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ventricle 发音

英:[?ventr?kl]  美:[?ventr?kl]

英:  美:

ventricle 中文意思翻译



ventricle 常用词组

lateral ventricle ─── 侧脑室

fourth ventricle ─── 第四脑室;第四脑室外侧孔;第四脑室正中孔

ventricle 词性/词形变化,ventricle变形


ventricle 短语词组

1、left ventricle ─── [医] 左室(心)

2、pineal ventricle ─── [医] 松果隐窝

3、first ventricle ─── [医] 第一脑室(侧脑室)

4、fourth ventricle ─── 第四脑室

5、Duncan's ventricle ─── [医] 邓肯氏室, 透明膈腔

6、fifth ventricle ─── [医] 第五脑室, 透明膈腔

7、Arantius ventricle ─── [医] 阿朗希乌斯氏室(第四脑室终凹)

8、bulb of lateral ventricle ─── [医] 后角球(侧脑室)

9、lateral aperture of fourth ventricle ─── [医] 第四脑室外侧孔

10、posterior vein of the left ventricle ─── [网络] 左心室后静脉

11、lateral ventricle ─── 侧脑室

12、Galen's ventricle ─── [医] 盖仑氏室, 喉室

13、heart ventricle ─── [医]心室

14、atria of ventricle ─── [医] 侧脑室前房

15、roof of fouth ventricle ─── [医] 第四脑室顶

16、Morgagni's ventricle ─── [医] 喉室

17、right ventricle ─── [医] 右室(心)

18、appendage of ventricle of larynx ─── [医] 喉室

19、fourth ventricle of cerebrum ─── [医] 第四脑室

20、callosal ventricle ─── [医] 胼胝体室, 胼胝体沟

ventricle 相似词语短语

1、ventricules ─── 心室

2、lenticle ─── n.透镜体;扁豆体

3、ventricule ─── 心室

4、gentrice ─── n.有教养;显赫出身

5、ventricular ─── adj.心室的;脑室的;膨胀的;腹部的

6、ventricles ─── n.[解剖]心室(ventricle的复数)

7、ventricose ─── adj.一侧膨出的;向一侧肿胀的

8、ventriculi ─── 胃

9、denticle ─── n.小齿;齿状装饰

ventricle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Surgical treatment of single ventricle and total anomalous pulmonary venous connection with right atrial isomeric. ─── 右房异构单心室伴完全性肺静脉异位引流的外科治疗。

2、The heart muscle of the strength athletes, however, tended to thicken, a phenomenon that appeared to be confined to the left ventricle. ─── 固定式升降机,移动式升降机力量运动员的心肌则有所变厚,这似乎仅限于左心室。

3、Midline, centered in the 3rd ventricle and pineal gland region in a kid.Obviously, the first thing to consider is a germ cell tumor. ─── 少儿,中线第三脑室及松果体区占位,很显然,首先要考虑的是生殖细胞肿瘤,可能是未成熟畸胎瘤。

4、On cine-MRI all 11 patients who underwent this examination showed limited right ventricle diastole. ─── 11例电影MRI均显示右心室舒张受限。

5、Additional, still can fire hematic score according to metrical left ventricle, will evaluate left ventricular and contractive function. ─── 另外,还可根据测量的左心室射血分数,来评价左心室收缩功能。

6、The posterior borders of the left ventricle and inferior vena cava are well seen. ─── 左心室和下腔静脉的后界看得很清楚。

7、The heart was excised rapidly, the left ventricle was weighed and then subjected to collagen content analysis. ─── 天狼星红染色分析心肌胶原形态与含量;

8、In left area , the contour and size of the left ventricle and left atrium and the shape and coaptation of the mitral valve could be visualized. ─── 左区能显示整个左室、左房的大小,二尖瓣的形态与对合情况,二尖瓣脱垂者可见叶瓣游离缘处某一区域向左房脱出。

9、This event also is called ventricular systole.The aortic valve located between the left ventricle and aorta opens and closes quickly. ─── 同时位于左心室与主动脉之间的主动脉瓣会短时间打开后很快关闭。

