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08-20 投稿


incoherently 发音

英:[??nko??h?r?ntli; ??nko??her?ntli]  美:[??nk???h??r?ntli]

英:  美:

incoherently 中文意思翻译



incoherently 同义词

illogically | inarticulately |disjointedly | incomprehensibly | confusedly | unintelligibly

incoherently 短语词组

1、incoherently jabber ─── 语无伦次地叽叽喳喳

2、incoherently talking ─── 语无伦次

3、incoherently antonym ─── 语无伦次的反义词

4、incoherently define ─── 不连贯地定义

5、incoherently def ─── 语无伦次地

6、incoherently meaning ─── 语无伦次的意思

incoherently 反义词


incoherently 词性/词形变化,incoherently变形

名词: incoherentness |副词: incoherently |

incoherently 相似词语短语

1、inherently ─── adv.内在地;固有地;天性地

2、incoherent ─── adj.语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的

3、incompetently ─── adv.无能力地;不胜任地

4、coherently ─── adv.连贯地;前后一致地;条理清楚地;互相偶合地;凝聚性地

5、inclemently ─── 险恶地

6、incoherence ─── n.不连贯,无条理

7、incoherences ─── n.不连贯,无条理

8、incongruently ─── 不一致

9、incoherency ─── n.不连贯;语无伦次;无内聚力;无胶粘性(等于incoherence)

incoherently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When I'm recounting the latest development of " Finding The Right Shoes For That Dress," does he just see me, mouthing incoherently at him, while secretly picturing what he is really interested in? ─── 当我详细地向他讲述“如何为那件衣服搭配相应的鞋”的最新进展情况时,他是否只是看着我对他说些不相关的话,可同时却在暗中想着他真正感兴趣的事?

2、Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken. Others were quiet now, no longer afraid. ─── 他们中有一些人在这种慌乱地情况下,不停地喃喃自语,有一些人现在很安静,不再害怕。

3、She poured this brew down Xiangzi's throat and he did indeed open his eyes, but soon he fell asleep again, mumbling incoherently. ─── 给他灌下去,他的确睁开眼看了看,可是待了一会儿又睡着了,嘴里唧唧咕咕的不晓得说了些什么。

4、George mumbled incoherently to himself. ─── 乔治语无伦次地喃喃自语。

5、Some of them were still babbling incoherently, utterly panic-stricken. ─── 有许多人仍在语无伦次地唠叨着,完全一片恐慌。

6、talk incoherently ─── 东一句,西一句

7、utter words that do not hang together; talk incoherently ─── 颠三倒四, 语无伦次

8、“Some of their wounded lay in the snow, one babbling incoherently and the other screaming. ─── “他们的一些伤兵就躺在雪地上,一个在喋喋不休的念叨什么,其他的人则哭喊个不停。

9、He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny Southern California, and a home among the orange groves and flowers. ─── 而且还毫无条理地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的南加利福尼亚,以及他那坐落在一片桔树林和鲜花丛中的家园。

10、he talked incoherently when he drank too much. ─── 他喝的太多了,以至于说起话来语无伦次。

11、incoherently distributed souree ─── 不相干分布式信源

12、Incoherently coupled screening soliton pairs composed of spatially incoherent multimode beams ─── 空间非相干多分量光束构成的非相干耦合屏蔽孤子对

13、I ran to home crazily.Dad was there accidently, too. I told him incoherently what happened just then.Dad immediately called the priest to take the doll away. ─── 我发疯般的跑回家。碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。爸爸立刻打电话叫来主教让他把娃娃拿走。

14、He spoke incoherently. ─── 他说话语无伦次。

15、He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny Southern California, and a home among the orange groves and flowers. ─── 同时,他又含含糊糊地、不连贯地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的南加利福尼亚,以及桔树和花丛中的他的家园。

16、She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor. ─── 她前言不搭后语地对他表示感谢,好像受到了什么恩惠。

17、When you hear an old woman shouting incoherently,you charge inside and discover it's smoke. ─── 你听到一个老妇人无条理地大喊大叫,你冲了进去发现它在冒烟。

18、Is not it speak incoherently no longer to become , learn how to become an educated person who has good manners yet, though has not accomplished yet, should refueled. ─── 变得不再语无伦次了,还学会了如何做一个有教养有气质的人,虽然还没做到,但要加油。

19、Maybe because I taught incoherently today in my class, or m... ─── 在某些程度上,一 个人的品味与她...

