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08-21 投稿


chitchat 发音


英:  美:

chitchat 中文意思翻译



chitchat 网络释义

n. 聊天;闲谈vi. 闲谈

chitchat 词性/词形变化,chitchat变形

动词过去式: chitchatted |动词现在分词: chitchatting |动词第三人称单数: chitchats |动词过去分词: chitchatted |

chitchat 短语词组

1、chitchat nails ─── 闲聊指甲

2、chitchat def ─── 闲聊def

3、no chitchat ─── 不许闲聊

4、chitchat clue ─── 闲聊线索

5、chitchat crossword ─── 聊天纵横字谜

6、chitchat login ─── 聊天登录

chitchat 相似词语短语

1、whinchat ─── n.野翁之类

2、chit-chat ─── 谈天说地;灌水区(论坛版块名)

3、chitchatting ─── 闲谈;聊天(chitchat的现在分词)

4、chicha ─── n.吉开酒

5、chitchats ─── n.聊天;闲谈;vi.闲谈

6、chitchatted ─── 闲聊

7、chitchatty ─── 闲聊

8、to chitchat ─── 闲聊

9、chichas ─── n.吉开酒

chitchat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Let's get together for some chitchat. ─── 我们聚聚聊聊。

2、Wenzhou developers chitchat with some of the reporters found that the Wenzhou developer development concepts and Beijing developer exist very clear distinction. ─── 记者与一些温州开发商攀谈过程中发现,温州开发商的开发理念与北京开发商存在着极明显区别。

3、At these business dinners, meaningless chitchat and boisterous toasts take up most of the time.Those who really want to discuss something can't get a word in edgewise and end up just wasting time. ─── 应酬场合中,了无意义的场面话和敬酒闹酒往往佔去大半时间,真正想聊天的人反倒不知如何开口,只能陪著耗时间。

4、If friendly water-cooler chitchat is turning into an emotionally charged interrogation , bow out of the conversation gracefully. ─── 如果友善的办公室闲聊变成了情绪激动的审讯,那就礼貌的结束这次谈话。

5、Nakata may talk to cats, yes, but their conversations always begin with polite chitchat about the weather. ─── 比如,中田可以和猫对话,但他们之间的谈话总以礼貌性的谈论天气开始。

6、I'd like to meeting and chitchat with my buddy friends in the night, ─── 喜欢一个人与好朋友在晚上聚会聊聊天

7、In real life, see a few comrades are woebegone sometimes, downhearted, chitchat rises, often hear deep sigh: ? of dark aunt buy is endured approved! ─── 现实生活中,有时见到一些同志愁眉苦脸,闷闷不乐,攀谈起来,常常听到一声长叹:“倒霉了,挨批了!”

8、20. Despite her penchant for chitchat, Yvonne was no birdbrain, Martin discovered. ─── 马丁发现,尽管伊冯非常喜欢瞎聊,可她并不是没头脑。

9、a reporter recently in Gubei intermediary companies occasionally met Liuyang President, chitchat way that the ordinary woman investment property acquired 100 times return. ─── 记者近日在古北一家中介公司里偶然遇见了刘洋女士,攀谈之中了解到这个平凡女人投资房产所获得的100倍回报。

10、In the following chitchat between us, he kept praising the author with luxurious dictions as "the greatest writer of contemporary China". ─── 聊天时,他赞不绝口地夸二月河是“当代中国最伟大的作家”。

11、2. chitchat, empty talk ─── 调侃

12、A day giraffe with how many the kangaroos in the chitchat, "you see, can these people continue again to add high your cage sons?"The giraffe asks. ─── 一天长颈鹿和几只袋鼠们在闲聊,“你们看,这些人会不会再继续加高你们的笼子?”长颈鹿问。

13、The figure is good, have self-confident heart, others also likes to interact with your chitchat. ─── 身材好了,有自信心,别人也喜欢与你攀谈交往.

