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08-20 投稿


doxology 发音

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doxology 中文意思翻译



doxology 短语词组

1、doxology hymn ─── 道学赞美诗

2、doxology define ─── 强迫症定义

3、doxology youtube doxology youtube ─── 网站

4、doxology phil wickham ─── 多索医学phil wickham

5、doxology 95 ─── 多索学95

6、doxology lyrics ─── 道学歌词

doxology 词性/词形变化,doxology变形


doxology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Share of a time you gave God your personal doxology when you found His point. ─── 请你分享一次你恍然大悟明白神所说的之后,赞美神的经验。

2、' Magic listened when tha' sung th' Doxology. ─── 当你们在唱赞美诗的时候,魔法正在听着呢。

3、The tragedy is developed form the bacchanal doxology as one part of the fete ceremony of Dionysus. ─── 悲剧作为狄俄尼索斯祭祀仪式的一部分,是由酒神颂歌发展而来的。

4、It is a measured doxology. ─── 这是特意设计的赞美诗。

5、might sing th' Doxology," he suggested in his dryest grunt. ─── 或许该唱唱赞美诗。”他用干嗓子咕哝着建议说。

6、Colin was of an exploring mind and he knew nothing about the Doxology. ─── 科林有着爱探索的头脑,他也对赞美诗一无所知。

7、Doxology: Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;Praise Him, all Creatures here below; ─── 三一颂:赞美真神万福之根,地上生灵当赞主恩;

8、Share of a time you gave God your personal doxology when you found His point. ─── 请你分享一次你恍然大悟明白神所说的之后,赞美神的经验。

9、As soon as he does, he bursts out into a doxology (hymn of praise) as Paul often did when he was writing about Christ. ─── 当他一提到耶稣基督,就禁不住要发出颂赞,正如保罗一提到基督就发出颂赞一样。

10、It serves as a closing doxology which invites all nations to joyously worship the Sovereign Lord. ─── 它作为结尾的三一颂,邀请万邦万国一起来敬拜至高的耶和华。

11、I wonder now, as he chants the doxology, what that bungalow in Darjeeling looks like.It's interminable, his chanting and praying. ─── 纳南塔蒂唱赞美诗时我不禁想象他在大吉岭的那所带游廊的房子是什么样子的,因为他一换衣服和祷告起来便没完没了。

12、It serves as a closing doxology which invites all nations to joyously worship the Sovereign Lord. ─── 它作为结尾的三一颂,邀请万邦万国一起来敬拜至高的耶和华。

13、Santa Lucia's Paradise of The Twilight and A Doxology From The Genesis of Orient Ether. ─── 桑塔露琪亚的黄昏之乐园及以太东方初始地之神诵。

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