20、: He talks incoherently. ─── 他说话颠三倒四的。

21、Michael: (incoherently) I took a girl to crematory, she was a ghost. ─── 迈克尔:(语无伦次地)我拉个女孩子到火葬场去,她是个鬼。

22、To talk rapidly and incoherently ─── 急促而不清楚地说

23、He saw that Hendrik was paralyzed with terror. The bow lookout, Maetsukker, cowered near the prow, shouting incoherently, pointing ahead. Then he too looked beyond the ship. ─── 布莱克松看到亨德里克吓得呆若木鸡。船头守卫马苏克蜷缩在船头,手指前方,语无伦次地狂叫。布莱克松于是也望向船头前方的海面。

24、To utter rapidly or incoherently. ─── 急促或含混地说

25、To speak rapidly or incoherently; jabber. ─── 急促不清地说话急促而含混地说话;急促而不清地说话

26、The man shook his fist, as he uttered these words incoherently. ─── 那人一边挥动着拳头,一边语无论次地说。

27、Jielong Shi, Yuangyuang Chen, Qi Wang, “Bright-dark incoherently coupled soliton pairs composed of spatially incoherent solitons” Chinese optics letters Vol.3, No. 11, (2005 ─── 陈园园,王奇,施解龙,“空间非相干多分量光束构成的非相干耦合屏蔽孤子对”,

28、He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny southen california, and a home among the orange groves and flowers. ─── 同时,他口齿不清地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的加利福尼亚,一级在橘树和花丛中的家园。

29、I know I express myself incoherently, but I've tried to hammer out the idea. ─── 我知道我的阐述不够连贯,但我已经尽力表达了我的意思。

30、Is hit ignorant multi-plum Necker as if somewhat to speak incoherently: looks like all defeats to be the same, this competition regarding us is also very painful. ─── 被打懵了的多梅内克似乎有些语无伦次:“就像所有的失败一样,这场比赛对于我们来说也是非常痛苦的。

31、When I'm recounting the latest development of " Finding The Right Shoes For That Dress," does he just see me,mouthing incoherently at him,while secretly picturing what he is really interested in? ─── 当我详细地向他讲述“如何为那件衣服搭配相应的鞋”的最新进展情况时,他是否只是看着我对他说些不相关的话,可同时却在暗中想着他真正感兴趣的事?

32、Hereafter, the stage next piece laughs, because she was already excited speaks incoherently. ─── 我觉得自己能得到提名就已经很不错了,能拿到最佳男主角实在是一件很幸福的事情。”

33、She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor. ─── 她前言不搭后语地对他表示感谢,好像受到了什么恩惠。

34、It happened that father was home.I told him what had happened incoherently. ─── 碰巧爸爸也在家,我语无伦次得告诉他刚才发生的事情。

35、He sputtered incoherently in his anger. ─── 他气得说话结结巴巴,语无伦次。

36、Recently discovered that somebody likes speaking at a venture very much, even speaks incoherently. ─── 最近发现某某人很爱乱说话,甚至语无伦次。

37、Listen to what he did say, my heart felt very happy, and fires it faces blush, incoherently said : "I meant nothing, but the bottom is the most hair shampoo sister, How do your friends. ─── 听他那样说,我的心里觉得很甜蜜,脸羞得通红,语无伦次地说:“我算什么,不过是个社会最底层的洗头妹,哪能做你的故知。”

38、“Bright-dark incoherently coupled soliton pairs composed of spatially incoherent solitons”Jielong Shi, Yuangyuang Chen, Qi Wang, Chinese optics letters Vol.3, No. 11, (2005 ─── “空间非相干多分量光束构成的非相干耦合屏蔽孤子对”,陈园园,王奇,施解龙,

