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09-04 投稿


badger 发音

英:[?b?d??r]  美:[?b?d??(r)]

英:  美:

badger 中文意思翻译






badger 网络释义

n. 獾;獾皮;(大写)獾州人(美国威斯康星州人的别称);毛鼻袋熊vt. 纠缠不休;吵着要;烦扰n. (Badger)人名;(英)巴杰

badger 短语词组

1、badger plane ─── 槽刨

2、badger game ─── 美人计, 敲诈 [法] ─── 美人计

3、badger with v. ─── 纠缠

4、ferret badger ─── [网络] 鼬獾属;鼬獾

5、honey badger n. ─── 蜜獾

6、hog-nosed badger ─── 猪獾

7、to badger sb for sth ─── 纠缠(某人)要求(某事)物

8、Badger State ─── 獾州(威斯康星州别名)

9、to badger sb with question ─── 对(某人)问个不休

10、badger-legged a. ─── 两腿长短不一的

11、badger dog ─── [网络] 獾狗

12、badger leg ─── [医] 獾腿, 两腿长短不等

13、badger skunk = hog-nosed skunk

14、American badger ─── [网络] 美洲獾

15、Badger rule ─── [机] 巴杰尔规则

16、Eurasian badger ─── [网络] 欧亚獾

17、hog badger ─── 猪獾

18、sand badger ─── 沙獾;猪獾

19、Badger two-stage distillation process ─── [化] 巴杰尔两级蒸馏法

badger 词性/词形变化,badger变形


badger 相似词语短语

1、banger ─── n.鞭炮,爆竹;香肠;破旧车

2、badge ─── n.徽章;证章;标记;vt.授给…徽章

3、badder ─── 坏蛋

4、badges ─── n.[轻]徽章(badge的复数);v.以…为标志;授予…奖章(badge的三单形式)

5、badged ─── v.给予……徽章(或其他标记)(badge的过去式及过去分词)

6、budger ─── 预算员

7、badgers ─── 獾;纠缠

8、bagger ─── n.装袋工;装袋机;垒打;n.(Bagger)(英、德、瑞典)巴格尔(人名)

9、bodger ─── 博德格

badger 习惯用语

1、draw the badger ─── 用狗把獾从桶中引出来(一种旧日游戏) ─── 迫使某人暴露自己, 诱使某人吐露真情

badger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A device or token especially of membership in a society or group chevron: badge:: caisson: cart badger vt. ─── 半自动防空警戒管制组织,徽章,标记。

2、All the Party members, the leading cadres in particular, must always be clean, honest and just. They must be able to withstand the test of reform, opening up and being in power, as well as the test of power, money and badger games. ─── 全体党员特别是领导干部,都必须始终坚持清正廉洁,一身正气,经得起改革开放和执政的考验,经得起权力、金钱、美色的考验,

3、the Badger State ─── [美]威斯康星州

4、Fox, badger, and weasel are regularly seen here. ─── 这里经常看得到狐狸、獾和黄鼠狼。

5、a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia. ─── 原产于欧洲和亚洲的獾。

6、‘Mole,’ said the Badger, in his dry, quiet way, ‘I perceive you have more sense in your little finger than some other animals have in the whole of their fat bodies. ─── “鼹鼠,”獾用他那干巴巴的平静的声调说,“我看,你一个小指里的才智,比别的动物整个肥胖身子里的才智还要多。

7、Once you try Badger Balms you will see why they are so wonderful. ─── 当您尝试獾香膏你会看到为什么他们如此美妙。

8、‘How many has he had?’the Badger asked. ─── “他有多少次了?”獾问。

9、Bustards are now associated with the Badger MK II for invention purposes as the BPC requirement. ─── 大鸨级飞船现作为獾级蓝图II的发明要求。

10、Week of Badger: No special effect. (无特效) Week of Balance: Morale and luck negated during battles. ─── 平衡之周:士气与运气在战斗中被忽略。

11、Palawan stink badger ─── n. 臭獾

12、His skin hung baggily about him, his legs wobbled, and his cheeks were furrowed by the tears so plentifully called forth by the Badger's moving discourse. ─── 他的皮肤像口袋似的松垮垮地搭拉着,两腿摇摇晃晃,他被獾那感人肺腑的规劝打动了,腮帮子上满是泪痕。

13、In certain semiconductor material PN knot,Which will theminority carrier of infusion and majority carrier compound ShihPa redundant Chi earnestly resentment badger of form acquit comeout? ─── 在某些半导体材料的PN结中,注入的少数载流子与多数载流子复合时会把多余的能量以光的形式释放出来,从而把电能直接转换为光能。

