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08-20 投稿


distemper 发音

英:[d??stemp?r]  美:[d??stemp?(r)]

英:  美:

distemper 中文意思翻译




distemper 同义词

slight | unneighbourly | detached | faint | apart | disparate | abstracted | aloof | distinct | indistinct | outlying | vague | frosty | out-of-the-way |remote | far-off | retiring | faraway | hazy | upstage | separate | far | unfriendly | removed | reticent | uncordial | aerial | reserved | back | cold | unapproachable | frigid | obscure | abroad | far-flung | afar

distemper 短语词组

1、distemper shot ─── 瘟疫丸

2、ewe distemper ─── [医] 羊温病

3、colt distemper ─── [医] 腺疫, 传染性卡他(幼马呼吸道传染病)

4、ferret distemper virus ─── [医] 雪貂瘟热病毒

5、feline distemper ─── 猫传染性胃肠炎

6、distemper shot side effects ─── 犬瘟热射击副作用

7、distemper signs ─── 犬瘟热征

8、distemper horses ─── 犬瘟热马

9、canine distemper-adenovirus type 2 parainfluenza vaccine ─── 犬distemper-adenovirus2型副流感疫苗

10、distemper in dogs ─── 犬瘟热

11、cat distemper ─── [医] 猫温病, 猫粒细胞缺乏症

12、equine distemper ─── [医] 马温病

13、canine distemper vaccine ─── [医]犬温热病疫苗:改良的活病毒疫苗,由犬温热病毒减毒株经组织培养而得,用于狗的免疫,预防犬温热病

14、canine distemper ─── [医] 犬温病

15、distemper vaccine-mink ─── [医]水貂温热病疫苗

16、canine distemper virus ─── [医] 犬瘟热病毒

17、distemper symptoms ─── 犬瘟热症状

18、distemper virus ─── [医]温热病病毒

19、Barbados distemper ─── [医] 黄热病

distemper 反义词

near |close

distemper 词性/词形变化,distemper变形

动词过去式: distempered |动词第三人称单数: distempers |动词现在分词: distempering |动词过去分词: distempered |

distemper 常用词组

canine distemper ─── 犬瘟热;犬温病

distemper 相似词语短语

1、distemperoid ─── 犬瘟热

2、distender ─── 分离机

3、mistempers ─── 薄雾

4、distemperate ─── 犬瘟热

5、distempered ─── adj.不健全的;紊乱的;v.身心失调;心烦意乱(distemper的过去分词)

6、distempers ─── n.瘟热(动物,尤指猫、狗的传染病);政治动乱;水浆涂料,胶画颜料;胶画法;v.用胶画颜料画

7、distempering ─── n.瘟热(动物,尤指猫、狗的传染病);政治动乱;水浆涂料,胶画颜料;胶画法;v.用胶画颜料画

8、to distemper ─── 激怒

9、mistemper ─── 薄雾

distemper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Vanine distemper virus ─── 犬温热病毒

2、attenuated canine distemper virus ─── 减毒犬瘟病毒

3、Dogs must be vaccinated against distemper. ─── 犬类必须接种疫苗以防犬热病。

4、K.As veterinary medicine improves and more dogs are immunized, fewer die young of distemper and parvovirus today than 30 years ago, Mr.Sampson says. ─── 他说,随着宠物医疗条件的改进,越来越多的狗得到免疫,现在因为犬瘟和细小病毒而死的壮年狗数量比30年前少多了。

5、Q: How is Canine Distemper prevented? ─── 如何预防犬瘟?

6、Because canine distemper also affects wildlife populations, contact between wild and domestic canids may facilitate spread of the virus. ─── 因为犬瘟还影响野生动物,野外犬科动物和家犬之间的接触会加大病毒的散播。

7、Progress on Immune Prevention of Canine Distemper ─── 犬瘟热免疫预防研究进展

8、Acute canine distemper ─── 犬瘟热

9、In another man's mind and understanding thy evil Cannot subsist, nor in any proper temper or distemper of the natural constitution of thy body, which is but as it were the coat or cottage of thy soul. ─── 对你是恶的东西并不存在于别人的支配原则之中,也不存在于你的身体的变化和变形之中。

