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08-20 投稿


clumsy 发音

英:[?kl?mzi]  美:[?kl?mzi]

英:  美:

clumsy 中文意思翻译






clumsy 网络释义

adj. 笨拙的笨拙地不得当的不得当地

clumsy 词性/词形变化,clumsy变形


clumsy 同义词

lumbering | inapt | unwieldy | lame | all thumbs | bunglesome | maladroit | massive | wooden |awkward | ponderous | clunky | incompetent | fumbling | heavy-handed | gawky | cumbersome | gauche | uncouth | ham-fisted | blundering | ungainly | bungling | inelegant | inept | bulky | gross | ungraceful | ill-chosen

clumsy 短语词组

1、clumsy tactics n. ─── 拙劣伎俩

2、clumsy boy ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的男孩

3、clumsy guy ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的家伙

4、clumsy smurf ─── 笨拙的蓝精灵

5、clumsy cat ─── 笨拙的猫

6、clumsy height ─── 笨拙的高度

7、clumsy thief ─── 笨手 ─── 笨脚的小偷

8、clumsy person ─── [网络] 笨拙的人

9、clumsy girl ─── 笨拙的女孩

10、clumsy bird ─── 笨鸟

11、clumsy monkey ─── 笨拙的猴子

12、clumsy ninja apk ─── 笨拙的忍者apk

13、clumsy bear ─── 笨拙的熊

14、clumsy ninja ─── 忍者

15、clumsy children ─── 笨拙的孩子

16、clumsy youtube ─── 笨拙的youtube

17、clumsy birds ─── 笨鸟

18、clumsy heights ─── 笨拙的高度

19、clumsy ninja game ─── 笨拙忍者游戏

clumsy 反义词

skillful | clever | dexterous

clumsy 相似词语短语

1、clucky ─── adj.孵蛋的;想生孩子的

2、clubs ─── n.俱乐部;社团(club的复数);(扑克牌)梅花;v.用棍棒打(club的第三人称单数形式)

3、-lums ─── abbr.兰卡斯特大学管理学院(LahoreUniversityofManagementSciences)

4、alums ─── n.矾;明矾;n.(Alum)人名;(西)阿卢姆

5、clues ─── n.线索,蛛丝马迹(clue的复数);v.提示(clue的第三人称单数);暗示

6、clubby ─── adj.排外的;俱乐部的;爱交际的;资格要求严的

7、clumsily ─── adv.笨拙地;粗陋地

8、clumpy ─── adj.多块的;成块的;树木丛生的

9、chums ─── n.室友;密友;vi.结为密友;n.(Chum)人名;(柬)宗;(捷)胡姆

clumsy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If she was the naive girl, Guy Pollock was the clumsy boy. ─── 如果说她是那个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是那个笨头笨脑的小伙子。

2、If you are a clumsy but good looking single dad, please beware of your adopted son. ─── 假如您是位笨手笨脚却貌似天仙的单身爸爸,请小心防备您的养子。

3、He is clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help. ─── 他笨手笨脚又邋遢,可话说回来,他总乐于助人。

4、She winced at their infelicities and at the clumsy way they talked. ─── 他对他们的不当言谈(指比喻、措辞不当)和拙劣的说话方式皱眉头。

5、Once, he came down on a Sunday afternoon. "I need a cup of flour, " he said. It was clumsy, but I couldn't help myself. ─── 有一天周日下午,布鲁诺跑过来找我“我需要一些面粉”他说,“虽然很失礼,但我还是忍不住要说。”

6、He is clumsy with his hands. ─── 他的一双手很笨。

7、A clumsy, unhandy person, especially one who regularly drops things. ─── 一个人的手若是奶油做的想必又软又滑,当然东西拿不好,老是滑落.

8、He asked me such a clumsy question that I did not know what to reply. ─── 他问了我一个如此笨拙的问题,以至于我不知道该如何回答。

9、His father worked in the nearby coal mine, looking after the big clumsy steam engines. ─── 他父亲在附近的一家煤矿工作,负责看管笨重的大型蒸汽发动机。

10、The doctor's clumsy handling of the syringe did not inspire confidence in his nervous patient. ─── 医生笨拙的注射没有给那紧张的病人以信心。

11、You clumsy oaf that's the second glass you've broken today ! ─── 你这个笨家伙--这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯!

12、You clumsy oaf ---that's the second glass you've broken today. ─── 你这个笨家伙!这是你今天打坏的第二个玻璃杯。

13、I never saw such a clumsy chap as you. ─── 俺从来没看见过象你这样的笨货。

14、Her clumsy flippers become her wings! ─── 她的笨拙的鳍成为她的翼!