14、North China badger hair ─── 华北獾毛

15、Will was very careful to keep his voice conversational, not to seem to badger the girl ─── 威尔小心地使自己讲话像拉家常一样,而不给人以有意刁难那年轻姑娘的印象。

16、‘Well, it's time we were all in bed,’ said the Badger, getting up and fetching flat candlesticks. ‘Come along, you two, and I'll show you your quarters. ─── “好吧,是该上床睡觉的时候了,”獾说,起身拿起平底烛台。“你们二位跟我来,我领你们去你们的房间。

17、Girl spy played a badger game with John, John failed into her trick. ─── 女特务对约翰用美人计,约翰上当了。

18、Why there are few cadres being defeated by money and badger games? ─── 为什么总有少数干部在各种腐朽思想的侵蚀和金钱、色的诱惑面前打了败仗?

19、to badger sb with question ─── 对(某人)问个不休

20、O, WE'RE all right,’ replied the Rat.‘ Mole,’ he added incautiously,‘ is going out for a run round with Badger. ─── 他等了好几分钟,才听到回答。这时,一个微弱的声音答道:“亲爱的鼠儿,多谢你了!承你问候,你真好!不过请先告诉我,你好吗,鼹鼠老兄好吗?”。

21、SE Asian badger with a snout like a pig. ─── 东南亚獾,口鼻象猪。

22、Badger, but were too shy to say anything. ─── 他们怯生生地抬头望着獾先生,不好意思开口。

23、Badger Army Ammunition Plant ─── 巴德吉尔陆军弹药厂

24、small ferret-like badger of southeast Asia. ─── 产于东南亚象雪貂的獾。

25、‘Very well, then,’ said the Badger, resuming his usual dry manner, ‘our plan is settled, and there's nothing more for you to argue and squabble about. ─── “那好,”獾说,又回到他一贯的干巴巴的态度,“咱们的方案就这么定了,你们再也无需争吵了。

26、Eurasian Badger ─── n. 獾, 獾(鼬科)

27、His words of sincerity and affection have at last drawn the badger ─── 他那语重心长的话语终于使对方说出了实情。

28、‘Yes sir,’said one of the hedgehogs politely.’We got lost on the way to school,and Mr Badger said we could come in and have some breafast.’ ─── “是的先生,”一只小刺猬有礼物的回答,“我们在去学校的路上迷了路,而獾先生说我们可以进来吃些早餐。”

29、I want an end of being drawn like a badger ─── 我不想象一头畜生那样被人摆弄。

30、"It was hovering over the Badger Ordinance area moving very slow with a hissing sound and blinking lights when it jetted off just like that and it was gone. ─── 它盘旋在獾法令地 区移动非常慢与发出嘘声酣然和眨眼睛光当它喷射就象那样并且它 去了。"

31、This is not the kind of night for small animals to be out,'the Badger said,in a fatherly way.'Sit yourself down by the fire,while I get you some supper. ─── “这样一个夜晚真不适合一些小动物出行,”獾说,像个慈父般,“坐在火炉边取暖吧,我给你们弄些晚餐。”

32、Double badger carver, the scene to double the badger play appear very lively. ─── 双獾雕工细致,玩耍的情景使双獾显得十分活泼。

33、Can you badger your uncle into letting us have his car this evening ─── 你能缠住你叔叔让他今晚借车给我们用吗?

34、dont badger with him! he is bullhead, have not you known it yet? ─── 别跟他较劲了!他一根筋,你还不知道?

35、A badger jumped out of a small tunnel. ─── 一只獾从一个小地洞里跳了出来。

36、Sitting behind a couple of nuns at the football game, three men decided to badger the nuns in an effort, to get them to move. ─── 三个男人坐在两个修女的后面看足球赛。他们决定想个法子让她俩走开。

37、‘O, WE'RE all right,’ replied the Rat. ‘Mole,’ he added incautiously, ‘is going out for a run round with Badger. ─── 他等了好几分钟,才听到回答。这时,一个微弱的声音答道:“亲爱的鼠儿,多谢你了!承你问候,你真好!不过请先告诉我,你好吗,鼹鼠老兄好吗?”。

38、There's Badger, of course. ─── 当然,还有獾。

39、Can you badger your uncle into letting us have his car this evening? ─── 你能缠住你叔叔让他今晚借车给我们用吗?