10、The upper chamber on each side is called the atrium.This is connected via a sealing valve to the larger, more powerful lower chamber, or ventricle. ─── 两侧的上腔室被称为心房,并通过一个密封瓣膜连接到更大更有力的下腔室(或称为心室)。

11、Thus,DPTI realized a valid method to assess the area of acute infarct myocardium of the left ventricle. ─── 因此可将DPTI作为定量分析急性心肌梗塞面积的可靠方法

12、It usually shows limit pathological changes in right ventricle, but it can exacerbate and encroach on the left ventricle. ─── 亦可弥漫性进展,侵犯左室,最终导致左心功能不全。

13、Here is an ependymoma arising from the ependymal lining of the fourth ventricle above the brainstem and bulging toward the cerebellum. ─── 发生在脑干之上第四脑室室管膜的室管膜瘤。

14、A dilated third ventricle can be ruled out because the cyst is posterior and inferior to the thalamus which surrounds the third ventricle. ─── 也可排除扩张的第三脑室,因为囊肿在包绕着第三脑室的丘脑的后下方。

15、The irregular posterior fossa mass that is seen here near the midline of the cerebellum and extending into the fourth ventricle above the brainstem is a medulloblastoma. ─── 不规则颅后窝肿块即髓母细胞瘤,在小脑中线附近并且延伸至脑干之上的第四脑室。

16、To summarize the articles published recently on the effects of physical exercise on diastolic function of left cardiac ventricle. ─── 对近年来国内外有关运动对左心室舒张功能影响的研究文献进行了综述。

17、The CT showed that the white matter loose and softening with lateral ventricle enlargement. ─── (2 )脑CT均表现有不同程度的白质疏松 (LA)及深部白质软化灶、侧脑室扩大。

18、A bodily cavity or chamber, especially either of the upper chambers of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into a ventricle. ─── 心房、腔、室身体中的腔或室,尤指心脏上半心室,接受静脉的血液并将其压入动脉

19、Thepatients with severity heart diease and depress left ventricle function have obviously got benefit fro... ─── 其中获益最大的是基础心脏病严重、心功能明显降低的高危病人。

20、Radiofrequency catheter ablation successfully abolished this arrhythmia at a site of the midportion of the inferoseptal region of the left ventricle. ─── 吾人利用电气烧灼术成功移除位于心室中膈下缘的病灶。

21、The left ventricle has to work harder to try to move blood through the narrowing in the aorta. ─── 左心室不得不努力工作以推动血液通过主动脉中的狭窄段。

22、It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle. ─── 它直接位于眼睛的后面,紧邻第三脑室。

23、Evaluation of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Endpoint in Patients With Left Accessory Pathway by Pacing in Left Ventricle. ─── 左室起搏对判断左侧旁道射频消融终点的意义。

24、The left ventricle pumps most forcefully, which is why a person's heartbeat is felt more on the left side of the chest. ─── 左侧心室的抽吸是最有力的(最激烈的),这就是为什么人的心跳大多感觉在胸腔的左侧的原因。

25、In both kinds of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the thickened muscle makes the inside of the left ventricle smaller so that it holds less blood. ─── 在所有两种类型的肥厚性心肌病中,左心室心脏肌肉的异常增厚都会导致其内腔的缩小,这样左心室的容血量就会降低。

26、The S3 is probably the result of rapid filling and stretching of an abnormal left ventricle. ─── S3很可能是异常左室快速充盈和扩张的结果。

27、"In 5 patients, microembolism was also detectable in the left atrium and ventricle;however, neurologic signs did not develop in any of them. ─── 他们报道,“其中有5个患者,在左心房和左心室也可检测到泡沫微栓子,但他们并没有出现神经症状。

28、ACEI and ARB can remedy left ventricle hypertrophy of hypertension patient sanf and improve Living quality of patients. ─── ACEI及ARB可逆转高血压患者的左室肥厚,提高患者的生存质量。

29、Results: There were 71 cases of double outlet right ventricle, including 64 cases of type SDD, 3 type ILL, 3 type SDL, 1 type IDD. ─── 右室双出口 71例中SDD型 6 4例 ,ILL型 3例 ,SDL型 3例 ,IDD型 1例 ;

