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crucifix 发音

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crucifix 中文意思翻译



crucifix 网络释义

n. 十字架,耶稣受难像n. (Crucifix)人名;(法)克吕西菲

crucifix 短语词组

1、crucifix fish ─── [网络] 十字架鱼

2、crucifix necklace ─── 十字架项链

3、crucifix images ─── 十字架图像

4、crucifix inscription ─── 十字架铭文

5、crucifix letters crossword ─── 十字形字母纵横填字游戏

6、crucifix letters ─── 十字架字母

7、crucifix phasmophobia ─── 十字花期恐惧症

8、crucifix clipart ─── 十字夹板

crucifix 词性/词形变化,crucifix变形

动词过去分词: crucified |动词过去式: crucified |名词: crucifier |动词现在分词: crucifying |动词第三人称单数: crucifies |

crucifix 相似词语短语

1、crucifers ─── n.执十字架的人;十字花科植物

2、crucifixion ─── n.刑罚;苦难

3、crucify ─── vt.折磨;十字架上钉死;克制

4、crucifer ─── n.执十字架的人;十字花科植物

5、crucifies ─── vt.折磨;十字架上钉死;克制

6、crucifying ─── v.十字架上钉死;诋毁,不断地严厉批评;折磨,迫害(crucify的现在分词)

7、crucifier ─── 十字架

8、crucified ─── v.把……钉死在十字架上;狠批(crucify的过去式和过去分词)

9、crucifixes ─── n.十字架,耶稣受难像;n.(Crucifix)人名;(法)克吕西菲

crucifix 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you with The Gold Crucifix! ─── 那个人只想知道星尘的黄金十字架。

2、Abruzzi removes the silver crucifix from his neck and hides it under his pillow. ─── Abruzzi从他的颈上取下了银制十字架,藏在他的枕头下。

3、BA argues that displaying the crucifix breaches uniform rules, and the airline says the cross should have been removed or worn underneath the company's uniform. ─── 英航公司辩解道,佩戴耶稣十字架有违制服条例,应摘除或佩戴在公司制服里面。

4、Yet Jesus Christ sacrifices himself on crucifix for redemption of humans; Buddha leaves his royal family to lead ascetic life for salvation of all living things. ─── 而耶酥基督为拯救世人,甘愿被钉死在十字架上;释迦牟尼舍弃皇室的富贵荣华,走入苦难众生之间。

5、1 Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid in-competence hanging on a tree. ─── 看那十字架吧,它代表什么?一个黯淡无光的弱者吊在树上。

6、She followed its direction, and saw that it was fixed on a crucifix which was nailed to the wall ─── 她循着他的视线望去,看见他正对着悬在墙上的一个耶稣受难像祈祷。

7、But, many believers mistakenly see the crucifix as a source of magical power. ─── 对很多信徒而言又误认十字架含有神奇法力。

8、The gleam of the moon rendered confusedly visible the crucifix over the chimney-piece, which seemed to be extending its arms to both of them, with a benediction for one and pardon for the other. ─── 月光依稀照着壁炉上的那个耶稣受难像,他仿佛把两只手同时伸向他们两个人,为一个降福,为另一个赦宥。

9、925 pure silver plated platinum glistens brightly! Classical crucifix is suitable for both male and female. ─── 925纯银镀白金,极致闪亮!经典十字架,男女均可佩戴。

10、Lederer Herrgot - A very special art treasure from the 17th century: the Lederer Crucifix, a larger than life statue. ─── 莱德尔黑尔高特-17世纪的一个独特的艺术珍品:莱德尔十字架雕像的尺寸比本人大。

11、altar crucifix ─── 圣坛上的耶稣受难像

12、Jennifer Lopez: "I had Madonna's look, until the day my mother saw I took a crucifix to put it in my bra ! " ─── 我以前学过麦当娜的样子,直到有天我的妈妈看到我把十字架放在内衣里面!

13、The crucifix represents salvation for the crucifixion of Jesus : Evangelical followers have been blacklisted, the traditional gospel of salvation is the best message. ─── 十字架代表救恩的福音:耶稣在十字架上为信徒被钉死,此救恩工作是传福音的最好信息。

14、crucifix on a chain round her neck. ─── 她脖子上戴着项链,上面挂着银的十字架。

15、The nearly full moon reflected enough light into the space to reveal the dim pattern on the wallpaper, the crucifix above my head, pages torn from magazines and newspapers tacked along the wall. ─── 将圆未圆的月亮投下清辉,照亮了墙纸上暗淡的纹饰,十字架悬在我头上,从杂志上裁下的纸页和报纸用大头钉钉在墙上。

16、The priest lifted his crucifix and held it between Blackthorne and himself as a shield. ─── 神甫举着他的十字架,挡在他自己和布莱克松中间。

17、crucifix ,of plastics, for interior decorationg ─── 耶稣受难像,塑料制,用于室内装饰

18、crucifix ,of precious metal, whether or not gemset for personal adorment ─── 耶稣受难像,贵金属制,不论是否镶嵌宝石,用于个人装饰

