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08-20 投稿


complexional 发音

英:[[k?mp'lek??n?l]]  美:[[k?mp'lek??n?l]]

英:  美:

complexional 中文意思翻译



complexional 短语词组

1、complexional definition ─── 肤色定义

complexional 相似词语短语

1、compressional ─── adj.有压缩性的;与压缩有关的

2、completion ─── n.完成,结束;实现,竣工

3、complexing ─── n.使配合,使络合;形成综合体(complex的现在分词)

4、complexions ─── n.肤色(complexion的复数形式);配容;vt.染色;上色(complexion的三单形式)

5、complexioned ─── adj.有…肤色的;脸色…的

6、complexone ─── n.[分化]氨羧络合剂

7、complexones ─── 络合剂

8、complexion ─── n.肤色;面色;情况;局面;vt.使增添色彩

9、completions ─── n.完成,结束;实现,竣工

complexional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both governments agreed that the whole venture should have a completely American complexion. ─── 双方政府同意,此整个冒险应为全美国面目出现。

2、She has a real peaches and cream complexion. ─── 她的肤色完美无瑕。

3、Typically Tara is seen as a slender and beautiful woman of white complexion, long golden hair and blue eyes. ─── 典型的度母被视为苗条和漂亮的女性,拥有白色肤色,长长的金头发和蓝眼睛。

4、Three: Do not suspend the complexion to look to yours woman that the man who angries to the woman is very hateful. ─── 三:不要摆脸色给你的女人看,一个对女人使脾气的男人是很可恶的。

5、Possibly blend ofWolof honq[ red, pink, of light complexion ]. ─── 可能混合了沃洛夫语honq[红的,粉红的,浅肤色的]。

6、Jim's dark, ruddy complexion with thick eyebrows seemed to body forth a vigorous man. ─── 吉姆脸色黑里泛红、眉毛粗浓,一看就是个精力旺盛的人。

7、The mutation pattern of silver crucian carp was very complexional, as well as some loci did not follow the Stepwise Mutation Model. ─── (4) 序列分析表明, 雌核发育银鲫的微卫星突变模式并不严格遵守逐步突变模型。

8、His features are strong and mascul, with an Austrian lip and arched nose, his complexion olive. ─── 他的仪表威武英俊,有着奥地利人的嘴唇、鹰钩鼻子、棕黄色面皮。

9、He has a dark complexion. ─── 他肤色黝黑。

10、S: Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. ─── 你的皮肤较油,我建议你用洁面赭喱。

11、Clinical expression basically is complexion sends all sorts of body at anaemia to ask for with afterwards palely. ─── 临床表现主要是面色苍白和继发于贫血的各种体征。

12、She has a pretty complexion. ─── 她面色秀丽。

13、She has a pale complexion. ─── 她面色苍白。

14、Her complexion has a flush,just like that of the dawn. ─── 她红扑扑的脸蛋宛如黎明 的红霞.

15、Her complexion is like parchment very much the worse for wear. ─── 她的皮肤象一副羊皮,根本不配披在身上。

16、She has a beautiful skin, ie complexion. ─── 她肤色很美.

17、She has a high colour, ie a very red complexion. ─── 她气色很好.

18、She studied the complexion of jealousy. ─── 她研究嫉妒的表现。

19、How it works: the antioxidants in strawberries may help even out a splotchy complexion. ─── 作用:草莓中的抗氧化剂有去除皮肤斑点的功能。

20、The secret behind the pristine complexion of these exotic women was Pearl Powder. ─── 她们背后的驻颜秘诀就是珍珠粉。

21、He was commonplace in complexion, in feature, in manners. ─── 他的肤色、相貌、神态都异常平庸。

22、Goggle at of ground of her complexion malformation I do not talk. ─── 她脸色难看地瞪着我不说话。

23、People's spiritual complexion has changed. ─── 人们的精神面貌改变了。

24、He possessed the broad-brush lineament, the dusky complexion and the broad square jaws with inflexible will. ─── 他有一张粗线条的脸庞,皮肤微黑,阔大,坚毅的方下巴。

