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08-20 投稿


atomization 发音

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英:  美:

atomization 中文意思翻译



atomization 短语词组

1、atomization of water ─── 水的雾化

2、atomization steam ─── [化] 雾化蒸汽

3、atomization curve ─── 雾化曲线

4、fine atomization ─── 精细雾化

5、atomization efficiency ─── [化] 原子化效率

6、atomization burner ─── [化] 雾化喷嘴

7、centrifugal atomization ─── [建] 离心喷射

8、oil atomization ─── [化] 油雾化

9、atomization temperature ─── 雾化温度

10、flameless atomization ─── [化] 无焰原子化

11、atomization plant ─── [化] 雾化设备

12、flame atomization ─── [化] 火焰原子化

13、atomization time ─── 雾化时间

14、efficiency of atomization ─── 雾化效率

15、atomization device ─── [化] 雾化器

16、atomization stage ─── 雾化阶段

17、atomization degree ─── 原子化程度

18、atomization mechanism ─── 雾化机理

19、atomization cell ─── 雾化室

atomization 常用词组

atomization mechanism ─── 雾化机理;喷雾装置

water atomization ─── 水雾化

atomization 相似词语短语

1、bromization ─── 溴化

2、anatomization ─── 解剖;仔细分析(动词anatomize的名词形式)

3、automatization ─── n.自动化

4、aromatization ─── n.[有化]芳构化;香花作用;香味

5、anodization ─── n.阳极化;阳极处理

6、itemization ─── n.逐条记载;详细登录

7、atomisation ─── 雾化

8、authorization ─── n.授权,认可;批准,委任

9、anatomisation ─── 解剖学

atomization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An atom has two parts, the nucleus and the electrons. ─── 一个原子分两部分,一部分叫原子核,一部分叫电子。

2、Atom is too small to be seen. ─── 原子小得看不见。

3、Therefore the whole atom is neither positive nor negative. ─── 因此,整个原子,既不带正电,也不带负电。

4、Half an atom is an impossibility. ─── 半个原子是不可能的事。

5、The research results of two-phase turbulence flow and numerical modeling have greatly promoted electrostatic atomization research. ─── 两相湍流理论及数值模拟的研究成果,对静电雾化理论起到很大的推动作用。

6、An atom normally contains equal numbers of electrons and protons. ─── 原子在正常情况下含有数目相等的电子和质子。

7、A nucleus is about one thousand billionth the size of an atom. ─── 原子核的体积大约是原子的一千兆分之一。

8、The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms. ─── 化合价,原子价原子或原子团与其它原子反映时由所失、增加成共享的电子数目决定的化合能力

9、The Atom whirls alone, the epitome of singleness. ─── 原子独自旋转,典型的单一性缩影。

10、When an atom shoots out a photon of light, it recoils like a gun. ─── 原子发出光子时,会象枪一样地反冲。

11、S.D.Sovani,P.E.Sojka, A.H.Lefebvre,.Effervescent atomization [J].1999,5. ─── 刘联胜.气泡雾化喷嘴的雾化特性及其喷雾两相流场的实验与理论研究[D].天津大学博士论文,17.

12、The neutrons and protons form the core of the atom. ─── 中子和质子构成了原子核。

13、A molecule is a thousand times bigger than an atom of hydrogen. ─── 一个分子比一个氢原子大一千倍。

14、N8 atom could form H-bond to the acceptor as a free base. ─── N8原子可能以游离碱形式与受体发生氢键作用.

15、Atom: a reference to a character string in an atom table. ─── 原子表中的一个字符串。

16、Joint Research Center for Atom Technology, JRCAT. ─── 从事原子分子极限操作技术的研究。

17、The number of electron pairs an atom can share with other atoms. ─── 共用电子对数,共价一个原子与其他原子共用的电子的对数

18、The magnetic field of an atom is usually dominated by the electrons. ─── 原子的磁场通常由电子决定。

19、No matter what substance it may be, it is made up of atom. ─── 不管这是什么物质,都由原子构成。

20、Existing or acting outside the nucleus of an atom. ─── 原子核外的出现或行动于原子核外的

21、When an atom of U235 is split,several neutrons are set free. ─── 一个铀235原子分裂时,释放出几个中子。

22、Atom energy is large of powerful energy existing! ─── 原子能是现存的最大的能源.

