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08-20 投稿


cologne 发音

英:[k?'l??n]  美:[k?'l?un]

英:  美:

cologne 中文意思翻译



cologne 词性/词形变化,cologne变形


cologne 短语词组

1、cologne water ─── [建] 花露水, 香水

2、bluebell cologne ─── 蓝铃古龙水

3、cologne for men ─── 男士古龙水

4、Cologne University of Applied Sciences ─── 科隆应用技术大学

5、cologne in blue ─── 蓝色科隆香水

6、cologne absolute ─── 科隆净水

7、blush suede cologne ─── 胭脂绒面古龙水

8、eau de Cologne ─── 科隆香水, 花露水

9、cologne selena ─── 科隆赛琳娜

10、Cologne spirit ─── [医] 乙醇

11、eau de cologne mint ─── [网络] 古龙薄荷

12、cologne university ─── 科隆大学

13、cologne intense ─── 科隆烈性香水

14、Cologne Cathedral ─── 科隆大教堂

15、frangipani flower cologne ─── 法国桂花古龙水

16、cologne a ─── 科隆a

17、Cologne University of Applied Scien ─── 科隆应用 ─── 科学大学

18、cologne deu ─── 科隆deu

19、Cologne Bonn Airport ─── 科隆波恩机场

cologne 相似词语短语

1、colons ─── [解剖]结肠;冒号

2、colonel ─── n.陆军上校;n.(Colonel)人名;(法、罗)科洛内尔

3、Cologne ─── n.古龙香水

4、colognes ─── n.古龙香水

5、Boulogne ─── n.布伦(法国北部港市)

6、coloni ─── 隶农

7、colones ─── n.结肠;冒号(用于引语、说明、例证等之前);科郎(哥斯达黎加货币单位)(colon的变形)

8、cologned ─── 古龙水

9、colony ─── n.殖民地;移民队;种群;动物栖息地

cologne 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only one player returns on the seven-player roster in Wutthikrai Kanjanasit, who caught two touchdowns in the semi finals in Cologne to propel the Thais into the final. ─── 不过在七名球员的球队名单中,只有一位参加了去年的世界杯,他在科隆世界杯半决赛中完成了两次达阵,从而帮助球队打进决赛。

2、At the coming cologne fair of Germany in March2008 and spring fair of Guangzhou in April2007, we will display the latest products of our company. ─── 在来届的2008年3月的德国科隆展和2007年4月的广州春交会,我们将推出公司的最新产品。

3、The urban rail transit systems of Berlin and Cologne in Germany are introduced, and some experience in the planning, design and operation of urban rail transit system is summarized. ─── 在介绍德国柏林市、科隆市城市轨道交通系统的基础上,总结在城市轨道交通系统规划设计与运营中值得我国借鉴的经验。

4、Try not to use overpowering perfume or cologne, as this can be just as off putting. ─── 尽量不要使用浓郁的香水,这也会导致淘汰。

5、She was more extravagant.She said although I wore some cologne, she could still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of me. ─── 她说虽然我身上喷了古龙水,但她还是能 隐约 闻到一股人渣味儿。

6、But the Chelsea midfielder is not under consideration for the match against Wales or a friendly against Romania in Cologne four days later. ─── 但是这位切尔西中场球员将不会参加对威尔士的比赛和4天后在科隆举行的和罗马尼亚的友谊赛.

7、I could smell the musk cologne mingling with talcum powder and mint toothpaste when she put her arms around me to say hello, and to give me a big kiss. ─── 她用双臂搂着我,向我问好,然后重重地吻我一下,这时我便能闻到麝香香水、爽身粉、薄荷牙膏混合在一起的味道。

8、There was a discussion before we went to Cologne [to play Sweden] because he might have stayed in Baden-Baden to work on his fitness level with a masseur. ─── “在我们去科隆(打瑞典)前,有(带不带他的)讨论,因为他有可能留在巴登巴登在按摩师的陪伴下恢复体能。”

9、Tausen went to Cologne, which was then, as now, one of the strongholds of Romanism. ─── 塔森决定到科伦大学去,那时科伦象现在一样,乃是罗马教的一个堡垒。

10、As he toddled round the run-down family farm in the hills near Cologne, he would hit things with it to see what sound they made. ─── 当孩童的他蹒跚在科隆附近小山丘的破败家庭农场附件转悠时,他会用小木锤到处敲打东西,看它们会发出什么样的声音。

