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08-20 投稿


clavicular 发音

英:[kl??v?kj?l?r]  美:[kl??v?kj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

clavicular 中文意思翻译



clavicular 短语词组

1、clavicular portion ─── 锁骨部

2、clavicular lobe ─── [医]臀脉后叶(同翅目)

3、clavicular sign ─── [医] 锁骨征

4、clavicular part ─── 锁骨部

5、clavicular tendonitis ─── 锁骨肌腱炎

6、clavicular branch ─── 锁骨支

7、clavicular head location ─── 锁骨头定位

8、clavicular fracture ─── [医] 锁骨骨折

9、clavicular cross ─── [医] 锁骨十字形绷带

10、clavicular line ─── [医] 锁骨线

11、clavicular notch ─── [医] 锁骨切迹

12、clavicular surgery ─── 锁骨外科

13、clavicular intersection ─── 锁骨交点

14、clavicular facet of acromion ─── 肩峰锁骨小关节

15、clavicular ligaments ─── 锁骨韧带

clavicular 相似词语短语

1、claviculae ─── 关键地图

2、avicular ─── 小泡

3、claviculate ─── 锁骨

4、canicular ─── adj.酷暑期的;天狼星的

5、calicular ─── adj.有杯状窝的;似杯的

6、clavicula ─── [昆]前足基节;[解剖]锁骨

7、canalicular ─── adj.微管的;似小管的

8、navicular ─── adj.[解剖]舟状的,船状的;n.舟骨

9、subclavicular ─── 锁骨下的

clavicular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective Retrospective analysis of clinical outcome of unstable lateral clavicular fracture treated with clavicular hook plate. ─── 目的观察锁骨钩钢板手术治疗新鲜不稳定锁骨远端骨折的疗效。

2、Objective to apply the new-style clavicular marrow internal fixation way to heal35cases fracture of femoral shaft and resume the clinical curative effect. ─── 目的采用新型交锁髓内钉内固定治疗35例股骨干骨折,对临床疗效进行总结。

3、Keywords Ni-Ti shape memory alloy;clavicular fractures;embracing fixator; ─── 关键词镍钛形状记忆合金;锁骨骨折;环抱器;

4、Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of operative treatment with reconstruction plates fixation of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures. ─── 摘要 目的:回顾性总结分析重建钢板内固定治疗锁骨中段粉碎骨折的临床疗效。

5、Acromio- clavicular Dislocation Treated by Coracoid Process Replacement ─── 喙突移位加内固定术治疗肩锁关节脱位

6、Of those treated surgically, a simple immobilization was done for obviously displaced clavicular or dislocated acromioclavicular joint in four cases, and combined fixation was conducted for the rest. ─── 手术治疗组中4例仅固定明显移位或脱位的锁骨或肩锁关节,11例于损伤处行联合固定。

7、Is the optimal time extraction a tack after clavicular fracture operation hind the a few th year? ─── 锁骨骨折后的最佳取钉时间是手术后第几年?

8、Objective Wolter clavicular plates were used in 12 patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocation and distal clavicular fracture. ─── 目的探讨应用肩锁关节钢板治疗肩锁关节脱位和锁骨远端骨折的方法。

9、Conclusion CHP is an effective,scientific and convenience way for distal clavicular fracture and acromioclavicular joint dislocation,it worth being promoted. ─── 结论锁骨钩钢板是治疗锁骨远端骨折及肩锁关节脱位的一种疗效确切、科学方便的手术方法,值得推广。

10、Objective To study the effect of reconstruction plate fixation for treatment of clavicular fractures. ─── 目的:探讨重建钢板治疗锁骨骨折的疗效。

11、Objective:To assess the value of treatment of dislocation of acromioclavicular joint and/or fracture of distal clavicle using AO/ASIF clavicular hook plate and early postoperative rehabilitation. ─── 目的:评估术后早期功能训练对AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的疗效。

