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08-20 投稿


armadillos 发音

英:[?ɑ?m??d?l??z]  美:[?ɑrm??d?lo?z]

英:  美:

armadillos 中文意思翻译



armadillos 词性/词形变化,armadillos变形

名词复数: armadillos |

armadillos 短语词组

1、armadillos diseases ─── 犰狳病

2、armadillos digging in yard ─── 犰狳在院子里挖掘

3、armadillos restaurant ─── 犰狳餐厅

4、Hairy armadillos ─── 毛茸茸的

5、armadillos for sale pets ─── 出售宠物的犰狳

6、armadillos diet ─── 犰狳饲料

armadillos 相似词语短语

1、peccadillos ─── 轻罪,小过失(peccadillo的名词复数)

2、armadillo ─── n.[脊椎]犰狳

3、picadillos ─── 麻点

4、armillas ─── 阿米利亚斯

5、grenadillas ─── 百香果类植物的果实;百香果类的植物

6、tomatillos ─── n.粘果酸浆(tomatillo的变形)

7、granadillas ─── n.鸡蛋果,大果西番莲;百香果类之植物

8、piccadillos ─── 皮卡迪洛

9、tamarillos ─── n.番茄(主要产于新西兰)(tamarillo的变形)

armadillos 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Three-banded armadillos ─── n. 三带犰狳属

2、speaking of the wild turkey we saw last time, we saw a wild rabbit and a wild armadillo this time! ─── 这边碗还没洗完,那边姐姐已经给妹妹换上了姐姐自己的旗袍,披上了姐姐的丝巾,好得脸贴脸了。

3、Long-nosed armadillos ─── n. 犰狳属

4、I have never saw the armadillo. ─── 我从来没有看过犰狳。

5、The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates ─── 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲.

6、Bet you didn't notice the armadillo. ─── 我打赌你一定没有注意到那只犰狳。

7、Northern naked-toed armadillo Cabassous centralis ─── 五趾裸尾犰狳(犰狳科)

8、naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America. ─── 南美洲热带尾巴无毛的犰狳。

9、Steven: Oh, I can remember now, it seems like armadillo, but i am not so sure. ─── 哦,我想起来了,好像是犰狳,不过我不太确定.

10、Hairy armadillos ─── n. 毛犰狳属

11、Giant armadillo ─── 大犰狳(犰狳科)

12、He was inspired by fossils of armadillos and sloths. ─── 犰狳和树懒化石让他获得了灵感。

13、Having a hard covering of scales, spines, or horny plate, as an armadillo or a lobster ─── 有甲壳的有鳞片状、棘状突起或者角质小片状的硬壳,例如象犰狳或者龙虾

14、Apart from corn, the Mayas also cultivated cotton, beans, tobacco and cacao, hunted wild rabbits, caught lizards and armadillos. ─── 有时候,他们还饲养火鸡和鸭子。除了自由人,玛雅城邦里还有奴隶,他们主要是战俘。

15、armadillo gene ─── arm 基因

16、Avoiding handling and consuming armadillo meat will drastically reduce the already small risk posed by armadillos, Truman says. ─── 避免运输和贩卖犰狳肉可以彻底减少本微小的犰狳导致疾病的可能性。

17、Armadillo) - Methane engine Finalized and coated internally by Ncoat Inc. ─── 犰狳的甲烷发动机定稿?

18、nine-banded armadillo ─── 九带犰狳

19、Clonal analysis shows that the main downstream components of the Wg pathway, including Frizzled, Dishevelled and Armadillo, are autonomously required for ISC self-renewal. ─── 果蝇在遗传学上的优势将有助于进一步解析肠道干细胞的调节机制及肠道肿瘤等疾病的发生机制。

20、One of my favorite animals is the mammal called the armadillo. ─── 其中我最喜欢的动物是哺乳动物被称为犰狳。

21、This is what makes coral reefs and armadillos out of bacteria, Darwin said --accumulated microchange. ─── 这种变化,达尔文说,就是让细菌变成珊瑚礁和犰狳的变化,也就是累进的微小变化。

