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Arkansas 发音

英:[ 'ɑk?ns?]  美:[?ɑ?rk?ns??]

英:  美:

Arkansas 中文意思翻译



Arkansas 网络释义

n. (美国)阿肯色州

Arkansas 短语词组

1、tortoises found in arkansas ─── 在阿肯色州发现的乌龟

2、blackbirds dead in arkansas ─── 死在阿肯色州的黑鸟

3、Arkansas National Guard ─── 阿肯色州国民警卫队

4、brassart brothers construction arkansas ─── 阿肯色州布拉萨尔兄弟建筑公司

5、barnes arkansas ─── 巴恩斯阿肯色州

6、derricks arkansas ─── 阿肯色州吊杆

7、Arkansas River ─── 阿肯色河(美国密西西比河的主要支流之一)

8、arkansas football ─── 阿肯色州足球

9、arkansas razorbacks football ─── 阿肯色州razorbacks足球

10、alabama arkansas i do love my ma and pa ─── 阿拉巴马州 ─── 阿肯色州我爱我的父母

11、arkansas map ─── 阿肯色州地图

12、foreman arkansas ─── 阿肯色州福尔曼

13、Arkansas kingbird ─── [网络] 阿肯色王妃

14、capital of Arkansas ─── [网络] 阿肯色州首府

15、arkansas news ─── 阿肯色新闻

16、burdon county arkansas ─── 阿肯色州伯顿县

17、arkansas democrat-gazette ─── 阿肯色州民主党公报

18、spanker creek arkansas ─── 阿肯色州斯潘克溪

19、endangering the welfare of a child arkansas ─── 危及阿肯色州一个孩子的福利

Arkansas 相似词语短语

1、alkanes ─── n.烷类,[有化]链烷烃;烷属烃(alkane的复数)

2、Arkansans ─── 阿肯色州

3、kangas ─── n.康阿斯(芬兰地名)

4、Kansas ─── n.堪萨斯州(美国州名)

5、Hansas ─── 汉斯

6、ansas ─── abbr.意大利安莎通讯社(AgenziaNazionaleStampaAssociata);n.(Ansa)人名;(法、土、芬)安萨

7、barkans ─── 巴坎;n.(Barkan)人名;(英)巴坎;(俄、意、土、法)巴尔坎

8、Arkansan ─── n.阿肯色州人

9、Arkansas ─── n.(美国)阿肯色州

Arkansas 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A couple of months ago, few people had heard of him outside his native Arkansas, where he was governor. ─── 几个月以前,除了他出生的阿肯色州(他曾是该州州长)很少有人听说过他。

2、He was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas's Third District in 1974. ─── 1974年,他在阿肯色州第三区的议会选举在失利。

3、A city of central Kansas on the Arkansas River northwest of Wichita. It is located on the old Santa Fe Trail. Population,15, 427. ─── 大本德美国堪萨斯州中部一城市,位于阿肯色河上,在威奇托西北。建于圣菲一特雷尔旧址之上。人口15,427

4、Bill Clinton returned to Arkansas after completing law school. ─── 完成了法学院的学业,比尔?克林顿回到阿肯色。

5、One afternoon Jimmy Valentine and his suitcase climbed out of a train in Elmore, a little town in Arkansas. ─── 一天下午,基米·范林丁带着他的手提箱在阿肯色州的一个名叫爱尔摩的小镇下了火车。

6、Dr.Paul Halverson is the Director of the Arkansas State Department of Health and State Health Officer. ─── 保罗哈佛逊博士是阿肯萨州卫生署署长暨州级卫生官员。

7、In early 1983, I hired Lynda Dixon, who took care of me for a decade and continued to work in my Arkansas office when I became President. ─── 1983年初,我雇了琳达.迪克逊,她在我身边服务了10年,而且,在我当上总统之后,仍留在我的阿肯色州办公室工作。

8、Hospital in Hope, a town of about six thousand in southwest Arkansas, thirty-three miles east of the Texas border at Texarkana. ─── 在1946年8月19日的一个清晨,经过夏天猛烈暴雨的洗礼后天空格外晴朗。

9、The culture spread into western Tennessee and eastern Arkansas. ─── 在这些极为优质的土壤上种植的棉花纤绒会更长。

10、As the summer wore on, I felt worse and worse about my decision to join the ROTC and go to Arkansas Law School. ─── 夏季一天天过去,我对加入后备役军官训练军团和阿肯色法学院这个决定感到越来越糟。