30、Less commonly, the nodules may be detected along the frontal and temporal horns, the third ventricle, or the fourth ventricle. ─── 少见情况下,结节可以位于侧脑室额角、颞角、第三脑室、第四脑室。

31、Morphous, cardiac function and motion index of left ventricle wall were evaluated using ultrasoundcardiogram before and 3 months after transplantation. ─── 在外周血干细胞动员、采集及经冠脉回输过程中,观察其安全性及不良反应。

32、Left ventricle thickening is index of prognosis for elderly hypertensive patients,therapy of LVT must be carried out. ─── 左室肥厚是判断老年高血压病预后的指标,应以治疗。

33、Here is an ependymoma arising from the ependymal lining of the fourth ventricle above the brainstem and bulging toward the cerebellum. Ependymomas are benign histologically. ─── 发生在脑干之上第四脑室室管膜的室管膜瘤。组织学上,室管膜瘤是良性肿瘤。

34、Dysplasia of cerebellum, and cystic enlargement of the fourth ventricle of cerebrum, and Dandy Walker syndrome were observed on MRI scanning. ─── MRI提示小脑发育不良,第4脑室囊状扩大,显示DandyWalker征象。

35、This horizontal (CT scan) section of the brain reveals a large ependymoma of the fourth ventricle. ─── CT水平扫描可显示第四脑室的大室管膜瘤。

36、Correlated study by DCG of two groups shows that seveie ventricle ari-hythmia is increased in the group of primary dilatal cardiomyopathy (DCM). ─── 两组动态心电图(DCG)结果表明,扩张型心肌病(DCM)其心律失常较陈旧性心肌梗塞(OMI)明显。

37、The aorta rises from the upper corner of the left ventricle and passes over the front of the atria to arch over the top of the heart. ─── 主动脉自左心室上角上行,由心房前方越过而于心脏顶端的上方形成弓。

38、We appreciate that we have at least a medium density increase in the right ventricle versus the dedicated protocol. ─── 与专用的诊断方法相比,我们庆幸我们至少有中密度增强。

39、The right ventricle and atrium are opened to reveal a pacemaker wire that extends to the apex to embed on the septum. ─── 右心室、右心房剖开可见起搏器金属线,延伸并嵌入隔膜。

40、Complicated subarchnoid space bleeding was 30 cases,ventricle bleeding was 5 cases,dural space bleeding was 2 cases. ─── 合并蛛网膜下腔出血30例,脑室内出血5例,硬膜下血肿2例。

41、The left ventricular weight(LVW) and the ratio of left ventricle weight to body weight(LVW/BW) were measured. ─── 以左心室重量(LVW)、LVW与体重比值(LVW/BW)作为心肌肥厚的指标,分别应用RT-PCR法和免疫组织化学染色法检测CTGF的mRNA和蛋白质的表达。

42、This is holoprosencephaly in which there is a single large ventricle with fusion of midline structures, including thalami. ─── 前脑无裂畸形,是一个较大正中线结构消失的脑室,包括丘脑。

43、ARVD develops when the muscle tissue in the right ventricle dies and is replaced with scar tissue. ─── ARVD是由于右心室的肌肉组织死亡并被瘢痕组织代替的结果。

44、It is then threaded through a vein into the right ventricle and across the rupture into the left ventricle. ─── 导管穿过静脉进入右心室然后穿过缺口进入左心室。

45、The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body (except the lungs). ─── 左心室将带氧血液泵往身体各部份(除了肺部).

46、CCR, ECH and CCH all account for a rather high percentage in the geometric changes of left ventricle in EH. ─── EH左室几何形态改变,CCR、ECH和CCH均占有较高比例。

47、Intracardiac catheterization to the left ventricle was done after thoracotmy to infuse microsphere suspension into general circulation. ─── 完成后开胸将微小球溶液灌注入左心室。内微小球之含量。

48、There is edema and partial effacement of the fourth ventricle, dorsal pons, and mid brain on the left. ─── 可见水肿和第四脑室的变窄,呗侧脑桥、中脑向左侧移位。

49、If the valve becomes very stenotic and insufficient, severe pressure builds up in the left ventricle, which can injure the heart. ─── 严重的主动脉狭窄和关闭不全,会使左室压力升高从而损伤心脏。