14、Painful chitchat on a train is one thing but workplace TMI is its own monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工做上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

15、However, I am not juding his talent on making laughs, one of special point beyond his chitchat arise my interest. ─── 我今天不是要讨论他的搞笑功力,而在他众多调侃声中,有一个特别的声音让我一直很在意。

16、Painful chitchat on a tlamp is relationship wealth, customs diametersounusuale TMI is its rush monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的閒聊是一回事,务工上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

17、She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. ─── 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。

18、No more smile,no more chitchat. ─── 不再有微笑,不再有闲聊。

19、chitchat; exchange small talk ─── 话家常

20、Conversation ranges from science to politics to personal chitchat. ─── 谈论的话题从科学到政治以及个人之间的闲聊等。

21、I like to chitchat with my friends on phone. ─── 我喜欢用电话跟我的朋友聊天。

22、SCULLY: Who ambushed me with the phony chitchat about Mulder and then put a wiretap on my phone? ─── 史高丽:谁通过虚假的关于莫特的闲聊设计我,然后再握得电话里装上窃听器?

23、have a chat [chitchat] with sb. ─── 与某人说闲话

24、It has all, slowly captures the heart.The night before sunrise could be such quiet and long and real, with interesting chitchat inbetween.I feels a touch when I hear this:If the... ─── 刚看到极精彩有趣的地方,暂停,吃饭.回来继续,居然字幕就开始了.哎呀呀,居然这样结束了,很是诧异.

25、In chitchat know : Beatriz than "the South countryside" to house 10 metres years. ─── 在攀谈中得知:比阿特里斯“南方乡下的”,到米家10年了。

26、I am good at social chitchat. ─── 我很善于闲聊。

27、Even if she is still a student of middle school,her study is very busy,she came forward to become the administrator of [ chitchat ] column in the forum. ─── 在繁重学习的情况下自愿担当本站[长笛论坛]灌水区的义务版主。

28、I'd like to online and chitchat with friends in the midnight, ─── 喜欢一个人在深夜上网找朋友聊天

29、5.My father tried to make pleasant chitchat arid eat as much as he could during halftime. ─── 中场休息时,父亲总要快活地聊谈一番,然后大吃特吃。

30、and now you're sitting having a chitchat? ─── |现在你就只是想唠家常?

31、The Judge was not one for small talk, hated gossip and idle chitchat, whether written or a spoken. ─── 不管是写信,还是言谈,法官都不是个喜欢说闲话,他讨厌流言蜚语和琐碎的乱侃。

32、Some days before, I have a chitchat with “Lover”, he told me that his First Sight Love almost destroyed him. ─── 前几天和“情人”聊天的时候,他对我说,他的一见钟情把他全毁了。

33、The chitchat, meandering from small talk to impassioned politics,feels like meeting pals over coffee, with personalities quick to emerge. ─── 闲谈, 从小的谈话到感激的政治的曲径,想要遇见在咖啡上的朋友,藉由快浮现的个性。

34、chat about everyday family affairs; engage in small talk; chitchat ─── 扯家常

35、have a chat; engage in chitchat ─── 拉家常

36、Chitchat in Beans Canopy ─── 豆棚闲话

37、Painful chitchat on a train is a miserable experience. ─── 火车上与人话不投机是个很痛苦的经历。

38、However,Frenchmen don't do this on their own initiative generally.They usually tell some holiday words or have a rambling chitchat between each other, and then go away severally. ─── 然而,法国人一般却都不大主动递送名片,双方见面寒喧几句甚至海阔天空地聊一番也就各自走开。

39、chat; chitchat ─── 随便闲谈

40、Observe the people who talk on buses, or love to chitchat at work by the water fountain. ─── 注意一下在公交车上谈话的人们,或喜欢工作时在饮水机旁聊天的那些人。

41、chat; engage in chitchat ─── 闲谈

42、My father tried to make pleasant chitchat and eat as much as he could during halftime. ─── 我父亲在中场休息时尽量聊些愉快的事儿并尽可能多吃东西。

43、Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI is its own monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

44、EXAMPLE: I am bored by the chitchat at our company parties, so I usually leave early. ─── 公司聚会上的闲言碎语让我心烦,所以我通常早早离开。

45、Bertelli bellowed, as guests stopped their chitchat to listen. ─── 泰利大声说道,客人们停止了他们的闲谈。

46、17. I enjoy social chitchat. ─── 我喜欢和人闲聊。

47、He shook hands without rising, and made pointless chitchat ─── 他握手的时候并不起身,所说的也是一些不着边际的寒喧话。

48、Here does not divide the skin color not to divide the nationality, the people exchange mutually at will chitchat, greets mutually at will or the nod expresses best wishes, all are so happy! ─── 这里不分肤色不分国籍,人们随意相互交流攀谈,随意相互打招呼或者点头致意,一切都是如此美好!

