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08-20 投稿


appetence 发音

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英:  美:

appetence 中文意思翻译



appetence 词性/词形变化,appetence变形


appetence 相似词语短语

1、inappetence ─── n.食欲不振;欲望缺失

2、appetency ─── n.渴望,欲望;亲和力;本能

3、appetent ─── adj.意欲的;热望的;渴望的;本能欲求的

4、appetencies ─── n.渴望,欲望;亲和力;本能

5、inappetency ─── n.欲望缺失;食欲不振(等于inappetence)

6、advertence ─── n.注意;提及

7、pretence ─── n.假装;借口;虚伪

8、appendence ─── 附属物

9、appetences ─── n.(强烈的)欲望;癖好;亲和力

appetence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1. General Appetence: Heavy squarish built with not too long legs, almost short compared to the body, heavy boned short thick neck with thick mane like coat. ─── [通常外观:非常强壮的近似于方型的体格;非长腿,(长度)与身体大致匹配;骨量大,短而粗壮的脖颈,上面被有浓密的鬃毛.收藏指正

2、appetence of ducks for the water ─── 鸭子喜水的习性

3、General Appetence: Heavy boned may have long legs. ─── [通常外观:骨量大,腿可能比较长.

4、General Appetence: Heavy squarish built with not too long legs, almost short compared to the body, heavy boned short thick neck with thick mane like coat. ─── [通常外观:非常强壮的近似于方型的体格;非长腿,(长度)与身体大致匹配;骨量大,短而粗壮的脖颈,上面被有浓密的鬃毛.

5、he is the man who has no appetence. ─── 他是个清心寡欲的人。

6、Photography,for her,is more of an appetence,an obsession,an enthusiasm,and an addiction. ─── 抽象可以在具象中得到诠释,得到物质的占有,得到实体的空间,得到充分的绽放。

7、Do you heard happen to? There are two soul in one....Both of them are evil devil.One name is APPETENCE the other is SENSE. ─── 最近发生了很多事情啊,身边的人也是如此。自我的反差在变大,有时候真的感觉是两个人。

8、appetence is so natural and fierce. For example, without advertisement and mobilization, so many people flock around you and agree on your ideals. ─── 亲和力是那么自然而强烈,我们既没有做广告,也没有组织动员,可是总是有这么多的人,自动地涌到老师的身边,附和着老师的观点。

9、The last part raises problems brought by the appetence of news informer and proposes news informer system that suits to the country"s actual conditions. ─── 第六部分指出新闻线人市场亟待解决的诸多问题,提出构建适合我国国情的新闻线人制度,平衡媒介、线人、受众三方的关系。

10、It's birds' appetence to learn fly. ─── 鸟儿学飞是出于本能。

11、the appetence of ducks for the water ─── 鸭子喜水之习性

12、11 Officials were amiable so appetence to people increased and the support rate for government rose. ─── 官员们平易近人,百姓的亲和力就增加,政府的支持度就增高。

13、However,we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence. ─── 是不是还有坐下来静静的喝一杯水的时间。

14、We have all appetence for success, and we know that people who fail because they keep giving up. ─── 我们已经拥有了成功所具备的一切本能。我们早已经洞悉失败的机理,那就是一味地放弃。

15、Officials were amiable so appetence to people increased and the support rate for government rose. ─── 官员们平易近人,百姓的亲和力就增加,政府的支持度就增高。

16、However, we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence. ─── 曾经在某一瞬间,我们都以为自己长大了。

17、The invention refers to appetence measurement for animals. ─── 本发明涉及动物的食欲测量。

18、Your potential appetence and unknown characteristcs, on the other hand, will fully reveal just because you have done your level best! ─── 然而也正因为必须全力以赴,潜在的本能和不为人知的特质终将充分展现出来。

19、Your appetence is so natural and fierce.For example, without advertisement and mobilization, so many people flock around you and agree on your ideals. ─── 老师的亲和力是那麽自然而强烈,我们既没有做广告,也没有组织动员,可是总是有这麽多的人,自动地涌到老师的身边,附和著老师的观点。

20、an appetence for [after] knowledge ─── 强烈的求知欲

21、When your ability to pay is greater than your appetence, you are rich. ─── 当支付能力大于欲望的时候,就可以说是富有。

22、Or, love is only one appetence of the human being, no relation to whom? ─── 抑或者,“爱”只是人类的一种本能,和对象没必然关系?

23、appetence of ducks for the water ─── 鸭子喜水的习性

24、However, we realized someday that adulthood means more than appetence, it implies courage, liability, adamancy and sacrifice when necessary.We are still kids before life. ─── 但是有一天,我们终于发现,长大的含义除了欲望,还有勇气、责任、坚强以及某种必需的牺牲。

25、Of course, I do. even every one have it!because the laugh is a kind of appetence of people,right? ─── 当然,我想每个人都有这种能力,因为笑是人的一种本能,对吧?

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