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08-20 投稿


creditably 发音

英:[['kred?t?bl?]]  美:[['kred?t?bl?]]

英:  美:

creditably 中文意思翻译



creditably 短语词组

1、creditably def ─── 信誉良好的定义

2、creditably means ─── 可信的手段

3、creditably meaning ─── 可信的意思

4、creditably definition ─── 可信的定义

5、acquitting yourself creditably ─── 表现得很好

creditably 词性/词形变化,creditably变形

名词: creditability |副词: creditably |

creditably 相似词语短语

1、discreditably ─── adv.丢脸地;有损信用地

2、predicably ─── adv.可断定地

3、creditability ─── n.可信性

4、creditable ─── adj.声誉好的;值得称赞的;应当认可的

5、predictably ─── adv.可预言地

6、hereditably ─── 遗传的

7、uncreditable ─── 不可信任的

8、credibly ─── adv.可靠地;可信地

9、accreditable ─── 可认证

creditably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is only thirty, and already he has four films to his credit. ─── 他才三十岁,却已拍过四部影片了。

2、His credit is good, you can trust him. ─── 他很守信用,你可以信任他。

3、His conduct reflected great credit upon him. ─── 他的行为给他带来了很大荣誉。

4、Do not place too much credit in hearsay. ─── 不可过于相信道听途说。

5、How much money do you want placed to your credit ? ─── 您想把多少钱存入您名下?

6、Never credit him to return the book to you in time. ─── 千万不要相信他会按时还书。

7、I'm sure I could acquit myself quite creditably in the examinations. ─── "若论时尚之学,晚生也或可去充数沽名."

8、There was little credit for those who had worked hardest. ─── 几乎没表扬那些工作最努力的人。

9、The letter of credit is exhausted. ─── 信用证上的款子已提清。

10、Why should he get all the credit? ─── 为什么他受到了所有人的赞扬?

11、He instruct the credit controller to take action. ─── 他指示信贷控制员采取行动。

12、A rival company has set afloat a new credit scheme. ─── 一家竞争的公司已开始实施一项新的信用购物方案。

13、Customer credit info search and verification. ─── 客户信用情况调查及核实。

14、How to establish a good factoring credit policy? ─── 如何建立好的保理的信贷政策?

15、Our letter of credit will be opened early March. ─── 我们在3月初开出信用证。

16、We must try to reflect credit on our Alma Mater. ─── 我们必须设法为母校争光。

17、Man desired to have a family, a Happy and Creditably family. ─── 人渴望有个家,一个幸福美满的家!

18、He gets the credit of never breaking his word. ─── 他有从不食言的好名声。

19、Start by shoring up your credit. ─── 先支持你的信用。

20、He is cleverer than I gave him credit for. ─── 他的聪明玲俐超过我所料想的。

21、Of course the performance was a tremendous success, and for this you must take full credit. ─── 当然演出是极其成功的。为此,你应当受到最高的表扬。

22、I don't like the man, but give credit where credit is due-he is very good at his job. ─── 我不喜欢那个人,但说句公道话,他的工作还是干得很好的。

23、His improved performance does credit to his trainer. ─── 他的表演有进步,这应该归功於他的教练。

24、He has the credit of never breaking his word. ─── 他有个好名声,就是从不食言。

25、His courage has brought great credit to/reflects credit on (ie gives a good reputation to) his regiment. ─── 他很勇敢使他所在的团大为增光。

26、Wish our blessedness just like the creditably moon in the sky. ─── 愿我们的幸福如天上美满的月亮.

27、How much does he have to his credit? ─── 他存了多少钱?

28、What is the credit underwriting flow? ─── 信用审批有哪些流程?

29、I felt a considerable extension of power and authority, and was anxious to acquit myself creditably . ─── 我感到自己的力量和权力都大大地扩大了,而且急切地想表现得让别人信得过。

30、As soon as we receive the sale note, we shall establish the necessary letter of credit in your favour. ─── 当收到销售确认书(合同)的,我当立即开出以贵司为受益人的信用证。

31、John has lost credit in the sight of many people. ─── 在许多人眼里,约翰已名誉扫地。

32、But Kantona is the “King” on the field creditably. ─── 不过在赛场上,坎通纳绝对不愧对“国王”这样的称号。

33、By exhibiting the silhouette of a Parisian manikin in the flask, it is creditably the hottest design. ─── 在瓶子的玻璃里展示一个巴黎人体模型的一个抽象的剪影,不愧为热点设计。

34、It does her credit that she managed not to get angry. ─── 她沉住气没发脾气,这是值得称赞的。

35、Do you give credit to what the man said? ─── 你相信那人讲的话吗?

36、For overseas deliveries we have to request that you obtain a letter of credit from a bank. ─── 关于对外交货,我方要求贵方应从往来银行获取信用证。

37、Paul has credit with Mr. Walter. ─── 保罗受到瓦特先生的信任。

38、Chinese bronze Jian is the king of Jian creditably!!! ─── 中国青铜剑,不愧为王者之剑!!!

39、Great,you're not creditably king of dragon! ─── 厉害,不愧为龙王家的啊!

