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08-20 投稿


agone 发音

英:[[?'g?:n]]  美:[[?'g?:n]]

英:  美:

agone 中文意思翻译





agone 反义词


agone 词性/词形变化,agone变形

名词复数: agones |

agone 短语词组

1、agone fresno state ─── 阿贡-弗雷斯诺州

2、agone definition ─── 阿贡定义

3、agone lab ─── 阿贡实验室

4、agone meaning ─── 意义

5、agone rpg pdf ─── 阿贡rpg pdf

6、agone rpg ─── 阿贡rpg

7、agone source ─── 阿贡源

agone 同义词

of yore | formerly | now | gone by | once | aforetime | agone | yore | prior | previous | bygone | heretofore | back | before | by | anciently | past | before now | old | former |since | earlier | of old | gone | antecedent | in the past | previously | of

agone 相似词语短语

1、agony ─── n.苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎

2、agene ─── n.埃净;三氯化氮

3、agoge ─── 祈祷室

4、-gone ─── adj.离去的;死去的;神情恍惚的;无望的;很棒的;不复存在的;怀孕(一定时间)的;用光的;迷恋某人;v.走;行进;去(参加活动);(为了某目的)到;(起跑口令)开始(go的过去分词)

5、agon ─── n.斗争;竞赛,有奖竞赛;戏剧中的人物冲突;n.(Agon)人名;(法、西)阿贡

6、atone ─── vt.赎罪;弥补;偿还;vi.弥补;赎回

7、agones ─── adv.以前(等于ago);adj.以前的(等于ago);n.(Agone)(美)艾哥尼(人名)

8、agons ─── n.斗争;竞赛,有奖竞赛;戏剧中的人物冲突;n.(Agon)人名;(法、西)阿贡

9、alone ─── adj.独自的;单独的;单干的;孤独的;仅仅的;唯一的;adv.独自地;单独地;单干地;只,仅仅;仅仅……就;唯一地;独力地

agone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite; and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick. ─── 他回答说:“我是埃及的少年人,是亚玛力人的奴仆;因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇弃了。

2、As a matter of fact, the piazza was built on the Stadium of Domitian, whose ruins can still be admired in the adjacent church of Sant'Agnese in Agone. ─── 事实上,广场是建立在Domitian的露天运动场上的,这个运动场的遗迹仍然可以从邻近的位于Agone的Sant'Agnese的教堂看到。

3、Agon, assembly at games contest for a prize ─── 为获奖进行的竞赛集会

4、Freud's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology(Harold Bloom) ─── 弗洛伊德的独创性来源于他对生物学挑战的信心和抱负(哈罗德 布卢姆)

5、By decomposing the real growth rate into three elements: structural shocks, structural transformation and labor productivity growth, this paper hurdle this intrinsic weakness of agone research. ─── 通过构造变量,本文将各地区的实际增长率分解为结构冲击、结构转换与生产率增长三部分,从而克服了以往研究之不足。

6、Glutathione is an important active substance in body.It's the important agon in many enzyme reactions, which can scavenge free radical and detoxicate. ─── 谷胱甘肽是机体内重要的活性物质,是许多酶反应的辅基,具有清除自由基、解毒等多种生理功能。

7、East-Han Dynasty set up Yuannan county two thousands years agon, Where is the site of Yuannan county in those days? ─── 摘要东汉沅南县的设置距今已近二千年,当年该县城之故址何在?

8、and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick. ─── 因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇弃了。

9、"Freud's originality stemmed from his aggression and ambition in his agon with biology" (Harold Bloom) ─── “弗洛伊德的独创性来源于他对生物学挑战的信心和抱负”(哈罗德·布卢姆)

10、agone . agonic . ─── 您要找的是不是: agon .

11、What did so-and-so think about such-and-such two hundred years agone? ─── 比如,两百年前,某某人想了某某事?

12、Dost thou remember me, Hester, as I was nine years agone? ─── 你还记得我九年前的样子吗,海丝特?

13、But the moonlight could not hide that she was something stouter than in years agone ... and Diana had never been what Avonlea folks called "skinny. ─── 但是月光无法掩饰的是经过几年的时间她有些发胖了,已经不再是阿佛丽的人们所认为的“苗条的姑娘”了。

14、One year agon I also got trap into a case. ─── 另一个问题是如何评判某个律师的能力,也只能就事论事而言。

15、Almost five thousand years agone, there were pilgrims walking to the Celestial City, as these two honest persons are; ─── 人生的目标是什么,每个人都不同。

16、How well I remember them all, and that when I came home at night and looked back to the morning, it seemed to have been a month agone. ─── 我对那天发生的一切记忆犹新:我在那天晚上回家后,回忆早晨发生的事情,好似发生在一个月前。

17、Glutathione is an important active substance in body.Its the important agon in many enzyme reactions, which can scavenge free radical and detoxicate. ─── 谷胱甘肽是机体内重要的活性物质,是许多酶反应的辅基,具有清除自由基、解毒等多种生理功能。

18、The Christmas and New year as same as agone New year, we have happy celebrated it. ─── 圣诞节和新年同往年过节一样,欢欢喜喜庆祝过了。

19、His prophetic vocation, as he confirms through the agon, is to perform as the "living oracle" and as the illuminator of the soul. ─── 撒旦的引诱巧妙的暗藏着七宗大罪,而耶稣并未被其外表的光鲜亮丽所迷惑,表现出他节制、忍耐的过人品质和对上帝的爱与服从。

20、And David said unto him, To whom belongest thou? and whence art thou?And he said, I am a young man of Egypt, servant to an Amalekite;and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick. ─── 撒上30:13大卫问他说、你是属谁的.你是那里的人.他回答说、我是埃及的少年人、是亚玛力人的奴仆.因我三日前患病、我主人就把我撇弃了。

21、"You inquired of me, a little time agone," said he, at length, "my judgment as touching your health. ─── “刚才你在问我,”他终于开口说,“我对你的健康有何看法。”

22、and my master left me, because three days agone I fell sick. ─── 因我三日前患病,我主人就把我撇弃了。

23、So as to support underprivileged communities worldwide in a truly concrete and effective way, each affiliate will establish its local citizen project,” concluded Jean-Paul Agon. ─── 每个分公司开展一个公益项目,用具体有效的方式帮助和支持全世界弱势社区。”

24、Objective To study the biological characteristics of the Salmonella agone . ─── 目的研究阿贡纳沙门菌的生物学特性。

25、Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew, a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! ─── 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。热烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采

26、Thou wilt not miscall thyself again, as they say thou didst a little while agone? ─── 你不会再叫错你自己了吧,就像人们说你刚才说的那样?

27、The 1st VOE Poetry Agon! ─── 查看完整版本:大奖期待您!

28、Back to the wonderful agone time 。 ─── 到时候一定去看看。

29、It looks like it has been grinded.Is it grinded recently or agone? ─── 好像磨掉了一块?是新磨还是老磨?

30、Good evening, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The Charm of Morning Dew,a celebration of VOE's First Poetry Agon! I am your hostess,Rhapsodia. ─── 托尼:女士们,先生们,亲爱的朋友们,晚上好!我是在线主持托尼。烈欢迎您来到晨露的风采,庆祝VOE第一届诗歌创作比赛晚会现场。

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