25、Her resignation puts a different complexion on things,ie changes one's view of the affair. ─── 她一辞职则情随事迁,使人改变了对事务的看法。

26、Nurse Cramer had a cute nose and a radiant, blooming complexion dotted with fetching sprays of adorable freckles. ─── 克拉默护士生了一个逗人喜欢的鼻子,红光满面,生气勃勃的脸庞上布满了一片片迷人的,俊俏可笑的雀斑。

27、The complexion of the war is changed by two victories. ─── 两场胜利使战争有了转机。

28、She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry. ─── 与前7任贝蒂相比,最新版的贝蒂肤色更加黝黑,面部特征则是白人、拉美裔、印第安人、非洲裔和亚裔后代的混和。

29、He had black fiery eyes, coal-black hair, a strong fine Roman profile, and a rich brown complexion. ─── 他有一双炯炯发光的眼睛,乌黑的头发,一副罗马人那样刚毅而端正的相貌和深棕色的皮肤。

30、Sylvia: Oh dear, your complexion looks awful. I think you should have a little rest! ─── 噢,你的脸色好难看,我看你该去休息一下!

31、A person to eat money to see the computer complexion. ─── 一个人吃饭的钱就看电脑的面色。

32、Shushan The Toeless refused Confucius'apology. With a solemn complexion, he turned and limped away. ─── 叔山无趾没有接受孔子的道歉,他面色凝重,转过身一拐一拐地走了。

33、Little by little a healthy complexion came back to her face. ─── 她脸上逐渐恢复了血色。

34、Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. ─── 她戴着闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。

35、He was a large, cheerful man, with a florid complexion. ─── 他块头很大,性情愉快,肤色红润。

36、Promotes the production of collagen to help maintain a fine complexion and revitalise the skin. ─── 制造更多胶原蛋白,使肌肤更紧实,富有弹性。

37、The destruction on inactivation of cyanide ion may be accomplished by complexion formation . ─── 可以通过形成络合物的方法来破坏氰离子发生钝化作用。

38、She has a beautiful complexion. ─── 她肤色很美。

39、He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer , the thoughtful visage of a philosopher. ─── 他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。

40、His complexion was sallow, his face swollen. ─── 他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。

41、Her resignation puts a different complexion on things, ie changes one's view of the affair. ─── 她一辞职则情随事迁(使人改变了对事务的看法).

42、Its complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold, to impassive yellow. ─── 从火红、到橘红、到金色、再到清冷的浅黄,其容颜都在不断更易。

43、A Complexional Thought of Modern Society and Institutional Innovation ─── 现代社会与制度创新的复杂性思考

44、Fifteen days later, the complexion appears luster and becomes ruddy gradually. ─── 天后脸上气色开始有光泽,渐渐红润。

45、Your complexion is on the oily side. I suggest you use cleansing gel. ─── 你的皮肤较油,我提议你用洁面乳。

46、Her complexion was sallow; and her features small, without beauty. ─── 她皮肤病黄,五官细小,毫无风韵可言。

47、Her body is a little effeminate, complexion is shown slightly cadaverous, but do not break clinging and missish. ─── 她身体有些柔弱,脸色略显苍白,但不失执著和矜持。

48、The colour of your coat doesn't seem to fall in with your complexion. ─── 你的上衣的颜色与你的肤色不协调。

49、Your complexion has become pallid, you use make-up. ─── 你的皮肤已经变得苍白,你化了妆。

50、The Complexion Correcting Radiance Serum formula is oil-free, hypoallergenic, non-comedogenic and non-photosensitizing. ─── 味道很好闻。质地轻,好吸收。只是太不经用。

51、Which on thy soft cheek for complexion dwells, In my love's veins thou hast too grossly dyed. ─── 停驻在你嫩颊上的紫红,正是你从我爱人血脉中渲染来的华美。