50、Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or HCM, is a genetic heart disease where the heart muscle is thickened, especially in the left ventricle. ─── 肥厚性心肌病,或HCM,是一种遗传性心肌增厚的心脏病,尤其多见于左心室。

51、There has been a previous extensive transmural myocardial infarction involving the free wall of the left ventricle. ─── 左心室壁见大片陈旧性透壁性梗死。

52、In nonobstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, the thickened heart muscle does not block the flow of blood out of the ventricle. ─── 对于非梗阻性的肥厚型心肌病,异常增厚的心脏肌肉并不会阻碍心室将血液输送到全身各处。

53、For the marking which you engraved in my ventricle wall almost wearing away. ─── 因着,你在我的心室内壁上烙下的印记也将消逝殆尽。

54、Echocardiography showed a pericardial cystic mass with external compression of the right ventricle. ─── 心脏超音波显示心脏旁有一水泡状囊肿且压迫右心室。

55、There is heterotopia along the lateral posterior aspect of the body of the L lateral ventricle. ─── 左侧侧脑室体部的后外侧灰质异位。

56、There were numerous arcuate fibers connecting with the third ventricle ependymal surface and median eminence in arcuate hypothalamic nucleus. ─── 弓状核内可见许多弧形纤维连于第三脑室室管膜和正中隆起。

57、vessels and myocardial sinusoids directly opened into the ventricle chamber could be found. ─── 可以发现直接向心室腔敞开的贝比斯血管和心肌正弦波。

58、Brilla CG, Pich R,Tan LB, et al. Remodeling of the rat right and left ventricle in experimental hypertension[J]. Cir Res,1990,67:1355. ─── 孙庆怡,陈润芬,李洪波,等.腹主动脉结扎大鼠心肌胶原网络重塑的实验研究[J].中华心血管病杂志,2000,28(2):128.

59、Figure 4. Case 2. Four-chamber view showing asymmetry of ventricular size that could represent either a smaller left ventricle or a dilated right ventricle. ─── 图4病例2。四腔心切面显示心室大小不对称,表现为左心室缩小或右心室增大。

60、The right ventricle is also underdeveloped. ─── 右心室也发育不良。

61、In any event, once they'd put the fornix to bed, Olry and Haines waited another decade or so before they revisited the sexy third ventricle. ─── 不管怎样,他们曾经把穹窿放在了床上,奥利和海恩斯又过了10年才重新审视这间性感的脑室。

62、There was a very singificant difference in left atrium and ventricle size between PPCM and NC (P

63、Segmentation of left ventricle images shows the higher accuracy and robustness of the proposed multi-resolution segmentation method than the conventional ones. ─── 对左心室图像的分割实验证明了多分辨模型和常规方法相比具有更好的精确性和鲁棒性。

64、The declination course started in the left ventricle prior to the rightventaide. ─── 心室舒张功能的减退左室先于右室。

65、If the valve becomes very stenotic and insufficient, severe pressure builds up in the left ventricle, which can injure the heart. ─── 严重的主动脉狭窄和关闭不全,会使左室压力升高从而损伤心脏。

66、When heart valves become defective, blood in the left ventricle will not be completely pumped away in each heart beat. ─── 当心瓣有缺陷时,左心室的每次跳动都不能把血液完全泵出。

67、After DSE,among the 18 patients,8 appeared abnormal regional motion in the wall of left ventricle and 10 were normal. ─── 18名胸痛患者 ,经DSE后 ,出现左室壁局部运动异常 8例 (DSE阳性患者 ) ,左室壁普遍性运动增强 10例 (DSE阴性患者 )。

68、The left ventricle and mitral valves were normal. ─── 左心室形态及结构正常。

69、The aorta comes out from the left ventricle (VEN-trih-kul) of the heart and travels through the chest and abdomen. ─── 主动脉从心脏的左心室开始,一直延伸到整个胸腔和腹腔。

70、The effect of piracetam on intracranial pressure (ICP) in rabbits was observed with the lateral ventricle cannulaticn. ─── 应用侧脑室插管方法,观察静脉注射脑复康对正常和已经增高的家兔颅内压的影响。

71、The entire ventricle may become thicker (symmetric ventricular hypotrophy) or it may happen only at the bottom of the heart (apical hypertrophy). ─── 在这种情况下,有可能整个心室增厚(又称为“对称性心室发育障碍”),也可能进心脏底部增厚(又称为“心尖肥厚型心肌病”)。

72、The right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lung. ─── 右心室将缺氧血液泵往肺部.

