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08-20 投稿


banc 发音

英:[b??k]  美:[b??k]

英:  美:

banc 中文意思翻译




banc 短语词组

1、rehearing en banc ─── 重审

2、abaca banc ─── 阿巴卡银行

3、char-a-banc n. ─── 一种大型游览车

4、sitting in banc ─── [法] 全体法官出庭

5、in banc ─── 全体法官列席,在开庭

6、banc de sabadell ncapita arenas ─── 萨巴德尔银行(banc de sabadell ncapita arenas)

7、banc de sabadell empreses catal ─── 加泰罗尼亚公司的沙洲

8、banc cafe ─── 班克咖啡馆

9、en banc ─── [法] 全体出庭法官受审

10、banc of california ─── 加州银行

11、banca electronica banc de sabadell ─── 萨巴德尔电子银行

12、banc le roy ─── [法] 高等法院

13、banc one ─── 第一银行

14、banc de parc ─── 公园长椅

15、banc de sabadell ─── 萨巴德尔银行

16、banc binary ─── 二进制银行

17、banc de sabadell andorra ─── 安道尔沙洲

banc 相似词语短语

1、bane ─── n.毒药;祸害;灭亡的原因;n.(Bane)人名;(法)巴纳;(塞)巴内;(日)伴卫(名);(英)贝恩

2、ban ─── v.禁止,取缔;(官方)把(某人)逐出某地;n.禁止,禁令,禁忌;剥夺公民权的判决;诅咒;巴尼(罗马尼亚货币单位);n.(Ban)(美、罗马、克罗地亚)班恩(人名)

3、band ─── n.带,环;[物]波段;(演奏流行音乐的)乐队;人群;vi.用带绑扎;给……镶边

4、anc ─── abbr.非洲民族会议(AfricanNationalCouncil);美国新闻社(AmericanNewsCompany);(美国)大气氮公司(AtmosphericNitrogenCorporation);自动噪声消除器(AutomaticNoiseCanceller)

5、bani ─── n.巴尼(罗马尼亚的货币单位)(ban的复数);n.(Bani)(意)巴尼(人名)

6、bac ─── abbr.二进制模拟转换(Binary-AnalogConversion);(美国)波音飞机公司(BoeingAirplaneCompany);英国飞机公司(BritishAircraftCorporation);n.(Bac)人名;(法、西)巴克

7、bang ─── 发巨响

8、banco ─── int.全吃(用于巴卡拉等赌博中,表明玩家愿意独自应对庄家的全部赌注);n.(Banco)(美、阿、意、法)班考(人名)

9、Manc ─── 曼奇

banc 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Banc of America, a spokesman has confirmed that the incident. ─── 但不管怎么样,我们是一个以业绩定薪酬的公司。”

2、Banc of America Securities LLC ─── 美银证券

3、We only sell our products through banc assurance and Brokers &Agencies.Brokers and agencies play a very important role in our distribution channels. ─── 我们的产品只通过银行与经代机构进行销售,保险专业中介机构在我们的销售渠道中占有重要地位。

4、Banc of America Securities LLP. ─── 然而,美银证券。


6、The lead underwriters on the Refco IPO were Credit Suisse First Boston, Goldman, Sachs &Co. and Banc of America Securities LLC. ─── 瑞富上市的主要保荐机构为瑞士信贷第一波士顿,高盛和美洲银行证券公司。

7、Among banks that could be most affected by losses on the preferred stock are Gateway Financial Holdings and Midwest Banc Holdings. ─── 在这类银行当中,受优先股亏损影响最大的可能就是GatewayFinancialHoldings和MidwestBancHoldings。

8、Semh ah banc。 ─── 寻找树枝歇。

9、The financials will likely be restated, said Banc of America Securities analyst Michael Hecht in a research note. ─── 那么福汇为什么要攻击国内的所有资本投资市场?

10、The court's denial of a request to hear the case en banc. ─── 法院拒绝全案庭审请求。

11、Citigroup and Banc of America均超or 22 percent, the rich countries rose 17.5 percent, JP Morgan Chase rose 7.8%. ─── 花旗与美银涨幅均超22%,富国上涨17.5%,摩根大通上涨7.8%。

12、"there is a large amount of borrowers who are in products that either no longer exist or that they no longer qualify for," says banc of america securities analyst robert lacoursiere. ─── “ 相当多借贷者的房子将不复存在或者没有资格拥有.” banc of america securities 的分析师robert lacoursiere先生说.