12、Internal rotation is accompanied by scapular retraction and associated clavicular movements. ─── 内旋转会伴有肩胛骨回缩及相关的锁骨运动。

13、Clinical observation of Treating Acromion-clavicular Joint Dislocation By Chinese Medicine and Clavicular Hook Plate ─── 中药结合锁骨钩钢板治疗肩锁关节脱位临床分析

14、Effects of None Tumor Clavicular LNs Found Before Operation On Resection of Esop hageal Carcinoma ─── 术前锁骨上无瘤淋巴结对食管癌手术治疗的影响

15、Keywords Allogeneic and xenogenic ligament;Acromioclavicular dislocation;Clavicular hook-plate; ─── 同种异体肌腱;锁骨钩钢板;肩锁关节脱位;

16、Open reduction of open clavicular fracture ─── 开放性锁骨骨折切开复位术

17、Objective Comparison the effect of reconstruction steel plate,remember metal alloy,kirschbner needle steel wire to treat clavicular bone fracture. ─── 目的比较重建钢板,记忆合金、克氏针钢丝三种方法治疗锁骨骨折的效果。

18、The strength and stiffness of PSCN was larger than that of KP,and was close to 4SP. The stress shielding of PSCN was the less. The internal fixation with PSCN is an ideal method for treating clavicular fracture. ─── PSCN在强度和刚度上均明显优于KP内固定 ,与 4SP相接近 ,且应力遮挡小 ,是当前锁骨内固定的理想固定方法

19、Objective To probe into distal clavicular fracture and acromino-clavicular joint dislocation treatment. ─── 目的探讨治疗肩锁关节完全脱位或锁骨外端骨折的新方法。

20、Objective:To supply anatomic base for transposition of the vascularized medial clavicular periosteal (bone) flap. ─── 目的:为带血管蒂锁骨内侧端骨膜、骨瓣转位术提供解剖学基础。

21、Treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation with insertion type clavicular hook plate internal fixation ─── 插入式锁骨钩钢板内固定治疗肩锁关节脱位

22、A comparative study of clavicular hook plate and kirschner wire fixation in treating the distal clavicle fracture and the acromioclavicular joint dislocation ─── 对比应用锁骨钩钢板或克氏针治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位

23、Comparison of three different treatment methods for severe comminuted clavicular fracture ─── 三种方法治疗锁骨重度粉碎骨折的比较

24、Conclusions The TBF is a simple and effective mothed in the treatment of distal clavicular fractures. ─── 结论张力带固定治疗锁骨远端骨折是一种简单可靠的手术方法。

25、Keywords Clavicular fracture Tension-band wire Internal Fixation; ─── 关键词锁骨骨折;张力带;内固定;

26、The ablaze powder with 3 kinds of not coessential tonal feeling, can condense the light, make smooth movie, use in clavicular place to make smooth movie very conveniently. ─── 3种不同质感色调的闪亮粉末,能凝聚光线,制造光影,用在锁骨处制造光影很顺手。

27、Objective To apply the new-style clavicular marrow internal fixation way to heal35cases frac-ture of femoral shaft and resume the clinical curative effect. ─── 目的采用新型交锁髓内钉内固定治疗35例股骨干骨折,对临床疗效进行总结。

28、Conclusion:Transposition of clavicular flap pedicled with anterior bundle could be used to repair bone nonunion,bone defect and soft tissue defect. ─── 结论:可设计以三角肌前束为蒂的锁骨瓣转位修复肱骨上段骨不连、骨缺损及软组织缺损。

29、Objective:Wolter clavicular plates was used in 14 patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocation in order to evaluate the clinical outcome. ─── 方法:应用肩锁关节钢板手术治疗肩锁关节脱位14例,同时注重损伤机制的针对性分析和软组织的修复。

30、Treatment of lateral clavicular fracture and acromio-clavicular joint dislocation with AO/ASIF clavicular hook plate.Orthop J Chin, 2002,9:109-110. ─── AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位.中国矫形外科杂志,2002,9:109-110.