19、He already has a crucifix on the back of his neck, a guardian angel between his shoulder blades and an angel on his right shoulder. ─── 他在他颈后纹上了十字、肩胛纹了守护天使、右肩上也有天使。

20、Blaze of glory and crucifix ─── 圣像架上荣耀之火

21、I have an ancient Indian crucifix around my neck ─── 我脖子上有一个印第安的十字架

22、Arthur went into the alcove and knelt down before the crucifix, trying to compose his mind to the proper attitude for prayer and meditation. ─── 亚瑟走进壁龛,在十字架前跪了下来。他试图静下心来,抱着祈祷和默念的正确态度。

23、Little quivers of excitement went down his back, and the crucifix swam in a misty cloud before his eyes. ─── 阵阵轻微的兴奋从背上贯穿下去,眼前的十字架在云中翻滚。

24、crucifix ,of base metal, for interior decoration ─── 耶稣受难像,贱金属制,用于室内装饰

25、hung a crucifix of copper, ─── 有一个(银色已褪的)铜十字架,

26、Each of them, from time to time, kissed the crucifix a confessor held out to them. At this sight alone Franz felt his legs tremble under him ─── 阿尔贝的脸色白得象他的衬衫一样了,他机械地丢掉了他的雪茄,虽然那支雪茄还没抽到一半。

27、Each bound the other's Crucifix , ─── 一人缚着另一人的十字架,

28、crucifix ,of base metal, whether or not plated with precious metal, to be worn on the person ─── 耶稣受难像,贱金属制,不论是否镀有贵金属,随身饰物

29、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为

30、Christ was crucified on a crucifix. ─── 基督被钉死在十字架上。

31、She wore a small sliver crucifix on a chainround her neck. ─── 她脖子上戴着项链,上面挂着银的十字架。

32、" Really I couldn't see how my wishes came into it, and I told him as much.While I was talking, he thrust the crucifix again just under my nose and shouted: "I, anyhow, am a Christian. ─── 但他已经隔着桌子把刻着基督受难像的十字架伸到我的眼皮底下,疯狂地大叫起来:“我,我是基督徒。

33、"The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary.I'm a Catholic and this is the Crucifix. ─── "第二位学生在班级之前起床了而且说,"我的名字是玛丽. 我是一位天主教徒和这是耶稣受难像.

34、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar . ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为.

35、He raised his glance to the crucifix ─── 他抬起眼睛望着那个耶稣受难像。

36、You put a bitter candy on the top of the crucifix , so there is some starlight in my eyes. ─── 你在十字架的顶端放上一颗不甜的糖,于是我的眼里有了细碎的星芒.

37、One piece features a crucifix decorated with a piece of wood in the shape of a phallic symbol. ─── 其中有一件展品是一件装饰有木头阳具造型的十字架。

38、He is wearing a crucifix around his neck. ─── 他正戴著一个耶稣受难十字架在他的脖子周围。

39、“This is the new order which Jesus gave his followers after foreseeing that he would be betrayed by Judas and crucified on a crucifix. ─── 这是耶稣在预知即将被犹大出卖钉上十字架,给他的追随者的新命令。

40、Yet Jesus Christ sacrifices himself on crucifix for redemption of humans; ─── 而耶酥基督为拯救世人,甘愿被钉死在十字架上;

41、June 4th, 1989-Modern Crucifix ofa calendar, all the dates are treated without discrimination.But history has its partiality, usually for certain specifica ates. ─── 人们常有天问:在这个人欲横流激烈竞争的现代世界上,曾经延续了五千年中国古文明,危如累卵,如何才能得到救赎?

42、As the monsignor from the family’s church pressed the crucifix to Michael’s head and began last rites, Kathy noticed her son’s breathing was becoming more labored. ─── 当来自家族教堂的阁下把十字架按在麦克的头上并开始最后的仪式时,凯西注意到她儿子的呼吸正越来越吃力。

43、He was leaning right across the table, brandishing his crucifix before my eyes. ─── 他整个身子都俯在桌子上,在我眼前摇晃着十字架。

44、His eyes went to the crucifix. ─── 布莱克松的目光又回到壁龛的十字架上。

45、A crucifix is fastened upside down or tram-pled upon.A consecrated wafer stolen from a church is in-scribed with the name Satan and is used for a mock communion. ─── 一个十字架被颠倒放置或被踩在脚下,一件从教堂偷来的圣器被刻上撒殚之名,用于仿冒的交流。

46、When Mrs Swithin suggests that prayer would be efficacious in delivering fine weather, she fingers a crucifix, the supreme icon of Christianity. ─── 当斯威森夫人说祈祷能带来好天气,她的手指即划出一个十字架,那是基督教最神圣的标志。

47、Only above the President's head there hung a crucifix, something which the courts had lacked at the time of his condemnation: God had been absent when he had been judged. ─── 不过在庭长的上方,有一个耶稣受难像,这是在他从前受判决的时代公堂上缺少的东西,足见他当年受审判时上帝并不在

