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08-20 投稿


by-wash 中文意思翻译



by-wash 相似词语短语

1、body wash ─── 沐浴露;沐浴乳

2、car wash ─── 洗车处

3、dry wash ─── 干河床

4、bagwash ─── n.初洗;初洗洗衣店

5、jet wash ─── 喷射冲洗

6、backwash ─── n.回流,逆流;后果,反响;浪涛

7、eyewash ─── n.无稽之谈;骗局;洗眼水;表面文章

8、by water ─── 由海路,乘船;由水路

9、to wash ─── vt.水洗…


可以。如:Her mother is washing their clothes.Are their clothes being washed (by her mother)wash用法表示"洗",其常见用法有:

(1) 后面不接宾语,如: Will the cloth wash? 这种布耐洗吗?

(2) wash +宾语,如: I washed my face and hands. 我洗了脸和手。

(3) wash +间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物),如: Would you mind washing me this shirt? 请替我洗一下这件衬衫,好吗?

(4) wash +直接宾语(物)+for +间接宾语(人) Would you mind washing this clothes for me? 你能给我洗这件衣服吗?

(5) wash +反身代词,如: Go upstairs and wash yourself all over! 到楼上去洗个澡。

衬衫上的显示“easy care”是什么意思?

easy care短语:easy-care leather 易保养革 ; 易调养革 ; 易颐养革 ; 皮革类英语easy-care finish 免烫处理 ; 免烫加工easy-care 免烫Easy Pet Care 托人照看宠物Relatively easy to care 比较容易照料Easy to care 容易照料easy-care sheep 无需助产的羊easy to care for 容易照顾的Easy and care 易与打理造句:

1、In short, it is always more than you think in easy care.释义:总之,它永远比您想象中的更容易护理。

2、It is easy care by machine wash an tumble dry.释义:它可以随意小心地由机械洗和翻转干洗。

3、To be a textile fiber, PTT has plenty of advantages such as soft handle, excellent elastic recovery property and dying characteristic, easy care etc.释义:它具有柔软的手感、优异的回弹性、易染性、易保养性等诸多特点,这都是它用于纺织面料的优势所在。

4、Meanwhile, in order to improve the handle and comfortability of the pretreated fabric, softening with amino silicone and easy care finishing with low form aldehyde are adopted.释义:为提高处理织物的手感和舒适性,采用氨基硅油进行柔软整理和低醛树脂进行防皱整理。

5、All those rodents are easy to care for and take up very little space.释义:所有这些啮齿目动物都容易照看,而且只占很小的空间。

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