40、I will badger with you for a life time, I will devote all my life to loving you. ─── 我会与你缠绵一生,我将用我所有的生命爱你。

41、Very well, then,’ said the Badger firmly, rising to his feet. ‘Since you won't yield to persuasion, we'll try what force can do. ─── “那好,”獾站了起来,坚决果断地说,“既然你不听规劝,那咱们就只好试试强制手段了。

42、Add a line of all natural products that really work to this lofty mission statement and you have the unique assortment of Badger Balms. ─── 加上一行的所有自然产品,真正的工作这一崇高使命的发言和你有独特的各种各样的獾香膏。

43、Why there are few cadres being defeated by money and badger games? that's also because of the lack of study, the errors of world outlook, life outlook and value outlook. ─── 为什么总有少数干部在各种腐朽思想的侵蚀和金钱、美色的诱惑面前打了败仗?还是因为理论学习不够,世界观、人生观、价值观发生了偏差。

44、pill (a tidal creek) in Pylle, Huntspill and brocc (badger) in Brockholes, Brockhall, etc. ─── pill(潮汐的小湾)在Pylle,Huntspill,brocc(badger獾)在brockholes,brockhall,等等。

45、Badger WORK PERFORMED: Field works inspection of the new gasoline plant at the Sines Refinery, PORTUGAL. ─── 在葡萄牙的Sines精炼厂,对新置上汽油设备进行实地检测。

46、And after I had become somewhat of an authority on virtual reality, but not like a really important one, so I was at the level of people the World Book would badger. ─── 当我已经有点成为虚拟现实的威权的,但并非真正重要的一个,所以我正好在世界图书要骚扰的人的水准上。

47、‘It WOULD be astonishing indeed,’ said the Badger simply, ‘if I HAD done it. ─── “如果这都是我干的,”獾淡淡地说,“那倒真是令人惊讶。

48、The territory has Changium, forsythia, Astragalus, and many other plant resources, as well as leopard, badger, wild boar, etc.ye yang a wide range of animal resources. ─── 境内有党参、连翘、黄芪等众多的植物资源,还有豹、獾、野猪、野羊等种类繁多的动物资源。

49、DNA identification solves the technology tickler that discriminated by the biological material and the tickler badger judicial identification so many years. ─── DNA鉴定解决了困扰司法鉴定多年的、以生物检材进行人身同一认定的技术难题。

50、They gave the badger hat more money, and he did anything they call him to. He was totally in their pocket. ─── (译文:他们给了这腐败者许多钱,他做了他们叫他做的所有事。他完全被他掌控了。

51、" but listened to badger child honey-tongued later, it casts all vigilance after all heads. ─── 但听了獾子的甜言蜜语之后,它把一切警惕都抛诸脑后。

52、The Badger thought for a while. 'You know, don't you, that I can't do anything now? ' he said at last. ─── 獾想了一会儿,最后说,“你知道的,难道你忘了,我现在什么也干不成吗?”

53、A little stream crossed the way. Benjamin skipped lightly over dry foot; the badger's heavy steps showed plainly in the mud. ─── 一条小溪横过这条路。本杰明干着脚轻轻跃过;那獾厚重的脚印清楚地显现在烂泥巴里。

54、When a sinner, like the younger son, repents, God doesn't first haul out a record book and badger the person with every specific sin committed against him. ─── 当一个罪人好像那个小儿子一样悔改,神不会先拿出祂的帐簿,逐一数算这个人顶撞过祂的罪;

55、I'll lay you out if you continue to Badger me. ─── 如果你继续纠缠我,我会把你打倒在地的。

56、American Badger ─── n. 美洲獾, 美洲獾(鼬科)

57、Don’t constantly badger people with inane questions. ─── INAPPPRECIABLE: 微不足道的、小得难以察觉的;

58、Its official nickname is the Badger State, and not because of some furry little critters plaguing their bipedal neighbors. ─── 其实,它的真正别名叫做“獾州”,这不是因为在他们州到处充满这种长着毛皮的小动物,而是来自于早期来到这里的矿工。

59、If fishing, shooting, riding, and the very English pastime of badger spotting is more your thing, you will enjoy a stay at the 18th-century Arundell Arms Hotel in Lifton. ─── 如果你喜欢钓鱼、射击、骑马和很具英国特色的消遣--观獾的话,那么你就会喜欢呆在利夫顿的18世纪的阿伦德尔阿姆斯饭店。

60、Add a line of all natural products that really work to this lofty mission statement and you get the unique assortment of Badger Balms. ─── 加上一行的所有自然产品,真正的工作这一崇高使命声明,你会得到独特的各种各样的獾香膏。

61、‘Sit down there, Toad,’ said the Badger kindly, pointing to a chair. ‘My friends,’ he went on, ‘I am pleased to inform you that Toad has at last seen the error of his ways. ─── “坐在这儿,蟾蜍,”獾指着一张椅子,和蔼地说。“朋友们,我很高兴地告诉你们,蟾蜍终于认识到他的做法是错误的。

62、There was a lot of speculation about the monster (which turned out to be a badger), including, you guessed it: chupacabra. ─── 关于这只怪兽人们有很多猜测(有人认为是一只獾),包括——你能猜到的——卓帕卡布拉。

63、A woman shouted."Ain't servin' now." Her unmoving eyes. heavy as if cast from lead. watched suspiciously for a live badger my acket or a weasel up my pantleg. ─── 一个女人扯着嗓门喊到:暂不接待.她死鱼般的眼睛.就像是铅灌的一样.忧心忡忡的的看着我的身上是否藏有活的小动物.