23、As being known to all,the world is made up of small particle called atom. ─── 众所周知,世界是由叫做原子的小微粒组成的。

24、An orbiting electron in an atom will have a magnetic dipole moment. ─── 一个原子中旋转的电子会有磁偶极距。

25、Atom number eight is called oxygen. ─── 原子序数为8的物质叫做氧。

26、An arsenic atom can take the place of a germanium atom in the lattice. ─── 一个砷原子能取代点阵子中的锗原子.

27、Nozzle core is the key part of the pressure atomization nozzle. ─── 喷嘴芯是压力型雾化喷嘴的关键部件。

28、An atom or a radical with a valence of 1. ─── 一价原子或一价基。

29、Once an atom is ionized, it remains charged until it meets an electron. ─── 一旦一个原子被电离,它就保持带电直到它遇到一个电子时为止。

30、The particles in an atom are infinitely small. ─── 原子里的粒子极小。

31、A nucleus is about one billionth the size of an atom. ─── 原子核的体积大约是原子的一万亿分之一。

32、A nucleus and the electrons whirling around it make up an atom. ─── 一个原子核及围绕它旋转的电子组成一个原子。

33、Subatomic physics deals with all entities smaller than the atom. ─── 亚原子物理学研究一切小于原子的客体。

34、A high-energy electron which penetrates into the metal atom may dislodge one of the inner electrons of that atom. ─── 一个穿入金属原子的高能电子可以逐出该金属原子的一个内层电子。

35、He has made scientific researches on atom for ton years. ─── 他从事原子科学研究已十年了。

36、He could not get up an atom of sympathy for her. ─── 他对她激不出一点同情心。

37、He couldn't produce an atom of evidence. ─── 他一点证据也拿不出。

38、This splitting of an atom had not been observed before. ─── 原子的这种分裂在过去没发现过。

39、This paper deals with the working principle of a centrifugal atomizer, an important constituent of the atomization equipment. ─── 论述了雾化装置离心式喷嘴的工作原理。

40、No atom behaves precisely like a classical harmonic oscillator. ─── 任何一个原子的性能都不会同经典谐振子完全相同。

41、He applied the concept of quantization of energy to the hydrogen atom. ─── 他把能量量子化的概念用于氢原子。

42、An atom contains small particles carrying two kinds of electricity. ─── 原子含有带有两种电的微粒。

43、The interior uses two times of atomization types processing, achieves the painting desired effect. ─── 内部采用两次喷雾式处理,以达到喷漆最佳效果。

44、An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. ─── 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸

45、The compound of above of 10 carbon atom calls polysaccharide. ─── 10个碳原子以上的化合物叫多糖。

46、A set of eight valence electrons in an atom or ion, forming a stable configuration. ─── 八重态在一个原子或离子中,形成稳定组态的一组八个化合价电子

47、There's not an atom of truth in what he said. ─── 他所说的没有一点是真话。

48、The power of the atom can be used to produce electricity. ─── 原子能可以用来发电。

49、PUPU can split the atom with his bare hands. ─── 噗噗可以徒手劈开原子。

50、There is not an atom of truth is what he said. ─── 他所说的没有一句是真话。

51、At the end of the series of reactions each carbon atom is recovered. ─── 在反应的最后每个碳原子都可以回收。

52、The atom has a nucleus at its core. ─── 在原子的中心有一个原于核。

53、Many properties of an atom are determined by the outermost electrons. ─── 一个原子的许多性质都是由其最外层的电子所确定的。

54、Having one replaceable atom or radical. ─── 一元的有一个可置换原子或原子团的

55、The atom of any element is pictured as resembling the solar system. ─── 任何元素的原子都可以想象成与太阳系相似。

56、An incident electron can knock an inner-shell electron out of a target atom. ─── 一个入射电子能把靶子原子的内层电子撞出来。

