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shrubby 发音

英:['?r?b?]  美:['?r?bi]

英:  美:

shrubby 中文意思翻译



shrubby 网络释义

adj. 灌木的;灌木繁茂的;灌木一般的

shrubby 短语词组

1、shrubby yew ─── 灌木红豆杉

2、shrubby dogweed ─── 灌木山茱萸

3、shrubby mario ─── 灌木马里奥

4、shrubby cinquefoil ─── 金露梅, ─── 金老梅

5、shrubby St John's wort ─── [网络] 灌木圣约翰草

6、shrubby penstemon ─── [网络] 灌木penstemon

7、shrubby cacti ─── 灌木仙人掌

8、red shrubby penstemon ─── [网络] 红色灌木penstemon

9、shrubby evergreen plant ─── 常绿灌木植物

10、shrubby bittersweet ─── [网络] 灌木苦甜

shrubby 词性/词形变化,shrubby变形

形容词最高级: shrubbiest |名词: shrubbiness |形容词比较级: shrubbier |

shrubby 相似词语短语

1、grubby ─── adj.肮脏的;生蛆的;卑鄙的;矮小的

2、hubby ─── n.丈夫,老公

3、shabby ─── adj.破旧的;卑鄙的;吝啬的;低劣的

4、shrubbery ─── n.灌木;[林]灌木林

5、shrub ─── n.灌木;灌木丛

6、shrubs ─── n.[林]灌木;权木;矮树丛(shrub的复数)

7、chubby ─── adj.圆胖的,丰满的

8、scrubby ─── adj.矮小的;树丛繁盛的

9、rubby ─── 鲁比

shrubby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、any shrub of the genus Rhododendron: evergreen shrubs or small shrubby trees having leathery leaves and showy clusters of campanulate (bell-shaped) flowers ─── 任何属于杜鹃花属的灌木:常绿灌木或小的灌木树,有坚韧的叶子和艳丽的钟状的花丛

2、shrubby California perennial having large pink or violet flowers; cultivated as an ornamental. ─── 加利福尼亚灌木多年生植物,开巨大的,粉红色或紫罗兰色的花;作为一种观赏花来培植。

3、small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes ─── 一种落叶灌木状小树,生长缓慢,分布于美国东南部干旱沙质芜原上,叶有刚毛状尖端裂片,像火鸡趾

4、Any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters,throughout much of United States and into Canada. ─── 一种金菊属草本植物或半灌木,有金黄色、类似紫苑的头状花序,从美国的大部一直延伸到加拿大。

5、deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves ─── 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香花,叶带酸味

6、10. highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves. ─── 北美西部海岸地区的灌木状的常绿栎树,价值高,叶小而厚,具刺状锯齿,暗绿色。收藏指正

7、Plants shrubby or subshrubby, to 5 m tall; ─── 半灌木状的植株灌木状或,在5米高;

8、any shrub of the genus Rhododendron: evergreen shrubs or small shrubby trees having leathery leaves and showy clusters of campanulate (bell-shaped) flowers. ─── 任何属于杜鹃花属的灌木:常绿灌木或小的灌木树,有坚韧的叶子和艳丽的钟状的花丛。

9、Any of several shrubby,trailing,evergreen plants of the genus Vinca,especially V. minor,having glossy,dark green,opposite leaves and flowers with a blue,funnel-shaped corolla. ─── 小长春花一种灌木状的蔓生常绿植物,长春花属,尤指小长春花属,有光滑、深绿色的对生叶,花朵上有蓝色漏斗状的雄蕊。

10、any of various shrubby plants of the genus Atriplex that thrive in dry alkaline soil. ─── 任何一种属于滨藜属的灌木,在干的碱性土壤中茂密的生长。

11、Hydnora africana, an unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa. The putrid-smelling blossom attracts herds of carrion beetles. ─── 一个拥有不寻常的肉色的寄生花,具有攻击性,主要生长在在南非干旱的沙漠附近。它用腐烂的气味吸引腐尸甲虫群。