49、Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but worksocate TMI is its own monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的閒聊是一回事,任务上的TMI却是个可怕怪兽。

50、She angled her column of chitchat towards teen-agers. ─── 她的闲话专栏着眼于青少年。

51、Not being a mother, I found the chitchat exceedingly dull. ─── 还没做母亲的我,觉得闲谈异常无味。

52、Spend time in common chitchat ─── 在闲聊中消磨时光

53、Several New Zealand Austria townspeople were living in the ice bar to engage in chitchat May 18 days . ─── 5月18日,几名新西兰奥克兰市民在一间冰酒吧中闲谈。

54、The more you know, the better you'll be able to make pleasant chitchat and avoid conversational minefields. ─── 你了解的越多,就可以越好地跟他们愉快地交流,避免沟通雷区。

55、I met him the other day on the street, and had the usual chitchat about Paris. ─── 不久前的一天,我在街上碰到他,象往常一样闲聊了一会儿有关巴黎的情况。

56、Become in this, we and chitchat of teach of driver Zhang Shi rise. ─── 在这当儿,我们和司机张师傅攀谈起来。

57、So "water cooler chitchat" has come to refer to all types of informal communication that take place at the office. ─── 所以“饮水冷却器旁的闲谈”现在泛指在办公室中的各种非正式交流。

58、EXAMPLE: My sisters and I like to chitchat on the phone after work. ─── 姐姐和我喜欢在下班后用电话闲聊。

59、But in Wests culture people, if in dining time does not chitchat with the adjacent seat, pours has loses the courtesy. ─── 而在西方的文化中人们若在进餐时不与邻座攀谈,倒有失礼节。

60、No one around you can escape. Why force them to listen to your chitchat? ─── 你身边无人可以幸免,别人凭什么非得听你叽叽喳喳?

61、I feel much smarter when I'm using the Internet as a mental plug-in during my daily chitchat. ─── 在我每天和别人的聊天中,网络好像大脑一样,我觉得自己变聪明了。

62、Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI(Too Much Information) is its own monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI(别人并不想知道的事)却是个可怕怪兽。

63、Gerstner isn't one for chitchat--or the finer points of corporate etiquette. Pats on the back aren't his style, either. ─── Gerstner不是一个闲谈的人,也不是一个公众礼节完善的人,轻拍后背也不是他的风格。

64、What do you say we cut the chitchat, a-hole? ─── 我们废话少说,混球.

65、Painful chitchat on a train is one thing, but workplace TMI(Too Much Information) is its own monster. ─── 在火车上痛苦的闲聊是一回事,工作上的TMI(别人并不想知道的事)却是个可怕怪兽。

66、Office Chitchat4 Beyond routine5 greetings, how much people chitchat during the day generally depends on the atmosphere of the work environment. ─── 办公室闲谈 除了日常问候外,办公室内员工聊天多长时间往往取决于工作环境的气氛。

67、I asked him about local microbrews, and - just like that!- he was all smiles and chitchat. ─── 我向他打听当地的一种特色啤酒,就如我所想的那样,他一直微笑着跟我聊天。

68、Would I chitchat?Would I make a fool of myself? ─── 我会跟他们閒话家常,还是尽说些傻话呢?

69、For instance, Beijing would be especially keen to read the chitchat about the financial crisis and how Washington planned to act on it. ─── 例如,北京特别喜欢看关于金融危机以及华盛顿计划如何动作的聊天。

70、There's some talking, but not a lot of idle chitchat, and and it's easier to return to the state if someone interrupts you. ─── 他们之间会有一些有益的而不是喋喋不休的闲聊,而且如果有人打断你们的话,应该更容易回到状态。

71、He talks about you nine times out of ten when we have a chitchat. ─── 每次我们闲聊他几乎都谈及你。

72、He is opposite begin our hold wariness, I and his chitchat, he sees us be respected to a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest, it is glad very, said glibly. ─── 开头他对我们持有戒心,我与他攀谈了一阵,他看我们对道人尊重,很是高兴,便滔滔不绝地说了起来。

73、These networks are not just about chitchat, they’re about sharing videos, reading blogs and listening to podcasts.Digital crazing as it were! ─── 你可能没有用过这类东西,甚至还不知道它们是什么,但是很有可能在今后你会了解、使用他们。

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