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08-20 投稿


fluoric 发音

英:[flu????r?k]  美:[flu????r?k]

英:  美:

fluoric 中文意思翻译



fluoric 短语词组

1、fluoric acid hair ─── 氟酸头发

2、fluoric acid ─── [医] 氢氟酸

3、fluoric acid 200c ─── 氟酸200c

4、fluoric oxide ─── 氟氧化物

5、fluoric acid 30 30 ─── 氟酸

6、fluoric acid burn ─── 氟酸灼伤

7、fluoric cachexia ─── [医] 氟中毒, 斑釉

8、fluoric acid 200 ─── 氟酸200

9、fluoric acid ph ─── 氟酸ph

fluoric 相似词语短语

1、fluorite ─── n.[矿物]氟石,[矿物]萤石

2、fluoboric ─── 氟硼酸

3、fluoride ─── n.氟化物

4、fluidic ─── adj.流体的,射流的

5、fluerics ─── n.[自]流控学(等于fluidics)

6、flueric ─── 氟利昂

7、fluorine ─── n.[化学]氟

8、fluorin ─── n.氟,荧菌素

9、fluorotic ─── 氟中毒

fluoric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords fluoric carbon coatings;spraying;aluminium board;process; ─── 氟碳涂料;喷涂;铝板;工艺;

2、Keywords water-borne fluoric coatings;influencing factors; ─── 水性氟涂料;光泽;影响因素;

3、fluoric series solvents ─── 氟系溶剂

4、Keywords fluoric waseewater;chemical precipitation;coagulation sedimentation; ─── 含氟废水;化学沉淀;混凝沉淀;

5、Keywords Fluoric acrylic ester;Radical polymerization;Emulsion polymerization; ─── 含氟丙烯酸酯;自由基引发;乳液聚合;

6、Keywords Fluoric organic Comtound Bacteria strain screen Biodegradation Defluorination.; ─── 关键词含氟有机化合物;菌株筛选;生物降解;脱氟;

7、Keywords fluoric plastic industry;fluorite;fluoroelatomer;fluoride; ─── 氟塑料;氟化工产品;氟树脂;氟化物;

8、fluoric crown ─── 含氟冕牌玻璃

9、fluoric carbon coatings ─── 氟碳涂料

10、The orientation of the fluoric group on solid surfaces can be determined rapidly by the IR mirror reflectance spectra method. ─── 使用红外镜反射光谱法可以快速判断该涂料的含氟基团在固体表面上呈定向分布。

11、Abstract: the ultra-low surface energy fluoric antifouling dope was developed by China National Academy of Nanotechnology &Engineering. ─── 摘 要: 国家纳米技术与工程研究院研发出的防污涂料是一种超低表面能氟碳涂料。

12、The sample is dissolved in nitric and fluoric-hydro acid adding sulfuric acid, and heating up to fuming, then the matrix element titanium is separated with sodium hydroxide. ─── 试样用硝酸—氢氟酸溶解,硫酸冒烟后强碱分离钛、铁、镍离子,其余干扰离子用酒石酸钾钠掩蔽。

13、Objective To observe apoptosis of hepatocyte and hepatic injury on fluoric rabbit. ─── 目的观察氟中毒对家兔肝功损害及肝细胞凋亡的影响。

14、Screening of Prior Degradation Bacteria of Fluoric Organic Material ─── 含氟有机化合物优势降解菌的筛选

15、The lower sealing ring (violet) is made of fluoric rubber (FPM). ─── 较低的密封环(紫)是由氟橡胶(FPM)。

16、Application of Fluoric Rubber in Construction Machinery Products ─── 氟橡胶在工程机械类产品的应用

17、the ultra-low surface energy fluoric antifouling dope was developed by China National Academy of Nanotechnology &Engineering. ─── 国家纳米技术与工程研究院研发出的防污涂料是一种超低表面能氟碳涂料。

18、Fluorine Bio-environmental Geochemistry and Fluoric Water Treatment ─── 氟的生物环境地球化学与含氟水处理技术

19、The present invention relates to preparation process of water thinned fluoric polymer emulsion for paint. ─── 本发明涉及一种涂料用水性含氟聚合物乳液的制备方法。

20、Keywords Sedimentation;Modified polyiron;Fluoric wastewater; ─── 沉淀;改性聚铁;含氟废水;

21、Application of Fluoric Rubber in Construction Machinery Products ─── 氟橡胶在工程机械类产品的应用

22、fluoric acid ─── 氟酸

23、the ultra-low surface energy fluoric antifouling dope was developed by China National Academy of Nanotechnology & Engineering. ─── 国家纳米技术与工程研究院研发出的防污涂料是一种超低表面能氟碳涂料。

24、fluoric ether ─── 氟代酸的酯氟代烷烃


26、fluoric cachexia ─── [医] 氟中毒, 斑釉

27、fluoric agrochemicals ─── 氟制农药

28、Keywords fluoric wastewater treatment;coagulant;chemical coagulation sedimentation;orthogonal experiment; ─── 含氟废水处理;混凝剂;化学混凝沉淀;正交试验;

29、Introduction on Fluoric Series Solvents for Substitution of ODS ─── 替代ODS清洗用氟系溶剂的介绍

30、The orientation of the fluoric group on solid surfaces can be determined rapidly by the IR mirror reflectance spectra method. ─── 使用红外镜反射光谱法可以快速判断该涂料的含氟基团在固体表面上呈定向分布。

31、Anode for producing fluoric under high-temperature ─── 高温制氟阳极

32、Fluorine Bio-environmental Geochemistry and Fluoric Water Treatment ─── 氟的生物环境地球化学与含氟水处理技术

33、cachexia fluoric ─── 氟中毒

34、Keywords waste acid;fluorine hydride;sulphurtrioxide;fluoric sodium;heating decomposition; ─── 废酸;氟化氢;三氧化硫;氟化钠;热解;

35、Research into Fluoric Waste Treatment with Sedimentation of calcium salts ─── 钙盐沉淀法处理含氟废水的研究

36、Research and Application of Fluoric Wastewater Processing ─── 含氟废水处理研究与应用

37、In this paper,the standard addition method is used to determine the fluoric content of fluoric glass,and is compared with the work curve method,so that it reveals its advantage and applicability. ─── 本文介绍了标准加入法测定含氟玻璃中氯含量的测定方法,并与工作曲线法作了比较,指出了该方法的优点和适用性。

38、Study on the Factors Influencing the Gloss of Water-borne Fluoric Coatings ─── 水性氟涂料光泽影响因素的研究

39、fluoric cachectic ─── 氟中毒恶病质的

40、Hepatocyte apoptosis and hepatic inJury on fluoric rabbit ─── 氟中毒家兔肝细胞凋亡与肝功能损害

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