12、tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy berrylike fruits ─── 东南亚热带灌木状藤蔓植物,其果实辛辣,浆果状

13、Herbs perennial, with a rhizome, bulb, or corm, rarely shrubby or treelike. ─── 多年生草本,有根状茎,鳞茎或者球茎,很少灌木状或者乔木状。

14、small slow-growing deciduous shrubby tree of dry sandy barrens of southeastern United States having leaves with bristle-tipped lobes resembling turkey's toes. ─── 一种落叶灌木状小树,生长缓慢,分布于美国东南部干旱沙质芜原上,叶有刚毛状尖端裂片,像火鸡趾。

15、Any of several spiny, shrubby, or treelike cacti of the genus Opuntia having cylindrical stem segments. ─── 乔利亚掌仙人掌属的任何一种多刺且有圆柱形茎灌木或乔木仙人掌

16、5.highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves. ─── 北美西部海岸地区的灌木状的常绿栎树,价值高,叶小而厚,具刺状锯齿,暗绿色。

17、medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits. ─── 南非的中等尺寸的灌木,有密集的坚韧的常青的叶子和白色或粉色的花,球状的通常是两种子的紫黑色的果实。

18、Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually 3-lobed leaves; widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe. ─── 亚洲灌木或小的灌木树,有艳丽的铃铛状的玫瑰色或紫色或白色的花,通常是三叶状的叶子;广泛种植在北美和欧洲的温带地区。

19、deciduous shrubby tree of northeastern and central United States having a sweet edible nut and often forming dense thickets. ─── 美国东北部和中部落叶灌木状树,橡子甜而可食,常形成浓密灌丛。

20、medium-small shrubby evergreen tree of western North America similar to the coast live oak but occurring chiefly in foothills of mountain ranges removed from the coast; ─── 北美西部的一种常绿灌木状树,中小形,与禾叶栎相似,但主要生长在海岸不远山地的山脚下;

21、Foraging behavior and dietary preference of Wuxue goats on karst shrubby grassland of West Hunan ─── 喀斯特灌丛草地武雪山羊的觅食行为与喜食性

22、low shrubby plant having yellow flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; Bermuda and southeastern United States to West Indies and eastern Mexico. ─── 一种矮生的灌木状植物,黄色花的四片花瓣排成十字形;产自百慕大群岛和美国东南部到西印度群岛和墨西哥东部的地区。

23、Herbs, annual, shrubby, erect to 1 m tall. ─── 一年生草本,灌木状,直立达1米高的。

24、China bankrolled shrubby dub bush's welfare for the rich programs as well as the Iraq war. ─── 中国译制卡里莱斯灌木布什的福利以及丰富的节目,伊拉克战争。

25、Kasite shrubby grassland is one of the main grassland types in Guizhou province. ─── 喀斯特灌丛草地是贵州省的主要草地类型之一。

26、The Model 9G machine is mainly used for cutting and cleaning the grasses on in on the shrubby and grass land, renovating or reforming the ranch. ─── 9G系列旋转型割草机主要适用于草场、灌木林地的割草、清理以及地表不平整牧场的更新、改造等作业。

27、Plant shrubby, caudex branching, to 50 cm tall or more, 8-15 mm thick, pale green and glaucous above, darker below, leaf scars lenticular. ─── 植株灌木型,茎多分枝,可长至50厘米高或更高,茎干8到15毫米粗,淡绿色,有白霜,近根处色深暗,叶痕呈双凸形。

28、shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers ─── 地中海地区一年生灌木,黄白色花

29、small native American shrubby tree bearing small edible yellow to reddish fruit ─── 原产美洲的一种灌木状小型果树,可食的红到黄色小果实

30、A quantitative study was conducted under goat stocking on characteristics of the shrubby vegetation on a shrubland in the Three Gorges Region. ─── 对三峡地区灌丛草地灌木植被在山羊放牧条件下的数量特征进行了定量研究。