22、Hairy long-nosed armadillo ─── n. 毛长鼻犰狳

23、Ben: Whales, platapusses and armadillos don't get lice. ─── 本:鲸鱼,鸭嘴兽,还有犰狳他们不生虱子。

24、This is what makes coral reefs and armadillos out of bacteria, Darwin said --accumulated micro change. ─── 这种变化,达尔文说,就是让细菌变成珊瑚礁和犰狳的变化,也就是累进的微小变化。

25、The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates. ─── 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。

26、The largest living armadillo is called the Giant Armadillo. ─── 目前现存的最大犰狳被称为最型犰狳。

27、Ross: I'm the Holiday Armadillo, your part-Jewish friend. You sent me here to give Ben some presents. Remember? ─── 我是光明节犰狳,你的有犹太血统的朋友。你派我来给本一些礼物的,还记得吗?

28、Armadillos can move quickly even though it has short legs and are good swimmer;able to last 6 minutes underwater. ─── 虽然犰狳的腿很短,它们跑得却相当快,而且它们还是游泳能手,能在水下坚持六分钟之久。

29、Ben: No! Why can't the Armadillo leave? I want Santa! ─── 不!为什么光明节犰狳不走呢?我要圣诞老人!

30、Unlike armadillos, which sport some jointed, movable plates, glyptodonts were armored with mostly immovable plates. ─── 而它们不一样的是,犰狳的铠甲是有接缝的、可移动的,而雕齿兽武装的铠甲则大多无法移动。

31、Monica: Okay Ben, why don't you come open some more presents, and Santa, the Armadillo, and I have a little talk in the kitchen? ─── 好的,本,你去拆礼物吧,我和圣诞老人、光明节犰狳到厨房里谈会儿话。

32、armadillo scale ─── 山甲片

33、Darwin discovered fossils resembling huge armadillos, and noted the geographical distribution of modern species in hope of finding their "centre of creation". ─── 达尔文发现类似巨大犰狳的化石,并记录了现代物种的地理分布,希望能找到它们的“创造中心”。

34、Armadillos aren't the only creatures who rely on gravity to get the ball rolling. ─── 犰狳是唯一依靠重力形成球形铁甲团滚动的动物。

35、Ross: I'm the holiday armadillo! I'm a friend of Santa's and he sent me here to wish you (Points to Ben) a Merry Christmas! ─── 我是光明节犰狳!我的朋友圣诞老人派我来祝你(指着本)圣诞快乐!

36、order of mammals having few or no teeth including: New World anteaters; sloths; armadillos. ─── 牙齿很少或没有牙齿的哺乳动物;包含北美食蚁动物;树獭;犰狳。

37、the armadillo's protective shell of bony plates ─── 犰狳的一层防护性鳞甲

38、Six-banded armadillo ─── n. 六带犰狳属

39、When you're driving on 2222, You always have to be on the lookout for armadillos-- not to mention the occasional deer-- commonly "encountered" on Austin roadways. (Others sometimes use the term "crushed" here.) ─── 你在2222号公路上驾车时,总得注意在奥斯汀车道上常常会“遇到”(一些人有时会用“压扁”这个词)犰狳,有时还会跳出一只鹿。

40、you think Brazil and you think soccer, you naturally think three-banded armadillos, right? ─── 想起巴西,你就会想到足球,然后就会自然而然想到那只三色犰狳,对吧?

41、A: To show the armadillo that it was possible. ─── 为了证明给犰狳看吃它们是不可能的.

42、and a pair of Brazilian archaeologists who determined armadillos can change the course of history. ─── 以及两位巴西人类学家,他们的研究成果是犰狳能改变历史进程。

43、The smallest, called the Pink Fairy Armadillo, lives on the plains of western Argentina. ─── 当你走近他们的时候,他们正在专心志致地挖掘而没有发觉你;

44、Armadillo has already made a qualifying flight and, if none of the other teams can match or beat that by the end of the month, it will walk away with the top prize of $1m. ─── 其中Armadillo公司已经完成了资格赛的飞行,如果到本月底没有其他参赛队伍与之匹敌或打败它,它将顺利的把1百万美元最高奖金收入囊中。

45、Naked-tailed armadillos ─── n. 裸尾犰狳属

46、No, why can't the armadillo leave?I want Santa. ─── |不要,为什么不是犰狳走呢?

