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varicose 发音

英:['v?r?k??s; -k?s; -z]  美:['v?r?,kos]

英:  美:

varicose 中文意思翻译



varicose 网络释义

adj. 静脉曲张的;曲张的,肿胀的

varicose 短语词组

1、esophageal varicose vein ─── 食管静脉曲张

2、varicose vein n. ─── 静脉曲张

3、varicose vein wound ─── 静脉曲张伤

4、varicose vein treatment ─── 静脉曲张治疗

5、varicose veins ─── [医] 静脉曲张

6、varicose ulcer ─── [医] 静脉曲张性溃疡

7、varicose tumors ─── [医] 瘤样静脉曲张

8、varicose fibers ─── [医] 念珠状 ─── [神经]纤维

9、varicose veins pain ─── 静脉曲张痛

10、varicose diathesis ─── [医] 静脉曲张素质

11、varicose veins symptoms ─── 静脉曲张症状

12、varicose aneurysm ─── [医] 动静脉瘤, 静脉曲张性动脉瘤

13、varicose ophthalmia ─── [医] 静脉曲张性眼炎

14、varicose acne ─── [医] 串珠状痤疮

varicose 相似词语短语

1、ariose ─── adj.如歌的,富于旋律的

2、narcose ─── adj.麻醉的

3、farinose ─── adj.粉末状的;含粉的;生淀粉的

4、varices ─── n.静脉曲张;脉管曲张(varix的复数)

5、cariose ─── 龋齿

6、varicoid ─── adj.静脉曲张样的

7、varicosis ─── n.静脉曲张病

8、vorticose ─── adj.旋转的;旋涡的

9、varico- ─── 静脉曲张

varicose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To compare the clinical curative effect and the pros and eons of microwave intracavitary minimally invasive treatment and traditional operation for varicose veins in lower extremities. ─── 摘要目的比较微波血管腔内微创治疗与传统手术治疗下肢静脉曲张的临床疗效与优缺点。

2、Here and there under the dirt there were the red scars of wounds, and near the ankle the varicose ulcer was an inflamed mass with flakes of skin peeling off it. ─── 污垢的下面到处还有红色的疮疤,脚踝上的静脉曲张已溃疡成一片,皮肤一层一层掉下来。

3、Varicose veins are really just swollen veins and are caused by increased blood volume and pressure on the legs and feet. ─── 静脉曲张其实就是肿胀的静脉,这是由腿部和脚部的血量增加和压力引起的。

4、Keywords varicose vein;surgical treatment;endovenous occlusion; ─── 下肢静脉曲张;外科治疗;静脉腔内闭合;

5、Operative procedure on varicose vein ─── 曲张静脉手术操作

6、Surgical removal of varicose veins. ─── 曲张静脉切除术通过外科手术对静脉曲张的血管进行的切除

7、Out of the estimated 65m people with varicose vein conditions, only about 90,000 have used the company's procedure for treatment. ─── 在估计高达6500万的静脉曲张患者中,目前只有大约9万人采用了这家公司的疗法。

8、Excision of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢曲张静脉切除术

9、The medicinal qualities of their conkers, leaves and bark soothe varicose veins. ─── 七叶树的果实、叶子和树皮的药效能减缓静脉曲张。

10、No body skin mucous yellow dye, did not see the bleeder and rashes, abdominal varicose veins. ─── 全身皮肤黏膜无黄染,未见皮疹及出血点,未见腹壁静脉曲张。

11、Excision of varicose vein of head and neck ─── 头和颈部曲张静脉切除术

12、Foot's varicose vein stripper ─── 富特(氏)静脉曲张通条

13、Methods 148 patients with varicose veins of lower extremities had been treated by EVLT,their curative effects and short-term follow-up results were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析148例经腔内激光凝闭术治疗的下肢浅静脉曲张患者的疗效及近期随访结果。

14、The new technique can correct knots of varicose veins in the scrotum, known as varicoceles, that can adversely affect a man's sperm count and quality, research in Germany has shown. ─── 德国的研究发现新技术可以纠正影响男人精子数目和质量的精索静脉曲张(即精囊的曲张的静脉结)。

15、Excision of varicose vein of upper limb ─── 上肢曲张静脉切除术

16、Methods Clinical data were analyzed retrospectively in 87 patients with primarily or simple varicose veins of lower extremity treated by endovenous laser. ─── 方法回顾分析我们对87例原发性、单纯性下肢静脉曲张病人进行腔内治疗的临床资料。

