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08-21 投稿


folderol 发音

英:[?fɑ?ld??rɑ?l]  美:[?f?ld??r?l]

英:  美:

folderol 中文意思翻译



folderol 词性/词形变化,folderol变形

异体字: falderal |

folderol 短语词组

1、folderol origin folderol ─── 起源

2、folderol syn ─── 折叠式合成

3、folderol antonym ─── 折叠式反义词

4、folderol sentence ─── 折叠句

5、folderol means folderol ─── 的意思是

6、folderol definition ─── 文件夹定义

7、folderol meaning folderol ─── 含义

folderol 相似词语短语

1、colder ─── adj.更冷的,越来越冷的(cold的比较级)

2、folderols ─── n.废物;胡闹;废话

3、falderol ─── 法尔德罗

4、folders ─── n.[轻]文件夹,方法;折页,档案夹(folder复数形式)

5、banderol ─── n.小旗

6、folder ─── n.文件夹;折叠机;折叠式印刷品;n.(Folder)人名;(德)福尔德

7、folded ─── v.折叠;交叉合拢;失败垮台;把牲畜关在栏中(fold的过去分词);adj.折叠的;褶曲的

8、falderols ─── 法尔德罗

9、bolder ─── adj.更粗的;更醒目的;n.(Bolder)人名;(德)博尔德尔

folderol 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Now, Puss, tell me true, do you understand his folderol about books and poetry and music and oil paintings and such foolishness? ─── 好了,姑娘,老实告诉我,你理解他关于书本、诗歌、音乐、油画以及诸如此类的傻事所说的那些废话吗?

2、Now, Puss, tell me true, do you understand his folderol about books and poetry and music and oil paintings and such foolishness?" ─── 好了,姑娘,老实告诉我,你理解他关于书本、诗歌、音乐、油画以及诸如此类的傻事所说的那些废话吗?

3、eg. The new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too. ─── 市上大批新的定做的皮衣中有许多是华而不实的,但也有一些实用的东西。

4、What I had not experienced was the folderol among the children and the way that even the schools had gotten into the act. ─── 我没有经历过的是孩子们的胡闹,这甚至连学校也参与进去。

5、What I had not experienced was the folderol among the children and the way that even the schools had gotten into the act. ─── 我没有经历过的是孩子们的胡闹,这甚至连学校也参与进去。

6、new collections of custom furs around town reveal plenty of folderol, but there are practical things too. ─── 新的定做的皮衣中有许多是华而不实的,但也有一些实用的东西。

7、you can generate a viable architecture by starting with a blank screen and then writing one test case after the other is sheer folderol. ─── 通过在白板上编写一个个测试用例就可以产生清晰架构的想法简直就是胡闹。

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