57、An atom is the smallest indivisible particle of matter. ─── 原子是最小的不可分的物质微粒。

58、After hydrogen, the atom with the simplest structure is that of helium. ─── 在氢元素之后,氦的原子结构最简单。

59、The schroedinger equation for the one-electron atom is exactly soluble. ─── 单电子原子的薛定谔方程是可精确求解的。

60、The atom that contributes no electrons to a covalent bond. ─── 受体没有给共价键提供电子的原子。

61、One atom of oxygen is linked to the nitrogen atom by a double bond. ─── 一个氧原子以双键与氮原子相连。

62、Since the heat of atomization of KrF2 is only 23 kcal per mol, this implies that ArF2 cannot be made. ─── 既然KrF2的原子化热只有23千卡每摩尔,这意味着ArF2不能被制备。

63、The atom of one element is different from those of all other elements. ─── 一种元素的原子与所有其它元素的原子是不同的。

64、An atom is the smallest indivisible unit of matter. ─── 原子是最小的不可分割的物质单位。

65、The atom remaining must be the same in the two cases. ─── 在两种情况下,保留下来的应当是同一个原子。

66、Saver can get very uniformity surface of goods by very fine atomization. ─── 喷射出的涂料非常均匀,使涂装表面更加完美。

67、An atom is so small that we cannot see it. ─── 原子这样小,以至我们看不见它。

68、An atom composed of antiparticles. ─── 反原子由反粒子构成的原子

69、Small as they are, atom is made up of still smaller unit know as subatomic particle. ─── 原子虽小,但它们是由更小的称为亚原子粒的单位组成的。

70、An atom is so small that we can't see it with a microscope. ─── 原子太小,即使用显微镜也看不见它。

71、Experimental equipment had been established to research atomization characteristics of a type of pressure nozzle. ─── 建立了雾化实验装置,以甘油-水混合液为介质,研究了一种压力式喷嘴的雾化特性。

72、An atom contains a tiny heavy nucleus. ─── 一个原子含有一个微小而重的核。

73、An oxide with each molecule containing one oxygen atom. ─── 一氧化物每一分子含有一个氧原子的氧化物

74、At the centre of an atom is a nucleus, around which electrons revolve . ─── 原子的中央是原子核,电子绕着它旋转。

75、There is not an atom of water. ─── 一滴水都没有。

76、An atom or a radical with a valence of1. ─── 一价原子或一价基

77、A member of the Herbrand base is called atom in automatic theorem proving. ─── 在自动定理证明中,海尔勃朗基的成员也称为原子。

78、As been known to all,the world is made up of small particle called atom. ─── 众所周知,世界是由叫做原子的小微粒组成的。

79、Being combined with two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom may form a molecule of water. ─── 一个氧原子同两个氢原子化合,可以形成一个水分子。

80、Theresults of experiment show that atomization cooling can achieve its aim. ─── 实验结果表明,雾化制冷是可以达到目的的。

81、Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. ─── 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成一个水分子。

82、The atomization process is more sensitive to disturbance than vaporization. ─── 雾化过程比汽化过程对扰动更为敏感。

83、Electron in an atom move round the nucleus the way the planet move round the sun. ─── 原子里的电子围绕着原子核转就像行星围绕着太阳转一样。

84、For GF-AAS, compromise conditions for the ashing and atomization steps must be selected in order not to deteriorate the sensitivity. ─── 对于GF-AAS,为了不降低灵敏度,必须选择折衷的灰化和原子化条件。

85、There is a stable ground state of the atom. ─── 原子有一个稳定的基态。

86、Airflow distributor can prevent the fog drop cling to the wall of the dryer, so efficiency of atomization can be improved. ─── 空气分散器的作用是防止雾滴粘壁现象,提高雾化效率。

87、There is not an atom of truth in his allegations. ─── 他的说法没有丝毫真实性。

88、One proton is almost as heavy as an entire atom of hydrogen. ─── 一个质子几乎与整个氢原子的重量相等。

89、In any atom, not more than two electrons can occupy any given quantum state. ─── 在任一原子中,不可能有两个以上的电子占据任一给定的量子态。

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