17、Ligation of varicose vein of upper limb ─── 上肢曲张静脉结扎术

18、Objective To explore the causes of complications of varicose venous diseases of lower limbs treated by endovenous laser and methods of prevention and treatment. ─── 摘要目的探讨激光治疗下肢静脉曲张疾病的并发症原因及防治方法。

19、Methods 71 patients with varicose veins of lower extremity(94 legs)were treated with endovenous laser combined with high ligation in the epidural anesthesia. ─── 方法下肢静脉曲张71例94条腿,全部在硬膜外麻醉下行高位结扎静脉主干和曲张静脉团激光治疗。

20、The insufficiency of perforating veins is the main cause resulting in the recurrence of varicose veins after varicotomy in lower extremities. ─── 交通静脉功能不全是导致下肢静脉曲张术后复发的主要原因。

21、The most common symptom was shank edema(235 limbs,79 9%)in DDVI and superficial varicose vein(276 limbs,87 1%)in DVI. ─── DDVI最常见的表现是小腿部水肿 ,占 79 9% (2 35条腿 ) ,DVI组最常见表现是浅静脉曲张 ,占 87 1% (2 76条腿 )。

22、Excision of ovarian varicose vein ─── 卵巢曲张静脉切除术

23、Out of the estimated 65m people with varicose vein conditions, only about 90, 000 have used the company's procedure for treatment. ─── 在估计高达6500万的静脉曲张患者中,目前只有大约9万人采用了这家公司的疗法。

24、The causes of hemorrhoids are similar to the causes of varicose veins. ─── 导致痔疮形成的原因跟静脉曲胀的形成原因差不多。

25、Injection of sclerosing agent in varicose vein ─── 曲张静脉内硬化剂注射

26、Moreover, the serotonin-immunoreactive varicose fibres form thick neural network in the central body surrounding neuropils and the suboesophageal ganglion (SOG). ─── 5-HT阳性反应在柄、侧副叶、脑前桥侧髓和中央体的大部分及其周围的前脑髓区最强,并且5-HT阳性纤维在中央体周围的髓区和咽下神经节处形成了密集的网络。

27、For example, nausea, indigestion, constipation, backaches, cramps, and varicose veins are not uncommon in expectant mothers and may cause some concern. ─── 例如,恶心、食欲不振、便秘、腰痛、抽筋和静脉曲张并不是不常见的,而且可能导致关系极大的孕妇健康问题和胎儿的安全问题。

28、Knee pain and varicose veins. ─── 膝盖酸痛,腿上静脉曲张。

29、He had walked several kilometres over pavements, and his varicose ulcer was throbbing. ─── 他在人行道上走了好几公里,静脉曲张的地方又开始刺痒。

30、I've got varicose veins. ─── 我有静脉曲张症。

31、Lower extremity varicose vein ─── 下肢静脉曲张

32、Objective: To investigate the clinical effect and application of the microwave treatment of lower limbs varicose vein. ─── 摘要目的:探讨微波治疗下肢静脉曲张的临床疗效及应用。

33、Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably. ─── 此外,他的静脉曲张也开始痒了起来,使人难熬。

34、Endovenous Laser Treatment Combined with Operation for Varicose Veins of Lower Extremity[J]. ─── 引用该论文 吴学君,金星,种振岳,张十一,张精勇.

35、Great saphenous varicose vein ─── 大隐静脉曲张

36、Ligation of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢曲张静脉结扎术

37、primary varicose great saphenous vein ─── 原发性大隐静脉曲张

38、Beaglehole R,World J Surg Epidemiology of Varicose Veins 1986; 10: 898. ─── 孙建民,张培华,蒋米尔,等.上海市周围血管病流行病学的调查研究[J].中华外科杂志,1990,28(8):480.