40、It is greatly to your credit that you have overcome such difficulties. ─── 你们克服了这么大的困难,值得表扬。

41、both of them were even a little intoxicated , but they behaved very creditably. ─── 现在两人都有几分醉意,但是他们的举止还很得体。

42、Letter of credit should allow transshipment and partial shipment. ─── 信用证应允许转船和分批装运。

43、In irrevocable letter of credit in your favour, payable in ... against shipping documents. ─── 如果我方接受你方发盘,将开立以你方为受益人的不可赊销信用证在。。。付款交单。

44、If Mr Huntsman runs creditably but unsuccessfully next year, he might then enter the 2016 cycle with a higher national profile. ─── 如果洪博培先生明年美满的运筹但仍旧失败,他可能会带着更高的国民知名度角逐2016年的总统。

45、To get money or credit with a kite. ─── 使用空头支票获得钱或信贷

46、His good performance in school do great credit to his mother. ─── 他在学校的优良表现为他母亲带来极大的荣誉。

47、In some fields Credit Suisse is close to the top. ─── 在某些领域瑞士信托已接近顶峰。

48、Credit crunch prevents the potential state-run enterprise buyers from getting loans from the banks. ─── 信用紧缩使可能的国营企业买主无法向银行贷款。

49、I gave him credit for being a more sensible fellow. ─── 他并不是我想像的那么聪明。

50、Creditably, Mr Putin has not surrendered the principle this time. ─── 这次普京先生没有放弃原则,这是妇孺皆知的。

51、Do you expect me to credit that absurd tale? ─── 你想我会相信那个荒谬绝伦的谎言吗?

52、His painting would do credit to a real artist. ─── 他的画就连一个真正的艺术家都会为这自豪的。

53、Credit is usually only given for thirty days. ─── 信用期通常为30天。

54、Henry Ford often gets credit for the assembly line. ─── 亨利·福特的装配技术常常得到人们的称赞。

55、For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities, and shall submit a quarterly statement. ─── 为了将来处理方便起见,我们确认贵公司信用,并乐于给你方提供按季结算。

56、He is a pleasant fellow,would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。”

57、You pay credit card or pay cash? ─── 你是刷卡还是付现金?

58、Reliance on the intention and ability of a purchaser to pay in the future; credit. ─── 信用,偿债能力对购买者将来付帐意愿及能力的信赖; 信用

59、Shipment: one month after receipt of letter of credit. ─── 发货日期:收到信用证后一个月发货。

60、To behave or perform creditably. ─── 举止或表现值得称赞

61、Books are creditably our genius grain. ─── 书真不愧是我们的精神食粮!

62、I wonder if I have enough credit. ─── 不知道我的学分够不够。

63、Having an acceptable credit rating. ─── 信用好的有令人满意的信用等级的

64、It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found; your honesty does you credit. ─── 你拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的; 你很诚实,应该受表扬。

65、She was given the credit for what I had done. ─── 事情是我做的,她却受到称赞。

66、Don't you think a letter of credit is just as good as cash? And you can discount it at any time, if you like. ─── 您不认为信用证跟现金差不多吗?而且如果您愿意,什么时候都是可以贴现的。

67、She performed very creditably in the exam. ─── 她考得好极了.

68、You can purchase this TV set on credit. ─── 你可以用赊帐的方式购买这台电视机。

69、We are today facing a serious credit crunch. ─── 我们今日正面对严重的信贷困难。

70、Is the credit at sight or after sight? ─── 信用证是即期的还是远期的?

71、I didn't credit that absurd tale. ─── 我不相信那个荒谬绝伦的故事。

72、"He deserved credit, certainly," Tonder said. ─── “他当然是值得表扬的,”托德说。

73、Letter of credit belongs to banker's credit. ─── 信用证属于银行信用。

74、Credit counseling helped us get out from under. ─── 信用咨询使我们免除了忧虑

75、She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises. ─── 她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。

76、He did much credit to his patrons. ─── 他为他的恩人争了很多面子。

77、He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。

78、Lasting credit is due to all concerned. ─── 不朽的功劳应归于全体有关人员。

79、His success brings credit to his family. ─── 他的成功使全家增光。

80、Stationmaster very individualize, people often asks us the profession, we say we do Internet creditably. ─── 站长都很有个性,别人常问我们职业,我们体面的说自己是搞互联网的。

81、He is a credit to the family. ─── 他是家族中的光荣。

82、He will also take the credit for getting rid of a dangerous agent. ─── 他也将因除去一个危险的间谍而受到表扬。

83、A Credit may be either revocable or irrevocable. ─── 信用证可以是可撤销的或不可撤销的。

84、We do not give discounts. We sell on credit. ─── 我们不打折扣。我们赊销。

85、I take much pleasure in recommending to you Miss Li Nan and am confident that, if appointed, she will acquit herself most creditably. ─── 我非常乐意向你推荐李南小姐。如果贵公司聘用了她,她将表明得极为出色。

86、You will be a credit to your school. ─── 你将会为母校增光。

87、It's not company policy to give credit without previous arrangement. ─── 不经事先安排就发放信贷不是本公司的策略。

88、He bought the furniture on credit. ─── 他赊帐买了这家俱。

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