64、"He looks much older," I said. "Getting as grey as a badger," I added vindictively. ─── “他看上去更苍老了,”我说,“头发变得跟獾一样灰,”我恨恨地加上一句。

65、'It's going to be a tedious Business, ' said the Badger, sighing. ─── “事情将很难办,”獾叹了口气说。

66、The Rat only said, "Please, Badger." ─── 水鼠只是说:“求求你,獾子班杰。”

67、But the smell of badger was undeniable; and there were round heavy footmarks in the sand. He was in disgrace; Flopsy wrung her ears, and slapped him. ─── 但是獾的味道是不能否认的;而且那里的沙地还留下圆胖厚重的脚印。他很丢脸;佛洛普西拧自己的耳朵,并且掌掴他。

68、I'm afraid you're a victim of the badger game. The woman wasn't the man's wife, but just someone he hired for the job. ─── 恐怕你中了美人计,那个女人并不是那个男人的老婆,而只是他雇来干这种勾当的。

69、It WOULD be astonishing indeed,’ said the Badger simply,‘ if I HAD done it. ─── 如果这都是我干的,”獾淡淡地说,“那倒真是令人惊讶。

70、badger sb. to do sth. ─── v. 纠缠某人干某事

71、'He wouldn't come, ' replied the Rat simply. 'Badger hates Society, and invitations, and dinner, and all that sort of thing. ' ─── “他不会来的,”河鼠简单地说。“獾最讨厌社交活动,请客吃饭一类的事。”

72、If you badger him long enough, I'm sure he'll agree. ─── 只要你天天纠缠他,我相信他会同意。

73、The physician took the badger oil and spread on affected area. ─── 医生把獾油接过来均匀地涂抹在患处。

74、The crime of huge unidentified property is a new crime which is set up to punish the grafters and badger hat in China's Reform and Opening period. ─── 巨额财产来源不明罪,是在我国实行改革开放的历史变革中,为适应惩治腐败犯罪分子需要而规定的一种新罪。

75、In pioneer days it was considered great sport to turn a pack of dogs loose on this furry foe, but few dogs were willing to challenge the badger a second time. ─── 在拓荒者年代,放出一群狗与这个有毛皮的对手相斗被认为是极精彩的娱乐。然而,极少有狗愿意向獾作第二次挑战。

76、badger | badger game ─── 仙人跳| 美人计[美俗

77、a variety of badger native to Europe and Asia ─── 原产于欧洲和亚洲的獾

78、Sunda stink badger ─── n. 巽他臭獾

79、'Hold hard a minute! ' said the Badger, restraining him with difficulty. 'Get ready, all of you! ' ─── “再坚持一分钟!”獾说,好不容易才稳住蟾蜍。“大伙儿都做好准备!”

80、‘O, I know, I know,’ said the Badger gloomily. ‘But the thing had to be done. ─── “是啊,我明白,我明白,”獾忧郁地说。“可我们非这样做不可。

81、‘How many has he had?’ inquired the Badger gloomily. ─── “有多少回?”獾阴郁地问。

82、The kindly Badger thrust them down on a settle to toast themselves at the fire, and bade them remove their wet coats and boots. ─── 和善的獾把他俩推到一张高背长凳上坐下,让他们向火,又叫他们脱下湿衣湿靴。

83、" Her unmoving eyes, heavy as if cast from lead, watched suspiciously for a live badger my acket or a weasel up my pantleg. ─── 她的眼睛呆板无神仿佛是铅铸的一般,满腹狐疑地张望查找我的夹克里面的活獾或裤腿里面的黄鼠狼。

84、badger one's father for a car ─── 向父亲吵着要一部汽车

85、You can't badger me into going to the party. ─── 你不能纠缠我去参加聚会。

86、In fact, the name Dachshund is German for "badger dog," indicating why these dogs were originally bred - to hunt badgers. ─── 事实上,腊肠犬在德语中是‘猎獾犬’的意思,表明饲养这种犬是捕猎獾用的。

87、Badger two-stage distillation process ─── [化] 巴杰尔两级蒸馏法

88、We will fill fire the badger out of the hole. ─── 我们将用火把獾从洞里熏出来。

89、They followed the Badger down long dark tunnels until they came into a large kitchen. ─── 他们跟著獾走下一条长的地道直到他们进入一个大的厨房。



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