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08-20 投稿


preface 发音

英:['pref?s]  美:['pr?f?s]

英:  美:

preface 中文意思翻译




preface 短语词组

1、preface to a dictionary of the ─── 英语词典序言

2、preface to lyrical ballads ─── 抒情歌谣序

3、preface synonyms ─── 前言同义词

4、a preface from the pen of ─── 由…代写的序言

5、preface information ─── [计] 前导信息

6、preface definition ─── 前言定义

7、aphoristic preface ─── 格言序言

8、preface to a dictionary ─── 词典前言

9、preface to leaves of grass 《 ─── 草叶序》

10、preface etymology ─── 前言词源学

11、preface by ─── 序言

12、preface app ─── 前言应用程序

13、preface antonym ─── 序反义词

preface 词性/词形变化,preface变形

动词第三人称单数: prefaces |动词过去分词: prefaced |动词过去式: prefaced |名词: prefacer |动词现在分词: prefacing |

preface 习惯用语

1、preface with [by doing] sth. ─── 以某事为开场白; 在讲主要问题之前先讲某事

preface 相似词语短语

1、prefaces ─── n.开场白;序文(preface的复数);vt.给…作序(preface的第三人称单数);vi.作序;讲开场白(preface的第三人称单数)

2、foreface ─── 前颜面

3、prefade ─── vt.给(衣服或织物)作预退色

4、proface ─── 深渊

5、reface ─── vt.重修表面

6、prefacer ─── n.前言;引语(preface的变形)

7、prefaded ─── vt.给(衣服或织物)作预退色

8、paleface ─── n.白人

9、prefaced ─── v.为……作序;以……作为开场白,作为……的开端(preface的过去式和过去分词)

preface 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The preface to this book is on the preceding page. ─── 前边一页是这本书的序言。

2、I should preface my comments with the realization that the age of your girlfriend will certainly affect cultural perspectives and attitudes. ─── 俺得事先声明,恁女朋友的年龄肯定会影响到恁的文化视角和态度。

3、A famous writer wrote a preface to this book. ─── 一位著名的作家为这本书写了前言。

4、The subject has been referred to cursorily in the preface. ─── 这个问题在序言中已粗略地提到了。

5、I was nearing my nineteenth birthday and I did not know how to pronounce the word "preface" . ─── 我马上就十九岁了,可我不知道怎样发“序言”这个词的音。

6、There's something you haven't got, I suppose, and this is the preface. ─── 你准是缺少点什么东西,先来这么一个开场白。

7、The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel's report: “Science never has all the answers. ─── 国家科学院院长BruceAlberts在专家团报告的前言中加上了这一重要观点:“科学解答不了所有问题。

8、Preface with [by doing] sth. ─── 以某事为开场白;在讲主要问题之前先讲某事

9、This article has been divided six parts in all: preface, four chapters, as well as a epilogue. ─── 全文分前言、四个章节以及结束语,共六个部分。

10、In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book. ─── 在前言中,作者说他写这本书用了8年的时间。

11、This paper consists of five parts:The first part is a preface. ─── 全文在结构上分为五个部分:第一部分为前言。

12、Anyone who is interested in the book's history should see page one of the preface. ─── 对这本书的历史感兴趣者可参阅前言的第一页

13、Can you sort me out on how to write this preface? ─── 你能对怎样写这个前言给我提点建议吗?

14、The dissertation consists of seven parts: I ) Preface, II ) Catalog, III ) Text, IV ) Tag, V ) Bibliography, VI ) Appendices and VII ) Postscript. ─── 全文包括前言、目录、正文、结束语、参考文献、附录和后记,共七个部分。

15、Preface the output value with blank spaces if the value is signed and positive. ─── 如果输出值有符号且为正,则在该值前加空格。

16、Now, three months later, that preface is already out of date, and so a new one has to be prepared. ─── 到现在,过了三个月,那篇序言已经过时了,只好重新写一篇。

17、In the preface to the book it is stated that, “Telemetry for the surveillance of every citizen is on the drawing boards. ─── 在书的前言中写到,“用于监视每个公民的遥感监测正在筹划中。

18、Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war. ─── 她那部关于战争的著述之前有几页论证严谨的序言。

19、Preface is engaged in newspapering old, hard to avoid leaves such and such regret. ─── 前言 从事新闻工作多年,难免留下这样那样的遗憾。

20、Preface Formal statement before the text of a book by the author, explaining how he came to write the book.As distinct from Foreward. ─── 书本正文前的正式说明,由作者撰写,解释他写作该书的目的和原因。有别于前言。

21、A preface or prologue,as to a literary composition,especially an early English play. ─── 前言引言或序幕,如文学作品的前言,尤指早期英国剧作的序幕。

22、This dissertation is composed of four chapters: the preface is about connections between aesthetic culture and teleplay. ─── 全文共分四章来展开叙述:引言简略分析了审美文化与电视剧之间的间性互动关系。

23、What did the writer say in the preface of the book? ─── 作者在这本书的序言里说了些什么?