48、But with your ruler, your crucifix of hatred, you strike my tender flesh! ─── 但你用量尺与仇恨的十字架 穿透我的血肉

49、Romola stretched out her hand to the crucifix, and this act appeared to relieve the tension of her mind. ─── 罗摩拉伸出手去接那个十字架。这个动作似乎解除了她思想的紧张。

50、It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar. ─── 从圣坛窃取耶稣受难像是亵渎神灵的行为。

51、A few moments later, he returned with an altar-boy carrying a crucifix, and a sacristan who walked before them ringing a bell to announce that the Lord was coming to the house of the dying woman. ─── 过不多久他又回来了,陪他一起来的是一个唱诗班的孩子,手里擎着一个耶稣受难十字架,在他们前面还走着一个教堂侍役,摇着铃,表示天主来到了临终者的家里。

52、Everyday her religious schizophrenia grew, and presently she began wearing a crucifix. ─── 每天她的双重信仰都在加深,现在她开是戴十字架了。

53、a crucifix of copper ─── 一个铜十字架

54、Sometimes the cross is called a crucifix and from this name we get the word crucifixion. ─── 有些时候十字架是一种牺牲,从这个名字我们知道了十字架上的受难。

55、Behold the crucifix; what does it symbolize? Pallid in - competence hanging on a tree. ─── 看那十字架吧,它代表什麽?一个黯淡无光的弱者吊在树上。

56、Kneel down before a crucifix, be sorry for your sins, and beg My Mothers protection. ─── 在十字架面前跪下,为你的罪感到难过,恳求圣母的保护。

57、While he still went out, he had purchased of a coppersmith, for a few sous, a little copper crucifix which he had hung up on a nail opposite his bed. ─── 当他还能上街时,他从锅匠那儿用几个苏买到一个小的铜十字架,挂在床前钉子上。

58、5. above the chimney-piece hung a crucifix of copper, with the silver worn off, fixed on a background of threadbare velvet in a wooden frame from which the gilding had fallen; ─── 上面,在通常挂镜子的地方,有一个银色已褪的铜十字架,钉在一块破旧的黑线上,装在一个金色暗敝的木框里。

59、His cramped cement workroom holds an image of the Virgin Mary and a large crucifix with a bloodied Jesus. ─── 他那狭窄局促的水泥工作室内有一幅圣处女玛丽的画像,还有很多尊满身浴血的耶稣受难塑像。

60、she spoke, she fingered the large crucifix round her neck. ─── 她一边把十字架戴在脖子上,一边说着话。

61、"See, sir," replied Caderousse, "in this corner is a crucifix in holy wood--here on this shelf is my wife's testament ─── “看,教士先生,”卡德鲁斯回答说,“这个角落里有一个圣木的十字架,架子上是我老婆的《圣经》。

62、The fresco represents God the Father holding Christ on the Crucifix and showing it to the people.Between the two, a dove flies silently representing the Holy Spirit. ─── rivendel:看了几个英文网站,都说这幅画上的鸽子在上帝和耶稣之间,应该就是耶稣头顶上那个白色的东西。

63、If you should look around at the walls, you will see a crucifix in front, just above the blackboard. ─── 如果你看看四周的墙壁,你会见到前面有一个十字架,正在黑板的上端。

64、Crucifix with corps of Christ. ─── 十字架与基督队伍。

65、above the chimney-piece hung a crucifix of copper,with the silver worn off,fixed on a background of threadbare velvet in a wooden frame from which the gilding had fallen; ─── 上面,在通常挂镜子的地方,有一个银色已褪的铜十字架,钉在一块破旧的黑线上,装在一个金色暗敝的木框里。

66、The priest was obviously Portuguese or Spanish, and, though his flowing robe was orange, there was no mistaking the rosary and crucifix at his belt, or the cold hostility on his face. ─── 这个天主教白人神甫很明显是葡萄牙人,要么西班牙人,错不了,腰带上围着天主教的念珠串和十字架,飘逸的长袍虽然是漂亮的橘黄色,但是掩不住脸上的冰冷敌意。

67、Spears wore incredibly low-slung jeans, which revealed a pink crucifix tattooed on her pelvis. ─── 斯皮尔斯令人难以置信地穿上了低腰裤,甚至暴露出了她骨盆上桃红色的耶酥受难十字架的刺青。

68、crucifix on rings ─── 吊环上十字支撑

69、Suddenly he rose, walked to a file cabinet standing against the opposite wall, pulled a drawer open, and took from it a silver crucifix, which he was waving as he came back to the desk. ─── 突然,他站了起来,大步走到他的办公室一头的一个档案柜前,拉开一个抽屉。

70、Romola stretched out her hand to the crucifix, and this act appeared to relieve the tension of her mind ─── 罗摩拉伸出手去接那个十字架。这个动作似乎解除了她思想的紧张。

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