31、any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a dominant form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets ─── 主要为美洲的数种小栎树之一,通常具灌木状习性,主要生长在贫瘠干旱的土壤上,有时形成茂密的大片灌丛

32、shrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage; cultivated in the eastern United States ─── 中国和日本的一种常绿坚硬的灌木状紫杉,墨绿色叶,有光泽;美国东部有种植

33、shrubby honeysuckle with purple flowers; western North America. ─── 一种灌木状忍冬属植物,开紫色花;产自北美西部。

34、small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland,southern Europe,Asia Minor ─── 小的常青的欧洲灌木一般的树,有许多种子的猩红色的浆果,可食用但很乏味;分布在爱尔兰、欧洲南部和小亚细亚

35、any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters; ─── 一种金菊属草本植物或半灌木,有金黄色、类似紫苑的头状花序;

36、small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood. ─── 北美东部小型灌木状树种,类似于满条红,粉红色花;生长于潮湿阴暗的丛林之中。

37、Any of several shrubby, trailing, evergreen plants of the genus Vinca, especially V. minor, having glossy, dark green, opposite leaves and flowers with a blue, funnel-shaped corolla. ─── 小长春花一种灌木状的蔓生常绿植物,长春花属,尤指小长春花属,有光滑、深绿色的对生叶,花朵上有蓝色漏斗状的雄蕊

38、shrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage; cultivated in the eastern United States. ─── 中国和日本的一种常绿坚硬的灌木状紫杉,墨绿色叶,有光泽;美国东部有种植。

39、large shrub or shrubby tree having sharp spines and pinnate leaves with small deciduous leaflets and sweet-scented racemose yellow-orange flowers; ─── 一种大灌木或灌木状树,羽状叶有脱落的小叶和尖刺,具有芳香的、橙黄色总状花序;

40、small shrubby North American wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit. ─── 北美小型灌木状野生樱桃树,果实小且酸,亮丽的红色。

41、any North American shrubby perennial herb of the genus Heliopsis having large yellow daisylike flowers. ─── 北美类葵花属的灌木状多年生草本植物,有黄色、类似雏菊的大花。

42、Asiatic shrub or small shrubby tree having showy bell-shaped rose or purple or white flowers and usually 3-lobed leaves,widely cultivated in temperate North America and Europe. ─── 亚洲灌木或小的灌木树,有艳丽的铃铛状的玫瑰色或紫色或白色的花,通常是三叶状的叶子,广泛种植在北美和欧洲的温带地区。

43、large genus of low-growing shrubby ribbed cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States ─── 墨西哥和美国西南一个灌木般矮生仙人掌大属,具棱纹

44、any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; ─── 刺桐属各种灌木或灌木状乔木的任意一种,三叶叶片,猩红色至珊瑚红色的花成总状花序,结黑色种子,;

45、shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas. ─── 一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排列成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽约到得克萨斯。

46、small shrubby spiny tree cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasking like gooseberries; Sri Lanka and India ─── 一种小而具刺的树,因其褐紫红色果实而种植,果肉甜美,呈紫色,醋栗;生长在斯里兰卡和印度

47、small shrubby tree with purple flowers; found in wet soils of southeastern United States. ─── 小灌木状树,花紫色;分布于美国东南部土壤潮湿地区。

48、2.Hydnora africana, an unusual flesh-colored, parasitic flower that attacks the nearby roots of shrubby in arid deserts of South Africa. ─── 一个拥有不寻常的肉色的寄生花,具有攻击性,主要生长在在南非干旱的沙漠附近。

49、shrubby or herbaceous plants widely used for forage, soil improvement, and especially hay in southern United States. ─── 灌木或草本植物,广泛用于饲料,土壤改良,尤其在美国南部用作干草。

50、shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit. ─── 北美东部的一种蔓生灌丛,具有艳丽的、玫瑰红色至微紫色花朵和红色或桔红色套环状果实。

51、shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas ─── 一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排列成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽约到得克萨斯

