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09-10 投稿



consequentially 发音

英:[?kɑ?ns??kwen??li]  美:[?k?ns??kwen??li]

英:  美:

consequentially 中文意思翻译



consequentially 短语词组

1、consequentially related ─── 结果相关

2、consequentially definition ─── 必然定义

3、consequentially syn ─── 必然同步

4、consequentially synonym ─── 结果同义词

5、consequentially define ─── 必然定义

6、consequentially means ─── 必然手段

consequentially 反义词


consequentially 同义词

consequentially 相似词语短语

1、nonsequential ─── 不连续的

2、consequentialist ─── 后果论者;结果论者

3、consequentialism ─── 效果论

4、consequently ─── adv.因此;结果;所以

5、sequentially ─── adv.从而;继续地;循序地

6、inconsequentially ─── adv.不重要地

7、consequential loss ─── 间接损失;从属的损失;后果性损失

8、consequential ─── adj.间接的;结果的;重要的;随之发生的;自傲的

9、consequentiality ─── n.自大;理论上的一贯性

consequentially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Because the urbanization step out and urban scope became larger, the demand of house rise consequentially. ─── 随着城镇化进程的加快,城镇规模不断扩大,必然会加大对住房的需求,促进小城镇房地产业的发展。

2、Therefore, we are consequentially required to probe into the dialogic approach between subjects and dual objects, which is applicable to the laws for judicial judgment. ─── 因此,必然要求我们探讨司法判定中的法律适用的主体与“双重客体”的对话途径。

3、All of these made Chinese traditional architectures contain abundance culture meaning and show consequentially various style and feature. ─── 校区文物建筑的保护与利用提出了自己的见解。

4、In BDPGA,there is double bee population.One is from generation by the BDPGA,the other is a random population,and consequentially it enhances the exploration of genetic algorithm. ─── 算法共有两个种群,一个是通过迭代进行遗传操作得到的,一个是在每代进化过程中随机引入的。

5、Consequentially, this will lead in short to the forming of the basis of the advanced productive force and culture and all-round economic and social development in ABa Prefecture. ─── 最终形成先进生产力和先进文化的基础,全面推动阿坝州的经济发展和社会进步。

6、Conclusion: There are functional changes on peripheral nerves of MS patients and consequentially abnormal results of the electrophysiological examination. ─── 结论:MS患者存在周围神经功能的改变,并有相应的电生理检测结果的异常;

7、Consequentially,progradational,aggradational and offlapping reef petroliferous systems could be genetically determined. ─── 南盘江地区长兴期并进礁属并进型;

8、Every kind of reforms in economical policies and system consequentially lead to the similar in tax system in every country. ─── 各国在经济全球化背景下的各种经济政策和体制变革,必然导致各国税制结构的趋同化。

9、Luckiness is not consequentially, still alive is also a blessing. ─── 有时幸运不是必然,能够活著也是一种恩赐!

10、The genetic difference between germ plasm depend on mainly their evolution relation, and not was related consequentially to their Culture type. ─── 种质间的遗传差异并不完全取决于栽培类型间的差异,而与种质问演化关系有关。

11、Large-scale construction consequentially leads to hasty building process.People need to review whether built environment satisfied requirements of occupant"s psychology and behavior. ─── 城市化进程中的大规模建设导致了高速度的建造过程,而在这个过程中,人们有必要审视所建成的环境是否满足了使用心理与行为的需求。

12、Chinese idioms, widely recognized as the essence or the crystallization of Chinese language, consequentially reflect the Chinese culture. ─── 汉语习语集中国文化之精髓,反映了中国的悠久历史和灿烂文化。

13、We should to get involved in this kind of activities, which will consequentially make our academic life more vivid. ─── 作为大学生应该多参与这些活动,这种活泼的学术氛围,愉悦的沟通环境正是平日的学习生活中缺少的。

14、As far as the degree aspirate analyse which is normal accent words without Light tone,it shows that although Chinese accentcannot be heared but it is existent, and that it has consequentially regular pattern. ─── 对于不带轻声字组的正常重音的轻重音分析 ,我们认为汉语的重音虽然听不大出 ,但实际上是存在的 ,而且应该有一定的规律

15、Every kind of reforms in economical policies and system consequentially lead to the similar in tax system in every country. ─── 各国在经济全球化背景下的各种经济政策和体制变革,必然导致各国税制结构的趋同化。

16、With the establishment of meta-knowledge management, the bibliography will consequentially evolve into meta-knowledge management science. ─── 随着“元知识管理”范式的确立,目录学必然从传统目录学发展为元知识管理学。

17、Consequentially, the material toughness will affect the penetration depth significantly. ─── 但是,现有经验公式均不能反映钢纤维混凝土材料韧性的影响。

18、So in the new era, the study and the application of sports recreational functions not only becomes a consequentially trend, but also makes important sense. ─── 因此在新时期,对体育娱乐价值的研究和应用不但成为必然趋势,而且具有了重要的意义。

19、The corporations those can not be aware of the risk on their accounts receivable will encounter the financial crisis consequentially someday. ─── 如果企业对这些存在风险的资产没有清晰的认识,那么由应收账款问题引起的经营危机就会潜伏、滋生。

20、Consequentially, "Hometown Love" became the only original song people associate him with. ─── 结果“故园之恋”成了唯一大家与他联系起来的一首歌。