15、When these seabirds walk on land,they look clumsy. ─── 在陆地上,这些海鸟一副笨拙的样子。

16、Ridiculously clumsy; absurd. ─── 可笑地愚蠢的;蠢笨的

17、He's a terrible dancer; he's too clumsy and keeps stepping on my feet. ─── 他跳舞跳得糟透了,笨手笨脚的,老是踩我的脚。

18、His clumsy fingers couldn't untie the knot. ─── 他的手很笨拙,无法解开这个结。

19、Clumsy or cumbersome. ─── 不灵活的或妨碍的

20、She puts her clothes in her families clumsy washing machine. ─── 她把衣服放到家里那个笨头笨脑的洗衣机里。

21、She made a clumsy attempt to apologize. ─── 她本想道歉,但词语生硬。

22、A clumsy, coarse person;a bumpkin. ─── 乡下佬,粗人愚笨粗俗之人;

23、She made all the other girls I'd been out with seem dingy and clumsy and old before their time. ─── 她使我先前闹翻了的所有姑娘统统显得邋遢、笨拙、缺乏朝气。

24、She is clumsy in her movements. ─── 她动作不灵活。

25、He made the most uncouth and clumsy gestures of delight. ─── 他做出的表示快乐的动作也是极笨拙、极难看的。

26、You shouldn't wear such clumsy shoes. ─── 你不应该穿这样笨重的鞋。

27、He may be dexterous at football, but he is very clumsy on the dance floor. ─── 他踢足球可能很灵活,但跳起舞来却十分笨拙。

28、Where is the man in Goethe, in his birdlike lyrics or in his clumsy prose? ─── 在歌德的作品中,所谓“其人”在哪里?是在他那婉转悦耳的抒情诗里,还是在他那佶屈聱牙的散文里?

29、He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help. ─── 他笨手笨脚的又邋遢; 可是话说回来,他总是乐於助人。

30、You clumsy oaf,that's the second glass you've broken today! ─── 你这个笨家伙,这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯!

31、The doctor's clumsy handling of the syringe did not inspire confidence in his nervous patient. ─── 医生笨拙的注射没有给那紧张的病人以信心。

32、This struck her as a clumsy evasion. ─── 她立刻感到这是何等笨拙的推诿之词。

33、They drove out in a clumsy high carriage. ─── 他们乘坐难看的高大的马车出去了。

34、He's clumsy and untidy but then again he's always willing to help . ─── 他笨手笨脚的又邋遢;可是话说回来,他总是乐于助人.

35、The dress looks clumsy on you. ─── 你穿这件衣裙看起来很笨拙。

36、A clumsy man not noticing it, had his foot on it for ever so long before he discovered it. ─── 一个笨手笨脚的家伙开始没有注意,在上面踩了很久才发现它。

37、Don't be so clumsy, or you'll hurt yourself. ─── 别这么笨手笨脚的,不然会伤到自己的。

38、Yeah he looks a bit clumsy early on, but you know Yao will get it going and dominate this Pacers interior eventually. ─── 是的,刚开始姚明看上去有点拙笨,但是你知道姚明会找回状态的,并最终统治步行者的内线。

39、She moved her clumsy shoe a few centimetres and deliberately crushed a twig. ─── 她把她的笨重的鞋子移动几毫米,有意踩断了一根小树枝。

40、"You axe a clumsy oaf, Meng-hsiang! ─── “孟翔,冒失鬼!

41、His clumsy speech annoyed everyone. ─── 大家对他的拙劣发言均很反感。

42、His sentence were clumsy, he was only half articulate. ─── 他言语笨拙,旁人只能听懂一半。

43、Her movements are clumsy and uncoordinated. ─── 她的动作笨拙而又不协调。

44、Andrew Bynum playing seven clumsy minutes marred by five silly fouls? ─── 安猪拜纳姆打了七分钟领了五次愚蠢的犯规?

45、It is by any standards a clumsy piece of writing. ─── 以任何标准来衡量,这都是篇拙劣的习作。

46、His clumsy fingers produced an awkward knot. ─── 他用笨拙的手指打了一个很糟糕的结。

47、You clumsy oaf that's the second glass you've broken today! ─── 你这个笨家伙--这是你今天打碎的第二个玻璃杯!

48、Her city slicker boyfriend look pretty clumsy out here on the farm. ─── 她那个衣著讲究世故老练的城市男友到了农庄这里看起来挺笨拙的。

49、If she was a naive girl, Guy Pollock was a clumsy boy. ─── 如果说她是一个天真烂漫的小姑娘,波洛克就是个笨头笨脑的小伙子。

50、His attempts to apologize were very clumsy. ─── 他非常笨拙的试著道歉。

51、The men in recon were clumsy now and uncertain of their footing. ─── 侦察排的战士到这时候又都腿脚不灵,步履不稳了。

52、He' s clumsy and untidy but then again he' s always willing to help. ─── 他笨手笨脚的又邋遢; 可是话说回来, 他总是乐於助人.