52、any of several shrubby herbs or subshrubs of the genus Chrysopsis having bright golden-yellow flower heads that resemble asters; throughout much of United States and into Canada. ─── 一种金菊属草本植物或半灌木,有金黄色、类似紫苑的头状花序;从美国的大部一直延伸到加拿大。

53、It concluded that the shrubby vegetation was the keystone for the biodiversity conservation in the region. ─── 所以,在本地进行生物多样性保护中应该重点放在灌丛植被。

54、genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white ─── 一个多分枝树状或灌木般的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色

55、small genus of erect perennial shrubby herbs; tropical and subtropical America. ─── 一个直立多年生灌木草本植物小属;产于热带和亚热带美洲。

56、A shrubby plant (Psychotria emetica) native to Central and South America, having small white flowers and strong-smelling roots that are the source of an inferior quality of ipecac. ─── 假吐根树:一种产自中美和南美的灌木(催吐九节),有小白花,有带强烈气味的根,它劣质吐根的来源

57、any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a dominant form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets. ─── 主要为美洲的数种小栎树之一,通常具灌木状习性,主要生长在贫瘠干旱的土壤上,有时形成茂密的大片灌丛。

58、shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers. ─── 地中海地区一年生灌木,黄白色花。

59、sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; ─── 一种曼生的多年生灌木,以猩红色饰有黑斑点的花而著称;

60、genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white. ─── 一个多分枝树状或灌木般的仙人掌属,有显著的棱,棱上有圆形针状刺,夜间开花,常为白色。

61、Monthly changes in the caloric values of the leaves of four shrubby and four tree-dwelling palmae species ─── 四种灌木状与四种乔木状棕榈植物热值的月变化

62、shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dust-like down; sometimes placed in genus Chrysanthemum. ─── 加纳利群岛一种多年生灌木,长有白色花冠和叶片以及附有类似尘土绒毛的花茎;有时归为滨菊属。

63、tropical southeast Asian shrubby vine bearing spicy berrylike fruits. ─── 东南亚热带灌木状藤蔓植物,其果实辛辣,浆果状。

64、35. any of various chiefly American small shrubby oaks often a domin form on thin dry soils sometimes forming dense thickets. ─── 主要为美洲的数种小栎树之一,通常具灌木状习性,主要生长在贫瘠干旱的土壤上,有时形成茂密的大片灌丛。

65、Herbs perennial, rarely shrubby or treelike, often with bulbs, corms, rhizomes, or tubers. ─── 多年生草本,很少灌木状或者乔木状,通常有鳞茎,球茎,根状茎或者块茎。

66、small shrubby tree of Madagascar cultivated in tropical regions as a hedge plant and for its deep red acid fruits resembling small plums. ─── 马达加斯加的一种小的灌木状的乔木,在热带地区作为绿篱植物栽培,果深红色、微酸、味似李子。

67、highly variable often shrubby evergreen oak of coastal zone of western North America having small thick usually spiny-toothed dark-green leaves ─── 北美西部海岸地区的灌木状的常绿栎树,价值高,叶小而厚,具刺状锯齿,暗绿色

68、large genus of low-growing shrubby ribbed cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States. ─── 墨西哥和美国西南一个灌木般矮生仙人掌大属,具棱纹。

69、shrubby raspberry of eastern North America having showy rose to purplish flowers and red or orange thimble-shaped fruit ─── 北美东部的一种蔓生灌丛,具有艳丽的、玫瑰红色至微紫色花朵和红色或桔红色套环状果实

70、Rational Utilization of Shrubby Grassland in Kasite. ─── 喀斯特灌丛草场的合理放牧利用。

71、sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia. ─── 一种曼生的多年生灌木,以猩红色饰有黑斑点的花而著称;在澳大利亚的干旱地区广泛分布。

72、small shrubby spiny tree cultivated for its maroon-purple fruit with sweet purple pulp tasking like gooseberries; Sri Lanka and India. ─── 一种小而具刺的树,因其褐紫红色果实而种植,果肉甜美,呈紫色,醋栗;生长在斯里兰卡和印度。

