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08-20 投稿


gesturing 发音

英:[?d?est??r??]  美:[?d?est??r??]

英:  美:

gesturing 中文意思翻译




gesturing 短语词组

1、gesturing art ─── 手势艺术

2、gesturing autism ─── 自闭症手势

3、gesturing at ─── 向……的手势

4、gesturing syn ─── 手势syn

5、gesturing def ─── 手势def

6、gesturing john updike ─── 约翰·厄普代克的手势

7、gesturing means ─── 手势 ─── 手段

8、gesturing no ─── 示意不

9、gesturing towards ─── 指向

10、gesturing at the boxes ─── 指着盒子

11、gesturing with hands while ─── 用手做手势

12、gesturing with the hands ─── 用手做手势

13、gesturing with hands ─── 用手做手势

gesturing 词性/词形变化,gesturing变形

动词现在分词: gesturing |动词过去式: gestured |副词: gesturally |形容词: gestural |动词过去分词: gestured |动词第三人称单数: gestures |名词: gesturer |

gesturing 常用词组

gesture recognition ─── 手势识别

make a gesture ─── 做手势,表示;做一个手势

gesturing 相似词语短语

1、restoring ─── adj.恢复的;v.恢复,重建;正在恢复(restore的现在分词)

2、festering ─── v.(伤口等)溃烂;(食物、垃圾)腐烂;(负面情绪等)恶化;遭受身心创伤;感染(fester的现在分词);adj.化脓的;充满仇恨的;腐烂的;n.化脓;脓液

3、pestering ─── vt.纠缠,烦扰;使烦恼;n.(Pester)人名;(德)佩斯特

4、pasturing ─── v.放牧(牲畜);(动物)吃草(pasture的现在分词)

5、lecturing ─── v.讲演,讲课(lecture的ing形式)

6、gestating ─── v.孕育(gestate的ing形式);怀孕

7、vesturing ─── n.衣裳;覆盖物;vt.使穿衣服;覆盖

8、featuring ─── v.以……为特色;由……主演;(在……中)起重要作用;显而易见;放映(电影),上演(戏剧)(feature的现在分词)

9、posturing ─── n.故作姿态;摆姿势;并非由衷的言行;v.摆姿势(posture的ing形式)

gesturing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I see you read a lot,' he said, gesturing at the wall of books. ─── 看来你读了很多书。”他指着那一墙的书说道。

2、For example, a print advertising campaign by Anta, one of China's biggest sportswear companies, shows a crowd of flag-waving youths gesturing like wild revolutionaries in a state of Olympic euphoria. ─── 举个例子,中国最大的一个运动品公司,安踏在其平面广告中,描述了一群挥舞着旗帜的中国青年,他们像一群疯狂的革命者一样,洋溢着对奥运的狂热,。

3、The woman calmly persisted in her gentle invitation,smiling and gesturing by laying her hand upon her breast," as if to assure her that she loved her,and would do her no harm" . ─── 那位妇女平静地坚持要小女孩从树上下来,脸上保持微笑,把手放在胸部打着手势,“似乎向小女孩保证她爱她,不会伤害她”。

4、'Is the presence of this gentleman, ' I said, gesturing towards Armand, 'required for anything else?' ─── “这位先生,”我指着阿尔芒对他说,“是不是还有必要留在这儿?”

5、That must have been what Kyle was gesturing about, John thought to himself. ─── 这一定就是刚才凯尔那个手势的意思,约翰心想。

6、In fact, we are a nation of people who look for and engage in contact, discussion and gesturing, traits not found in other countries. ─── 事实上,我们是一个民族的人,寻找和进行接触,讨论和连扳两,性状,没有发现其他国家。

7、“It's a great shame,” he says, gesturing at the scar blighting the pristine forest in south-eastern Venezuela, cleared by thousands of small-scale, illegal miners in their hunt for gold. ─── “这是一种巨大的耻辱,”他指着那块破坏了委内瑞拉东南部原始森林的伤疤说道。为了淘金,数千家小规模非法矿商把这里夷为平地。

8、The bone-white arm swept back, gesturing to the looming wagon. "We have. Have you?" ─── 苍白如骨的手臂向后一挥,示意着巨大的马车。“带来了。你们也按照许诺,把东西带来了吗?”

9、“That’s why we need these people to be at least neutral to us,” he said, gesturing to the farmers who have been slowly filtering back to harvest their fields. ─── 所以我们至少要让他们保持中立,"他指着在天地里缓慢的收割庄稼的农民道。

10、taxi only,” he said, gesturing to the rank 20 yards away. ─── 他说着指向20码以外排队等候的出租车。

11、The evil pirate grinned wickedly down at them, gesturing grandly with his cutlass. ─── 邪恶海盗笑坏透了他们,指着他的弯刀隆重。

12、He seemed completely composed, hidden behind his black lensed glasses, only his mobile features gesturing his vocal drama. ─── 他泰然自若,好象他那副墨镜把他整个人都挡住了,只有面部的表情配合他耍嘴皮子的独角戏。