31、Objective To evaluate the effects of treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation and distal clavicular fracture with hook plate. ─── 目的比较研究锁骨钩钢板与常规方法治疗肩锁关节全脱位。

32、In this study, we also discovered 41 cases of clavicular fracture (0.41% incidence rate) and 2 cases of clubfoot (0.03% incidence rate). ─── 在本研究中,我们也发现了41例的锁骨骨折及二例的内翻足畸形,其发生率分别为0.14%及0.03%。

33、Clinical Exploration of Radiotherapy for Clavicular Area Where Detected Swollen Lymph Nodes by B-ultrasound in the Esophageal Carcinoma ─── B超在食管癌双锁骨上区照射的应用价值

34、Objectives To evaluate the clinical effect of treatment of distal clavicular fractures by Tension Band fixation(TBF). ─── 目的评价张力带固定法治疗锁骨远端骨折的临床效果。

35、Keywords WOLTER clavicular plate;Clavicular fracture;Acromioclavicular luxation; ─── 关键词WOLTER锁骨钢板;锁骨远侧端骨折;肩锁关节脱位;

36、acromio clavicular joint dislocation ─── 肩锁关节脱位

37、Keywords Clavicular hook plate;Dislocation of acromioclavicular joint;Clavicular fracture; ─── 关键词锁骨钩钢板;肩锁关节脱位;锁骨骨折;

38、Objective To study the advantage and indications of reconstruction plate,clavicular hook plate,shape memory alloy embracing plate in treatment of clavicular fracture. ─── 目的探讨重建钢板、钩钛钢板、形状记忆合金环抱式接骨板三种内固定方法治疗锁骨骨折的优缺点和适应症。

39、when line E2 passed the superior part of the sternum of manubrium, then a approach with partial sternotomy or clavicular removal could be chosen; ─── E2经过胸骨柄上部者采用部分胸骨和/或部分内侧锁骨切除入路。

40、clavicular fracture ─── [医] 锁骨骨折

41、Purity Titanium Plate Internal Fixation for Treating Clavicular Fracture ─── 纯钛金属板螺钉内固定治疗锁骨骨折

42、Objective:To provide anatomic basis for clavicular flap pedicled with anterior bundle of deltoid muscle (ADM). ─── 目的:为带三角肌前束肌蒂锁骨瓣转位术提供解剖学基础。

43、Conclusion Each treatment has its fort and fault.Kirschner wire and Steel-wire tensile band,internal fixation with memory alloy bone plate,clavicular hook plate fixation possess such advant... ─── 结论各种治疗方法各有优、缺点,其中以克氏针钢丝张力带固定,记忆合金环抱式接骨板内固定、锁骨钩钢板固定治疗锁骨骨折,具有固定可靠、关节功能恢复快等优点。

44、Results: Four cases were excellent and 2 good by using Kirschner s needle and wire,14 cases were excellent and 2 good by using Wolter clavicular plate. ─── 结果:用前者术式优4例,良2例;用后者优14例,良2例。

45、Conclusion s New-style clavicular marrow in-ternal fixation design in reason and easy to operate.It can got a strong internal fixation and afte... ─── 结论新型交锁髓内钉器件设计合理,手术操作简便,能达到坚强内固定,术后可早期活动,短期内恢复关节功能,值得临床应用推广。

46、Objective: Compare the curative effects and features between treating clavicular fracture with re-setting steel plate and shape-memory alloy. ─── 摘要目的:比较形状记忆合金与重建钢板治疗锁骨骨折的疗效差异及特点。

47、Methods The form,vessels and clavicular relation of the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle were observed on 40 sides of adult cadaveric. ─── 方法 在40侧成人尸体标本上,观察了胸大肌锁骨部的形态、血供及其与锁骨的关系。