10、Situation and Problems of the Immunological Protection against the Canine Distemper and Parvovirus Enteritis of Fox,Mink and Racoon Dog in China ─── 我国狐貂貉犬瘟热与细小病毒肠炎的免疫预防现状与问题

11、Construction and Identification of a Recombinant Canine Adenovirus Expressing Nucleocapsid Protein of Canine Distemper Virus ─── 犬瘟热病毒核蛋白基因重组腺病毒的构建、鉴定与表达

12、No treatment other than supportive care exists for canine distemper. ─── 不接受任何治疗的辅助治疗以外存在犬瘟热。

13、Immuuological Surey of Canine Distemper in Large Felids in Zoos ─── 动物园大型猫科动物犬瘟热的免疫监测

14、From the comments sounds like you may have a case of Canine Distemper. ─── 犬瘟热尚无特别有效的治疗方法。

15、My bedroom was painted with pink distemper. ─── 我的卧室是用粉红色水性涂料粉刷的。

16、British media said her distemper may have come when she heard William's sweet "I love you" to Kate. ─── 不过,有英国媒体调侃称,也许格蕾丝是因为听到了威廉对凯特耳语的“我爱你”才不高兴的。

17、ENTHUSIASM, n. A distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience. ─── 热情:青年人常患的一种疾病,内服小剂量的悔恨,外敷一些经验的膏药,即可治愈。

18、Abstract: It is a reviews on the diagnosis ,active immunization and vaccination failure factors of canine distemper (CD),as well as host range of canine distemper virus (CDV). ─── 摘 要: 本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。

19、Amplifying Gene Fragment of Deleted Hydrophobic Domains of Fusion Proteins of Canine Distemper Virus with OE-PCR ─── OE-PCR法扩增获得犬瘟热病毒缺失疏水区的融合蛋白基因片段

20、Investigation on Clinical Types of Canine Distemper and Its Treatment ─── 犬瘟热临床表现类型调查及其治疗方法

21、Wash the walls down well with soap and water before putting on the distemper. ─── 涂刷色胶前用肥皂水好好地冲洗墙壁。

22、Distemper is often fatal. ─── 犬瘟一般是致命的。

23、Their tempers, however, are short;when angered, Wookiees can fly into a berserker rage and will not stop until the object of their distemper is sufficiently destroyed. ─── 他们的脾气是短暂的,当他们生气时,武技族的暴怒只有在激怒他们的对象被彻底摧毁后才会停止。

24、What Use to make of the Tobacco, I knew not, as to my Distemper, or whether it was good for it or no; ─── 我不知道如何用烟叶来治病,也不知道是否真能治好玻81但我作了多种试验,并想总有一种办法能生效。

25、Killing various pathogen in the air and object surface including canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, cat distemper virus, etc. ─── 全面杀灭空气中和物品表面包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、猫瘟热病毒在内的各种病原。


27、Cloning and Expression of Canine Distemper Virus Nucleocapsid Protein Gene Fragment in E. Coli ─── 犬瘟热病毒核衣壳蛋白基因片段的克隆和表达

28、Research Progress of Molecular Biological Characteristics of Canine Distemper Virus ─── 犬瘟热病毒分子生物学特征研究进展

29、Canine distemper virus has been a cause of morbidity and mortality in many animals all over the world.Distemper goes through about four centuries from it was isolated firstly to today. ─── 摘要犬瘟热病毒引起多种动物的烈性瘟热病,遍及全世界,从最初的瘟热病毒的分离,到现在犬瘟热经历了近4个世纪的传播衍化过程。

30、Keywords canine distemper virus(CDV);Ailurus; ─── 关键词犬瘟热病毒;小熊猫;

31、The inclusion bodies located in ependymal cells were a important evidence for determination of canine distemper in brain tissues. ─── 位于室管膜细胞内的包涵体对于脑组织犬瘟热的确诊具有重要的作用;

32、How is Canine Distemper diagnosed and treated? ─── 如何诊断和治疗犬瘟?