13、After our glasses of whisky, Tomas stood and moved slowly from his chair to the piano stool, gesturing for me to join him. ─── 几杯酒过后,诗人站起身,慢慢从椅子挪到了琴凳上,并示意我过去。

14、she said, settling on to the sofa and gesturing to us to sit down beside her, 'Gaston knows exactly what my playing is like. ─── 她一面对我们做手势要我们坐下,一面倒在长沙发上说,“加斯东知道我弹些什么。

15、"Japan has been plunged into sadness, " he said, often gesturing with his hands to emphasize his points. ─── “整个日本都沉浸在悲伤中”丰田章男不断配合肢体语言来加强他的观点。

16、She was gesturing so excitedly that I knew something was wrong. ─── 她如此激动地打著手势,我就知道出了问题。

17、I can tell he's gesturing wildly when his wheelchair starts to squeak. ─── 我现在连去清真寺和真主说句话都不行了。”

18、she said,settling on to the sofa and gesturing to us to sit down beside her,'Gaston knows exactly what my playing is like.' ─── 她一面对我们做手势要我们坐下,一面倒在长沙发上说,“加斯东知道我弹些什么。”

19、The singer pointed to his throat, gesturing fatigue. ─── 歌唱家指着喉头,示意自己非常疲劳。

20、The skill is in deciding how much gesturing to be employed and in making sure that your gestures are natural. ─── 技巧是在于决定使用多少身体语言和确定你的身体语言是自然的。

21、Americans make no distinction between gesturing for silence to an adult or to a child. ─── 美国人并不区分向大人和小孩示意要安静的手势。

22、"Of course, " she said, gesturing with her one pie-free hand. ─── “再见,”她说,用没拿馅饼的那只手挥挥手。

23、"That's me from before," she says, gesturing to a photo in an aid organisation magazine. ─── “我以前是那个样子。” 她边说边用手指着救援组织杂志上的一张照片。

24、Yu Yu-hsien cannot help frowning and gesturing as he speaks of difficulties facing the farming sector. ─── 说到农业面临的困境,余玉贤不免也皱眉、手势齐来。

25、He’s talking now, but I’m having trouble hearing what he’s saying.He’s gesturing from my feet to the X rays. ─── 但是我听不清他说的到底是什么,他对着我的脚和x光片指指点点。

26、She had been gesturing with one hand to emphasize what she said. ─── 她用一只手的打着手势,增强她的话的效果。

27、"Our show girls wear bumblebee outfits, " she said, gesturing to hostesses in yellow and black striped dresses with wings on their backs. ─── “我们公司的展场女郎穿着大黄蜂套装,”她一边说,一边做出穿着黄黑条纹衣服,背后带有翅膀的女主人样子。

28、And I'm not afraid” the GI answered gesturing toward his buddies around him. ─── 这位美国士兵回答,他边说边指着他身边的伙伴们。

29、He looked very fine, Marshal Ney in his top-boots, gesturing with his sword among the green new horse-chestnut leaves. ─── 奈伊元帅的雕像看来很威武:脚蹬长靴,在七叶树绿油油的嫩叶丛中举剑示意。

30、" he said, shaking Fudge's hand very briefly and gesturing towards the hardest of the chairs in front of the desk. ─── 福吉嘀咕着说,拉了一把椅子坐在上面,将他绿色的帽子放在膝盖上:“太糟的一个星期了!太糟糕了!”

31、Burak almost volunteered, but Tesla restrained him at the last moment, gesturing him silent while everyone's attention was focused on Minmei's former partner. ─── 伯拉克差点就自告奋勇了,但泰斯拉在最后的时刻压住了他,当其他人的注意力都集中在明美的前任搭档时,他做了个让伯拉克安静的手势。

32、"This world is a paradise," the Regis said, turning from the spire's incomparable view, but gesturing to it nevertheless. ─── “这个星球是个天堂,”瑞吉斯说道。她从塔尖处无与伦比的视角转过身,手势依然指向那里。

33、When we saw each other, I remember he greeted me by gesturing toward me with a pointed index finger, kinda like cool dudes greeting each other on the streets. ─── 当时车里的收音机正放着八十年代的流行歌曲。我们一起哼唱着小虎队的歌。

34、He made no answer but walked on, gesturing for me to follow. ─── 他没有回答,而是继续走,示意我随行。

35、“This one is meant to be out of focus,” Miele says, gesturing to a strangely lovely gown that looked the way a rainbow might if it could be drowned. ─── 他指着一件奇特可爱、看起来像彩虹浸在水里的礼服说:“这件就是要看起来朦胧失焦。”

36、Gesturing tends to work itself out as you acquire experience and confidence. ─── 随着经验的积累和信心的增强,你会自然而然地学会打手势。

37、The upper body stretches out and the arms bands slightly, wearing Tibetan Buddhists cloth, seated with the right hand gesturing Teaching, and the left gesturing Meditation. ─── 身着袒右肩袈裟,衣纹刻划流畅自然。全跏趺坐。右手当胸结说法印,左手结禅定印。台座莲瓣挺拔饱满,工艺细致考究,且保留了原封底。

38、"Hey, you two!" she says, gesturing toward a young couple with arms draped around each other's waist. ─── “嘿,你们两个!”她喊住了一对相互挽腰的年轻情侣。

39、Of course, I'd still feel silly gesturing with my hands. ─── 当然,当我打手势时我还是会觉得很傻。

40、Chandler: (gesturing towards another table) What about the birds? ─── 钱德勒:(指向另一张)那张鸟的怎么样?

