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trustee 发音

英:[tr?s'ti?]  美:[tr?'sti]

英:  美:

trustee 中文意思翻译



trustee 网络释义

n. 受托人;托管人vt. 移交(财产或管理权)给受托人

trustee 同义词

bank | reliance | expect | trustingness | hope | consignment | conviction | belief | credit | dependence | assume | desire | trustfulness | corporate trust | accept | syndicate | depend | care | rely | confidence | on | consortium | faith | custody | obligation | security | confide | satisfaction | intrust | assign | institution | commit |believe | rely on | cartel | certainty | have faith in | entrust | depend on | protection | monopoly | swear | combine | commend | commission

trustee 反义词

mistrust |distrust

trustee 词性/词形变化,trustee变形

动词过去式: trusteed |动词现在分词: trusteeing |动词过去分词: trusteed |动词第三人称单数: trustees |

trustee 短语词组

1、official trustee ─── [法] 官方受托人, 正式受托人

2、incorporated trustee ─── [经] 注册受托人

3、general trustee ─── [法] 全面受托人

4、passive trustee ─── [法] 消极受托人

5、managing trustee ─── [经] 经管受托人

6、judicial trustee ─── [法] 司法受托人

7、conventional trustee ─── [法] 约定受托人

8、active trustee ─── [法] 自动信托受托人

9、express trustee ─── [法] 明示受托人

10、custodian trustee ─── [法] 保管受托人

11、indenture trustee ─── [经] 契约受托管理人

12、disclaimer by trustee ─── [法] 受托人拒绝信托

13、disclaimer of trustee ─── [法] 受托管理人的弃权书

14、co-trustee ─── 共同受托人

15、honorary trustee ─── [法] 名誉受托人

16、owner trustee ─── [经] 业主受托管理人

17、ordinary trustee ─── [法] 普通受托人

18、bare trustee ─── [经] 无条件的受托人

19、continuing trustee ─── [法] 连任受托人

20、appointment of trustee ─── [法] 受托人的指定

trustee 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The trustee undertakes to trust the obligation to the client, including faithful obligation and attention obligation. ─── 受托人对委托人承担信赖义务,包括忠实义务和注意义务。

2、Where the assets of an estate do not exceed $200,000, the Official Receiver is appointed trustee or liquidator by a summary procedure order. ─── 如接管的财产不超过20万元,破产管理署署长会按简易程序令获委任为受托人或清盘人。

3、The trustee owes a duty of care to beneficiaries. ─── 受托人对受益人负谨慎义务。

4、I understand that the Trustee may not be able to process this instruction if I fail to provide any information requested in this Form. ─── 本人明白倘若本人未能提供本表格所需的资料,信托人将可能无法处理有关指示。

5、The settlement represents something of a coup for the trustee Irving Picard. ─── 该协议显示了受托人欧文?皮卡德的一些妙计。

6、The position or function of a trustee. ─── 受托管理授托人的职责或作用

7、Hung Wei, Trustee of Fremont Union High School District. ─── 佛利蒙高中学区委员魏红代表受赠单位致词。

8、If the Proposed Policyholder(s) is/are Trustee(s) of an existing trust, please use the Trustee Application Form (available on request). ─── 如果建議保單持有人是現有信託的信託人,請使用信託人申請表格(可供索取)。

9、III.A trustee shall be responsible for the clearing and settlement of the capital of enterprise annuity fund entrusted to him/it. ─── 三、托管人负责所托管企业年金基金的资金清算和交收。

10、Acting as trustee for someone else or is in a position of trust. ─── 作为某人的受托人或处于被信任位置的。

11、McGovern is also a trustee of MIT, the Whitehead Institute and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. ─── 同时他还担任麻省理工学院、 Whitehead 研究院和麦戈文人脑研究院的董事。

12、The trustee has a duty to keep proper account and produce them for inspection to any beneficiary when requested. ─── 受托人有义务备好帐簿,以供任何一个受益人检查。

13、Should a trustee withdraw his or her auction targets, he or she shall pay costs as agreed upon to the auctioneer. ─── 委托人撤回拍卖标的的,应当向拍卖人支付约定的费用;

14、Trust property is defined as property transferred to the trustee by the settlor, which the trustee isrequired to manage and deal with accordingly. ─── 信托财产,是由信托人转移给受托人并由受托人按照一定的信托目的进行管理、处分的财产。