33、Mink distemper ─── 水貂瘟热(动)

34、virulent canine distemper virus ─── 有毒犬瘟病毒

35、Clinical Diagnosis of Canine Distemper ─── 犬瘟热临床诊治

36、Isolation, Cultural Identification and Drug Sensitive Test of Respiratory Bacteria in the Cases of Distemper and Parvovirus Infection ─── 犬瘟热及细小满毒病例消化道呼吸道细菌的分离、培养鉴定及药敏试验

37、The study on canine distemper in red panda and its pathogen ─── 小熊猫犬瘟热病及病原研究

38、Canine distemper virus antibody test kit ─── 犬瘟热病毒抗体试剂盒(动)

39、Canine distemper is a highly contagious and serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and, often, the nervous systems of puppies and dogs. ─── 犬瘟是一种传染率高的疑难疾病,此病毒会破坏幼犬和成犬的呼吸系统、胃肠系统和神经系统。

40、Killing various pathogen in the air and object surface including canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, cat distemper virus, etc. ─── 全面殺滅空氣中和物品表面包含犬瘟熱病毒、犬細小病毒、貓瘟熱病毒在內的各種病原。收藏指正

41、All other remedies against that pestilent distemper are vain, or at least uncertain. ─── 一切其他治疗对那致命的温热病都是徒劳,至少没有把握。

42、ferret distemper virus ─── [医] 雪貂瘟热病毒

43、The Study on Safety and Immunogenicity of the Live Attenuated Canine Distemper Virus Vaccine for Ailurus ─── 犬瘟热减毒疫苗对小熊猫安全性与免疫原性研究

44、Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes (other than brushes of subheading No.9603.30); paint pads and rollers ─── 油漆、色胶、粉饰用或类似之刷(不包括第9603.30目之刷);油漆擦及滚筒

45、canine distemper vims ─── 犬瘟热病毒

46、homologous canine distemper antiserum ─── 同种犬温热抗血清

47、Barbados distemper ─── [医] 黄热病

48、distemper virus ─── 温热病病毒

49、Isolation and Drug Sensitive Test of Bacteria from Dogs with Distemper and Parvovirus Infection ─── 犬瘟热及细小病毒病病例细菌的分离鉴定和药敏试验

50、Keywords blade coating;coating;blade scratch;distemper precaution; ─── 刮刀涂布;涂料;刮刀痕;防范措施;

51、Keywords Canine distemper virus;Gene expression;Clone; ─── 犬瘟热病毒;基因表达;克隆;

52、Isolation and Identification of Ferret Canine Distemper Virus ─── 一株水貂犬瘟热病毒的分离与鉴定

53、Isolation and identification of a wild-type canine distemper virus strain ─── 犬瘟热病毒强毒株的分离与鉴定

54、The distemper held him a long time, and at length carried him off. ─── 他病了很长时间,最后谢世。

55、robbed of one's dignity; cured of distemper. ─── 剥夺了尊严;治愈了犬瘟热

56、Dog, mink distemper, dog tiny virus and so on virulent diseases. ─── 犬、水貂的犬瘟热、犬细小病毒等病毒性疾病。

57、However, they said there studies had indicated that it might combine with a virus from the paramyxovirus family-- which causes includes measles, mumps and canine distemper-- making the effects that much worse. ─── 但是他们又说,研究还表明这种病毒可以和副粘病毒家族(常导致麻疹,腮腺炎和狂犬病)另外一种病毒组合而造成更可怕的后果.

58、Now the distemper has spread across the Atlantic. ─── 如今,“美国不高兴”的情绪已经殃及了大西洋对岸的国家。

59、My neighbor 's dog died from distemper. ─── 我邻居的狗死于犬瘟热。

60、Pathological characterizations of the central nervous system (CNS) of dogs with acute canine distemper were the demyelination in white matter and the formation of inclusion body in astrocytes. ─── 为了进一步观察犬瘟热病毒引起的原发性脑损伤和包涵体形成的特点,调查脑组织的损伤与神经症状的关系,对10只急性犬瘟热病犬的脑组织进行了详细的病理学研究。

61、Vaccination and avoiding contact with infected animals are key elements of canine distemper prevention. ─── 注射疫苗和避免与患狗接触是预防犬瘟的关键因素。

62、distemper brush ─── 涂料刷

63、Diagnosis and Treatment of Mink Canine Distemper ─── 水貂犬瘟热病的诊治

64、phocine distemper virus ─── Phocine瘟热病毒

65、dreading the return of my distemper the next day; ─── 晚上,我在火灰里烤了三个鳖蛋,剥开蛋壳吃了,算是晚饭。