41、It's like driving down the street and having people not gesturing with all five fingers. ─── 就像在马路上开车有人做不友好手势一样。

42、"I am not particularly apprehensive or nervous because this is a very reliable rocket," he said, gesturing at the Soyuz spacecraft, Russian and U.S. flags painted on its sleek body. ─── 他一边向涂有美国和俄罗斯国旗的圆滑箭体作着手势,一边说:“我并不特别忧虑或紧张,因为这是一枚很可靠的火箭。”

43、Gesturing a thumb down many times which easily bringing bad luck. ─── 拇指常往下比运势会衰----台北游细坑青年先生06/09/25

44、When he slowed to a stop at a yellow light, the woman hit the horn, cussing and screaming in frustration and gesturing angrily. ─── 当那名男子因黄灯减速停车时,她却大按喇叭、气愤地叫嚣、咒骂他,并作出愤怒的手势。

45、The guy was real Yong Chong Ni's Little looked at the immediate point, gently gesturing about, it seems long and high, his face could not stop laughing anymore. ─── 那庸实的汉子宠溺的看着眼前的小不点,轻轻比划一下,似乎又长高了,脸上的笑就再也停不下来。

46、The doctor was standing beside the blank stone wall, gesturing toward a pyramid of large casks. ─── 大夫站在一处空白的石墙旁边,朝着一个许多大桶堆成的金字塔作了个手势。

47、'I see you read a lot,' he said, gesturing at the wall of books. ─── “看来你读了很多书。”他指着那一墙的书说道。

48、On the other hand, Ethiopians make no distinction in gesturing to indicate emphatic negation. ─── 另一方面,埃塞俄比亚人对表示着重否定的手势则不加区分。

49、Drizzt could not help but smile in response, saying, "True. Have a seat," gesturing to the log beside his own seat. ─── 崔斯特没有答话,但微笑着回应了他,在自己位子旁边的圆木处做了个手势,说:“真诚的!请坐。”

50、"Kneel before me!" Tesla demanded, gesturing to the floor. ─── “在我面前跪下!”泰斯拉指着地面,要求道。

51、And shut down the comm," he added, gesturing to the net switch. ─── 关掉通讯器,”他补充道,朝通讯网的开关挥了挥手。

52、Psychologists at the University of Chicago report that gesturing can help kids add new and correct problem-solving strategies to their mathematical skills. ─── 芝加哥大学的心理学家报告说,手势能帮助孩子增加新的和正确的解决问题的策略,针对他们的数学技巧。

53、I noticed that the young fellows coming from them were taking longer strides and gesturing more vigorously than at ordinary times; ─── 其中,年轻人的举动比平时更坚决,我想他们刚才看的是一部冒险片子。

54、Profusely sweating, with glasses set back on his silver mane and gesturing with bow to teacher and student, Issac Stern is unmistakably the center of attention in any music class. ─── 大师的额头微微冒汗,眼镜推在如银的白发上,执弓的右手频频指向拉琴的少年和提琴教师。他混身散发著一种难以抗拒的力量;

55、MORTY: I don't know her either. (Gesturing to Helen) She makes me fly all the way from Floriday for this, and then she criticizes my jacket. ─── 莫蒂:我也不认识她呀。(对海伦示意)她要我从佛罗里达大老远的飞过来,就为了数落我的夹克。

56、Gesturing can influence the tone of your voice. ─── 姿势会影响你的语气。

57、Gesturing with applied grace, she announced that she was just about finished with a book in which she urges young Chinese to follow her example and not give up in the face of adversity. ─── 说这话时,芙蓉姐姐身着透明外衣和紧身牛仔裤,腿部还挂着亮晶晶的饰物。

58、She was gesturing so excitedly that I knew something was wrong ─── 她如此激动地打著手势,我就知道出了问题

59、The woman calmly persisted in her gentle invitation, smiling and gesturing by laying her hand upon her breast, " as if to assure her that she loved her, and would do her no harm" . ─── 那位妇女平静地坚持要小女孩从树上下来,脸上保持微笑,把手放在胸部打着手势,"似乎向小女孩保证她爱她,不会伤害她"。

60、She smiled, amused and faintly dismissive, gesturing to the robe on his arm. ─── 她绕有兴趣地笑笑,略为高傲地指指他手臂上的睡袍。

61、Why can Ge-Zai opera make the plots more abundant and colourful through singing, chanting, gesturing, and fighting? ─── 为什麽透过歌仔戏的唱念作打,剧情内容可以变得丰富又生动?

62、Your Hands: Gesturing or talking with your hands is very natural, but keep it in moderation. ─── 你的手:做手势或边说边比划是很自然的,但是要保持适度。

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