15、IN WITNESS whereof the Trustee hereto has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. ─── 为昭信守,受托人于上述日期盖章签字。

16、In a trust, the trustee is the legal owner of the property, while the beneficiary is the equitable owner who receives the real benefit of the trust. ─── 在信托中,受托人是财产的合法所有权人,而受益人是获得信托真正好处的衡平法上的所有人。

17、He has served as trustee of the Kano Lebanon Club and the Kano Club. ─── 他曾担任卡诺黎巴嫩社及卡诺社的理事。

18、AIA Pension and Trustee Co. Ltd. shall have the right to claw back any bonuses paid if monthly contribution is discontinued within the first 12 months. ─── 如每月供款于首十二个月内终止,美国友邦退休金管理及信?有限公司有权撤回任何已付之奖金。

19、ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary. ─── 所有权,受益人享有衡平法了的所有权。

20、That indicates what type of account the trustee has on the system. ─── 它指示受信者在系统上所具有的帐户的类型。

21、But its always better to have a corporate trustee appointed to avoid Will annexation. ─── 委任信托机构为执行人/信托人是最好的选择。

22、The trustee has a duty to pay money and transfer property only to persons who are entitled pursuant to the trust. ─── 受托人有义务只向信托证书授权的人支付金钱和转让财产。

23、When working with access control entries, you specify a trustee to which you are assigning the rights. ─── 在使用访问控制项时,您指定向其分配权限的受信者。

24、In a similar way I am, or I have been, trustee of one kind or other for scores of our customers. ─── 同样,我是,或者说曾经是,数十上百个客户的经办人。

25、The parties heretofore acting as trustee. ─── 在此以前作为受托人的当事人。

26、Between the settlor and the trustee due to unsuccessful creation of, or invalidation, cancellation or nullification of the trust deed. ─── 五因信讬行为不成立、无效、解除或撤销,委讬人与受讬人间。

27、A trustee is often a user or group, but it might also be a computer on the network or a recognized domain. ─── 受信者通常是一个用户或组,但它也可以是网络上的一台计算机或已识别的域。

28、A trustee has the right to approach the court for advice in circumstances where the trustee is unsure of what action to take. ─── 受托人在对如何行动缺乏信心的情况下有权征求法院的建议。

29、The University Foundation Fund (UFF) held its 5th Trustee Meeting yesterday (4 July) at the Conrad Hotel Hong Kong. ─── 大学基金于昨天(七月四日)假座港丽酒店举行第五次基金董事会会议。

30、They should be disarmed and administered by a trustee nation. ─── 他们可能会被缴械然后给一个托管国管理。

31、It is enforceable not only in personam against the trustee but in rem against the whole world except a bona fide purchaser for value without notice. ─── 它不仅在对人方面有对抗受托人的强制力,而且在对世方面有对抗全世界的强制力,除非一个善意的购买者不注意而购买了财产。其

32、The power to appoint a trustee may be provided expressly in the instrument that creates the trust (e. g. a will). ─── 创立信托的文件中(如遗嘱)可以直接规定确定受托人的权利。

33、The Trustee Council found 17 of 27 monitored species have not recovered. ─── 理事会发现,27个监测物种中还有17种尚未恢复。

34、She criticises Yang Zhiyuan treats Yahoo shareholder unfairly, in a lot of respects trustee of Dou Lingya tiger and employee feel disappointed. ─── 她指责杨致远不公正地对待雅虎股东,在很多方面都令雅虎董事和员工感到失望。

35、The committee may, from time to time, solicit and take on behalf of the trustee subscriptions and bequests to the fund. ─── 委员会可不时代表受托人征求和接受对基金的认捐及遗赠。

36、The fees paid by a judicial trustee may be deducted out of the income of the trust property unless the court otherwise directs. ─── 除非法院另有指示,否则由司法受托人缴付的费用,可从信托财产的收益中扣除。

37、Use this overload to set the trustee account and specify that a network computer be used to look up the account. ─── 使用该重载设置受信者帐户并指定使用网络计算机查找该帐户。

38、For the transaction to succeed, some means had to be found to compel the trustee to comply with the terms of the trust. ─── 为了保证该交易的成功,就需要一些方法迫使受托人遵守信托的条款。