52、His dark, ruddy complexion with thick eyebrows seemed to boby forth a vigorous man. ─── 他脸色黑里泛红,眉毛粗浓,一看就是个精力旺盛的人。

53、She has dark hair and a fresh complexion. ─── 她头发乌黑,气色很好。

54、An unhealthy, pasty complexion. ─── 不健康而苍白的肤色

55、Your account puts a different complexion on the matter. ─── 你的叙述使这件事改观。

56、The child 10 years old, occurrence complexion, the lip is cadaverous, be what returns a responsibility excuse me? ─── 孩子10岁了,出现脸色,嘴唇苍白,请问是啥回事?

57、They admire her alabaster complexion. ─── 他们羡慕她那白润光滑的肌肤。

58、Female, 26, unmarried, 1.61m, sweet and cute, well-mannered, fine complexion, seeks male 28-35, caring and responsible. ─── 女26岁,未婚,1.61米,娇小甜美,谈吐文雅,秀丽肤白,欲觅一位能够呵护她并有责任心的男士,年龄在28至35之间

59、She put on layers of make-up to cover her spotty complexion. ─── 她涂上了一层化妆水来遮掩脸上的斑斑点点。

60、Her resignation puts a different complexion on things. ─── 她一辞职局面就全变了。

61、Your complexion is so improved. ─── 你的容貌变得如此漂亮。

62、In the East the progressive revolt had a more decidedly urban complexion. ─── 在东部,进步派的反叛带有更明显的城市色彩。

63、She has been staying indoors a good deal, and her complexion has grown delicate. ─── 她近来待在屋子里的时候太多了,肉皮儿都变娇嫩了。

64、Aunt Sybil had pink-rimmed azure eyes and a waxen complexion. ─── 估计她一心希望,如果我将来不幸成为鳏夫,也会是比我父亲好的鳏夫。

65、My, my, my. Oh, Princess. Staying up late is so bad for your complexion. ─── 唉呀呀。噢,公主。这么晚也不睡对你的皮肤不好的啦。

66、She has pink cheeks and a flawless complexion. ─── 她面颊粉红,面部皮肤光洁无瑕。

67、Her complexion could bear any sunshine as yet. ─── 不管在多么强烈的阳光底下,她的脸色仍旧显得鲜嫩。

68、She has an inferiority complex about [because of] her bad complexion. ─── 她因自己的肤色不好而感到自卑。

69、The unwhitening and uneven facial complexion seem emaciating and aging. ─── 不净白不均匀的脸色让人看起来显得几分憔悴和老化。

70、Absorbs excess sebum with 8hrs matte and powdery complexion results. ─── 吸收脸部多余油脂,保持清爽粉末定妆效果达8小时。

71、He altered the complexion of his times. ─── 他改变了他那个时代的面貌。

72、She has a high colour,ie a very red complexion. ─── 她气色很好。

73、Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism. ─── 丰富的维生素C,E和铁。改善肤色和新陈代谢。

74、"Vegetarian man (doctor, engineer preferred) for church-educated girl with light complexion,"says another. ─── “皮肤浅色、教会学校毕业之少女欲寻一位素食男子为友(医生、工程师职业者更佳)。”另一则征婚广告如是说。

75、Her complexion was a light yellow. ─── 她的肤色是明亮的黄色。”

76、Her sparkling jewellery serve as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. ─── 她戴著闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。

77、She said she had an apple complexion. ─── 她说她有象苹果一样的肤色。

78、Her eyes, complexion, and hair were fresh and healthy. ─── 她的眼睛、面色和头发都新鲜健康。

79、She has a swarthy complexion. ─── 她的肤色黝黑。

80、Within two hours his complexion took on colour and his limbs became warm. ─── 两个钟头不到,他脸上就有了血色,四肢也暖和起来。

81、He is quite thin and has a moustache, and a dark complexion. ─── 他很瘦,留着小胡子,皮肤黝黑。

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