39、Stripping of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢曲张静脉剥脱术

40、Division of varicose vein of head and neck ─── 头和颈部静脉曲张分开术

41、Stripping of varicose veins of head and neck ─── 头和颈部曲张静脉剥脱术

42、"This is nothing more than a varicose vein around your testicle," says Larry Lipschultz, M.D., chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Baylor college of medicine in Houston. ─── “那只是你睾丸周围的一个静脉曲张血管,”休斯顿贝勒医学院男性的生殖医学与外科主任,医学博士拉里利浦舒尔茨说道。

43、Injection of varicose vein with sclerosing agent ─── 曲张静脉注射硬化剂

44、Objective To discuss endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of non-varicose upper gastrointestinal bleeding and its nursing cooperation. ─── 目的探讨经内镜诊治非静脉曲张性上消化道出血的效果及配合和护理方法。

45、The feasibility analysis of the treatment with semiconductor laser of varicose veins is generalized. ─── 文章就利用半导体激光器治疗静脉曲张的可行性分析作了阐述。

46、Linton operation for varicose vein ─── 曲张静脉Linton手术

47、Phlebectomy of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢曲张静脉静脉切除术

48、Division of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢静脉曲张分开术

49、Methods CDE and 3D-CPA were performed to observe 53 cases of pelvic varicose veins. ─── 方法用彩色多普勒能量图观察盆腔静脉曲张症53例,并进行三维彩色能量成像观察。

50、Division of varicose vein of upper limb ─── 上肢静脉曲张分开术

51、Keywords Varicose vein of lower limb;Arthroscope; ─── 关键词下肢静脉曲张;关节镜;

52、Methods Totally 316 cases of great saphenous veins varicose were analyzed,who received the treatment of intracavitary laser irradiation for three years in our hospital. ─── 方法对我院近3年来采用激光治疗的下肢静脉曲张316例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果316例患者术后发生皮下淤血114例次;

53、Stripping of lower limb varicose veins ─── 下肢曲张静脉剥脱

54、We build various dispersion relations for temporal,convective and absolute instability analysis from both liquid and gas phase conservation of mass and momentum. There are two modes of solutions:para sinuous and para varicose. ─── 根据液体、气体的质量和动量守恒,推导出了Tem poral、Convective 和Absolute 不稳定雾化模型的各种特性方程,其解具有二种形式:para-sinuous和para-varicose。

55、Diosmin and Hesperidin are used widely in Europe for decreasing the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins, and also hemorrhoids. ─── 地奥司明和橙皮苷是在欧洲广泛使用,减少静脉曲张和蜘蛛静脉的外观,也痔疮。

56、Endoscopic varicose vein ligation ─── 套扎术

57、Varicose ulcer of lower extremity ─── 下肢静脉曲张性溃疡

58、Method: Varicose veins of lower limbs were treated with high ligation of great saphenous vein plus PCCS, and compared its clinical efficacy with purely traditional surgical operation. ─── 方法 :对下肢静脉曲张患者采用高位结扎加抽剥术并联合皮下连续环形缝扎法与传统的高位结扎加抽剥术的临床效果进行比较;

59、Babcock's sound for varicose veins ─── 巴布科克(氏)静脉曲张用探条

60、elasticized stocking intended to reduce pressure on the veins of the leg (as in case of varicose veins). ─── 为了减少对腿部血管的压力而经过弹性处理的长袜。

61、Abstract Ninety-two lower limbs in 64 patients including primary deep venous in competence (PDVI) and simple varicose veins (SVV) were examined by photoplethysmography (PPG) in the assessment of venous refill time (VRT). ─── 作者用光电容积描记(PPG)方法测定原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全和单纯性大隐静脉曲张共64例92条病肢的静脉再充盈时间(VRT)。

62、suture and ligation of varicose vein ─── 曲张静脉缝合结扎术

63、The mechanism and the feasibility of the treatment of varicose veins by semiconductor laser intravenous irradiation were analyzed. ─── 摘要对利用半导体激光器治疗静脉曲张的可行性及治疗机理进行了研究。

64、In beauty products lime essential oil is added to treat acne, brighten skin and reduce the appearance of varicose veins. ─── 在美容上,莱姆(青柠檬)更多的用来处理痤疮,提亮肤色,并减少静脉曲张

65、Extirpation of varicose vein of lower limb ─── 下肢曲张静脉摘除术

66、He had grown fatter, his varicose ulcer had subsided, leaving only a brown stain on the skin above his ankle, his fits of coughing in the early morning had stopped. ─── 他胖了起来,静脉曲张开始消褪,只是脚脖子的皮肤上还剩了块褐斑,早晨的咳嗽也好了。