73、sprawling shrubby perennial noted for its scarlet black-marked flowers; widely distributed in dry parts of Australia ─── 一种曼生的多年生灌木,以猩红色饰有黑斑点的花而著称;在澳大利亚的干旱地区广泛分布

74、A shrubby plant(Cedronella canariensis) in the mint family, native to Madeira and the Canary Islands, having a large, lilac-to-violet corolla with two lips. ─── 加拿利青兰:一种唇形科灌木植物(加拿利青兰),原产于马德拉和加那利群岛,有大的、颜色从淡紫色到紫罗兰色的双唇瓣花冠

75、Any of various shrubs or shrubby trees of the genus Erythrina having trifoliate leaves and racemes of scarlet to coral red flowers and black seeds; cultivated as an ornamental. ─── 刺桐属各种灌木或灌木状乔木的任意一种,三叶叶片,猩红色至珊瑚红色的花成总状花序,结黑色种子,;是一种观赏植物。

76、small shrubby tree of eastern North America similar to the Judas tree having usually pink flowers; found in damp sheltered underwood ─── 北美东部小型灌木状树种,类似于满条红,粉红色花;生长于潮湿阴暗的丛林之中

77、small evergreen European shrubby tree bearing many-seeded scarlet berries that are edible but bland; of Ireland, southern Europe, Asia Minor. ─── 小的常青的欧洲灌木一般的树,有许多种子的猩红色的浆果,可食用但很乏味;分布在爱尔兰、欧洲南部和小亚细亚。

78、deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves. ─── 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香花,叶带酸味。

79、small shrubby North American wild cherry with small bright red acid fruit ─── 北美小型灌木状野生樱桃树,果实小且酸,亮丽的红色

80、small sometimes shrubby tree native to California; often used as an ornamental; in some classification systems includes the Pygmy cypress and the Santa Cruz cypress. ─── 原产加州的一种灌木状小型树种;经常做装饰用;包括俾格米柏和矮柏。

81、shrubby deciduous tree of the Mediterranean region. ─── 地中海地区的一种灌木状每年落叶的枣树。

82、a shrubby spurge(Euphorbia antisyphilitica) native to southwest Texas and Mexico,having densely clustered,erect,essentially leafless stems that yield a multipurpose wax ─── 原产于得克萨斯西南和墨西哥的一种灌木状大戟植物(抗梅毒大戟大戟属),具有紧密丛生的、直立的、基本无叶的茎干,从中可提取一种多用途的蜡

83、shrubby California perennial having large pink or violet flowers; cultivated as an ornamental ─── 加利福尼亚灌木多年生植物,开巨大的,粉红色或紫罗兰色的花;作为一种观赏花来培植

84、shrubby African tree having compound leaves and racemes of small fragrant green flowers. ─── 非洲一种灌木状的小树,有复式叶片和小而芳香的绿色花朵的总状花序。

85、shrubby plant having yellow to apricot flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; southeastern United States: New York to Texas. ─── 一种灌木状植物,花黄色到杏黄色、花的四个瓣排列成十字形;产于美国东南部;从纽约到得克萨斯。

86、medium-sized shrubby tree of South Africa having thick leathery evergreen leaves and white or pink flowers and globose usually two-seeded purplish black fruits ─── 南非的中等尺寸的灌木,有密集的坚韧的常青的叶子和白色或粉色的花,球状的通常是两种子的紫黑色的果实

87、Monthly changes in caloric values of five shrubby Palmae species leaves ─── 五种丛生状棕榈植物叶热值的月变化研究

88、shrubby perennial of the Canary Islands having white flowers and leaves and hairy stems covered with dust-like down; ─── 加纳利群岛一种多年生灌木,长有白色花冠和叶片以及附有类似尘土绒毛的花茎;

89、Kasite shrubby grassland is one of the main grassland types in Guizhou province. ─── 喀斯特灌丛草地是贵州省的主要草地类型之一。

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