39、For enquiry, please contact the approved trustee of your ORSO / MPF scheme. ─── 如有查询,请联络所参与公积金/强积金计划的核准受讬人。

40、The trustee is the person to whom the trust property is given. ─── 受托人是指财产接受者。

41、It is possible by contract for a trustee to exclude personal liability. ─── 受托人可以通过合同来免除个人责任。

42、When you establish a revocable living trust, you are allowed to be the trustor, the trustee, and the beneficiary of that trust. ─── 如果你设立的是可撤回生前信托,你本人可以是委托人,被委托人,和受益人。

43、Use this overload to set the trustee account and specify that the local computer be used to look up the account. ─── 使用此重载设置受信者帐户并指定使用本地计算机查找该帐户。

44、The trustee and relevant insiders are not allowed to reveal information before its disclosure. ─── 受托机构及相关知情人在信息披露前不得泄露其内容。

45、The trustee shall bear liability for the handling of the trust affairs by others to whom he entrust the trust affairs. ─── 受托人依法将信托事务委托他人代理的,应当对他人处理信托事务的行为承担责任。

46、The trustee shall inform timely the borrower of the replacement of the loan servicer. ─── 受托机构更换贷款服务机构应及时通知借款人。

47、Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable or beneficial ownership rests with the beneficiary. ─── 受托人享有法律上的所有权,受益人享有衡平法上的所有权或者说用益所有权。

48、The trust legal relation includes the tripartite party: client, trustee and beneficiary. ─── 信托法律关系包括三方当事人:委托人、受托人和受益人。

49、Her request for money is turned down by the trustee. ─── 她要钱的请求被托管人拒绝了。

50、The property obtained by the trustee through administering, using or disposing of the trust property or by other means falls within trust assets. ─── 受托人因信托财产的管理运用、处分或者其他情形而取得的财产,也归入信托财产。

51、A trustee, having completed the administration of a trust, has a right to receive a discharge from all beneficiaries. ─── 受托人在完成对信托的管理之后有权要求全体受益人出具证明书。

52、Between settlor and trustee, due to the establishment of the trust. ─── 一因信讬行为成立,委讬人与受讬人间。

53、The trustee may be the beneficiary, but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust. ─── 受托人可以是受益人,但不得是同一信托的唯一受益人。

54、Trust system is the legal relation among the client, trustee and beneficiary in the center with trust property. ─── 信托是委托人、受托人、受益人三者之间所存在的一种以信托财产管理和分配为中心的法律关系。

55、Trustee Bhichai Rattakul began the year as Foundation trustee chair and sought Scott's input in developing the goals before stepping down in July. ─── 保管委员陈裕财本年扶轮年度开始担任扶轮基金会主委并于7月辞职前,既委请史考特投入研发该目标。

56、The trustee agreed that the trustor determine the number of samples. ─── 受托人生产的模具,委托人有权确定样品数量,受托人无异议。

57、Some $90m was seized from the New York trustee with which shares of a privatised Argentine bank had been deposited. ─── 来自纽约一家受信托机构的大约9千万美元被没收,此前一家私有化阿根廷银行的股份就交由该机构打理。

58、Allow An access-allowed entry that causes the new rights to be added to any existing rights the trustee has. ─── 一个允许访问的项,它导致新权限被添加到受信者所具有的任何现有权限中。

59、The trustee can not refuse the trustor to check the progress of mould manufacturing, quality and test in the process of manufacture. ─── 在模具制造过程中模具模具,委托方有权随时检查制造进度、质量标准模具模具模具,并提取试验。

60、If the trustee has paid in advance with his inherent property, he has the priority right to get compensation from the trust property. ─── 受托人以其固有财产先行支付的,对信托财产享有优先受偿的权利。

61、Trustee - The person or institution that manages the property put in trust. ─── 保管人:管理受托财产的自然人或者机构。

62、The trustee has a duty to act in person and not to delegate to others. ─── 受托人有亲自履行的义务,并不得转托他人履行。

63、The court had to act because of the incapacity of the trustee. ─── 因为受托人无法律上的行为能力,法院不得不采取行动。

64、Why him? He can be trusted. How does one become a trustee? ─── 为什么是他?他可以被信任,怎样可以被信任?

