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08-20 投稿


cheerly 发音

英:[['t???l?]]  美:[['t??rl?]]

英:  美:

cheerly 中文意思翻译



cheerly 短语词组

1、cheerly pokemon clover ─── 快乐的口袋妖怪三叶草

2、cheerly man ─── 快活的人

3、cheerly def ─── 愉快地

4、cheerly man lyrics ─── 欢快的男人歌词

5、cheerly meaning ─── 愉快的意思

6、cheerly mean ─── 愉快地刻薄

cheerly 相似词语短语

1、cheery ─── adj.愉快的,活泼的

2、cheekily ─── adv.厚脸皮地

3、cheesily ─── 厚颜无耻地,

4、sheerly ─── adv.完全地;全然地

5、cheerled ─── 国家

6、cheer ─── n.欢呼,喝彩声;愉快,欢乐的气氛;让人开心的理由;加油歌,加油诗;(喜庆场合供应的)酒菜;v.欢呼,加油;安慰,鼓舞;(使)高兴起来;n.(Cheer)(美、英、加、澳)舍尔(人名)

7、cheeky ─── adj.无耻的;厚脸皮的

8、cleverly ─── adv.聪明地;n.(Cleverly)人名;(英)克莱弗利

9、cheerily ─── adv.高兴地,兴高采烈地;快活地

cheerly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Father sighed, walk into car room, discover that is hopeful however what is the child drawing out cheerly in equestrian dung. ─── 父亲叹了口气,走进车房,却发现那乐观孩子正兴高采烈地在马粪里掏著什么。

2、Though I hope she accepts him cheerly. ─── 不过,还是希望她可以好好地接受他。

3、Looking at you, I feel myself just as lowered by your charm as down into the dust, but deep in my heart my love for you blossoms cheerly. ─── 望着你时,我觉得自己很低很低,低到了尘埃里,只是我的心里是喜欢的,于是从尘埃里开出花。(这是张爱玲写给恋人胡兰成的一句话,一度很喜欢,也来试着译一下.

4、Little clever boy returns the home cheerly in, carrying mom on the back, expended very large interest put on shoe. ─── 小猴兴高采烈地回到家里,背着妈妈,费了很大的劲儿把鞋子穿上了。

5、Hear a song that echoes cheerly ─── 听到一支欢快的歌曲

6、Search engine spider the first day to run to your website to look cheerly, pretty good, have achieve formerly, fresh. ─── 搜索引擎蜘蛛第一天兴高采烈跑到您网站来看看,不错哦,有原创,新鲜。

7、Every time people is mentioned cheerly 9.. ─── 每当人们兴高采烈地谈起九...

8、Only reapers, reaping early, In among the bearded barley Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly; ─── 只有收割,收获早, 在大麦中的胡子 听到一首歌曲的回声欣然 从河流蜿蜒清楚;

9、We cannot be here and there too. Cheerly, boys; be brisk awhile, and the longer liver take all. (Retire Servingmen ─── 我们可不能一身分两处呀。来,孩子们,大家出力!(众仆退后)

10、"Vermicelli made from bean starch " people play cheerly. ─── “粉丝”们玩得兴高采烈。

11、And Miss Cai agreed his suggestion cheerly , as she believed John is the right person she chose. ─── 蔡女士欣然同意,因为她相信自己不会选错的。

12、And Miss Cai agreed his suggestion cheerly, as she believed John is the right person she chose. ─── 蔡女士欣然同意,因为她相信自己不会选错的。

13、Zhang Wanji goes cheerly interview. ─── 张婉姬兴高采烈地去面试。

14、When darling is working cheerly , father mother should affirm him, also want to encourage him at the same time. ─── 当宝宝在兴高采烈地做事时,爸爸妈妈们要肯定他,同时也要鼓励他。

15、"Was made a noise to wake, see air hostess runs cheerly to pilot. ─── “被吵醒了,看到空中小姐兴高采烈地向机长跑去。”

16、Accept change cheerly, but never give up your own idea. ─── 欣然接收改变,但是不要摒弃你的个人理念。

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