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08-20 投稿


closeting 发音

英:[?kl?z?t??]  美:[?klɑ?z?t??]

英:  美:

closeting 中文意思翻译






closeting 短语词组

1、closeting meaning ─── 封闭意义

closeting 词性/词形变化,closeting变形

动词过去式: closeted |名词: closetful |动词现在分词: closeting |动词过去分词: closeted |动词第三人称单数: closets |

closeting 常用词组

water closet ─── 厕所;抽水马桶

closeting 相似词语短语

1、clouting ─── n.破布;敲打;影响力;势力;vt.给…打补钉;猛击;n.(Clout)人名;(法)克卢

2、close-in ─── 包围;迫近;(白昼)渐短

3、closuring ─── 封闭

4、closing ─── adj.(非正式)收盘的;(讲话、时段或活动)结束的;结尾的;n.(工厂、学校等的)关闭;倒闭;v.关闭;合上;结束;收盘;缩小(close的现在分词)

5、cosseting ─── vt.宠爱;溺爱;纵容;n.宠儿;爱畜;供玩赏的小动物;n.(Cosset)人名;(法)科塞

6、clotting ─── n.凝血;结块;v.结块(clot的ing形式)

7、corseting ─── n.(妇女用的)束腹,紧身褡;(中世纪流行的)紧身外套;(非正式)限制;v.给……穿上束腹;严格控制;n.(Corset)(美、法、瑞、秘、俄、阿、埃)科尔塞(人名)

8、close in ─── 包围;迫近;(白昼)渐短

9、coveting ─── vt.垂涎;觊觎;vi.垂涎;觊觎

closeting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A closet proponent of a tax increase; a closet alcoholic. ─── 增加税收的私下倡议者; 私下酗酒者

2、He pulled out the key of his closet. ─── 他拿出他房间的钥匙。

3、Does it have much closet space? ─── 它有很多橱柜的空间吗?

4、Harry: I wonder if baseball has any other skeletons in the closet. ─── 哈利:我好奇棒球界还有没有其他不为人知的秘密。

5、He went to a kind of closet. ─── 他走到一个壁橱样的东西前。

6、He opened the closet, counted the teaspoons. ─── 他打开壁橱,点了一下茶匙的数。

7、They found suits, coats, hats and what not in the closet. ─── 他们在壁柜里找到成套的衣服、上衣、帽子等等。

8、Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. ─── 人人都有不可告人之事。

9、If you want a towel, look in the linen closet. ─── 如果你需要毛巾,可到放毛巾和床单的壁橱里去找。

10、A mouse darted out of the closet and ran across the room. ─── 一只耗子从壁橱窜了出来并跑过房间。

11、There is some shoesshine paper in the closet, sir. ─── 先生,衣柜里有擦鞋纸。

12、She goes into her prayer closet most evenings to talk to God. ─── 她大多数晚上都会到祷告室去和上帝交流。

13、The mirror is outsid do closet. ─── 例如:小垫子铺在门厅。

14、Why are you fond of publicizing the skeletons in the family closet? ─── 你怎么偏偏喜欢将家丑外扬呢?

15、In the closet or not this fucker is hot, enjoy today's bday boy! ─── 今天发现米勒帅哥的裸体照片不知是真是假!这个世界太疯狂!

16、His summer clothes were bunched in a yellow box in the closet. ─── 他的夏装都被集中在壁柜中的一个黄箱子里。

17、Her feverish and excited mind had suggested the idea of this closet. ─── 她急中生智,忽然想起了这个套间。

18、Take from the linen closet such as you need. ─── 从亚麻布类的柜子中拿去你所要的。

19、Master Bedroom has Jacuzzi Bathtub and Walk-in Closet. ─── 主卧室有按摩浴缸和步入式衣橱。

20、She lived in a room that seemed to him like a closet. ─── 她住的那个房间让他看起来就像一个壁橱。

21、Clicking off,she pressed against the closet wall,praying she hadn't been heard. ─── 她咔哒一声关了机,紧靠着壁橱板壁,心中祈祷但愿自己没被听见。

22、Also includes some homemade closet, shelving, drying racks. ─── 另外包括一些自制壁橱、搁板、晒衣架等。

23、You may put these books in the closet. ─── 你可以把这些书放在壁橱里。

24、She says Taylor's Closet is more than just a humanitarian effort. ─── 博克说,“泰勒衣橱”不仅仅是一项人道主义努力。

25、If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet. ─── 如果停电,壁橱里有备用蜡烛。

26、Come outof the closet, sweetie. ─── 从那种秘密的地下情里走出来吧 甜心。

27、Libra is still standing in front of the closet trying to decide on a costume. ─── 天秤座还在衣柜前左右为难不知穿哪套衣服好。

28、When they come, duck into the closet! ─── 他们来的话,你就躲到壁橱里!

29、He put the bowls into the closet and went out. ─── 他把碗放进壁橱后出去了。

30、The closet is full of broken toy and other nonsense. ─── 壁橱里都是些破损的玩具及其它无价值的东西。

31、His closet is full of trappings of tennis. ─── 他的柜子里满是网球服。

32、He took out the blouse from the closet. ─── 他把衣服从壁橱里拿了出来。

33、Did you sweep out the closet last week? ─── 上星期你把壁橱里面收拾干净了吗?