11、He was born at Cologne, Germany in 1819, and died in Paris in 1880, aged sixty-one. ─── 1819年生于德国科隆,1880年卒于巴黎,享年61岁。

12、In other Bundesliga matches, Stuttgart 4, Werder Bremen 1, Bayer Leverkusen 1 Hertha Berlin 0, Borussia Moenchengladbach 2 Cologne 1, Frankfurt Huofenhaimu 2 to 1, Bielefeld 1 Karlsruhe 2. ─── 在其他德甲比赛中,斯图加特4比1不来梅,勒沃库森0比1柏林赫塔,门兴格拉德巴赫1比2科隆,霍芬海姆2比1法兰克福,比勒费尔德1比2卡尔斯鲁厄。

13、This cologne, like wine, improves with age. ─── 这种科隆香水像葡萄酒一样越陈越香。

14、Ballack is currently in Cologne, where he met with national team coach Joachim Low following Germany's 2-0 victory over Wales on Saturday. ─── 巴拉克目前正在科隆,在德国2-0战胜威尔士的比赛后,他遇见了德国国家队主帅勒夫。

15、SETTING: Center for Vascular Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of University of Cologne. ─── 单位:德国科隆大学医院血管外科中心。

16、Maybe spritz on a little cologne too! ─── 可能还要再喷点科隆香水哦。

17、She said although I wore some cologne, she could still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of me. ─── 她说虽然我身上喷了古龙水,但她还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。

18、Nine years later, he moved down river to Cologne, where the company grew into the biggest independent private bank in Europe today. ─── 九年后,他移到河科隆如果公司成长为最大的独立私人银行,在当今的欧洲。

19、The Owen trial was not in Nuremberg. It will be in Cologne. ─── 审判欧文的地方不在纽伦堡,在科隆。

20、Officials in Cologne, where the couple lived, turned down their request, saying that this name would not be accepted in their home country. ─── 这对夫妇住在科隆,当地官员拒绝了他们的要求,称这个名字在他们自己的国家(土耳其)将无法被人接受。

21、She was more extravagant. She said although I wore some cologne, she could still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of me. ─── 她更过分。她说虽然我身上喷了古龙水,但她还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。

22、Created in 1995 by Jean Patou, Voyageur cologne is a refreshing, woody, mossy fragrance. ─── 巴度公司最近推出的一种木香-水果香-芬芳花香系列男性香水。

23、During his stay in Cologne, the Pope plans to meet representatives of Germany's Protestant churches, and also Muslims and Jews. ─── 在科隆停留的期间,教宗计画与德国基督教会的代表,以及犹太人和回教徒会面。

24、Do you sell cologne for males? ─── 你们有没有男人用的古龙香水? ?

25、The smell of cologne mixed with all that we own ─── 弥漫着古龙香水味

26、A Completely Reformed Cologne Coating Fair 2007 ─── 全面改革的2007科隆涂料展

27、Karunesh was born in 1956 in Cologne, Germany, as Bruno Reuter. ─── karunesh于1956出生在德国科隆。

28、The Southbank Centre will have the Cologne Market, with authentic wooden and tin toys, Christmas decorations, and Santa’s Secret Village. ─── 在南岸中心区会有克隆市场,出售可信的木制和锡制玩具,圣诞装饰品和圣诞老人的秘密村庄。

29、Seeking advanced medical treatment for their son, Chusovitina and her husband accepted an offer of help from Shanna and Peter Bruggemann, head coaches of the Toyota Cologne club, and moved to Germany. ─── 从绝对年龄来说,33岁的女子运动员在体育界中虽然已经可以算老将,但其他妈妈选手也以比她更大的年纪取得过更好的成绩。

30、One day, as I was falling asleep, while listening to endless speeches at a conference, my brain suddenly perked up when I caught a whiff of lemon from someone’s cologne. ─── 一天当我在一次会议上听着无休止的演讲时,慢慢坠入梦乡,突然闻到来自某个人科隆香水的柠檬味道,我的大脑兴奋起来。

31、"The team has filed an appeal within the proscribed time period," the Cologne based team announced in a statement. ─── "小组已提出上诉的时间内被禁止的,“科隆车队在一份声明中宣布.

