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08-21 投稿


crooned 发音

英:[kru?nd]  美:[kru?nd]

英:  美:

crooned 中文意思翻译





crooned 短语词组

1、crooned definition ─── 低吟的定义

2、crooned defination ─── 低吟的定义

3、crooned meaning ─── 低吟的意思

4、crooned syn ─── 低声吟唱

5、crooned antonym ─── 低声反义词

6、crooned mean ─── 低声 ─── 低沉

crooned 词性/词形变化,crooned变形

动词现在分词: crooning |动词第三人称单数: croons |名词: crooner |动词过去式: crooned |动词过去分词: crooned |

crooned 相似词语短语

1、cartoned ─── n.纸板箱;靶心白点;vt.用盒包装;vi.制作纸箱;n.(Carton)人名;(英、西)卡顿;(法)卡尔东

2、crooner ─── n.低声唱歌的人或歌手

3、crayoned ─── n.蜡笔,有色粉笔;vt.以蜡笔作画,用颜色粉笔画;n.(Crayon)(英)克雷恩(人名)

4、cocooned ─── adj.紧紧包裹住的;v.给……加上保护层,把……紧紧包住;隐退(cocoon的过去式和过去分词)

5、crowned ─── v.为……加冕;宣布(某人)为最优秀者;(在国际跳棋中)在(一枚棋子)上覆盖另一旗子使之成为王;形成……顶部;(使)圆满;(非正式)敲(某人的)脑壳;(在牙齿上)镶人造冠;(分娩时胎儿的头)露顶(crown的过去式及过去分词);adj.(牙齿)人造冠的;有王冠的;带有……冠的

6、crooled ─── vi.发咕咕声

7、cordoned ─── n.警戒线;绶带;束带层;vt.用警戒线围住;包围隔离;n.(Cordon)人名;(英、西)科登;(法、葡)科尔东

8、crooked ─── adj.弯曲的;歪的;不正当的

9、croodled ─── 低沉的

crooned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“And far into the night he crooned that tune.The stars went out and so did the moon. ─── “他低吟着那个曲调直到深夜,星星不见了,月亮也消失了。

2、’ He'd also stay up meowing for hours some nights, and we'd call it his ’Elvis croon. ─── 他还保持喵喵叫几个小时,我们会叫他’猫王轻哼。

3、She gently crooned a lullaby. ─── 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

4、Don't be startled by the smiling, white-haired man who croon "Merry Christmas" to you. ─── 当你见到那向你低声哼着“圣诞快乐”面带笑容的白发老人时,不要感到吃惊。

5、HAKUEI’s voice was soft and smooth as he crooned the song’s lyrics; ─── HAKUEI的声音柔软,光滑,他以这样的嗓音唱着这首歌的歌词;

6、I crooned in my mind, did you hear that? ─── :我心里 在哼着呢 你听到了吗?

7、croon the baby to sleep ─── 哼着歌哄孩子睡觉

8、A woman's smoky contralto crooned words I'd never heard sung, though they were printed on the tattered sheet music in my old accordion case. ─── 一个女低音歌手幽幽地哼唱着我从未听人唱过的歌,虽然我曾在我的旧手风琴盒里的破烂乐谱上见过这些歌词。

9、The engines crooned mellifluously as McWatt throttled back to loiter and allow the rest of the planes in his flight to catch up. ─── 发动机低声哼着甜蜜的调子,麦克沃特减低了速度,慢吞吞地往前飞,好让队里的其他飞机跟上来。

10、Dear boy," she crooned, hugging him heartily. ─── 亲爱的男孩儿,”她热烈地拥抱着他,柔情地说道。

11、At night you would feel cold while I croon by moonlight. ─── 夜吟应觉月光寒。

12、to croon ─── 低哼细唱

13、On grey mornings of rain I have crooned many an idle song. ─── 在灰暗的雨天的早晨,我吟哦过许多飘逸的诗篇。

14、You could not say a word in Japanese, but you followed him and crooned freely, facing the sea breeze. ─── 你不懂半句日文,也跟著老人在海风中乱哼乱唱。

15、to croon a song ─── 哼唱歌曲

16、And my language, is to croon with my eyesights”. ─── 我的语言,是用眼神去低语”。

17、" Chen Yi croon two, say assist says repeatedly: "Fan Changjiang as expected talent also! ─── 赵树理说:“我不是不知道,是不好说。

18、On grey mornings of rain I have crooned many an idle song . ─── 在下着雨的灰色清晨,我低声吟唱着许多懒洋的歌曲。

19、Poetic Sketches Crooned in Sui Yuan ─── 随园诗草

20、There are few other songwriters who've composed as many hits or croon as beautifully as Sting. ─── 很少有其他歌曲创作者能像史汀一样写出这麽多劲歌金曲,或者歌声和他一样优美。

