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08-20 投稿


bloomer 发音

英:['blu?m?]  美:['blum?]

英:  美:

bloomer 中文意思翻译



bloomer 网络释义

n. [机] 初轧机;从前女用灯笼裤;纰漏;开花植物n. (Bloomer)人名;(英)布卢默

bloomer 短语词组

1、late bloomer ─── 开花晚的植物;智力发展晚的人

2、bloomer bread ─── 布卢默面包

3、bloomer weather 10 day forecast ─── 大鹏天气10日预报

4、reformer bloomer.crossword clue ─── 重整器布鲁默。纵横字谜线索

5、bloomer advance newspaper ─── 布鲁默高级报纸

6、bloomer blackhawks football ─── 布鲁默黑鹰足球队

7、intermediate bloomer ─── 中间初轧机

8、bloomer funeral homes wisconsin ─── 威斯康星州布鲁默殡仪馆

9、bloomer brewery ─── 布鲁默啤酒厂

10、baby bloomer ─── 婴儿灯笼裤

bloomer 同义词

thrive | salad days | shadow | peak | heyday | efflorescence | tinge | flower head | bud | prime | flourish | flush | prosper | blooming | tint | blush |flower | coloration | rosiness | blossom | glow | bloom of youth

bloomer 词性/词形变化,bloomer变形

动词过去分词: bloomed |动词过去式: bloomed |形容词: bloomy |动词现在分词: blooming |动词第三人称单数: blooms |

bloomer 反义词

wither | fade | shrivel

bloomer 相似词语短语

1、blooper ─── n.大挫折;引起杂音的收音机

2、bloomier ─── adj.盛开的;多花的;有粉衣的(bloomy的变形)

3、bloodier ─── adj.血腥的(bloody的比较级)

4、bloomers ─── n.灯笼裤(bloomer的复数)

5、bloomed ─── adj.模糊的;无反射的;v.盛开;兴旺;把钢锭等轧成坯块;使模糊(bloom的过去分词)

6、boomer ─── n.生育高峰中出生的人;赶往新兴地区安家的人;发育完全的雄袋鼠;异常大的东西;巨浪;大雄袋鼠;n.(Boomer)(美、加、俄、泰)布默(人名)

7、Bloomer ─── n.[机]初轧机;从前女用灯笼裤;纰漏;开花植物;n.(Bloomer)人名;(英)布卢默

8、bloomery ─── n.锻铁炉;熟铁块吹炼法

9、bloopers ─── 引起杂音的收音机;大挫折(blooper的名词复数)

bloomer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But then, I don't have to tell you who he really works for, do I?And for the record, he dropped out of grad school.Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 为什么,我,埃里森,一个退学生,竟然在美国最具声望的学府里这样厚颜地散布异端?

2、She was a late bloomer. ─── 她大器晚成。

3、He made a tremendous bloomer ─── 他犯了个大错.

4、At middle-school she was a late bloomer , and it wasn't until she went to university that she began to exhibit her talent. ─── 在上中学的时候她的智力开发比较慢,直到进了大学,她的才能才展露出来。

5、She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong. ─── 她有点大器晚成,她有她的孩子,有她的事业,她真的是很强的。

6、late bloomer ─── n. 开花晚的植物, 智力发展晚的人

7、intermediate bloomer ─── 中间初轧机中间开坯机座

8、Updating of Pass System for Large Round Bar Rolled in Bloomer ─── 初轧机轧制大圆钢的孔型系统改进

9、Having always been below average in height, my son proved to be a (late bloomer) , growing 6 inches during his first year in college. ─── 我儿子算是一个后长个的,因为他一直在高度上低于平均身高,但是在大学的第一年里他就长了6英寸。

10、Fracture Control of the Accumulater on the 1700 Bloomer of Anshan Iron and Steel Complex ─── 鞍钢1700初轧机蓄势器的断裂控制

11、She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong. ─── 她有点大器晚成,她有她的孩子,有她的事业,她真的是很强的。

12、an early bloomer ─── 早开花植物

13、He said: "My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer." ─── 他说:“我爸爸总是对我说我是个大器晚成的人。”

14、Roll separation capacity of 1300mm bloomer's screwdown device and its calculation ─── 1300mm 初轧机压下装置解脱能力分析

15、a late bloomer. ─── 大器晚成者

16、1.The article puts forward that polygonal pass contour is a stable pass for rolling large round bars through the updating of Beiman 825 Bloomer. ─── 通过对北钢825初轧机轧制大圆钢的孔型系统的改进,提出多角孔型是轧制大圆钢比较稳定的孔型系统。

17、Keywords Bloomer Screwdown device Dynamic feature Roll separation capacity Inseparable roll Screwdown in rolling; ─── 初轧机;压下装置;动态性能;解脱能力;贴辊;带钢压下;

18、She's definitely a late bloomer and she's just in a really great place. ─── 她肯定是一个迟熟的人,而她现在正处于一个很棒的位置。

19、2.The failure of the spindle half-coupling on the bloomer has been analysed by many methods, such as chemical analysis, mechanical property analysis and metallographic analysis. ─── 摘要利用化学分析、力学性能分析及金相分析等手段,对初轧机接轴半联轴节失效原因进行了分析。

20、And for the record, he dropped out of grad school.Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 根据记载,他是研究生时辍的学,开化得稍晚了些。

21、reversing bloomer ─── 可逆式初轧机

22、He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. ─── 他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

23、Maybe you are a late bloomer ─── 可能你大器晚成

24、Being a "late bloomer" is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of . ─── 身体晚熟是完全正常的,没有什么好害羞的.

