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08-18 投稿


rebuff 发音

英:[r?'b?f]  美:[r?'b?f]

英:  美:

rebuff 中文意思翻译



rebuff 短语词组

1、rebuff meaning ─── 断绝意义

2、rebuff definition ─── 拒绝定义

3、rebuff means ─── 断绝手段

4、rebuff crossword ─── 拒绝纵横填字游戏

rebuff 词性/词形变化,rebuff变形

动词过去式: rebuffed |动词过去分词: rebuffed |动词现在分词: rebuffing |动词第三人称单数: rebuffs |

rebuff 相似词语短语

1、rebut ─── vt.反驳;揭露;拒绝;vi.反驳;揭露;n.驳回;提出反证;n.(Rebut)人名;(法)勒比;(英)雷巴特

2、rebuke ─── v.斥责,指责;控制;n.指责,斥责

3、rebuffing ─── n.断然拒绝;回绝;漠不关心;vt.断然拒绝

4、bepuff ─── 泡芙

5、rebuffed ─── n.断然拒绝;回绝;漠不关心;vt.断然拒绝

6、rebus ─── n.画谜;(以画为提示的)字谜

7、rebuffs ─── n.断然拒绝;回绝;漠不关心;vt.断然拒绝

8、rebury ─── vt.再埋葬;重新埋葬

9、restuff ─── vt.重新填塞

rebuff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、get an awkward rebuff ─── 抹了一鼻子灰

2、He avoided speaking to her, expecting a rebuff. ─── 他料想会受到她的冷遇,于是避免和她说话。

3、After so many disappointing times when I would flinch from his sharp rebuff I began to withdraw my own warm displays of affection. ─── 数次遭到他断然回绝而心灰意冷后,我开始不再那么热情四溢地展现自己的爱了;

4、That drew a rebuff from State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack who said Pyongyang will have to meet its six-party commitments before realizing diplomatic benefits. ─── 美国国务院发言人麦科马克反驳了北韩的声明,他说,平壤必须兑现在六方会谈中作出的承诺,然后才能获得外交利益。

5、Don't rebuff a repair attempt! ─── 不要将一次弥补行动回绝!

6、Kennedy's attempt to intervene in the affairs of Cuba met with a rebuff at the Bay of pigs ─── 肯尼迪干涉古巴事务的企图在猪湾遭到挫败。

7、But she fears the husband is malcontent to this, even rebuff. ─── 但她担心丈夫对此不满,甚至断然拒绝。

8、She almost trembled at the audacity which might have carried her on to a terrible rebuff. ─── 想到自己如此狂妄,竟敢到这里来找工作,想到差一点让人粗暴地骂出来,她吓得几乎发抖。

9、Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff. ─── 她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。

10、That may suggest it got the clearance it needed this time around, making a China Eastern rebuff to Air China less than practical. ─── 它最近的动作或许暗示,这次它得到了政府的默许,东航的拒绝或许没什么实际意义。

11、give a round rebuff ─── 斩钉截铁地拒绝

12、It is also replete with private-equity money (much of it on the rebound after a rebuff from China). ─── 在这里同样充满了大量的私有股权资金(大多数都是在中国受到拒绝之后转到这里的)。

13、She saw in him the peculiar tight rebuff against anyone of the lower classes who might be really climbing up, which she knew was characteristic of his Breed. ─── 她看见了他对较下阶级的稍有上升希望的人所生的那种狭窄的反感,她知道这是他那一类人的特性。

14、Wherever possible they dealt Wanshington's high-handed policy a rebuff. ─── 在可能情形下,他们总把华盛顿的高压政策顶回去。

15、Wilson went before a joint session of Congress on August 27, 1913, explained his mediation proposal and Huerta's rebuff. ─── 威尔逊于1913年8月27日到国会两院联席会议去解释他的调停建议和乌厄塔的断然漠视。

16、not give due affection to(sb/sth); rebuff ─── 不给予(某人[某事物])应有的爱;慢待

17、Her kindness to him be meet with a cruel rebuff ─── 她一片好心却遭到他冷酷的拒绝

18、Iran's rebuff of a European demand to suspend nuclear activities came on the eve of a planned meeting by the International Atomic Energy Agency's board of governors to consider Iran's failure to fully declare its nuclear activities. ─── 国际原子能机构理事会准备举行会议,讨论伊朗没有全部报告其核计划的问题,会议开始之前,伊朗再次拒绝停止核行动的要求。

