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08-20 投稿


declamatory 发音

英:[d?'kl?m?t(?)r?]  美:[d?'kl?m?'t?ri]

英:  美:

declamatory 中文意思翻译



declamatory 网络释义

adj. 朗读式的;雄辩家式的;慷慨激昂的

declamatory 词性/词形变化,declamatory变形

动词第三人称单数: declaims |动词过去分词: declaimed |名词: declaimer |动词过去式: declaimed |动词现在分词: declaiming |

declamatory 短语词组

1、declamatory law ─── 宣告法

2、declamatory style ─── 宣讲式

3、declamatory judgment ─── 诽谤性的判断

4、declamatory define ─── 宣告性定义

5、declamatory manner ─── 宣告方式

6、declamatory singing ─── 吟唱

7、declamatory def ─── 宣告性违约

8、declamatory speech ─── 宣讲演说

declamatory 相似词语短语

1、declaratory ─── adj.宣言的;公布的

2、declarator ─── n.[计]说明符

3、declaratorily ─── 宣告地

4、declinatory ─── adj.婉谢的,谢绝的

5、exclamatory ─── adj.感叹的;惊叫的

6、acclamatory ─── adj.欢呼的;喝彩的

7、declarators ─── n.[计]说明符

8、declamatorily ─── 宣告地

9、defamatory ─── adj.诽谤的;中伤的;破坏名誉的

declamatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“The literature of a young and free people will of course be declamatory, and such, so far as it is yet developed, is the character of its own. ─── “一个年轻而自由的民族、其文学必然是口头的;这种文学尽管尚未充分发展,但它却是美国文学的特征。

2、At best, the council is a declamatory body; real power lies with the Security Council in New York. ─── 所以这个理事会充其量也就是个耍嘴皮子的地方,真正的权利仍在纽约的联合国安理会。

3、It was a declamatory literature. ─── 这是一种口头文学。

4、Soviet poet. A leader of futurism in Russian literature, he wrote forceful, declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution. ─── 马雅可夫斯基,弗拉基米尔·瓦拉蒂米洛维奇1893-1930苏联诗人。他是俄国文学未来派的主要代表人物,其铿锵有力的、慷慨激昂的诗篇赞颂了共产主义者的革命

5、Soviet poet.A leader of futurism in Russian literature, he wrote forceful, declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution. ─── 马雅可夫斯基,弗拉基米尔 瓦拉蒂米洛维奇1893-1930苏联诗人。他是俄国文学未来派的主要代表人物,其铿锵有力的、慷慨激昂的诗篇赞颂了共产主义者的革命

6、As a leader of futurism in Russian literature,he wrote forceful,declamatory verse praising the Communist revolution. ─── 他是俄国文学未来派的主要代表人物,其铿锵有力的、慷慨激昂的诗篇赞颂了共产主义者的革命。

7、best, the council is a declamatory body; real power lies with the Security council in New York. ─── 这个理事会充其量也就是个耍嘴皮子的地方,真正的权利仍在纽约的联合国安理会。

8、Best of all the well-known lyric pieces is Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind"; here Shelley's rhapsodic and declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them. ─── 雪莱最著名的抒情诗当属“西风颂”,这首诗语气狂热,宜于诵读。

9、declamatory speech ─── 朗诵腔

10、Declamation is a traditional method of reading in our country. Declamatory teaching is a traditional Chinese teaching method. ─── 诵读是我国传统的读书方法,诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。

11、A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation. ─── 咏叙调一种用在歌剧和(宗教)清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同

12、He developed realism in his staging and insisted on a naturalistic rather than a declamatory acting style. ─── 他在舞台布景上发展出写实主义,并坚持自然主义,而不是朗读式的表演风格。

13、One was purely declamatory, objurgatory and hortatory. ─── 一个是纯粹的慷慨激昂的,非难的和激励的。

14、At best, the council is a declamatory body; real power lies with the Security Council in New York. ─── 所以这个理事会充其量也就是个耍嘴皮子的地方,真正的权利仍在纽约的联合国安理会。

15、1. here Shelley's rhapsodic and declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them. ─── 雪莱最著名的抒情诗当属“西风颂”,这首诗语气狂热,宜于诵读。收藏指正

16、"The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck" followed; also "The Assyrian Came Down, " and other declamatory gems. ─── 随后有人背诵了“那个男孩子站在燃烧的甲板上”,“亚述人走来了”等一些名篇。

17、Obama combines the reflective with the declamatory; ─── 奥巴马兼具雄辩的口才与深沉的思想。

18、"The Boy Stood on the Burning Deck" followed;also "The Assyrian Came Down," and other declamatory gems. ─── 随后有人背诵了“那个男孩子站在燃烧的甲板上”,“亚述人走来了”等一些名篇。

19、talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner. ─── 嘈杂、兴奋、夸夸其谈地说。

20、here Shelley's rhapsodic and declamatory tendencies find a subject perfectly suited to them. ─── 雪莱最著名的抒情诗当属“西风颂”,这首诗语气狂热,宜于诵读。

21、It was a declamatory literature. ─── 这是一种口头文学。

22、Declamation is a traditional method of reading in our country. Declamatory teaching is a traditional Chinese teaching method. ─── 诵读是我国传统的读书方法,诵读教学是我国传统的语文教学方法。

23、declamatory judgment ─── n. 确认之诉

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