21、With the establishment of meta-knowledge management, the bibliography will consequentially evolve into meta-knowledge management science. ─── 随着“元知识管理”范式的确立,目录学必然从传统目录学发展为元知识管理学。

22、The circulatory economy is a jumped-up economy development mode,along with the rising of the circulatory economy,the new request is being put forward to modern enterprise consequentially. ─── 循环经济是一种新兴的经济发展模式,随着循环经济的兴起,必然对现代企业的发展提出了新的要求。

23、Consequentially, the number of medical schools in America dropped from 166 in 1904 to 81 in 1918, a 51 percent drop. ─── 结果,美国医学院的数目从1904年的166所跌至1918年的81所,跌幅超过51%。

24、They, who can stoutly exercise their power taking into account interest of the nation and people, will be consequentially supported by national people. ─── 他(她)们能坚韧不拔地循着国家和人民的利益去行使权力,这就必然会受国民的拥护和支持。

25、Luckiness is not consequentially, still alive is also a blessing. ─── 有时幸运不是必然,能够活著也是一种恩赐!

26、In the construction of hydroelectric power station, eco-environment will be consequentially destroyed to some extent. ─── 在水电站建设中,生态环境必然遭到一定程度的破坏。

27、Power brings about corruption, as proved by the human history. None-restricted power will consequentially lead to corruption. ─── 人类历史证明,腐败是权力的滋生物,不受制约的权力必将导致腐败。

28、The development of tissue culture industry will be impelled consequentially if traditional handwork is replaced by automatization producing. ─── 结果表明,以机械自动化生产取代传统的人力作业必将对组培产业的发展起到重大的推动作用。

29、Element sulphur deposition,channel plugging and productivity reduction consequentially occur in the development of high sour gas fields as pressure drops. ─── 高含硫气藏在开发过程,随着压力的下降,必然会发生元素硫沉积,堵塞孔道,影响产能。

30、HTML Shrinker Light reduces the size of your web pages to make your web site load faster, need less web space and bandwidth and consequentially decreases your web hosting fees. ─── 的HTML shrinker轻,减少的规模在您的网页,使您的网站的载入速度,需要较少的网页空间及带宽和相应跌幅为您的网络讬管费用。

31、During the period of the global cultural construction, the cohesion of the Chinese nation have strategetic innovative consciousness consequentially. ─── 在全球化时代的文化建设中,中华民族凝聚力必然具有战略性的创新意识。

32、Consequentially, some main instruments which are applied to measure emotional intelligence are developed,such as EQ|i, MEIS, ECI 360,WPQei. ─── 与此同时 ,发展了几种测量情绪智力的工具 :EQ i,MEIS ,ECI 36 0 ,WPQei等。

33、Controversy of different environment policy tool's validity consequentially returns to controversy between Caose and classicality. ─── 对不同环境政策工具的有效性的争论,也就必然回到科斯与庇古传统之间的争论。

34、Any individual will consequentially form certain interpersonal relationships with others during the organizational work of reciprocity. ─── 中,任何的个体都必然会在与其他个体的行为互动过程中建立起相应的人际关系。

35、The blasting of slope excavation results in the damage of rock mass consequentially. ─── 边坡开挖爆破必然造成边坡岩体的损伤。

36、Seemingly, it only refers to the freedom of spirit;however, once Zhuangzi's naturalism and liberalism are connected to social politics, they will be consequentially translated into political claims. ─── 表面看,这仅是精神的自由,但庄子的自然主义与自由哲学一旦与社会政治话语相衔接,必然走向政治自由的诉求。

37、Whoever drinks the poison will die consequentially, which is the unvarying truth. ─── 任何喝过此毒酒之人都会相继死去,此乃不变之真理。

38、Especially in the junior and senior middle schools where students facing up the pressure of secondary and entrance examinations,the burdens of students'study consequentially aggravate gradually. ─── 但我们同时还应该认识到,所谓“负担”轻重是相对于个体的承受力大小而言的。

39、Economic growth is the necessary result of social development, while environmental problem is a concomitant of social economic growth.Developing economy consequentially causes environmental problem. ─── 经济增长是社会发展的必然结果,环境问题是社会经济发展的伴生物,发展经济也必然带来环境问题。

40、Going deep into study and knowing the attack are consequentially to cause the changes of the Taekwondo training idea and promoting the development of Taekwondo sports level. ─── 对进攻的深入研究和认识,必然引起跆拳道训练观念的转变,促进跆拳道竞技水平的不断提高。

41、After reform and open to the world, put into practice the modern enterprise system consequentially requests enterprises employ the market-oriented scientific management. ─── 改革开放以来,由于现代企业制度的推行,必然要求国有企业具有市场化运作的科学管理方式。

42、Protection of these heritages is consequentially demanded by the progress of society & civilization development. ─── 保护历史文化遗产是人类社会进步、文明发展的必然要求。

43、She was the first girlfriend of mine.I thought that we would be married consequentially. ─── 小时的时候,我最怕和妈妈一起走路的时候摔倒,因为不知从什么时候起,一旦妈妈看到我摔倒了,都会上来打我两巴掌。

44、But, this doesn't mean the democracy run into confusion consequentially. ─── 但是,这并不意味着民主政治一定是混乱的。

45、This action is consequentially harmful to the chambers of commerce, and caused its status even lower. ─── 一部分工商界人士撤往香港,观望事态的发展;

46、Humanity liberation comes down to the relation between individual and society consequentially. ─── 个性解放必然涉及到个人与社会的关系。

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