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08-20 投稿


climatologist 发音

英:[?kla?m??tɑ?l?d?ist]  美:[?kla?m??t?l?d?ist]

英:  美:

climatologist 中文意思翻译



climatologist 网络释义

n. 气候学家

climatologist 词性/词形变化,climatologist变形


climatologist 短语词组

1、climatologist mann ─── 气候学家曼恩

2、climatologist facts ─── 气候学家的事实

3、climatologist job ─── 气候学家的工作

4、climatologist bls ─── 气候学家

5、climatologist curry ─── 气候学家咖喱

6、climatologist study ─── 气候学家研究

climatologist 相似词语短语

1、cosmetologist ─── n.[医]美容师;美容品业者

2、primatologist ─── n.灵长类动物学家(primatology的变形)

3、climatologists ─── n.气候学家

4、bioclimatologist ─── n.生物气候学家(bioclimatology的变形)

5、climatologic ─── adj.气候学的

6、climatological ─── 与气候学有关的

7、chromatologist ─── 染色学家

8、limacologist ─── 湖沼学家

9、climatology ─── n.[气候]气候学;风土学

climatologist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、NASA climatologist James Hansen is a vocal proponent, favouring a variant in which fossil fuels are taxed at source or at a country's port of entry. ─── 美国宇航局的气候学家詹姆斯汉森是拥护者之一,倾向于就化石燃料在产地或入口港进行征税的税制。

2、The state climatologist reckons that it could last for the rest of the decade. ─── 该州的气候学家估计,今后十年,干旱可能会持续下去。

3、"We are above the high scenario now," says climatologist Stephen of Stanford University, an IPCC lead author. "This is not a safe world." ─── “我们现在正身处危机,”斯坦福大学的气候学家、IPCC报告的主要成员斯蒂芬说道,“这不是一个安全的世界”。

4、Collecting records where he could, the British climatologist calculated there were around 1,800 per hour on average across the world. ─── 英国的气象学家竭尽所能收集各地的记录并算出全球每小时平均发生雷暴1,800次。

5、But climatologist Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute says that exaggerates the problem. ─── 但加图研究所的气候学家帕特里克。迈克尔斯称这有点夸大问题。

6、The climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world. ─── 气候学家最关心的是世界上能量贮藏器的时间常数。

7、A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world. ─── 气候学家非常关心世界上能量贮藏器的时间常数。

8、and climatologist pay more and more attention to global variance of the ocean and atmosphere. ─── 近几十年来,广大海洋学家和气候学家对海洋与大气的全球变化,越来越引起重视。

9、several decades, most oceangrapher and climatologist pay more and more attention to global variance of the ocean and atmosphere. ─── 几十年来,广大海洋学家和气候学家对海洋与大气的全球变化,越来越引起重视。

10、Professor Qin is an internationally renowned climatologist and expert on global change. ─── 秦大河院士是国际著名的气候和全球变化研究专家。

11、A climatologist tries to figure out a way to save the world from abrupt global warming. ─── 将陷入第二次冰河纪的故事。

12、A study by an MIT climatologist finds that major storms in both the Atlantic and the Pacific since the 1970s have increased in duration and intensity by about 50 percent. ─── 美国麻省理工学院的一位气候学家经过研究发现,自从上个世纪70年代以来,肆虐于大西洋和太平洋的大的暴风雨,无论是在持续时间上还是在破坏强度上都增加了大约50%。

13、a climatologist of Stanford University ─── 斯坦福大学的气候学家

14、A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world. ─── 气候学家非常关心世界上能量贮藏器的时间常数。

15、Dendro-climatologist a researcher who USES tree rings to study the climate record. ─── - climatologist -利用树木年轮来研究气候记录的研究学家。

16、Claire Parkinson, a climatologist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said the discovery suggests that there is much left to learn about Antarctica's climate. ─── 卡列尔·帕金森说,这个发现表明我们对南极的气候还知之甚少。

17、In these several decades, most oceangrapher and climatologist pay more and more attention to global variance of the ocean and atmosphere. ─── 近几十年来,广大海洋学家和气候学家对海洋与大气的全球变化,越来越引起重视。

18、" But climatologist Stephen Schneider of Stanford University and economist John Reilly of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his colleagues contend that the IPCC didn't go far enough. ─── 但是斯坦福大学的气候学家斯蒂芬·施奈德和麻省理工学院的经济学家约翰·莱利以及他的同事们一致认为IPCC所做的工作远远不够。

19、James E. Hansen, NASA's leading climatologist, sent an open letter to Mr. Fukuda on Thursday seeking a greater commitment to emissions cuts. ─── 美国宇航局的首席气候学家JamesE.Hansen,在周四时给日本首相福田先生发了一份公开信来寻求更大的对于排放温室气体量减少的赞助。

20、The climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world. ─── 气候学家最关心的是世界上能量贮藏器的时间常数。

21、In his own way, Thoreau was an instinctive climatologist. ─── 以某个角度看来,梭罗也是气象学家。

22、As a climatologist, questioning how temperature change will influence the ice melting and further sea level rise that will ultimately lead to an increase in both. ─── 作为一个气候学家,探究温度变化将如何影响冰雪融化和海平面进一步上升,因为温度变化将最终导致二者的增加。

23、As of 01 September 2001, the State Climatologist Office has been combined with WRDS in order to better integrate the functions of these two environmentally related disciplines. ─── 2001年9月,怀俄明州气候办公室合并至WRDS,这样可以更好的将水文学和气候学研究结合起来。

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