32、Eau de Cologne was originally marketed as a way of protecting yourself against the plague. ─── 古龙水最初是以防范瘟疫为名推销的。

33、Ballack had a relatively quiet game in the 2-2 draw with Cologne and the fans' patience with the contract rebel finally snapped in the second half when his every touch was booed. ─── 巴拉克平静打完了与科隆2:2的比赛,部分忠实球迷在下半场对这位叛离者的耐性达极限最终爆发,他的每次触球都遭嘘。

34、He had made a rushed connection at dawn in Frankfurt, where a security agent insisted that he jettison a half-used bottle of cologne that was in violation of antiterrorism regulations. ─── 他曾经有一次傍晚的时候在法兰克福匆忙转机,那儿安检坚持让他把用了一半的古龙香水扔掉,说这违反了反恐条例。

35、He set up his own studio in Cologne in 1911, building up a lucrative clientele. ─── 1911年,桑德在科隆建立了自己的摄影工作室,接着开始建立有利可图的主顾关系。

36、Negotiations are conducted between Mr Xu who represents the Chinese side and Mr peter Scholtissek who represent the Cologne Company of Germany. ─── 中国方面的代表徐先生和德国科隆公司的彼得·科特赛克先生进行了商谈。

37、Visitors to Cologne are greeted by more than2,000 years of culture, significant antique treasures, economic power, creativity, ideas, diversity, and above all the local folk with their cosmopolitan, international and joyful take on life. ─── 前往科隆的游客会感受到绵延2000多年的文化、义深远的珍玩古物、济影响力、造力、念、元化,而最重要的是当地居民对于生活的那种开放的、际化的和乐观的态度。

38、Cologne is not so very far downriver from Mainz. ─── 科隆离美因茨的下游处不远。

39、Taschen is an art book publisher founded in 1980 by Benedikt Taschen in Cologne, Germany. ─── 不用多说了。出了太多牛逼艺术书了。

40、Nine years later , he moved down river to Cologne , where the company grew into the biggest independent private bank in Europe today . ─── 九年后,他移到河科隆如果公司成长为最大的独立私人银行,在当今的欧洲。

41、Yes, yes, spandy nice, and Meg has cologne on hers,' cried Jo, adding with a laugh, as they we nt on, `I do believe Marmee would ask that if we were all running away - from an earthquake. ─── 乔大声答道,一头走着又笑了一声,“我相信就算我们遇上地震狼狈逃窜,妈妈也要这样问的。”

42、The local Cologne newspaper Express reports that Toyota, having put in a disastrous performance at Monaco, "has decided to exit formula one". ─── 当地报纸报道说,丰田公司表示,经历了一个灾难性的性能在摩纳哥,“已决定退出一级方程式".

43、She perfumed herself with Eau de Cologne. ─── 她身上洒著古龙水。

44、Major Cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Stuttgart, Bremen. ─── 主要城市:柏林、汉堡、慕尼黑、科隆、埃森、法兰克福、多特蒙德、迪塞尔多夫、斯图特加、不莱梅。

45、A minute later Cologne launches an attack once more, after the Nuowakeweiqi counter-offside succeeds, forms the single tool, but he pushes shoots is melted courageously by Shaerke goalkeeper Fellman. ─── 一分钟后科隆再次发难,诺瓦科维奇反越位成功后形成单刀,但他的推射被沙尔克门将费尔曼奋勇化解。

46、A city of west-central Germany near the confluence of the Ruhr and Rhine rivers north of Cologne. ─── 埃森:德国中西部一城市,位于科隆北部的鲁尔河和莱茵河交汇处。

47、This delightfully refreshing cologne can be splashed on liberally. ─── 这种清爽怡人的古龙香水可以尽情喷洒。

48、Michael is an Advisory IT-Specialist with IBM Software Services for Lotus in Cologne, Germany. ─── Michael是德国科隆IBM Software Services for Lotus的顾问IT专家。

49、But you can find a Lubbock Town in the German province of Westphalia, not far from the city of Cologne. ─── 你可以在德国的威斯特伐利亚省找到另一个拉博克镇,离科隆市不远。

50、"I want to join Cologne, the club has large potential," Szabics told Stuttgarter Nachrichten after holding talks with Cologne officials. ─── “我很想加盟科隆,这支俱乐部有很大的潜力。”绍比奇在与科隆俱乐部的官员会谈后接受《斯图加特新闻》的采访时说。