34、There is a bed ,a closet a desk, a shelf , and a ari-conditioner . ─── 公德心是每个人都必备的,不论成年人还是青少年。

35、He ensconced himself in the closet in order to eavesdrop. ─── 他藏在壁橱里,以便偷听。

36、Just hang up your coats in the closet! ─── 就把你的大衣挂在壁橱里吧!

37、If the electricity goes off,they have candles in store in the closet. ─── 如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。

38、You can store coins in small jars on the closet shelf. ─── 你可以把硬币存在壁橱架子上的小罐里。

39、There are hangers in the closet on which to hang up your clothes. ─── 壁橱里有钩子可以挂你的衣服。

40、A closet proponent of a tax increase;a closet alcoholic. ─── 增加税收的私下倡议者;私下酗酒者

41、Water closet flushing a common way siphoned-off ceremony and two. ─── 坐厕的冲水方式常见的有直冲式和虹吸式两种。

42、Sam's dorm room has a built-in desk, table and closet. ─── 宿舍房间有内建的一张书桌、一张桌子和一个壁橱。

43、"Hanging on the closet door. ─── " / "在秘密的门上悬挂。

44、If you want a towel,look in the linen closet. ─── 如果你想要一条毛巾,到亚麻布的壁橱里找。

45、She brushed the suit before hanging it back into the closet. ─── 在把衣服挂在橱子里之前她用刷子刷了一下。

46、You parking your horse in Vida Warren's closet, pardner? ─── |你把你的马留在维达的库房,对吧?

47、Sigh. Everybody has skeletons in the closet. ─── 唉,人人都有不可告人的秘密啊。

48、There is some shoeshine paper in the closet, sir. ─── 先生,衣橱里有擦鞋纸。

49、closeting themselves away in laboratories, he insisted that researchers like him should talk to the people whom their work was intended to benefit. ─── 他坚持认为,与其把自己锁在实验室里,像他一样的研究者更应当多和人们交流,因为他们的工作就是为了造福这些人。

50、A police sergeant backed out of a closet in the corner. ─── 一位警官从拐角的一个壁橱里退出来。

51、Because I thought there was a monster in the closet. ─── 因为我想壁橱里藏着怪物。

52、Carrie Bradshaw: Some labels are best left in the closet. ─── 凯莉:有些品牌最好是留在衣柜里。

53、He went to the water closet. ─── 他上厕所去了。

54、They have partitioned off a closet from the storage area. ─── 他们从贮物区隔出一个壁橱。

55、Diffused voices could be heard from the closet. ─── 从壁橱里传来隐约的声音。

56、An armoire in a closet?You get the idea. ─── 厨房推车在任何一个房间都很好很有用。

57、If the electricity goes off, they have candles in store in the closet. ─── 如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。

58、She went into the closet to wash her hand. ─── 她去卫生间洗手。

59、A closet is usually an inner room. ─── 壁橱通常是一个墙内的房间。

60、Complaint of loud noise in closet. ─── “抱怨壁橱里有喧闹声:

61、He emptied the closet of everything. ─── 他取出壁柜所有的东西。

62、Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. ─── 公众人物中的同性恋者如今正逐步亮相。

63、She cleared out all her old clothes from the closet. ─── 她把她所有的旧衣服从壁橱里拿出来。

64、There is a big closet and a new mirror. There are blue curtains. ─── 卧室里有一个大衣橱和一面新镜子。还有蓝色的窗帘。

65、A raunchy closet full of dirty socks. ─── 一个满是臭袜子的脏脏小室

66、There's a skeleton in every closet. ─── 家家有本难念的经。

67、She packaged up the old clothes and put them in the closet. ─── 她把旧衣服包成一包放到衣橱里。

68、A closet full of low-cut blouses. ─── 壁橱充分的低切上衣。

69、He runs into the closet and pulls the clothes everywhere. ─── 他跑进了壁橱,把衣服拉扯的到处都是。

70、A small room, cupboard, or closet. ─── 小房间,食橱,壁橱

71、You probably have a few skeletons in your own closet. ─── 你说不定也有一些难以启齿的秘密吧。

72、Do you want to go ahead or you wince back into your cozy closet? ─── 后来,我突然想到,为什么我一定是正确的呢?

73、He goes to get some bedding from the closet, but stops. ─── 他正去从壁橱里拿些被褥出来,但是站住了。

74、Do not take for granted the things closet to your heart . ─── 不要将最贴近你内心的一切视为理所当然。

75、She could no longer help them closeting their secrets. ─── 她无法再帮他们保密了。

76、She's got a lot of skeletons in her closet. ─── 她身上有很多不为人知的秘密。

77、You just have to open that closet and the monster would disappear. ─── 你只是需要打开橱柜,然后你会发现怪物消失了。

78、The presidential candidate came out of the closet when he was canvassing for the homosexuals' votes. ─── 为争取同性恋者的选票,总统候选人承认自己是同性恋。

79、Shall I hang your suits in the closet? ─── 先生可否把西服挂在暗橱里好吗?

80、Why! Because he's got so many skeletons in his closet ! That's why! ─── 为什麽!那是因为他有太多不可告人的秘密啊!原因就在这里啊!

81、Are some hangers in the closet on which to hang up your clothes. ─── 壁橱里有一些衣架可以挂衣服。

82、Beside the small, small closet, there's a small, small bed. ─── 在这个小的,小壁橱旁边,有一个小的,小的床。

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