19、When she had gotten safely into the street, she could scarcely restrain the tears. It was not so much the particular rebuff which she had just experienced, But the whole abashing trend of the day. ─── 等她终于安然地来到外面大街上,她几乎克制不住眼泪往下掉。这倒不单单因为她刚刚受到这番断然回绝,而是因为这一整天奔波的结果太令人失望了。

20、If it's dispelled again, rebuff again. ─── 如果它仍然被驱散掉了,那再给自己加一遍。

21、From this point of view that the so-called "farewell air conditioning heating era" concept art high-grade best rebuff your house, because the windows are small, daytime starts lighting. ─── 从这个角度上说,所谓"告别空调暖气时代"概念的前卫的高档房子你最好回绝,因为都是小窗户,白天都得开灯。

22、For three months they did everything they could to rebuff Microsoft, which was offering to buy the internet company at a big premium to its value before the bid. ─── 三个月以来,他们想尽一切办法拒绝微软公司的收购,微软当时试图以超过雅虎市值的价格收购这家互联网公司。

23、meet with a mild rebuff; be tactfully rebuffed ─── 碰了软钉子

24、"After this rebuff, Sweetie and Qin Zhong returned sullenly to their seats while Jin Rong triumphantly wagged his head and smacked his lips as he poured out more abuse." ─── "香怜反讨了没趣,连秦钟也讪讪的各归坐位去了。金荣越发得了意,摇头咂嘴的,口内还说许多闲话。"

25、rebuff an invitation from sb ─── 回绝某人的邀请

26、If you never fear a rebuff you will never have one. ─── 如果你从不怕遭到拒绝,你就绝不会遭到拒绝。

27、Her offer of help was met with a sharp rebuff. ─── 她主动帮忙,却遭到断然拒绝。

28、When I meet a terrible rebuff I'll beat a hasty retreat.I'll never stay there to stick to my guns, or try to stage a comeback. ─── 如果我在某处碰了个大钉子,我会选择快速离开5,不会在那里硬撑,或是企盼能再回去翻身。

29、There, a prickly instability, characteristic of his childhood, re-emerged, perhaps brought on by a rebuff from his landlady's daughter. ─── 在伦敦,危机四伏的不稳定境遇和少年特质重现,可能由此招致了女房东的女儿[对梵高向她示爱]的回绝。

30、To rebuke; rebuff. ─── 责备;谴责

31、His rebuff thoroughly deflated me. ─── 他的断然拒绝使我心灰意懒。

32、She suffered a rebuff from her manager when she raised the matter. ─── 她向经理提出这个问题时碰了一鼻子灰。

33、China's rebuff sets back the Atlanta-based soft-drink maker's strategy to expand in China, its fourth-largest market, after the U.S., Mexico and Brazil, when sales in the U. ─── 在美国市场销售增速放缓之际,中国政府的这一裁决使可口可乐公司在华扩张战略遭遇了挫折,中国现在是仅次于美国、墨西哥和巴西的该公司全球第四大市场。

34、"Their eyes met. His had a cold, ugly look of dislike and contempt, and indifference to what would happen. Hers were hot with rebuff." ─── 他们的视线遇着,他的眼睛是冷酷的,险恶的,充满着厌恶和侮蔑,漠然于未来的事情。她的眼睛则含恨的,盛她的。

35、1. Facts are the most powerful rebuff to rumormongers . ─── 事实是对造谣者最有力的回答。

36、You can meet with a rebuff such a thing watch too serious, fragrant grass more than very all over the world anyway, why a flower of one-sided love, it is your philosophy. ─── 你不会把碰钉子这种事看得太严重,反正天下芳草何其多,何必单恋一只花,就是你的哲学。

37、However, find a company when her, when asking a those clotheses that have quality problem and slow-moving dress undertake exchange goods, sufferred rebuff however. ─── 然而,当她找到公司,要求把那些有质量问题的衣服和滞销衣服进行换货时,却遭到了断然拒绝。

38、Braving all rebuff ─── 硬着头皮

39、give a stern rebuff; sternly refuse ─── 严词拒绝

40、Lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff ─── 粗鲁的拒绝使丽莉的血液沸腾起来。

41、I could sense her shyness from the way she held her frail-looking shoulders, slightly hunched, as if she was expecting a rebuff at any moment. ─── 能不能译成这样:从她收紧的肩膀我感觉到她的胆怯,她微微驼着背,就好像在随时准备着面对意料之中的冷落一样。