65、Former New bzpcv York State Senator andf Company trustee Morris Frabklin was elected president. ─── 前纽约州参议员和公司董事富兰克林当选总裁。

66、A trust can be defined as a relationship whereby one person (the trustee) holds property (trust property) on behalf of another (the beneficiary). ─── 信托是这样一种法律关系:一个人(受托人)为另一个人(受益人)的利益而占有一定财产(信托财产)。

67、Of, relating to, or being a trustee or trusteeship. ─── 受信托的受信托人的或受信托状态的;与此有关的

68、A trustee has the right to be indemnified (to make good a loss) for any losses sustained in carrying out the role of trustee. ─── 受托人有权就因履行受托人职务而遭受的一切损失获得赔偿。

69、He became involved in this branch of civil engineering due to being an estate owner and turnpike trustee. ─── 作为不动产所有者和收费公路理事,他属于国内工程里的一支。

70、A Supervisory Committee oversees the Trustee and Manager in relation to the administration and management of TraHK. ─── 外汇基金投资有限公司委任的监督委员会,就盈富基金的管理及行政事务,监督信托人和经理人。

71、Where the trustee-trader entered into a contract with a third person, it directly enjoys the rights and assumes the obligations thereunder. ─── 第四百二十一条行纪人与第三人订立合同的,行纪人对该合同直接享有权利、承担义务。

72、If the trustor don't approbate the mould,the trustee must improve on the mould in days and the fee of reform the mould is borne by the trustee. ─── 在模具制造过程中,委托方有权随时检查制造进度、质量标准,并提取试验。

73、II.A trustee shall, upon the entrustment of a fiduciary, apply for opening securities account for enterprise annuity fund as an agent. ─── 二、托管人要根据受托人委托,为企业年金基金申请代理开立证券账户。

74、The document said the trustee, Daily &Knudson LLP, was founded in 1995 and is 'one of the most famous law firms on the West Coast. ' ─── 资料中说,托管公司Daily&KnudsonLLP创建于1995年,是西海岸最知名的律师事务所之一。

75、The violation was discovered before the bankruptcy petition was filed and continued after notification to the trustee. ─── 在填写破产申请之前已经发现其违法了,而在通知了受托人之后其违法行为仍在继续。

76、A trustee has power to do all acts necessary for the protection and administration of the trust property. ─── 受托人有权采取一切必要的措施来保护和管理信托财产。

77、The trustee must manage the trust property for the beneficiary. ─── 受托人对受益人负有信托义务。

78、A trustee is entitled to be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in carrying out their job as trustee. ─── 受托人有权对因执行信托工作而花费的费用获得补偿。

79、He will be found liable if he assists a trustee to commit a dishonest breach of trust. ─── 如果他帮助受托人不诚实地违反信托,他将被判处承担法律责任。

80、Her son took the Astor seat in 1986, and subsequently became an emeritus trustee as well. ─── 1986年,她的儿子坐上了她的位子,之后也成了名誉董事。

81、If your investment choice is not specified below, the Trustee will invest the relevant contributions in the default fund - CMG Stable Income Fund. ─── 如阁下并未于下方提供投资选择,受托人将把有关供款投资于设定基金-康联平稳基金.

82、Knowing that Jolyonm was Irene's trustee, all felt the delicacy of this question, and looked at Soames with interest. ─── 大家知道乔里恩是伊琳的委托人,都觉得这个问题有点微妙,全带着兴趣望着索米斯。

83、Institutions to promote the trustee, to establish a good credit risk reduction. ─── 七、推动机构受讬人,建立良好信用降低风险。

84、A trustee owes several duties to the beneficiary or beneficiaries. ─── 受托人对受益人负有多项义务。

85、The trustee shall bear liability of compensation if he violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the trust property. ─── 受托人违反前款规定,造成信托财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

86、A trustee has no right to remuneration unless the trust instrument specifically provides so. ─── 在信托证书有特殊规定时,受托人有权获得报酬。

87、His ruling put quite a different interpretation on the responsibility of trustee . ─── 他的裁定对受托人的责任提出很不相同的解释。

88、The trustee must obey and carry out be directions of the settlor. ─── 受托人必须遵守并执行财产赠与人的指示。

89、The new trustee shall inherit the rights and obligations of handling the trust affairs of the former trustee. ─── 原受托人处理信托事务的权利和义务,由新受托人承继。

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