51、Freund predicted Bayern would be busy recruiting new players themselves, with Germany's Poland-born striker Lukas Podolski likely to be lured away from struggling Cologne. ─── 弗罗因德预言拜仁将忙于培养自己的新兵,德国的波兰出生的射手波多尔斯基有可能被从苦难的科隆引进。

52、a perfumed liquid lighter than cologne. ─── 一种比科隆香水还要轻的芳香液体。

53、The National Socialists ousted him from his position as mayor of the city of Cologne. ─── 国家社会主义党把他从科龙市长的位置赶走。

54、She said although I wore some cologne, she could still vaguely smell a scummy whiff out of me. ─── 她说虽然我身上喷了古龙水,但她还是能隐约闻到一股人渣味儿。

55、The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe. ─── 女士经常在科隆的博物馆咖啡屋碰面,跳过其他,直接说到俳句,俳句是一种极其简短的诗的类型,它已经从日本蔓延到了全球。

56、ART COLOGNE - International Fair for Modern and Contemporary Art ─── 国际近现代艺术展

57、Cologne Germany March 12 2009--This book thought to be from the year A.D. 1301 has been recovered from the wreckage of the Cologne archives building (background). ─── 2009年3月12日,德国,科隆---这本被认为是来自公元1301年的的书籍在科隆档案馆的废墟(背景)里被发掘出。

58、Kester announces that Surge Tuerlings will present at ESCC 2006, scheduled to take place October 4 to 5, 2006, in Cologne. ─── 凯斯特宣布Surge Tuerlings将参加定于2006年10月在德国科隆举办的ESCC 2006。

59、Back then Liverpool had overcome Cologne in Rotterdam in a draining match that went to extra time three days prior to our meeting. ─── 切尔西在周日的下午前,将会有多两天的时间去休息和预备,而热刺在我们的碰面的三天后,会在下周一主场迎战“兵工厂风格”。

60、If it is true that Cologne Cathedral is the place which God most prefers, then Cologne Central Station must be the station that God most visits! ─── 如果说科隆大教堂是“离上帝最近的地方”,那么科隆火车站就要算是“离上帝最近的火车站了”。

61、NOT since Cologne was rebuilt half a century ago, out of the rubble of war, has a change in the urban landscape generated so much heat. ─── 自从科隆半个世纪前走出战争废墟得以重建以来,城市景观的变化还不曾引发如此的热情。

62、She sprayed floral cologne on her wrists. ─── 她在自己的手腕处喷。

63、In some cities, including Geneva, Cologne, Monte Carlo, Zurich and in Gothenburg, the British travelers in the third quarter of this year to pay the price, an increase of more than 25%. ─── 在某些城市,包括日内瓦、科隆、蒙地卡罗、哥德堡和苏黎世,英国旅行者在今年第三季度支付的房价,同比增加了超过25%。

64、He said: "When I watched Michael fall to the ground in Cologne the other night, the only word I could think of was devastating and it reminded me of what happened to Gazza. ─── 他说:当我当天晚上看到欧文在科隆体育场倒在地上的时候,我唯一想到的就是非常严重,这让我想起了发生在加斯科因身上的情况。

65、This smaller one is perfume, and the larger one is cologne. ─── 小瓶的是香水,大瓶的是古龙水。

66、CHOCOLATE MUSEUM, COLOGNE, GERMANY, 1994 ─── 巧克力博物馆,科隆,德国

67、Xie Wenjun 8 China 9, Robert - Fort Cologne Sweden names of the men's high jump runway 20:00 nationality Jesse results 1 ranking - German. Limabaxi 2 China 3, Xin Xu Andrea - Ruofu, el ... ─── 8谢文骏中国9罗伯特-科隆堡瑞典男子跳高20:00跑道姓名国籍成绩排名1杰西-徳.利马巴西2徐欣中国3安德列-斯尔若夫...