24、There was a brief introduction of the book in the preface. ─── 前言中有对书的简单介绍。

25、In the preface to one of his plays Bernard Shaw remarks that people are more superstitious today than they were in the Middle Age. ─── 萧伯纳在他一个剧本的前言中提出这样的看法:今天人们比在中实际时更加迷信。

26、A preface or prologue, as to a literary composition, especially an early English play. ─── 前言引言或序幕,如文学作品的前言,尤指早期英国剧作的序幕

27、In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book. ─── 作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。

28、The wine before you may serve for a preface. ─── 你面前的葡萄酒也许能当作引子。

29、The preface and table of contents of a book. ─── 书的目次有点乱,还需要再调整一下。

30、Just to preface, I've worked with MS OSes since the beginning, including all MSDOS and all NT versions. ─── 从一开始我就使用微软的操作系统包括MSDOS和各种NT版本。

31、Different literary forms including biography, mandates and memorials, rhyme-prose and preface and postscript during those periods are also covered. ─── 以文体为纬,包含传状类之传记体、奏议类之疏、辞赋类之赋体、序跋类之序文等等。

32、The paperconsists of the preface, the introduction, the four-chapter text and the conclusion. ─── 全文包括前言、导论、四章正文和结语。

33、The preface mainly explains the meaning of the conception of action libera in cause and the necessity of research. ─── 前言主要介绍了我国刑法中原因自由行为概念的意义以及研究的必要性。

34、The preface introduces the significance which Arnold Pacey's theory brings to Marxist philosophy. ─── 主体由三个层次组成,第一层次从一般逻辑的意义上探讨了技术实践价值观的功能及其意义;

35、In her preface she pours out vials of wrath on her detractors. ─── 在序言里她对她的诽谤者表示愤慨。

36、Thd preface gives a brief introduction on the intention and significance and the pre study of this topic. ─── 在前言中,概述了本文的研究目的、意义、研究资料与方法,介绍了一些与本课题相关的研究成果。

37、The main contents are as follows:The first, the standpoint has been posed in the preface through analysis of the related researching. ─── 主要思路如下:第一部分引言在分析了当前本课题相关研究的状况的基础上提出本文的问题;

38、In his preface he claims an 'anxious desire to speak the unvarnished truth'. He equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters. ─── 他在序文里说“急着要把丝毫未加渲染的实际情况叙述出来”。他在那部小说里插印了一幅地图,还加了一些记实性章节。

39、Why does the Book of Mormon appear to paraphrase from the preface to the King James Version of the Bible in Helaman 5:31 and Alma 19:6? ─── 为什麽《摩门经》的希拉曼书五章三十一节和阿尔玛书十九章六节看起来像是《圣经》英王詹姆士译本的前言的改述呢?

40、The preface is written on the surface of the furnace that faces the space facilities. ─── 序言写在面对太空设施的火炉表面。

41、In the post titled "All About Depression," Cui says he wrote it as preface for his upcoming new book. ─── 在一份叫做“关于抑郁症”的帖子里,崔永元说这是他新书的前言。

42、Years later, Yilin Press is reprinting this book and invites me to write a preface, so I read it all over again. ─── 几年后的今天,译林出版社要再版这本书,并让我为这本书写个序。

43、In the preface of this book,you will know how to use the index to find chapter you wanted. ─── 在这本书的前言部分,你将了解如何用索引查找所要章节。

44、The article has three parts: preface, formal part and epilogue . ─── 全文共分成前言、正文、结语三个部分。

45、Preface: Formal statement before the text of a book by the author, explaining how he came to write the book. As distinct from Foreward. ─── 书本正文前的正式说明,由作者撰写,解释他写作该书的目的和原因。有别于前言。

46、An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface. ─── 序幕先于较重要部分的介绍性表演,事件或行动; 开端或序

47、McDonnell, Steward T.A.Pickett, editors ;preface by Gene E.Likens ;foreword by William J.Cronon. ─── 书名/作者 Humans as components of ecosystems :/the ecology of subtle human effects and populated areas //Mark J.

48、In the preface the author states his intentions in writing the book. ─── 作者在前言中陈述了自己写书的意图。

49、The preface introduce general situation,emergence and development of letter fiction. ─── 前言介绍书信体小说的概况、产生和发展。

50、An essay written as a preface to a more detailed work. ─── 序言作为更为详细的作品的序言而写的文章

51、In his preface to the "Larger Catechism," Luther wrote: "We know that our defence lies in prayer. ─── 在他的“大要理问答”的前言中,路德写到:“我们知道我们的保护来自祷告。

52、My email address is at the end of the Preface of each of my books and I read all the email that I receive. ─── 我的电子邮件地址印在了这几本书前言的末尾,我会看收到的每一封邮件。

53、He wrote a preface to the play. ─── 他为剧本写了前言。

54、Introduction: Description of the subject matter, style of presentation and uses of a book. See Foreword, Preface. ─── 例言(使用说明):说明书的内容、体裁或使用方法的文字。参阅前言,序言。

55、preface of the book includes an account of the author's life. ─── 该书前言记述了作者生平。

56、A preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author. ─── 前言,序言尤指非作者所写的书的序言或介绍性部分

57、The Song Dynasty scholar Mi Fu called Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection the world's best work in xing calligraphy. ─── 宋代米芾称之为"天下行书第一"。

58、Remember I asked you from the preface, John Ray's preface, to figure out who Dolly Schiller is, who dies in childbed. ─── 还记得我曾让你们找出约翰·雷序言中的,死在产床上的多莉是谁。

59、Has your history book a preface? ─── 你的历史书有预言吗?