48、Conclusion:Wolter clavicular plate is the treatment of choice for ac... ─── 另外,还能最大程度恢复肩锁关节的运动功能。

49、Conclusion Distal clavicle fracture treated with Clavicular hook plate (CHP) is a effective surgical method. ─── 目的观察肩锁钩钢板手术治疗锁骨远端骨折的疗效。

50、clavicular cross ─── [医] 锁骨十字形绷带

51、To compare the therapeutic effect of 3 methods in the treatment of clavicular fracture at the intermediate piece. ─── 比较3种治疗方法在锁骨中段骨折中的应用疗效。

52、Objective To observe the effect of open reduction and internal fixation with triangle nail to treat clavicular fractures. ─── 目的观察切开复位三棱针内固定治疗锁骨骨折的效果。

53、Objective: This biomechanical study compares four different techniques of fixation of middle third clavicular fractures. ─── 目的:本项生物力学研究比较四种不同的内固定技术治疗锁骨中段三分之一骨折的强度。

54、Methods:Since Jan 1994,sixty-eight cases of clavicular fracture were treated by Kischner's needle integrated with tensional steel wire internal fixation. ─── 方法:从1994年1月起,采用手术切开复位、克氏针结合张力带钢丝内固定治疗锁骨骨折68例。

55、Clavicular facet of scapula ─── 肩胛骨锁骨小面

56、Total claviculectomy may be a useful salvage procedure for clinical situations in which the restoration of normal clavicular osseous anatomy is impossible. ─── 全锁骨切除术可作为临床上无法恢复正常锁骨骨性解剖结构的补救治疗措施。

57、Comparison of three internal fixers for clavicular fracture fixation ─── 三种内固定方法治疗锁骨骨折的疗效比较

58、acromio clavicular joint ─── 肩锁关节

59、Methods 37cases of clavicular midpiece frac-ture underwent open reduction and in ternal fixation with TIA. ─── 方法对37例锁骨中段骨折均采用切开复位重建钛板内固定,并随访分析其疗效。

60、Keywords acromio clavicular joint dislocation;clavicular hook plate; ─── 肩锁关节脱位;锁骨钩钢板;

61、clavicular fracture of newborn ─── 新生儿锁骨骨折

62、WOLTER clavicular plates for treatment of distal clavicular fracture and acromioclavicular luxation ─── WOLTER锁骨钢板治疗锁骨远侧端骨折和肩锁关节脱位

63、Methods: 32 cases of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures underwent open reduction and internal fixation with reconstruction plates. ─── 方法:对32例锁骨中段粉碎移位的骨折患者行切开复位重建钢板内固定手术治疗,术后定期随访,影像学检查骨折愈合情况,肩关节综合功能评分了解肩关节功能。

64、Conclusion It may devise a new operation for repairing non-unions of the clavicular acromial end with partial clavicular bone flap pedicled with the clavicular part of greater pectoral muscle. ─── 结论 可设计以胸大肌锁骨部为蒂半片锁骨瓣转位修复锁骨肩峰端骨不连的新术式。

65、Applied experience of different internal fixation for different position of clavicular fracture ─── 不同内固定方法治疗不同部位锁骨骨折的应用体会

66、Conclusion: Based on good operative skills, using reconstruction plate fixation for displaced midshaft clavicular fractures could obtain good clinical results. ─── 结论:掌握手术技巧和相关注意事项,切开复位重建钢板内固定治疗锁骨中段粉碎移位的骨折可取得满意的临床疗效。

67、clavicular line ─── [医] 锁骨线

68、Objective: To report the clinical application of tension-band wiring internal fixation for treatment clavicular fractures. ─── 目的:报道应用张力带式内固定治疗锁骨骨折的临床经验。

69、Clinical evaluation of the shape memory alloy embracing fixator for treatment of clavicular fractures ─── 形状记忆合金环抱器治疗锁骨骨折的临床评价