68、Moreover, the Ketebusi epicycle loses to Cologne, Shao Jiayi 2nd round enters the competition name list continuously, but could still not be taken to the threshing ground. ─── 另外,科特布斯本轮负于科隆,邵佳一连续第2轮进入比赛名单,但依然未能登场。

69、September 23, Cologne Buluoyixi players (left) and the Mainz players are pushing. ─── 9月23日,科隆队球员布罗伊希(左)与美因茨队球员拼抢。

70、Duty free allowance: Two bottles of liquor, two cartons of cigarettes, 100 cigars, 1.5 Lb of tabacco, one pint bottle of perfume or eau de cologne. ─── 免税物品:两瓶酒、两条香烟、100枝雪茄、1.5磅烟草、一品脱瓶装香水或者科隆水。

71、It was early morning on day four of a 22-day journey and I wanted to be somewhere else: anywhere but on the Cologne to Moscow sleeper train. ─── 时间已是凌晨,今天是我22天游程的第四天,我实在想逃离这列科隆驶往莫斯科的卧铺列车。

72、His visit to the Cologne synagogue, rebuilt after World War II, will mark only the second time in history that a head of the Catholic Church has entered a Jewish place of worship. ─── 他也将造访科隆在二战后重建的犹太教堂,这标示著史上第二次有天主教教会的领袖踏入犹太教的礼拜所。

73、Architects Tobias Wallisser and Chris Bosse designed a lounge for Architonic at the IMM Cologne furnishing fair held earlier this month in Germany. ─── 建筑师托比亚斯Wallisser 和克里斯博塞设计了一个休息室的Architonic在入境事务处科隆举行提供公平本月早些时候在德国 。

74、Retrospection of Ideal- House Exhibitions in Cologne (2003-2007) ─── 2003-2007理想家居的科隆记忆

75、They always wear your favorite cologne ( which happens to be the one that you bought them for their birthday). ─── 他们身上总是有你最喜欢的科隆香水味(就是上次生日时你给他们买的).

76、Museum of East Asian Art in Cologne ─── 东亚艺术博物馆

77、Find out her favorite cologne and wear it every time you are together. ─── 先对方最喜欢的香水,两人约会时,用上一点儿。

78、He now leads the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Cologne in Germany. ─── 他现在领导德国科隆大学原子核物理研究所。

79、What are your plans for WCG at Cologne? What is your must-do for that event? ─── 你在科隆WCG的目标是什么?你最希望在那个盛会上做些什么?

80、So the staff ordered the next mission over Cologne to make its final approach upwind. ─── 于是参谋部下令,接下来科隆上空的任务中,要让飞机最后的轰炸航程逆风进行。

81、World of Food China - a satellite exhibition to Anuga in Cologne ─── 世界食品中国展览会

82、B:Listen. Perfume is for girls. Men use cologne. ─── 听者。香水是给女人用的。男人用古龙。

83、Ex-cocaine addict Christoph Daum, who had just come out of surgery, chose the foyer of a Cologne hospital to declare the he could not take on the Koln job. ─── 前可卡因瘾君子道姆,刚做过手术,选在科隆医院宣布他不能为科隆队效力。

84、Speaking ahead of World Youth Day in Cologne, which begins today, the Pope said he hoped to inject new faith into the thousands of young pilgrims gathering in Germany. ─── 在从16日起的世界青年日活动开始前,教宗表示希望能给成千上万在德国集结的年轻朝圣者注入新的信仰。

85、Whatever its importance to other faiths, Cologne is a sensitive spot for German Islam. ─── 不管科隆对其它宗教信仰而言重要性如何,它对德国穆斯林来说都是一个敏感的地方。

86、Guide to Cologne Furniture Exhibition (2006) ─── 2006科隆家具展看点导读

87、Icelandic striker Eidur Gudjohnsen is one of the targets Cologne have identified. ─── 冰岛的前锋古德约翰森正是其中一个科隆锁定了的目标。

88、September 23, the Cologne team goalkeeper Mondragon looked upset after the game. ─── 9月23日,科隆队门将蒙德拉贡在比赛后神情懊恼。

89、strong light; strong vinegar; strong cologne. ─── 强烈的光线;味道很浓的醋,浓郁的古龙香水


这个是被雅诗兰黛集团与1999年收购旗下的,原本是英国品牌的,人称贵妇牌的Jo Malone。他们家古龙水Cologne Intense系列(不是只有男生才能喷古龙水)基本都是这个瓶子,很好认的。根据图片上的文字形容,应该是他家与2008年推出的女士古龙水Dark Amber and Ginger Lily(**上翻译叫黑琥珀姜百合)。

Dark Amber and Ginger Lily Jo Malone for Women香型:东方木香香调:前调:姜,黑豆蔻,粉红胡椒中调:玫瑰,兰花,茉莉,睡莲尾调:黑琥珀,广藿香,檀香,皮革,乳香

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