42、We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think the wanted to be left alone. ─── 我们试图友好一些,但是他的回绝使我们认为他想要独自一人。

43、The rebuff keyed Roth to defiance. ─── 罗思这一声痛斥,连挑战的架势都摆出来了。

44、The trip appeared to be a direct rebuff to Obama who had said that both Georgia and Ukraine should be free to choose their own leaders. ─── 此行似乎是对奥巴马言论的直接否定回答,后者曾表示无论格鲁吉亚还是乌克兰都有选择自己领导人的自由。

45、2867. rebuff : snub; ─── 2867 。回绝:冷落;

46、She wanted to invited the general manager to her wedding ceremony, but got a rebuff. ─── 例如;她本来是想去邀请总经理参加自己的婚礼的,没想到一片好心却碰了一鼻子灰。

47、When I enter the market place I will say them and immediately confront my first prospect while the failure ponders yet his possibility of rebuff. ─── 外出推销时,失败者还在考虑是否遭到拒绝的时候,我要默诵着句话,面对第一个来临的顾客。

48、Tseng Chia-chu had not expected a rebuff like this, and for all his boasting he was now beginning to feel that the situation was becoming embarrassing. ─── 料不到竟会发生这样的责难,吹了半天的曾家驹无论如何不能不忸怩了。

49、Thain to rebuff a deal.Should the talks collapse, most on the Street were expecting Merrill's shares to fall even further amid widespread worries about independent broker-dealers. ─── 大部分华尔街人士都预测,在独立经纪行命运普遍堪忧之际,谈判破裂会导致美林股价进一步下挫。

50、I tried to pacify him, but got a rebuff for my pains. ─── 我劝他别生气,反被他抢白了一顿。

51、Connie gazed at Clifford contemplatively. She saw in him the peculiar tight rebuff against anyone of the lower classes who might be really climbing up, which she knew was characteristic of his Breed. ─── 康妮凝望着克利福,心里沉思着。她看见了他对较下阶级的稍有上升希望的人所生的那种狭窄的反感,她知道这是他那一类人的特性。

52、Her kindness to him is meet with a cruel rebuff. ─── 她一片好心却遭到他冷酷的拒绝。

53、With this algorithm, it is not necessary to generate the candidate frequency set and lopping operation, avoiding the large amount of operations due to the rebuff rules. Hence it improves efficiency of the intrusion detecting system. ─── 该算法不需生成候选频繁集和剪枝操作 ,避免了因无趣规则引起的大量运算 ,因而能提高入侵检测系统的效率

54、The girl said in quick rebuff:"You think all your right is right?" ─── 小妞反唇相讥道:“你以为有权就有理吗?”

55、TIME is running out for Jerry Yang, the boss of Yahoo!, in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft. ─── 对于负隅顽抗回击微软的杨致远来说,时间尤为紧迫。

56、The Yankees response, much like Wang's, is to rebuff the query.As if to completely dismiss the notion of an injury. ─── 洋基的回应和小民差不多,直接否定这个疑问,完全排除受伤的可能。

57、We tried to be friendly, but his rebuff made us think he wanted to be left alone. ─── 我们试图友善,但他的拒绝使我们认为他不想被干涉。

58、The trip appeared to be a direct rebuff to Obama who had said that both Georgia and Ukraine should be free to choose their own leaders. ─── 此行似乎是对奥巴马言论的直接否定回答,后者曾表示无论格鲁吉亚还是乌克兰都有选择自己领导人的自由。

59、There are several flies to meet a rebuff. ─── 有几个苍蝇碰壁。

60、The 24-year-old is aware of City's interest, but has instructed his agents to immediately rebuff any bid from a rival Premier League club. ─── 当他得知了来自曼城的兴趣后,他立刻要求经纪人回绝一切来自英超竞争对手的报价。

61、, in his increasingly desperate struggle to rebuff Microsoft. ─── 作为雅虎的老总,他正在努力抵抗微软的收购提议。

62、Her efforts were met with a sharp rebuff. ─── 她的努力遭到了断然拒绝。

63、court a rebuff; ask for a snub ─── 讨了个没趣儿

64、The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. ─── 弟子们笑了,很欣赏这个巧妙的回应。

65、Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him ─── 她的拒绝使他的骄气大挫。

66、But his refusal to offer a premium earned a swift rebuff from Anglo. ─── 然而,他拒绝提额外费用,这使得英美资源集团迅速回绝了他的并购提议。