70、Objective To improve method of treating internal fixation for clavicular fractures. ─── 目的改进锁骨骨折内固定治疗的方法。

71、AO/ASIF clavicular hook plate ─── AO/ASIF锁骨钩钢板

72、Methods 120 cases of clavicular, humeral, ulnar, radial, femoral, fibular, metacarpal and metatarsal fractures were treated with variant memory alloy embracing fixators. ─── 方法应用不同型号的记忆合金环抱器治疗锁骨骨折、肱骨骨折、尺桡骨骨折、股骨骨折、腓骨骨折、掌骨骨折、蹠骨骨折共120例。

73、Keywords Acromioclavicular joint;Clavicle;Dislocations;Fractures;Clavicular hook-plate; ─── 关键词肩锁关节;锁骨;脱位;骨折;锁骨钩钢板;

74、clavicular sign ─── [医] 锁骨征

75、Objective To explore the therapy effectiveness of the different methods of internal fixation treatment of clavicular fracture. ─── 目的探讨不同内固定方法治疗锁骨骨折的临床疗效。

76、Methods: 104 cases with clavicular fractures were treated by Reconstruction plate.Results: All patients were followed-up from 6 to 12 months, their effect was satisfactory. ─── 方法:本组104例,全部行切开复位重建钢板内固定.结果:随访6月-12个月,骨折全部愈合,肩关节功能良好。

77、Objective: To observe the effect of open reduction and internal fixation to treat clavicular fractures. ─── 目的:观察切开复位重建钢板内固定治疗锁骨骨折的疗效。

78、Ten percent of them anastomose with the clavicular branch of the supscapular artery or the transverse cervica arery. ─── 90.0%终支直接达锁骨,10.0%与颈横动脉(肩胛上动脉)锁骨支吻合间接达锁骨。

79、Applied anatomy of clavicular flap pedicled with anterior bundle of deltoid muscle ─── 三角肌前束肌蒂锁骨瓣移位术的应用解剖

80、Conclussion The treatment of complete acromioclavicular separations, With AO clavicular hook plate is an effective surgical. . . ─── 结论AO锁骨钩钢板是治疗肩锁关节全脱位的理想方法。

81、Methods: Six cases of acromioclavicular joint dislocation were treated with Kirschners needle and wire, 16 cases treated with Wolter clavicular plate. ─── 方法:克氏针+钢丝内固定治疗肩锁关节脱位6例,锁骨钩钢板治疗16例。

82、Results:Compared with tension band wiring,the Wolter clavicular plates were better to maintain the anatomic reduction of acromioclavicular joint. ─── 结果:内固定物不仅能稳定肩锁关节,而且对脱位能保持持续复位状态,同时允许损伤结构得以重建。

83、OBJECTIVE To investigate the value of application with clavicular bone flap pedicled with st er nocl ei dom ast oi deus m uscl e i n tr acheal reconstruction. ─── 目的探讨胸锁乳突肌锁骨瓣在修复气管壁缺损中的应用价值。

84、Conclusion: The Wolter clavicular plate is a good choice for acromiocla... ─── 结论:锁骨钩钢板是治疗肩锁关节脱位的较好方法。

85、Same, after clean, embellish works, preexistence is cervical reach clavicular place to dab ? of water of a soft skin maintains skin tender slippery. ─── 同样的,在清洁、润干后,先在颈部及锁骨处轻拍一层柔肤水?保持肌肤嫩滑。

86、In addition, BAC skeleton metastatic, destroyed and widely spread, and mostly seen in rib and clavicular invasion. ─── 另外,细支气管肺泡癌骨骼转移灶呈浸润性破坏,分布较广,以肋骨和锁骨侵犯为多见。

87、Conclussion The treatment of complate acromioclavicular separations,With AO clavicular hook plate is an effective surgic... ─── 结论AO锁骨钩钢板是治疗肩锁关节全脱位的理想方法。

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