60、In the stalk pole spare part production line,it is a key work preface that straightener keep after the hot processing. ─── 在轴杆类零件生产过程中,热处理后校直是一道关键工序。

61、Secondly, the character of "title and preface adding to Diao" enhanced the idea of "expressing myself". ─── 其次,词作“调外有题序”的特征显示了“四学士”时作词“自遣”这一意识的强化;

62、An introductory performance,event,or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface. ─── 序幕先于较重要部分的介绍性表演,事件或行动;开端或序

63、He has written a fine preface to the play. ─── 他为这个剧本写了一篇精彩的序言。

64、An introductory performance, event, or action precedinga more important one; a preliminary or preface. ─── 序幕先于较重要部分的介绍性表演,事件或行动;开端或序。

65、Now being able to write a preface to Comrade Wang Yidi's collection of essays, I feel greatly honored. ─── 如今,能为王一地同志的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。

66、Preface: discuss the background of crimes involving virtual property. ─── 序言主要是讨论虚拟财产犯罪研究背景。

67、Now, you may read the preface and contents of the book first. ─── 你看一下书的前言和目录就知道了。

68、Nesbit, preface by Christopher Morley. ─── 作者声明: by E.

69、Preface: Numbers in parenthesis refer to the room in the corresponding level in the map section. ─── 前言:在插入的括号数字请查阅主地图部分相应层的房间。

70、Charter one is the preface to declaim concisely the research aim and meaning for this thesis. ─── 从库存控制和管理的基本理论介绍开始,分析了供应链管理理论产生的背景和供应链管理的基本理论。

71、The vehicle park the time contain preface, very neat, the cLearner'ss unify, the beauty is generous. ─── 五、车辆停放有次有序,整整齐齐、清爽统一、美观大方。

72、An informal brunch served as a preface to the three-day conference. ─── 以一顿非正式的早午餐做为三天会议的开端

73、His mother, Jeni, who edited the material and wrote a preface for the book is publishing it at her son's request. ─── 他的妈妈珍妮为了满足儿子的遗愿,亲自编辑了这些材料并为书写了序。

74、The thesis has been incorporated by three parts, including preface, five chapters and epilogue. ─── 全文共分个三部分,包括引言、正文和结语,正文共分五章。

75、In the preface to In Search of Our Mothers'Gardens (1983), Alice Walker coined the word Womanist for a black feminist or feminist of color. ─── 在《寻找母亲的花园》(1983)的扉页上,艾丽斯·沃克为黑人女性主义者及有色人种女性主义者创造了妇女主义一词。

76、The actuality and history background of the quantum"s entanglement has been introduction in preface. ─── 在综述中简要介绍量子纠缠的发展状况及其历史背景。

77、They saw the evil of their own time “not as throwback but preface”. ─── 他们将自己所处时代的邪恶势力视为”序幕,而非过往”。

78、As soon as a new book comes to hand, I always read the preface first and then the table of contents. ─── 书籍到了我的手里,我的习惯是先看序文,次看目录。

79、Preface the output with zeros until the minimum width is reached. ─── 在达到最小宽度之前在输出前面加上零。

80、Foreword: Introduction to a book, not written by the author.As distinct from a "preface"which is written by the author. ─── 前言:书籍内,不是作者写的介绍文字。与作者写的[序言]有别。

81、The preface explains how to use the dictionary. ─── 前言说明如何使用这本词典。

82、Stone and Zenobia Barlow ;foreword by David W.Orr ;preface by Fritjof Capra. ─── 书名/作者 Ecological literacy :educating our children for a sustainable world /edited by Michael K.

83、A. I find it a great honor to be asked to write a preface to this collection of his essays. ─── 能为他的这本散文集子作序,我觉得很荣幸。

84、The preface and table of contents of the book are a bit messy and need further adjustment. ─── 书的序目有点乱,还需要再调整一下。

85、In his preface he claims an "anxious desire to speak the unvarnished truth". He equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters. ─── 他在序文里说“急着要把丝毫未加渲染的实际情况叙述出来”。他在那部小说里插印了一幅地图,还加了一些记实性章节。

86、The preface concerns on the background, aim and basic programming. ─── 前言阐述了写作背景、目的与基本思路。

87、In the preface of this book, you will know how to use the index to find chapter you wanted. ─── 在这本书的前言部分,你将了解如何用索引查找所要章节

88、Lanting became known for Wang Xizhi and his Preface to Lanting. ─── 兰亭,因王羲之与《兰亭序》而闻名于世,书法活动长盛不衰。

89、In the preface of the second half of Don Quixote, Cervantes said that he was once invited to visit China by the Emperor. ─── 塞万提斯在《堂吉诃德》下卷卷首《献辞》中提及中国大皇帝邀请他来中国。

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