47、The Default Project File, added in Armadillo 3.40, is a filename you can use to save your default settings for new projects. ─── 缺省工程文件,在3.40版增加,是你可以用来为新建工程保存缺省设置的文件名。

48、Termites are an important part of the diet of the nine-banded armadillo. ─── 图片中的这个家伙是一只九带犰狳,白蚁是它最主要的食物。

49、There are over 20 species of armadillos. ─── 有超过20种的犰狳。

50、A longhorn steer attended, as did an armadillo named Scooter. ─── 出席盛会的还有一头长着长角的肉牛和一只叫作斯库特的犰狳。

51、Due to NCAA sanctions, the Texas State University Fightin'Armadillos must form a football team from their actual student body, with no scholarships to help, to play their football schedule. ─── 根据美国大学体育协会的规定,德州州立大学被迫组成一支橄榄球队,由于没有奖学金的支持,愿意加入橄榄球队的学生少的可怜。

52、Based on that information we will generate an Armadillo registration code that will be sent to the customer. ─── 产品设置向导将提示您输入以上信息,然后我们会根据那些信息生成适合发送给客户的Armadillo注册码。

53、Armadillos aren't the only creatures who rely on gravity to get the ball rolling. ─── 犰狳是唯一依靠重力形成球形铁甲团滚动的动物。

54、South American armadillo with three bands of bony plates. ─── 南美洲犰狳,有三节鳞片。

55、of or belonging to the order Edentata,which includes mammals having few or no teeth,such as anteaters,armadillos,and sloths ─── 贫齿目的,属于贫齿目的,包括无齿和少齿的哺乳动物,如食蚁兽、犰狳和树懒

56、armadillos; American anteaters; sloths. ─── 犰狳;美洲食蚁动物;树獭。

57、a South American armadillo(Burmeisteria retusa) having yellow-brown armor and whitish hair ─── 一种南美洲犰狳(圆头倭犰狳属圆头倭犰狳),有黄褐色的甲壳和带白色的皮毛

58、Of or belonging to the order Edentata, which includes mammals having few or no teeth, such as anteaters, armadillos, and sloths. ─── 贫齿目的属于贫齿目的,包括无齿和少齿的哺乳动物,如食蚁兽、犰狳和树懒

59、Well, we've managed to avoid the armadillos and now we're at The Oasis ─── 好了,我们已经设法避开犰狳,到了绿洲餐馆了。

60、The giant armadillo, by far the largest of the armadillos, can weigh more than 60 pounds. ─── 巨型犰狳石目前发现的最大的犰狳,重量可以超过60磅。

61、Monica: What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo? ─── 圣诞老人去哪了,光明节犰狳?

62、Because armadillos also wandered in the desert? ─── |因为犰狳也在沙漠里晃荡?

63、and a pair of Brazilian archaeologists who determined armadillos can change the course of history. ─── 以及两位巴西人类学家,他们的研究成果是犰狳能改变历史进程。

64、Armadillos have poor vision and can't withstand prolonged frosts and must nestle into the ground to avoid the cold. ─── 它们的视力很差,不能抵御长久的霜冻,所以必须在地上挖洞,住在洞里来抵御寒冷。

65、The largest living armadillo is called the Giant Armadillo.It lives in eastern South America, can grow up to 5 feet long and 150 pounds. ─── 最大的活犰狳叫巨型犰狳,生活在东部的南美洲,长大后有五英尺长, 重150磅。

66、"He excavated some giant sloth fossils in Patagonia and some glyptodon, which is a giant, extinct armadillo, and he realized - well, there are armadillos down there today. ─── 他在巴塔哥尼亚挖掘出一些巨大的树袋熊的化石,还有一些巨大的、业已灭绝的南美犰狳的化石。