25、Bloomer: We're going to use existing technology, which is in situ combustion, to heat the oil underground and through that process also upgrade it. ─── 布鲁墨:我们打算使用现有的火烧油层的技术对地下的石油进行加热,同时通过这个过程改进这项技术。

26、It consist of a 4 , 200 millimetre bloomer make in germany and a home make finishing mill. ─── 它包括一台从德国引进的4200毫米初轧机和一台国产精轧机。

27、One of his case studies is Donald Sonner,the 64- year-old head of Southern Bloomer Manufacturing Co. in Bristl,Tenn. ─── 他研究的对象之一,是位于田纳西州布里斯托尔的南方布鲁默尔制造公司的老板唐纳德·索奈尔。

28、He said: "My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer. I believe I'm the oldest person to win this award. " ─── 他说:“我爸爸总是对我说我是个大器晚成的人。我相信我是获得这个奖项里最老的人了。”

29、He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its lid on, spraying egg all over the kitchen. ─── 他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

30、Without Old Huang, Linlin couldn't have been an early bloomer. ─── 没有老黄,林林不可能很早就崭露头角。

31、Murakami was a late bloomer, writing his first work at age 29. ─── 村上春树大器晚成,29岁才写他的第一部作品。

32、bloomer girl ─── 大胆的女孩

33、Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 这是可以理解的。

34、Bynum was the anomaly of anomalies, an overweight late bloomer, as far away from being ready as you could get, who became a hard worker who soaked up coaching. ─── 拜纳姆绝对是异类中的异类,这个超重的胖小子,你永远琢磨不透,在教练那里他又是如此的勤奋。


36、bloomer boy ─── 伞兵

37、Keywords bloomer;polygonal;pass system; ─── 初轧机;多角;孔型系统;

38、baby bloomer ─── 小型初轧机

39、And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 根据记载,他是研究生时辍学的,开化得稍晚了些。

40、Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer. ─── 保罗初来时是一个非常迟钝的工作人员,我们几乎要开他,但最终证实他是一个有潜力的人。

41、One of his case studies is Donald Sonner, the 64- year-old head of Southern Bloomer Manufacturing Co. in Bristl, Tenn. ─── 他研究的对象之一是位于田纳西州布里斯托尔的南方布鲁默尔制造公司的老板唐纳德·索奈尔。

42、night bloomer ─── 晚上开花的植物

43、two-high bloomer ─── 二辊式初轧机

44、Reliability Analysis of Roller Adjusting Device of Bloomer ─── 初轧机轧辊调整装置可靠性分析

45、for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 记载,他是研究生时辍的学,开化得稍晚了些。

46、A day bloomer opened and I decided to put it next to the night bloomer early in the AM in order to get this picture. ─── 一朵白天开的花,我决定在清晨将它和夜晚开的放在一起,而拍下这张照片.

47、He's a late bloomer, but he's also blessed with hoops smarts and proven toughness after overcoming what he's faced already in life at 24. ─── 他的挫折已经过去,但他仍然用他的智慧与韧性证明他能克服他在24岁所面对的事。

48、The result of this step is formal Bloomer learning test Chinese version. ─── 试测结果获得了布鲁默学习测验中文版新版的正式测题。

49、The inactivation of the spindle half-coupling on the bloomer has been analysed by many facilities, such as the chemical composition analysis, the mechanical property testing, the metallographic examination. ─── 利用化学分析、力学性能测定及金相检验等手段,对服役6个月即发生断裂的初轧机接轴半联轴节失效原因进行了分析。

50、But like any late bloomer,I was eager to make up for lost time.her name was ***. ─── 但是像所有大气晚成者一样,我渴望弥补失去的时间。她的名字是***。

51、So say I'm slow for my age, a late bloomer ─── 若说我大器晚成、大智若愚

52、And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 根据记载,他是研究生时辍的学,开化得稍晚了些。

53、As a late bloomer, Mr Nilekani argues, India can avoid mistakes made by early industrialisers, such as an overdependence on fossil fuels and unsustainable pension policies. ─── 耐卡尼先生论证说明,印度既然是较晚发展的新兴经济体,应该就可以记取较早发展的工业国家教训,避免重蹈覆辙,例如过度仰赖石化燃料、和投资无底洞般的养老金政策。

54、Preston J M,Christney A C,Bloomer S F,et al.Seabed Classification of Multibeam Sonar Images[J].Oceans,2001(4):2 616-2 623 ─── 曾生根,王小敏,范瑞彬,等.基于独立分量分析的遥感图像分类技术[J].遥感学报,2004,8(2):150-157

55、While it's true that we envy an early bloomer, it doesn't mean that we don't admire a late bloomer. ─── 早年得志固然让人羡慕不已,大器晚成也让人非常敬佩呢!

56、He made a tremendous bloomer. ─── 他犯了个大错。

57、three-high bloomer ─── 三辊开坯机

58、Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer. ─── 保罗初来时是一个非常迟钝的工作人员,我们几乎要开除他,但最终证实他是一个有潜力的人。

59、And for the record,he dropped out of grade school.Bit of a late bloomer. ─── 而且从他的履历上看,他小学没读完就辍学了。可以说是个大器晚成的人。

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