21、She crooned her baby tosleep. ─── 她低哼摇篮曲使她的婴儿入睡。

22、" Croon a song a woman, began to clean up the dishes. ─── 女人轻哼著歌,开始收拾碗碟。

23、The mother crooned her baby to sleep. ─── 母亲低声哼着哄婴儿入睡。

24、" Croon her, leaned on the sofa, reading a COVEN. ─── 她轻哼着,斜靠在沙发中,看了COVEN一眼。

25、croon a sentimental tune ─── 轻哼感伤的曲调

26、The stock raising 2005 is in turbulent blatant in, croon is worn pathos music, in be like stock raising all everything, awaiting in tear " peace " arrival. ─── 2005年的畜牧业在动荡不安的喧嚣中,低吟着悲情曲,好象畜牧业中所有的一切,都在泪水中等待着“和平”的到来。

27、The engines crooned mellifluously as McWatt throttled back to loiter and allow the rest of the planes in his flight to catch up. ─── 发动机低声哼着甜蜜的调子,麦克沃特减低了速度,慢吞吞地往前飞,好让队里的其他飞机跟上来。

28、"Chemistry look what you've done to me, " Donna Summer crooned in Science of Love, and so, it seems, she was right. ─── 堂娜?萨莫在《爱情的科学》中唱道:“你对我所做的一切似乎都是化学作用。”现在看来,她是对的。

29、That old, half-forgotten musical, with its Jerry Herman lyrics crooned by, among others, Louis Armstrong, is also among Wall-E’s mementos of, well, us. ─── 瓦力对一个失落文明工艺品的亲切珍视是可以理解的,毕竟他也是人类心智的产物。

30、Let's hear him croon to his ballads together! ─── 你听过张栋梁唱韩语,日语,马来语,广东等语言的歌曲吗?

31、He crooned into the microphone. ─── 他充满柔情地对著麦克风唱流行歌曲。

32、On grey mornings of rainI have crooned many an idle song. ─── 在灰暗的雨天的早晨,我吟哦过许多飘逸的诗篇.

33、The two women babbled and crooned at the baby. ─── 这两个女人唠叨了半天。

34、Mentally Audible: Fully30% of psionic weapons telepathically mutter, croon, recite battle poems, scream, or produce other mental“ noises” when first drawn, at first blood, or when they slay a significant enemy. ─── 心灵可闻:至少30%灵能武器在第一次出鞘、一次见血或干掉一个重要敌人时会以心灵感应方式嘀咕、吟、战诗、叫或产生其他心灵“噪声”。

35、Can't hear me croon of a million lies that speak no truth ─── 不能听到我揭穿无数谎言的低声歌唱

36、croon a baby to sleep ─── 低声哼唱哄婴儿睡觉

37、croon a lullaby ─── 低声哼唱催眠曲

38、Parents croon soothingly to infants. ─── 父母轻声吟唱,安抚婴儿。

39、The audience even crooned to the rhythm of the songs. ─── 台下的听众跟着歌声低声吟唱。

40、”On hearing the response,uncle turned out to be agog at once,even began to croon the ditty which was not heard for a long time. ─── “你要结婚了嘛?

41、New York native and pop singer Billy Joel even crooned about a "New York State of Mind" . ─── 纽约本地人兼流行歌手比利?乔尔甚至低声吟唱一首所谓的“纽约心态”。

42、New York native and pop singer Billy Joel even crooned about a @New York State of Mind@. ─── 纽约本地人兼流行歌手比利?乔尔甚至低声吟唱出一首所谓的“纽约心态”。

43、At that time, all I could see are the fresh morning glories with the dew, and all I heared is the sweet croon of the breeze.The dreams would be filled with mysterious fairy tales. ─── 那个时候,眼睛里看到的是滴着露水的牵牛花,耳朵里飘来的是清风的低吟,晚上的梦里也是被神秘的童话所充满。

44、A woman's smoky contralto crooned words I'd never heard sung, though they were printed on the tattered sheet music in my old accordion case. ─── 一个女低音歌手幽幽地哼唱着我从未听人唱过的歌,虽然我曾在我的旧手风琴盒里的破烂乐谱上见过这些歌词。

45、Croon to the savvy salsa music of our resident band Casablanca Jazz Trio who will party the night away surrounded by the striking linear fireplace that heats up that post vacation mood! ─── 届时“禁果之诱”招牌鸡尾酒系列不容错过,更有马提尼酒特式精选同日拉开帷幕,再掀高潮!

46、9 see joke: That night, wind is worn in croon. ─── 9看笑话:那夜,风在低吟著。

47、croon soothingly (to a child) ─── (给孩子)低声唱歌

48、She gently crooned a lullaby. ─── 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

49、The first home was made when a woman, cradling in her loving arms a baby, crooned a lullaby. ─── ElbertHubbard世界上第一个家由一个母亲创造,她抱着她的孩子,唱着摇篮曲。

50、Streisand's fans shelled out a total of $14,694,750 to hear Babs croon 1999 away. ─── 仅1999一年中史翠珊的歌迷就花了$14,694,750,来倾听她的浅唱低吟。

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