67、Armadillos can move quickly even though it has short legs and are good swimmer; able to last 6 minutes underwater. ─── 虽然犰狳的腿很短,它们跑得却相当快,而且它们还是游泳能手,能在水下坚持六分钟之久。

68、Hairy armadillo ─── 毛犰狳(犰狳科)

69、The Beginning of the Armadillos ─── 犰狳的起源

70、I dedicate Towel Day, Armadillo Day, No Socks Day, and Juggling Day to my mom. ─── 我要把毛巾节、犰狳节、无袜节和杂耍节都献给我妈妈。

71、The armadillo is found in the American South and in Central America. ─── 犰狳生活在美国南部和中美洲地区。

72、armadillo protein ─── 犰狳蛋白

73、Due to NCAA sanctions, the Texas State University Fightin Armadillos must form a football team from their actual student body, with no scholarships to help, to play their football schedule. ─── 说明:本游戏版权归作者所有。本游戏由网上搜集整理,本站不承担任何技术及版权问题;

74、Lepromin armadillo skin test ─── 南美犰狳麻风菌素皮肤试验

75、Pink fairy armadillo ─── n. 红毛犰狳

76、Armadillo Girdled Lizard ─── n. 犰狳环鳞蜥(犰狳蜥科,环鳞蜥)

77、Bacteria, armadillos, or computer transistors can make choices according to various reward schemes, weighing immediate sure gain over future greater but riskier gain. ─── 细菌,犰狳,或是计算机半导体都可以根据各种回报方案,在唾手可得的确定收获与远期更大的风险和收获之间作权衡。


79、armadillo lizard ─── 犰狳蜥

80、Companies that have competed in the lunar lander challenge so far include Armadillo Aerospace, TrueZer0, Masten Space Systems, Unreasonable Rocket and BonNova. ─── 到目前为止参加登月飞行器挑战赛的公司包括ArmadilloAerospace,TrueZer0,MastenSpaceSystems,UnreasonableRocketandBonNova。

81、Last year Armadillo Aerospace (based in Rockwall, Texas) won first place and $350,000 in the easy category. ─── 去年,Armadillo宇航公司(位于德克萨斯州的罗克沃尔)获得了初级挑战级别的第一名和35万美元奖金。

82、A ten-stringed mandolin of Andean regions with a sound box traditionally fashioned from the shell of an armadillo or tortoise, now also made of wood. ─── 夏朗哥:安第斯山脉地区的十弦曼陀林,其音箱部分,传统上取材自犰狳壳或乌龟壳,但今日也有木制的

83、large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle. ─── 犰狳或海龟身上大的骨质或角质的板。

84、Some 850 species of birds have been identified and rare species such as the giant otter and the giant armadillo also find refuge there. ─── 此处已发现八百五十多种鸟类以及罕见的巨型水獭和庞大的犰狳等动物。

85、In theUnited States, armadillos are a major reservoir of leprosy infection. ─── 在美国,犰狳(qiú yú,俗称“披甲猪)是主要的麻风传染源。

86、Earlier this month Masten Space Systems (of Mojave, California) replicated Armadillo's efforts with a lander called Xombie, qualifying for the second prize ($150,000). ─── 本月初,马斯腾空间系统公司(位于加州的莫哈韦)设计的“Xombie号”着陆器在同一赛事上获得二等奖(150,000美元)。

87、But the chipmunks, butterflies, waterfowl, song birds and armadillos are all around. ─── 但是花栗鼠,蝴蝶,水鸟,会唱歌的小鸟和犰狳却一直在你身边。

88、Armadillo can grow up to 75 cm. including tail; ─── 犰狳能长到75厘米长,包括尾巴在内。

89、Their Muppety, monkeylike appearance belies their true taxonomical standing, more closely related to anteaters and even armadillos. ─── 树懒近似猴子布偶般的外表,也使大家误解牠们的分类地位,事实上牠们和食蚁兽、犰狳的亲缘关系较接近。

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