53、She began to dress, cold clumsy fingers fumbling with buttons. ─── 她开始穿衣服,冰冷的手指笨拙地摸索着钮扣.

54、A person, especially a clumsy or uncouth one. ─── 家伙一个人,尤指笨拙的或古怪的人

55、"What I mean is that he hardly ever does anything clumsy. ─── “我的意思是说,他几乎没做什么不体面的事。

56、He wrote first in large clumsy capitals. ─── 他先用大写字母笨拙地写出。

57、This was the only pose I could do. Really clumsy! ─── 从小照相就只会一个姿势,稍息!

58、Custard pudding and cof. . . Oh! sorry. It was very clumsy of me. Just a moment, please. ─── 鸡蛋布丁和……啊!抱歉,我真笨拙,请等一会儿。

59、One,such as a person or an object,that is bulky,clumsy,or unwieldy. ─── 大个子,庞然大物庞大、笨拙或不灵便的(人或物体)

60、She's not pretty but cute, not smart while a little clumsy. ─── 她不是很漂亮,但却可爱;看起来不聪明,甚至有些笨拙。

61、He is clumsy with tools. ─── 他不擅于使用工具。

62、Johnny Depp is no Cary Grant, but is charming in a clumsy sort of way. ─── 约翰尼德普没有卡里格兰特,但在一个迷人的那种笨拙的方式。

63、Beginners do a lot of clumsy fumbling about. ─── 初学者做很多笨拙的事情探索它。

64、Mind that cup, you clumsy oaf! ─── 当心那个杯子,你这笨手笨脚的家伙!

65、He chided his son for being clumsy. ─── 他斥责儿子笨手笨脚。

66、Not as clumsy or as random as a blaster. ─── 不像一般武器的不灵活,轻率

67、A clumsy, coarse person; a bumpkin. ─── 乡下佬,粗人愚笨粗俗之人; 乡下人

68、Being clumsy in front of the head of his clan. ─── 在他的部落首脑面前表现愚蠢。

69、You are clumsy ! You' re knocked over my cup of coffee ! ─── 你真笨手笨脚!把我的这杯咖啡撞翻了。

70、He tried to dance, but he was too clumsy and awkward. ─── 他试着跳舞,但是太笨拙,太别扭。

71、He's clumsy and untidy,but then again he's always willing to help. ─── 他笨手笨脚,又邋遢,可是话说回来,他总是乐于助人。

72、You have a clumsy and careless servant girl. ─── 你有一位笨手笨脚粗心大意的使女。

73、An awkward person,a clumsy person She's such a klutz. ─── 一个笨手笨脚的人;一个笨拙的人。

74、In either case, I was huge, clumsy, awkward, and I was unstoppable! ─── 不论如何,我那时身材庞大,笨拙,窘迫,而且我是无法停止的。

75、His clumsy tongue had finally forced this foolish confession past the teeth. ─── 他那拙劣的舌头总算把这份愚蠢的供词挤出了牙缝。

76、The analysts could retort only that the geometric proofs were clumsy and inelegant. ─── 分析学家只能回嘴说几何的证明是笨拙而不优美的。

77、It gasped and muttered, "Clumsy." ─── 它喘着气嘟囔着:“笨手笨脚的。”

78、Her clumsy fib had let him see that she had something to conceal . ─── 她那愚蠢的谎言已使他猜出她在隐瞒什么。

79、The last thing you should do is carry heavy and clumsy luggage around. ─── 你最不应该做的就是拿着笨重的行李四处走。

80、His writing is formless, clumsy, and quite without distinction. ─── 他的作品却缺乏形式之美,笨拙粗糙,涉入凡庸。

81、Lacking grace or ease of movement or form; clumsy. ─── 不优雅的;难看的缺乏雅致或活动的自如或礼貌的;笨拙的

82、While its movement is deliberate, the Sussex Spaniel is in no sense clumsy. ─── 他的整个动作都是慎重的。塞式猎犬不能让人感到笨拙。

83、One, such as a person or an object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy. ─── 大个子,庞然大物庞大、笨拙或不灵便的(人或物体)

84、However, Malon detects Dalan’s trickery due to her clumsy slipup. ─── 大兰破绽百出,被马郎识破。

85、He bumped my car in a very clumsy attempt to park behind me. ─── 他笨拙地想要把车停在我后面的时候,撞到了我的车。

86、Li Tan: Mr. Allright, this a clumsy book written by your humble servant. ─── 不,不,不,你不是我的仆人,我们不出中文书。

87、Although a small turtle is clumsy on the beach, once in the sea, it becomes agile and free. ─── 别看小海龟在沙滩上爬行往往显得笨拙,一旦到了海里,就变得灵活自如。

88、How were my hand so clumsy this morning that I can't button the shirt. ─── 今天早上我的手怎么这么笨呢,好像连衬衫都扣不上了。












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