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08-21 投稿


rootlet 发音

英:[['ru:tl?t]]  美:[['ru:tl?t]]

英:  美:

rootlet 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 小根


rootlet 词性/词形变化,rootlet变形

名词: rootlessness |

rootlet 短语词组

1、rootlet structure ─── 小根结构

2、rootlet crossword ─── 小字谜

3、rootlet definition ─── 根定义

rootlet 相似词语短语

1、frontlet ─── n.额饰,额前饰;(兽类的)额

2、rootled ─── v.搜索;挖掘;用鼻尖挖掘,用鼻拱土

3、brooklet ─── n.小河,细流

4、rootle ─── v.搜索;挖掘;用鼻尖挖掘,用鼻拱土

5、footlet ─── 小脚

6、rootlets ─── n.[植]小根;支根;细根

7、rootless ─── adj.无根的;无根据的;无所寄托的

8、rootiest ─── adj.根似的;多根的(rooty的变形)

9、rootles ─── v.搜索;挖掘;用鼻尖挖掘,用鼻拱土

rootlet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The drug is collected in spring or autumn, removed from root stock and rootlet, washed clean and dried;or sliced while fresh, and dried. ─── 春、秋二季采挖,除去根头及小支根,洗净,干燥,或趁鲜切片,干燥。

2、The norms big rootlet of brick of floor tile, wall occupies the area size of the balcony to decide, withheld floor drain. ─── 地砖、墙砖的规格大小根据阳台的面积大小来定,保留了地漏。

3、Anatomy factor, includes the side rootlet tube, pair root-canal, root sharp rift and root sharp furcation etc.; ─── 解剖学因素,包括侧支根管、副根管、根尖分歧和根尖分叉等;

4、The drug is collected all the year round, removed from rootlet, dried in the sun partially, beaten gently to be compressed, and then dried in the sun. ─── 全年均可采挖,洗净,除去须根,晒至六七成干,轻轻捶扁,晒干。

5、Method:Selective division of anterior nerve rootlet from L5 to L7 was performed on the left side at the level of cauda equine of dog. ─── 方法:对健康家犬左侧L5、L6、L7脊神经前根分束选择切除。

6、Although, in this process rootlet valuable unfortunate death. ─── 虽然,在这过程中小根宝不幸的死了。

7、Rootlet Ophiopogonis ─── 麦冬须根

8、Inside tooth week bag or root face passes side rootlet possibly also to be in charge of with medicine or tooth essence canaliculus stimulates dental pulp. ─── 牙周袋内或根面用药也可能通过侧支根管或牙本质小管刺激牙髓。

9、Keywords spinal nerves posterior root;rootlet;conjoint nerve roots;Applied anatomy; ─── 脊神经后根;神经束;神经纤维联系;应用解剖;

10、fibrillar rootlet ─── 纤维根丝(动)

11、Keywords Radix Ophiopogonis;Rootlet Ophiopogonis;polysaccharides;spectrophotometey; ─── 麦冬块根;麦冬须根;多糖;分光光度法;

12、The drug is collected in spring and autumn, washed clean, removed from rootlet, peeled when fresh or unpeeled, and dried. ─── 春、秋二季采挖,洗净,除去须根,趁鲜剥去外皮或不去外皮,干燥。

13、rootlet sheath ─── 根鞘

14、content of polysaccharide in rootlet is lowest, and monosaccharide compositions in rootlet are significantly different from parent root and daughter root. ─── 须根中多糖含量最低,且单糖组成与母根、子根有明显不同。

15、Conclusion HRCT combined with thin slice scan can show the rootlet inside the spinal canal. ─── 用三维重建技术可以显示神经根丝的空间结构。

16、common monkshood rootlet ─── 漏篮子

17、ciliary rootlet ─── 纤毛根丝(动)

18、Keywords spinal nerve;posterior root;rootlet;microsurgical anatomy; ─── 脊神经;后根;神经束;显微外科解剖;

19、The drug is collected in winter, removed from stem and rootlet, washed clean, and dried. ─── 冬季采挖,除去茎及须根,洗净,晒干。

20、The bacterial child of dead marrow tooth can pass a pointed aperture or side rootlet canal causes a pointed week pathological change or root bifurcate pathological change. ─── 死髓牙的细菌产物可通过根尖孔或侧支根管引起根尖周病变或根分叉病变。

21、flagellar rootlet ─── 鞭毛小根

22、Results Thin - section CT myelography visualizes the rootlet insid e the spinal cord cl early.The adverse reactions of third generation non - ionic water - soluble c ontrast medium were low and mild . ─── 结果脊髓造影CT薄层扫描片上,能清晰地显示神经根,经腰穿注入第三代非离子造影剂后不良反应少而轻。

23、The norms big rootlet of brick of floor tile, wall occupies the area size of the balcony to decide, withheld floor drain. ─── 地砖、墙砖的规格大小根据阳台的面积大小来定,保留了地漏。

24、The drug is collected in summer or autumn, washed clean, removed from two ends and rootlet, either peeled after boiling in water or boiled after peeling, and dried in the sun. ─── 夏、秋二季采挖,洗净,除去头尾及细根,置沸水中煮后除去外皮或去皮后再煮,晒干。

25、The drug is collected in autumn and winter, cut off, washed clean, dried in the sun, and removed from rootlet. ─── 秋、冬二季采挖根茎(藕),切取节部,洗净,晒干,除去须根。

26、Because tooth week is organized,with dental pulp the organization passes essence of side rootlet canal, tooth canaliculus and root pointed aperture are communicated each other. ─── 由于牙周组织与牙髓组织通过侧支根管、牙本质小管和根尖孔互相沟通。

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