73、Left lateral ventricle trigones meningiomas can be resected by microsurgery through transparietal cortical approach and get good curative effect. ─── 左侧侧脑室三角区脑膜瘤可经顶叶入路显微手术切除且预后良好。

74、A bodily cavity or chamber,especially either of the upper chambers of the heart that receives blood from the veins and forces it into a ventricle. ─── 心房、腔、室身体中的腔或室,尤指心脏上半心室,接受静脉的血液并将其压入动脉。

75、From inside the right ventricle, the patch is pushed forward again, releasing the second disc, which covers the rupture on the right side of the heart. ─── 在右心室内部,补片被再次推出释放第二片,覆盖右心室壁的缺口。

76、The heart muscle of the strength athletes, however, tended to thicken, a phenomenon that appeared to be confined to the left ventricle. ─── 力量运动员的心肌则有所变厚,这似乎仅限于左心室。

77、The NO content of left ventricle muscle was correlated to LVSP, LCEDP, +dp/dtmax, and HR. ─── 并增加左心室肌组织及血清NO含量; 且左心室肌组织NO含量与LVSP、LVEDP、+dp/dtmax、HR呈显著的相关性。

78、The right ventricle–pulmonary artery shunt may improve coronary flow but requires a ventriculotomy. ─── 右心室-肺动脉分流可改善冠状动脉血流,但需要进行脑室切开术。

79、Instead of a decreased right ventricle, this could also correspond to an increased left ventricle. This would probably be due to late aortic stenosis or mitral regurgitation. ─── 假如不是右心室缩小,那可能就是左心室增大,这可能是由于主动脉瓣狭窄或二尖瓣返流导致。

80、In the lizard, a muscular septum partially divides the ventricle. ─── 在虫蜴中,肌肉质的隔膜把心室部分地隔开。

81、Sections from the left ventricle showed diseased tissue. ─── 左心室切片显示患病的组织。

82、Most heart assist devices support the heart's left ventricle, which pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body. ─── 大多数的心脏辅助泵装置只支持左心室,它把氧合血泵入身体其他地方。

83、The outlet tracts of right ventricle were widened with Dacron and self-pericardial patch in 14 patients,with pericardial patch in 2 patients. ─── 全组中 16例使用补片扩大右心室流出道的病例中 ,14例采用涤沦布并自体心包补片 ,2例采用自体心包补片。

84、Red blood cells in CSF can widely distribute in scalae tympani and scala vestibuli after lateral ventricle puncture. ─── 侧脑室穿刺后,脑脊液中的红细胞可广泛分布于鼓膜前角和前庭阶。

85、At autopsy, a large firm, white tumor mass was found filling much of the left ventricle. ─── 尸检发现一个大而坚硬的白色肿瘤占了左心室的大部分。

86、The whole ventricle endocardium was divided into 4 zones and 11 sites. ─── 将心室分为4个区11个部位。

87、The name tricuspid refers to the three flaps of tissue that guard the opening between the right atrium and the right ventricle. ─── 三尖瓣这个名称与守卫着右心房和右心室开口的三块片状瓣膜有关。

88、LDH, SDH, CCO and G-6-PDH in the ventricle were much more than that in the atrium, and more in the right heart than that in the left heart. ─── 乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶(G-6-PDH)、细胞色素氧化酶(CCO)在心室壁的含量均明显大于心房壁,且右心大于左心;

89、Including cerebellar hemisphere tumor,cauda cerebelli bridge cerebellum angle,fourth ventricle,auditory nerve lump,pitch tumor and so on. ─── 包括小脑半球肿瘤、小脑蚓部、桥小脑角、第四脑室、听神经瘤、斜坡肿瘤等。

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