate have 4 calories per gram, per unit weight. ─── 每克每单位重量蛋白质和碳水化合物产生4卡路里。

83、Merlo L, Passera C.Changes in carbohydrate and enzyme levels during development of leaves of Prunus persica. ─── 周睿.新红星苹果叶果内碳水化合物运输和代谢的研究[博士论文].杭州:浙江农业大学,1995.

84、While Carley may not recognize it, her carbohydrate cravings may actually be her body's way of helping her to feel happier. ─── 然而,卡利可能没有意识到,她对于淀粉类食物的嗜好也许正是人体为了愉悦心情而作的自我调节。

85、Therefore, you should choose foods which contain a lot of carbohydrate. ─── 所以,应选择富有碳水化合物的食物。

86、The integration of fat and carbohydrate metabolism is of great importance in the heart. ─── 心脏中脂肪和糖代谢的整合也是很重要的。

87、When you're in that state it's easy to succumb to chips, cookies, pretzels or other highly refined carbohydrate snacks. ─── 当出于这种状况下,你很容易就会选择薯条,曲奇饼,法国脆饼或者其他精致的碳水化合物零食。

88、Two L-sugars found in foods are L-arabinose and L-galactose, both of which occur as units in carbohydrate polymers (polysaccharides). ─── 在食物中发现的两种L-糖是L-阿拉伯糖和L一半乳糖,它们都作为单元出现在碳水化合物的聚合物(聚糖)中。

89、"It is rich in minerals and algin, a complex carbohydrate used as an emulsifier to prevent crystal formation in ice cream. ─── 它富含矿物质和褐藻胶。是一种碳氢化合物,可用作乳化剂,在制作冰淇淋时防止冰晶的形成。

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