13、Ernst &Young and Banc of America could not be reached for comment at presstime. A Deutsche Bank spokesman said the company doesn't comment on pending litigation. ─── 截至发稿时,安永和美国银行也未做出评论。而德银证券的发言人表示,对于未决诉讼不做评论。

14、Banc of America Investment Services Inc. ─── 除了其证券子公司外,美国银行周一还表示,另外一家子公司。

15、The Old French word banquet, the likely source of our word, is derived from Old French banc, “bench,” ultimately of Germanic origin. ─── 古法语中的词banquet 可能是我们所使用的词的来源, 是由古法语banc 一词衍生而来的,在日耳曼族语中表“长凳”之意。

16、Eventually, we got talking to Banc DE binary, one of the leading brokerage firms for binary options trading. ─── 最终,我们和德银二进制交谈,这是二元期权交易领先的经纪公司之一。

17、Banc of America is scheduled for release on the 20th of this month reported last four seasons. ─── 美银预定于本月20日发布去年四季报。

18、en banc ─── [法] 全体出庭法官受审

19、Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are lead financial advisers to Time Warner and BNP Paribas, Banc of America, Deutsche Bank and Wachovia are also advising the company. ─── 在时代华纳有限公司宣布向所有股东派息109亿美元之前,时代华纳将把所持该公司股份从84%提高至85.1%。

20、Unserious your life and let laughter banc in---and watch as you become happier, the natural way. ─── 放松你的生活,让笑声回归,你马上就会变得快乐很多,这是最自然的方法。

21、sitting in banc ─── 全体法官出庭

22、Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch analyst Guy Moszkowski expects Goldman to surprise Wall Street with earnings of $3.90. ─── 美银证券-美林(BancofAmericaSecurities-MerrillLynch)的分析师莫斯科夫斯基(GuyMoszkowski)预计,高盛第二季度的每股收益将达3.90美元,超出华尔街的预期。

23、Ble mae’r banc? ─── 银行在哪儿?

24、The financial expenses and transfer fees are paid by Banc Sabadell and the administrative expenses are paid by the patrons of the foundation. ─── 班克.萨巴戴尔将支付必要的财务开支和运输费用,而基地的创建者们则共同承担一些行政管理费用。

25、Allen has the equivalent of a 'hold' recommendation on ITG's stock, and Banc of America owns at least 1% of ITG stock. ─── 阿伦对ITG股票的评级相当于持有,而美银证券至少拥有ITG 1%的已发行股。

26、Only Banc One and a few other banks that pioneered ATM's continue to operate their own networks. ─── 只有第一银行和几家最早使用自动取款机的银行仍在通过自己的网络操作。

27、Regardless of what triggers a relapse, the Obama administration won't stand idly by, Banc of America's Rosenberg said. ─── 不管是什么触发了再度衰退,奥巴马政府不会袖手旁观,美国银行的罗森博格说。

28、Banc of America Capital Management ─── 美银资本管理

29、banc theory of solid ─── 固体能带论

30、banc le roy ─── [法] 高等法院

31、Click here for Posner's opinion, which came in the form of a dissent from the court's denial of a request to hear the case en banc. ─── 点击此处阅读波斯纳的意见,它是对法院驳回全席审理该案请求裁定的异议意见。

32、Following graduation, he took a position as an investment banking analyst in the technology, media, and telecommunications group at Banc of America Securities in New York. ─── 毕业之后,他在纽约就职于美银证券公司的技术、媒体和电信部门,作为一名投资银行分析师。

33、Prior to this, he covered Telecom Equipment and Digital Media companies with Banc of America Securities in San Francisco. ─── 在此之前,他在旧金山的美银证券(Bank of America Securities)负责电信设备和数字媒体行业。

34、char a banc ─── n. 大型游览汽车

35、Teo said Banc of America Capital Investors is no longer involved with the company. ─── 张志贤说,美国银行资本投资者不再参与该公司。

36、In France "Banc assurance" is highly present, as most banks offer insurance services (and now real estate services) to their clients. ─── 在法国,“银行保险业”是目前最热的行业,大多数的银行为他们的客户提供保险服务(房地产服务)。

37、We told our members that North Fork Banc (NFB) was forming a Head and Shoulders topping pattern. ─── NFB走势图上已出现}始形成一个头肩顶。

38、Banc of America Capital Management ─── 美银资本管理

a state in the Midwest?


in the midwest



1. Farmers in the Midwest have watched their crops wither because of drought conditions.


2. Banc One of Ohio has built an empire in the midwest by gobbling up smaller banks.


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