66、Development and Primary Application of Nucleotide Probe to Detect Canine Distemper Virus ─── 核酸探针检测犬瘟热病毒方法的建立和初步应用

67、Has been thinking to have no to your love two year agos are so crazy hot, but when your see the 频 is deleted, still the distemper arrive lose the language. ─── 已经想没有在二年以前对你的爱热地是如此发狂,但是当你的频正在划除, 但是大瘟热到达失去语言。

68、However, they said there studies had indicated that it might combine with a virus from the paramyxovirus family -- which causes includes measles, mumps and canine distemper -- making the effects that much worse. ─── 但是他们又说,研究还表明这种病毒可以和副粘病毒家族(通常导致麻疹,腮腺炎和狂犬病)的另外一种病毒组合而造成更可怕的后果.

69、Cloning and Expression of the Haemagglutinin Protein Gene of Canine Distemper Virus Strain NJ-15 and Screening CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides with Strong Immunostimulatory Activity to B Cell on Canine in Vitro by ELISA ─── 犬瘟热病毒南京株(NJ-15)H基因的克隆、表达以及刺激犬B淋巴细胞分泌IgM的最佳CpG基序的体外筛选

70、All dogs are at risk but puppies younger than four months old and dogs that have not been vaccinated against canine distemper are at increased risk of acquiring the disease. ─── 所有的狗都有可能感染犬瘟,但是四个月内的幼犬和没有注射过犬瘟疫苗的狗最易感染。

71、Other suggestions include immuno-contraception control and the possibility of infecting stoats with canine distemper. ─── “在自7月份孵出的11只幼鸟中,有7只被白鼬和猫吃掉了。”

72、size distemper ─── 填充刷墙粉

73、distemper vaccine-mink ─── 水貂温热病疫苗

74、These reflections oppress'd me for the second or third day of my distemper, and in the violence, as well of the fever, as of the dreadful reproaches of my conscience, extorted some words from me, like praying to god, ─── 我的反省,在我生病的第二天和第三天,把我压得透不过气来。由于发热,也由于良心的谴责,从嘴里逼出了几句类似祈祷的话。

75、oil-bound distemper ─── 油粉油料色粉涂饰

76、Veterinarians diagnose canine distemper on the basis of clinical appearance and laboratory tests. ─── 兽医对犬瘟的诊断是以患狗的临床表现和实验室测试结果为依据。

77、ewe distemper ─── [医] 羊温病

78、Diagnosis of little Panda Infected Canine Distemper Virus ─── 小熊猫犬瘟热病毒感染的诊断

79、The inclusion bodies located in ependymal cells were a important evidence for determination of canine distemper in brain tissues. ─── 位于室管膜细胞内的包涵体对于脑组织犬瘟热的确诊具有重要的作用;

80、distemper colors ─── 水浆涂料色料

81、All dogs must have been fully vaccinated and have received regular annual boosters against Distemper, Provirus, and Rabies. ─── 所有寄养于本会之狗只,必须持有有效预防针咭正本。

82、Isolation and RT-PCR Identification of Canine Distemper Virus from Mink ─── 水貂源犬瘟热病毒的分离鉴定

83、colt distemper ─── [医] 腺疫, 传染性卡他(幼马呼吸道传染病)

84、The determination of electron microscopy showed that there were canine distemper virus (CDV)-like virus in samples of died lesser pandas from a zoo. ─── 对某动物园发病死亡小熊猫的病料进行电镜检查,发现了犬瘟热病毒(CDV)样病毒粒子;

85、Attenuation and immunity of canine distemper virus LP strain from lesser panda ─── 犬瘟热病毒小熊猫株的驯化致弱及其免疫研究

86、Comparison of the immune effects of several Canine distemper vaccines on Red Panda ─── 几种犬瘟热疫苗接种小熊猫的免疫效果比较

87、Because canine distemper also affects wildlife populations, contact between wild and domestic canids may facilitate spread of the virus. ─── 因为犬瘟还影响野生动物,野外犬科动物和家犬之间的接触会加大病毒的散播。

88、Transmission of the Canine Distemper virus occurs via an aerosol-droplet route, direct contact, or possibly by contact with contaminated objects. ─── 传播犬瘟热病毒出现通过气溶胶液滴的路线,直接接触,或可能的接触受到污染的物体。

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