39、Some patients present the disposition change selfishly, the performance like, subjective, biased, anxious, oversuspicious, are agitated testiness, speak incoherently. ─── 有的患者出现性格改变,表现如自私、主观、偏执、焦虑、多疑、烦躁易怒、语无伦次。

40、To talk incoherently or aimlessly. ─── 胡扯,胡说语无伦次地或漫无边际地说

41、Dong beginning of the tree can also walk activities, but keep their body from fate, seemed to speak incoherently. ─── 段董树一开始还能够行走活动,但全身上下不停地冒着冷汗,说话显得有些语无伦次。

42、talking idly or incoherently. ─── 说话无用的或无条理的。

43、Semi-analytical study of incoherently coupled spatial optical soliton pairs in saturable photorefractive media ─── 非相干饱和光折变空间光孤子对的半解析研究

44、She poured this brew down Xiangzi's throat and he did indeed open his eyes, but soon he fell asleep again, mumbling incoherently. ─── 给他灌下去,他的确睁开眼看了看,可是待了一会儿又睡着了,嘴里唧唧咕咕的不晓得说了些什么。

45、So the court verdict was to speak incoherently, is it possible that Donald Tsang government is not that a villainous government? ─── 因此,判决书是语无伦次的,难道曾荫权政府还不是一个缺德的政府吗?

46、"She's got it, " he said, incoherently, thinking of money. "Let her give me some. " ─── “她已经得到了,”他语无伦次地说,心里想着金钱。“叫她给我一些。”

47、We love seeing politicians fall from their ivory towers, bumble through incoherently, and fail us at the most important hour. ─── 我们喜欢看政治家从他们的象牙塔上掉下来,把一切弄糟,然后在最重要的时刻辜负我们。

48、Yeung Sai Wai explained that she had to go home.But Eric stated that he sent her to the place where she wanted to go.It made us have the query that Yeung Sau Wai was talking incoherently. ─── 杨秀惠解释指当时正好要回家,但孙耀威却称送杨秀惠到她要去的地方,令人质疑杨秀惠是否前言不搭后语,孙耀威也取笑她不知是否约见第二个男朋友。

49、After he heared the news, he sputtered incoherently in a rage. ─── 他听到消息之后在盛怒中讲话语无伦次。

50、This time I have spoken incoherently, today is the most illusion time which in my professional profession experiences, is also my mountain peak, I must thank fan's support. ─── 此时我已语无伦次,今天是我职业生涯中经历的最梦幻的时刻,也是我的巅峰,我要感谢球迷的支持。

51、incoherently adv. ─── 语无伦次地;

52、Melly had hurled herself into his arms crying incoherently, holding him as though she would never let him go. ─── 他现在有了命令人的习惯和一种镇静自恃与尊严的神气,两个嘴角也长出了严厉的皱纹。

53、To speak wildly, irrationally, or incoherently. ─── 瞎说漫无天地,毫无道理或语无伦次地胡说

54、The patient began to rave incoherently at the nurse. ─── 病人对护士说起胡话来。

55、He also babbled incoherently of his mother, of sunny southen california, and a home among the orange groves and flowers. ─── 同时,他口齿不清地谈到了他的母亲,谈到了阳光灿烂的加利福尼亚,以及在橘树和花丛中的家园。

56、" I, for one, won't forgive you or anyone else who fumbles for a piece of scrap paper and then mumbles incoherently until the orchestra starts playing. ─── 我不会原谅他或者任何获奖者摸索出一张破纸,支支吾吾地哼唧到音乐响起。

57、This method is to detect and track direct wave at receiving station.Received direct signals are integrated incoherently, filtered, made analysis of spectrum and then time synchronous signals are got. ─── 在接收站对直达波进行检测和跟踪,再经非相干积累、滤波、谱分析等处理来提取同步信号,分析其性能。

58、My facial expression is serious, a little anxious alittle speaks incoherently. ─── 我神情严肃,有点紧张有点语无伦次。

59、Babbling Curse Description: Causes the victim to speak incoherently. ─── 让被害者胡言乱语。

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