67、Horse chestnut The medicinal qualities of their conkers, leaves and bark soothe varicose veins. ─── 七叶树 七叶树的果实、叶子和树皮的药效能减缓静脉曲张。

68、Objective To investigate the relationship between the varicosis and the smooth muscle cell (SMC) by studying the morphological changes of the SMC in the varicose great saphenous. ─── 摘要目的探讨大隐静脉曲张与平滑肌细胞(SMC)形态学改变之间的关系。

69、Methods From 2002, All 18 cases (21 legs) with varicose vein of lower extremity were treated with electrocoagulation. ─── 方法对我院自2002年以来收治的18例下肢静脉曲张病人(共21条患肢)均采取电凝术治疗。

70、Moreover his varicose ulcer had begun itching unbearably. He dared not scratch it, because IF he did so it always became inflamed. ─── 静脉曲张又开始痒得难忍难熬,可他连搔一搔也不敢,生怕给闹得红肿发炎。

71、Stripping of varicose veins of upper limb ─── 上肢曲张静脉剥离

72、Incidences of varicose veins among women will increase. ─── 女性静脉曲张发病率会增加。

73、Methods Of 180 cases of lower extremity varicose, 80 cases were treated by EVLT and 100 cases by traditional operation from Oct. 2003 to Jan. 2005. ─── 方法2003年10月至2005年l月太和医院80例采用EVLT及100例采用传统手术方法治疗下肢静脉曲张的临床资料分析,并二者进行了比较性研究。

74、Keywords great saphenous varicose;arc groove needle;intradermic suture; ─── 大隐静脉曲张;弧形槽针;皮内缝合;

75、Ligation of varicose vein of head and neck ─── 头和颈部静脉曲张结扎术

76、AChE-positive nerves w ere m ainly coarse fiber, w hile m ost of VIP-ir term inals show ed predom inantely w ith varicose. ─── AChE阳性神经以粗大纤维居多,VIP-ir神经多为膨体样神经末梢。

77、They had dressed his varicose ulcer with soothing ointment ─── 他们在静脉曲张的疮口上抹了清凉的油膏。

78、Until now he had been too much ashamed of his pale and meagre body, with the varicose veins standing out on his calves and the discoloured patch over his ankle. ─── 他的身体好生苍白消瘦,腿肚子青筋毕露,膝盖上长了白斑,这副德行,一直叫他免不了自惭形秽。

79、great saphenous varicose veins simple ─── 单纯性大隐静脉曲张

80、Treatment of varicose veins of lower extremity by gouging under arthroscope ─── 关节镜下微创刨削治疗下肢静脉曲张

81、Efficacy and safety of omeprazole injection made in China in adults with non-esophagus varicose upper gastrointestinal bleeding. ─── 国产注射用奥美拉唑治疗非食管静脉曲张上消化道出血的疗效与安全性。

82、Surgical Treatment for Varicose Vein ─── 下肢静脉曲张的外科综合治疗

83、In cases of varicose veins, short periods of sitting in postures such as Vajrasana may be beneficial. ─── 如果有静脉曲张的情况,缩短坐的体式的时间会比较有益,诸如雷电坐姿。

84、Phlebectomy of varicose vein of upper limb ─── 上肢曲张静脉静脉切除术

85、Treatment of Greater Saphenous Varicos Vein by Endovenous Laser Closure Combined with Routine Operation[J]. ─── 引用该论文 解远峰,于永山,赵堂海,齐秀艳,王海波,郭明金.

86、Objective To evaluate the advantage of endogenous laser treatment(EVLT) of lower extremity varicose veins vs traditional operation. ─── 目的评价下肢静脉曲张腔内激光治疗(EVLT)的优势,并与传统手术治疗方法进行比较。

87、New Technique for Treating Varicose Veins ─── 治疗静脉曲张的新技术

88、Objective To evaluate the advantage of endovenous laser treatment(EVLT) of lower extremity varicose veins vs traditional operation. ─── 摘要目的评价下肢静脉曲张腔内激光治疗(EVLT)的优势,并与传统手术治疗方法进行比较。

89、Diagnosis, workup and proper referral of common conditions viz. hernia, thyroid, piles & fistula, abdominal lumps, renal stones, varicose veins will be covered substantially. ─── 主要内容包括常见疾病如疝、甲状腺疾病、痔和瘘、腹部肿块、肾结石、静脉曲张等的诊断、鉴别和治疗方案。

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