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09-11 投稿


haranguing 发音

英:[h??r????]  美:[h??r????]

英:  美:

haranguing 中文意思翻译





haranguing 词性/词形变化,haranguing变形

动词现在分词: haranguing |动词第三人称单数: harangues |动词过去式: harangued |动词过去分词: harangued |名词: haranguer |

haranguing 短语词组

1、haranguing antonym ─── 夸耀反义词

2、haranguing define ─── 长篇大论

3、haranguing means ─── 说教手段

4、haranguing definition ─── 说教定义

5、haranguing synonym ─── 唠叨同义词

6、haranguing dictionary ─── 长篇辞典

haranguing 相似词语短语

1、harangues ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

2、harangue ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

3、harangued ─── n.长篇大论;高谈阔论;热烈的演说;vt.向…滔滔不绝地演讲;大声训斥;vi.高谈阔论;慷慨陈词

4、karangaing ─── 荣誉

5、-ranguing ─── ranguing

6、harbingering ─── n.先驱;前兆;预告者;vt.预告;充做…的前驱

7、haranguer ─── 长篇大论者

8、harassing ─── 扰乱

9、arguing ─── v.争吵(argue的ing形式);争辩;n.争吵

haranguing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、haranguing the troops before a battle ─── 临作战时向士兵作慷慨激昂的讲话.

2、He continued in his customary, haranguing style. ─── 他继续以他一贯的夸夸其谈的手法讲下去。

3、`Shades of Hitler!' I thought, as I listened to the dictator haranguing the crowd. ─── 那个独裁者向群众声嘶力竭地训话,我一听就想到,`真像希特勒!'

4、The only hard parts are dealing with haranguing from idiots and trying to find something to eat at restaurants. ─── 唯一的困难是要和一些人激烈的争辩和到餐厅找东西吃。

5、"Prisoners of war! " Tesla was haranguing . "New slaves to fight for the honor and increase of our Regent! " ─── “战俘!”泰斯拉慷慨激昂。“为摄政王瑞金特的荣誉与更多而战的新鲜奴隶!”

6、He hates that kind of intellectual argument - he prefers either haranguing or sulking. ─── 他憎恨那种了智力的争论,他的选择要么是滔滔不绝的演讲,要么是沉默。

7、With the exception of Enjolras and Marius, who held their peace, all were haranguing rather at hap-hazard. ─── 同学们之间的谈话有时是会有这种平静的喧嚷的。

8、Shades of Hitler!' I thought, as I listened to the dictator haranguing the crowd. ─── 那个独裁者向群众声嘶力竭地训话, 我一听就想到, ‘真像希特勒!’

9、Television images of Greeks haranguing their government over reforms do not help. ─── 电视上播放的希腊民众呵斥政府改革方案的画面并无正面作用。

10、She was haranguing Mademoiselle Baptistine on a subject which was familiar to her and to which the Bishop was also accustomed.The question concerned the lock upon the entrance door. ─── 她正和“姑娘”谈着一个她所熟悉而主教也听惯了的问题,那就是关于大门的门闩问题。

11、1,Jim Carrey said:“Brad was constantly haranguing me. ─── 金.凯瑞:“布拉德总是不停地问我:‘你吻她了吗,你吻她了吗?’

12、Golkar, Suharto's own party, had been haranguing Ms Mulyani for months, accusing her of malfeasance in bailing out a private bank in 2008. ─── 苏哈托自己的党派—从业党—数月以来一直揪着英德拉瓦蒂不放,指控她在2008年救急一家私人银行时有渎职行为。

13、He has made enemies of the businessmen who are needed to drive forward America's recovery, haranguing them as fat cats and speculators. ─── 他将那些能够为美国经济恢复带来前进动力的商人视为敌人,大骂他们是肥猫和投机分子。

14、Jim Carrey said:“Brad was constantly haranguing me.Did you kiss her, did you kiss her? ─── 金.凯瑞:“布拉德.皮特来过那么一两次吧,他总是故作夸张地盘问我:‘你吻她了吗,你吻她了吗?’

15、In America, too, politicians are haranguing oil bosses and calling for tax cuts. ─── 在美国也是一样,政客们正慷慨激昂地对着石油巨头们发表演说,并呼吁减税。

16、On a scarlet-draped platform an orator of the Inner Party, a small lean man with disproportionately long arms and a large bald skull over which a few lank locks straggled, was haranguing the crowd. ─── 在用红布装饰的台上,一个核心党的党员在发表演讲,他是个瘦小的人,胳臂却长得出奇,与身材不合比例,光秃的大脑袋上只有少数几绺头发。

17、The point was she should have stopped haranguing me. ─── 关健是她应该打消吵吵嚷嚷要说服我的念头。

18、Eli, a nerd, is worn down by pleas from his haranguing mother to be more "normal. " ─── 以利,一个怪人,被自己母亲要他“变得更正常一些”而喋喋不休的唠叨折磨得筋疲力尽。

19、The only hard parts are dealing with haranguing from idiots and trying to find something to eat at restaurants. ─── 唯一的困难是要和一些人激烈的争辩和到餐厅找东西吃.

20、An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours. ─── 一场争论,许多乐队成员加入进来,对辛普森及其女友进行长达两个多小时的强力说教。

21、She was haranguing Mademoiselle Baptistine on a subject which was familiar to her and to which the Bishop was also accustomed ─── 她正和“姑娘”谈着一个她所熟悉而主教也听惯了的问题

22、Would Sir Alex Ferguson have resisted haranguing the referee? ─── 难道弗爵爷没有攻击过裁判吗?

23、One of his neighbours stood up and began haranguing him. ─── 他的一个邻居站起来,斥责他。

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