11、In the summer of 1957 and again after Christmas that year, I took my first trips out of Arkansas since going to New Orleans to see Mother. ─── 1957年夏天以及那年圣诞节后,我去新奥尔良看望母亲,是我第一次踏上了阿肯色州以外的旅途。

12、In a trip through Colorado in 2002, I caught the Arkansas River at a perfect level. ─── 2002年在科罗拉多的一次旅行中,我完美地感受了阿肯色河。

13、It placed its hopes for winning the White House on Arkansas Governor William Jefferson Clinton. ─── 他们将赢得白宫主人位置的希望放在了阿肯色州州长威廉姆?杰斐逊?克林顿身上。

14、A city of southern Arkansas near the Louisiana border south-southwest of Little Rock. Oil was discovered nearby in1921. Population,23, 146. ─── 埃尔多拉多美国阿肯色州南部城市,靠近路易斯安那边境,在小石城西南南部,1921年附近发现石油。人口23,146

15、During her twelve years as Arkansas' first lady, Hillary Clinton became a well-known activist for women and children. ─── 在身为阿肯色州州长夫人的12年里,希拉里·林顿成了知名的妇幼运动人士。

16、In Arkansas, at least one person is dead after an apparent tornado went the eastern part of the state. ─── 一场龙卷风袭击了阿肯色州东部,造成了最少一人死亡。

17、Lee Williams gave me the chance to drive the senator for a few days on a trip to southwest Arkansas, and I jumped at it. ─── 李.威廉姆斯给了我一个机会,让我为参议员当几天司机,陪同他前往阿肯色州西南部,我高兴得跳了起来。

18、Another linear zone extends in a southwesterly direction from the region of most intense activity into northeastern Arkansas. ─── 另一条线状区域是从最强烈的地震活动区起,向西南延伸到阿肯色州东北部。

19、While Bill Clinton was governor, the federal government operated a holding center for Cuban refugees in Arkansas. ─── 在比尔?克林顿任职州长期间,联邦政府在阿肯色州开设了古巴难民收容中心。

20、In 1964, impatient with Arkansas backward image, he challenged Faubus for governor. ─── 1964年,他对阿肯色州的落后形象失去耐心,开始挑战福伯斯,竞选州长。

21、At least he was born and grew up in Arkansas! ─── 但至少,他是在阿肯色州出生并长大的!

22、Mrs.Clinton was born and raised in Illinois and had her legal career in Arkansas. ─── 克林顿夫人出生于伊利诺伊州并在那里长大,她的律师生涯则是在阿肯色州度过的。

23、A COUPLE from Texas found a 6.35-carat diamond at the Arkansas Crater of Diamonds State Park late last month. ─── 上个月月末,来自美国得克萨斯州的一对夫妇在阿肯色州的“钻石坑”州立公园幸运地拣到一颗6.35克拉重的钻石。

24、While governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton also served in national organizations for governors and Democratic Party leaders. ─── 在任阿肯色州州长一职期间,比尔?克林顿还在州长和民主党领导人的国家组织中担任职务。

25、Gene Eidenberg asked me not to announce the relocation until he could come to Arkansas and put the best face on it. ─── 吉恩.艾登伯格告诉我先不要走漏风声,等他到阿肯色州来把事情粉饰一下之后,再把重新安置古巴人的消息公布出去。

26、Congressman Wilbur D.Mills meets with voters in Heber Springs, Arkansas, to discuss the recession. ─── 众议员威尔伯D.米尔斯会见选民赫柏泉,阿肯色,讨论了经济衰退。

27、A city of southeast-central Arkansas south-southeast of Little Rock. Founded c.1820 as Mount Marie, it was renamed in1832. Population,57, 140. ─── 品不拉夫美国阿肯色州中部偏东南的城市,在小洛矶山脉的东南偏南。1820年建成,那时称为蒙特玛丽,1832年更名。人口57,140

28、Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. ─── 1976年,克林顿当选为阿州的司法部长。1978年,当选为州长。

29、If I won, I would become the second-longest-serving Arkansas governor after Orval Faubus. ─── 如果我赢得选举,我将成为奥瓦尔.福伯斯之后任期时间排在第二的州长。