67、If Mr Bush continues to instruct Israel to rebuff Mr Assad's overtures, Mr Olmert will no doubt obey orders. ─── 如果布什继续指示以色列断然回绝阿萨德和解性的试探,那奥尔默特则毫无疑问会言听计从。

68、That would be a rebuff to Mrs Merkel's government and perhaps a fatal blow to Mr Westerwelle's transformation agenda. ─── 若果真如此,那将是默克尔政府的一次失败,并会给威斯特维勒的变革计划造成致命打击。

69、To rebuff or reject with rudeness, coldness, or denial. ─── 回绝,拒绝:断然拒绝;粗鲁、冷漠地拒绝;否定

70、We should keep a certain distance from whatever is inconsistent with Party principles, in other words, we should draw a clear line of demarcation and rebuff it then and there. ─── 对不符合党的原则的,就应当保持一个距离,就是说,要划清界限,立即挡回去。

71、Seize them ,embrace them ,let them engulf you , draw from them the uttermost of what they have to give , for if you rebuff them ,they will not come again . ─── 抓住它,拥抱它,让它将你包围,穷尽它所给予的一切,而如果你拒绝了它,它将不会再来。

72、The Ayatollah appeared to rebuff an attempt by Mr.Ahmedinejad to kiss his hand. ─── 哈梅内伊看似拒绝了艾哈迈迪内贾德试图亲他的手的举动。

73、I wondered whether the colonel would take this rebuff. ─── 我不知道上校会不会容忍我不服从命令。

74、The rebuff came as Stephen W. Bosworth, the American special envoy on North Korea, began a trip to Asia with a fresh offer of dialogue. ─── 当时,美国对朝特使斯蒂芬·博斯沃思刚刚开始旨在促成新一轮对话的亚洲之行。

75、I treng a moment, decided to take a chance, regardless of the North and the South West, East, while walking to see a result, of course, a few touch rebuff. ─── 我楞了片刻,决定先碰碰运气,管它南北西东,边走边看,结果当然是碰了几鼻子灰。

76、For example, a salesman fails to get through to an account on a sales call and actually encounters a very rude rebuff from the secretary. ─── 例如推销员未能就拨通了电话,并确实遇到销售非常粗鲁钉子从局长。

77、5、There, a prickly instability, characteristic of his childhood, re-emerged, perhaps brought on by a rebuff from his landlady’s daughter. ─── 在伦敦,危机四伏的不稳定境遇和少年特质重现,可能由此招致了女房东的女儿[对梵高的示爱]的回绝。

78、When developers proposed to space, architects will not be able to meet with the division structure to rebuff. ─── 当开发商提出加大空间时,建筑师会用结构师无法满足来回绝。

79、Having made this rash remark, he braced himself for a polite rebuff. ─── 他说这冒昧话,准备碰个软钉子。

80、The White House quickly rebuff ed the suggestion. ─── 但是白宫断然拒绝了这个提议。

81、Be sent off with a flea in one's ear; be snubBed; Get a rebuff ─── 碰一鼻子灰

82、She realised that she was a novice, and felt as if a rebuff were certain. ─── 她意识到自己是个新手,非遭到断然回绝不可。

83、The results of the poll dealt a humiliating rebuff to Mr. Jones. ─── 民意测验的结果对琼斯先生来说是一个羞辱性的拒绝。

84、All eyes met her with a glance of eager curiosity, and she met all eyes with one of rebuff and coldness. ─── 所有人的眼睛都怀着急切的好奇看着她,而她却用拒绝和冷淡的眼神回报大家。

85、Since its rebuff by the government in February, Enel has been looking for a French partner with which to launch a hostile bid for Suez. ─── 意大利国电集团自2月遭到政府拒绝之后,一直寻求法国合伙人共同对苏伊士集团发起恶意竞购。

86、To invite ridicule rebuff, make oneself unwelcome ─── 自讨没趣

87、The disciples laughed, taking this to be a well-deserved rebuff. Only the stranger was struck by its depth. ─── 门徒们哈哈大笑,认为这是一个巧妙而有理的回击.只有那路人被那句话背后深刻的智慧所打动。

88、Some commentators suggested that the ban might be a rebuff to China for its close relationship with Pakistan. ─── 有些评论员认为,印度的禁令可能是印度对中国与巴基斯坦亲密关系的一种粗暴回应。

89、My father was too proud to risk a rebuff, so he simply did not ask her. ─── 我父亲自尊心太强怕被拒绝,所以根本就没问她。

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