30、In 1982, it happened to me in Melbourne, the county seat of Izard County in north Arkansas. ─── 1982年,在阿肯色州北部的伊扎尔德县政府所在地墨尔本,我就意识到了自己将会获胜。

31、Although Arkansas is an agricultural state, urban gardening has not always been popular. ─── 虽然阿肯色是一个农业州,但之前城市菜园一直都无法普及。

32、A few weeks before he died, Hillary was back in Arkansas and went to the hospital to see him. ─── 就在莫里斯去世的几个星期之前,希拉里回到阿肯色州,去医院里探望了他。

33、In the days before television ads, there was a Bo Reece in most little Arkansas towns. ─── 在电视广告被发明之前,多数阿肯色小城镇上都有一个波.里斯这样的人。

34、He was an Eagle Scout at the age of 13, Arkansas's youngest ever. ─── 他在13岁就是老鹰童子军的成员,是阿肯色州最年轻的

35、Arkansas state government should cooperate with the federal government to enforce our immigration laws. ─── 各州应在执行移民法中发挥作用。

36、Every day Fulbright got a list of the boys from Arkansas who had been killed in Vietnam. ─── 富布赖特每天都会收到一个名单,上面写着阵亡在越南的来自阿肯色州的战士的名单。

37、He continued to serve as governor of Arkansas until 1992. ─── 他得以继续任阿肯色州的州长职务,直到1992年离任。

38、A city of southeast - central Arkansas south - southeast of Little Rock.Founded c.1820as Mount Marie, it was renamed in1832.Population, 57, 140. ─── 品不拉夫美国阿肯色州中部偏东南的城市,在小洛矶山脉的东南偏南。1820年建成,那时称为蒙特玛丽,1832年更名。人口57,

39、In Arkansas Bill Clinton had been a new type, a self-selected candidate from Hope, Georgetown, Yale and Oxford. ─── 在阿肯色州,比尔 - 克林顿是一个新型人物,一个来自霍普学院、乔治城学院、耶鲁大学和牛津大学的一位自荐成功的候选人。

40、Other states that also produce major amounts of rice include Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. ─── 其它主要大米产区还包括阿肯色州、路易斯安那州和密西西比州。

41、Ice is covering roads from California to Arkansas. ─── 从加利福尼亚大到阿肯色州,道路冰雪覆盖。

42、He went on to say the press were elitists who would believe any tales they were told about backwater Arkansas. ─── 他接着说,“媒体都信奉精英主义,他们会相信关于你这个出身于阿肯色州穷乡僻壤的小子的任何传言。

43、A city of northwest Mississippi near the Arkansas border. It is a manufacturing center. Population,19, 717. ─── 克拉克斯代尔美国密西西比州西北部一座城市,位于阿肯色州边界附近。为制造业中心。人口19,717

44、Poultry was Arkansas biggest business and number one employer and very influential in the state legislature. ─── 家禽业是阿肯色州最大的商业,它的雇工也最多,在州议会中也很有影响力。

45、A city of western Arkansas on the Oklahoma border west - northwest of Little Rock.It was founded as a military post in1817.Population, 72, 798. ─── 史密斯堡美国阿肯色州西部的一座城市,濒临俄克拉何马州,在小石城西北偏西。建于1817年,当时为一军事哨所。人口72,

46、President Clinton returns to Washington after a trip to his home state of Arkansas. ─── 克林顿总统在一次他的家乡阿肯色州的旅行之后回到华盛顿。

47、A city of western Arkansas on the Oklahoma border west-northwest of Little Rock. It was founded as a military post in1817. Population,72, 798. ─── 史密斯堡美国阿肯色州西部的一座城市,濒临俄克拉何马州,在小石城西北偏西。建于1817年,当时为一军事哨所。人口72,798

48、He thought he would have the Arkansas press all to himself. ─── 他以为阿肯色州的媒体都会听他的一面之词。

49、"We know that Americans work longer hours," says Dan Ganster from the University of Arkansas. ─── “我们都知道美国人长时间工作,但是让我们惊讶的是,长时间工作与压力之间并没有多大联系。”

50、In Arkansas Bill Clinton had been a new type, a self-selected candidate from Hope, Georgetown , Yale and Oxford. ─── 在阿肯色州,比尔-克林顿是一个新型人物,一个来自霍普学院、乔治城学院、耶鲁大学和牛津大学的一位自荐成功的候选人。

51、Several Democrats in the House, including Arkansas congressman Beryl Anthony, were trying to overturn the rules. ─── 众议院的几位民主党人,包括阿肯色州的众议员贝丽尔.安东尼,试图否决这个伤残补助规定。

52、A family of North American Indian languages formerly spoken in the Dakotas, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, and presently in North Dakota and Oklahoma. ─── 喀多语系北美印第安语的一支,以前在达科他斯、堪萨斯、内布拉斯加、得克萨斯、俄克拉何马、阿肯色州和路易斯安那这些地方使用,现今使用于达科他斯北部和俄克拉荷马地区。

53、In 1957, Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called out the National Guard to prevent nine black students from entering Central High School in Little Rock. ─── 1957年,阿肯色州州长奥福·福布斯为防止9个黑人学生进入小石镇中央高中而出动了国民卫队。

54、Is another former governor of Arkansas the answer to conservative prayers? ─── 另一个前阿肯色州州长会成为保守的祈祷者们的答案吗?

55、Some 22 years later I was in Arkansas visiting my lawyer brother before returning to China to teach for another year. ─── 22年之后,在回中国准备继续任教一年之前,我去阿肯色州看当律师的哥哥。

56、Near the end of my second term, I made a nostalgic trip back to east Arkansas to speak at Earle High School. ─── 在我的第二任期即将结束时,我带着思乡的情怀回到阿肯色州东部地区,在厄尔高中发表演讲。

57、The first Wal-Mart store opens for business in Rogers, Arkansas. ─── 1962年的今天,首家沃尔玛商店在阿肯色州的罗杰斯开张。

58、The issue in Arkansas was not whether the state would vote for him but by how much. ─── 在阿肯色州,值得关注的不是能否得到本州的投票支持,而是以多少张选票取胜的问题。

59、Neon lights color puddles on a street corner in Fayetteville, Arkansas. ─── 在阿肯色州费耶特维尔市的街道一角,霓虹灯彩色倒影和地上的水坑混合在一起。

60、Bill Clinton previously served as the governor of Arkansas. ─── 六、“克林顿以前曾做过阿肯色州州长”这句话该如何译?

61、Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas opposed announcing a timetable for withdrawal. ─── 但是内布拉斯加的BenNelson参议员和阿肯色的MarkPryor参议员则反对为撤军设定时间表。

62、A landspout tornado touched down in Arkansas. ─── 一股陆上龙卷风袭击了阿肯色州。

63、A river,about451km(280mi)long.of southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma flowing generally southward to the Arkansas River. ─── 佛地格里斯美国堪萨斯州东南部以及俄克拉何马州东北部的一条河流,长约451公里(280英里),大致向南流入阿肯色河

64、At the Arkansas Ball, I introduced Mother to Barbra Streisand and told them both I thought they'd get along. ─── 在阿肯色州舞会上,我把母亲介绍给芭芭拉.史翠珊,并告诉她们,我相信她俩会相处融洽。

65、A city of southern Arkansas near the Louisiana border south - southwest of Little Rock.Oil was discovered nearby in1921.Population, 23, 146. ─── 埃尔多拉多美国阿肯色州南部城市,靠近路易斯安那边境,在小石城西南南部,1921年附近发现石油。人口23,

66、They had a thriving culture along the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers as far back as 500 A.D. ─── 在西元500年左右,他们就已经沿著密西西比河与阿肯色河发展出丰富的文化。

67、He remained the most popular politician in Arkansas. ─── 他仍是阿肯色州最广受喜爱的政治家。

68、He gave up politics for a business career that led him to the presidency of Arkansas-Louisiana Gas Company, our largest natural gas utility. ─── 他因此放弃了政治,专心经商,最后成为阿肯色—路易斯安那煤气公司的总裁。该公司是我们最大的天然气公用事业公司。

69、A city of southern Arkansas south-southwest of Little Rock. It is a manufacturing and transportation center. Population,15, 356. ─── 卡姆登美国阿肯色州南部的一座城市,位于小石城西南偏南。是一个制造业和交通运输业的中心。人口15,356

70、Of 11 isolates serotyped,3 were Massachusetts (Mass),2 were Arkansas (Ark),2 were a combination of Mass and 4 were untypeable. ─── 其中3株为Mas型,2株为Ark型,2株为Ark/Mass混合型,其余4株为不可分类型或未知型。

71、Ice is covering roads from California and Arkansas. ─── 在加利福尼亚和阿肯色州,大雪覆盖了公路。

72、By 1907, the company had grown to include bauxite mines in Arkansas, a refinery in Illinois, and three aluminum smelters in New York and Canada. ─── 到了1907年,这个公司已扩张成长,包括在阿肯色州的铝矾土矿厂、在依利诺州的精炼厂、以及在纽约州和加拿大的三家铝熔炼厂。

73、Meantime, crews are searching for victims after a deadly twister hit Mena, Arkansas. ─── 同时,在阿肯色州(县治)明娜,营救人员正搜寻遭遇致命龙卷风袭击的受害者。

74、Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas who mixes folksy charm with bedrock Christian conservative views, likens his rise to the aeronautics of the bumblebee. ─── 哈克比,前任阿肯色州州长,集平易近人的魅力和坚定的基督教保守派观点于一身的他,把自己的上升比做大黄蜂的起飞。

75、Two-thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas,Virginia A***, ***, Missouri and California. ─── 其中,三分之二的火鸡分别来自明尼苏达州、北卡罗来纳州、阿肯色州、维吉尼亚州密苏里州以及加利福尼亚洲。

76、And Arkansas Republicans have reason to be jubilant; the state has long been a Democratic stronghold. ─── 阿肯色的共和党人是有理由欢呼雀跃。这个州一直以来都是民主党的根据地。

77、Former governors Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Mike Huckabee of Arkansas are also in contention in Florida. ─── 前麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼和前阿肯色州长哈克比也将在佛罗里达参加竞选。

78、It is about a family's ability to survive on a farm in the southern state of Arkansas in the 1950s. ─── 它讲述了20世纪50年代南部的阿肯色州的一个家庭如何在农场上顽强生存的故事。

79、In one study, psychologists at Hendrix College in Arkansas found that college freshmen who kept night-owl hours had lower GPAs than early birds. ─── 在一项研究中,阿肯色州里克斯学院的心理学家发现,大学新生中那些“夜猫子”式的作息方式的学生们比早起的“云雀”平均学分积低。

80、One afternoon Jimmy climbed down from a mail coach in Elmore, a little town in the back country of Arkansas. ─── 一天下午在阿肯色偏僻乡村的艾尔摩小镇上,吉米从一辆邮车上下来。

81、I had to speak at yet another rally in Alread, a remote community in Van Buren County, in the mountains of north-central Arkansas. ─── 在阿肯色州中北部山区范布伦县偏僻的阿尔里德社区举行的集会上,我还得再做一次演讲。

82、When Coach Nolan Richardson's Arkansas team won the NCAA Championship over Duke in 1994, I was in the arena. ─── 1994年,诺兰.理查德森教练率领的阿肯色大学队击败了杜克大学队,荣获美国大学生篮球联赛冠军,当时我也在场。

83、The rice was found in Arkansas and * Missouri mixing, mixed with surprise supplies from several states. ─── 在阿肯色州和密苏里州发现的这种大米与其他州供应的这种大米相混合。

84、Before that the anchorwoman's highest achievement was a saccharine interview with Vice-President Dick Cheney when he was hunting in Arkansas. ─── 在此之前,这位主播的最高成就是当副总统切尼在阿肯色州狩猎时对其进行的一次突访。

85、A city of southern Arkansas south - southwest of Little Rock.It is a manufacturing and transportation center.Population, 15, 356. ─── 卡姆登美国阿肯色州南部的一座城市,位于小石城西南偏南。是一个制造业和交通运输业的中心。人口15,

86、A river, about451 km(280 mi) long, of southeast Kansas and northeast Oklahoma flowing generally southward to the Arkansas River. ─── 佛地格里斯美国堪萨斯州东南部以及俄克拉何马州东北部的一条河流,长约451公里(280英里),大致向南流入阿肯色河

87、By the time I was 17, I thought I might get a football scholarship to the University of Arkansas. ─── 到我17岁时,我以为我可以获得阿肯色州立大学的橄榄球队奖学金。

88、He built up the small Arkansas Republican Party and worked to bring industry to our poor state. ─── 他成立了小规模的阿肯色州共和党,并想方设法为我们这个贫穷的州引进工业。

89、Education in Arkansas improved under the leadership of Governor Clinton. ─── 在克林顿任州长期间,阿肯色州的教育得到很大改善。

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