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09-13 投稿



sauciness 发音

英:[?sɑ?s?n?s]  美:[?s?s?n?s]

英:  美:

sauciness 中文意思翻译



sauciness 网络释义

n. 鲁莽;傲慢

sauciness 词性/词形变化,sauciness变形

副词: saucily |形容词比较级: saucier |名词: sauciness |形容词最高级: sauciest |

sauciness 短语词组

1、sauciness definition ─── 辣度定义

2、sauciness crossword ─── 辣味纵横字谜

3、sauciness in a sentence ─── 一句话中的辣味

sauciness 相似词语短语

1、laciness ─── n.有花边;花边状;带状;有边

2、raciness ─── n.辛辣;风味好;爽利;近乎淫猥

3、gauziness ─── 华而不实

4、fanciness ─── n.花俏;空想

5、saltiness ─── n.咸性;尖酸;碱度

6、sandiness ─── n.沙质;含沙

7、sagginess ─── 下垂

8、gaudiness ─── n.华美,俗丽的美

9、sappiness ─── 多汁

sauciness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Catherine supped with her brother and sister-in-law: Joseph and I joined at an unsociable meal, seasoned with reproofs on one side and sauciness on the other. ─── 凯瑟琳和她得兄嫂共进晚餐;约瑟夫和我一起吃了顿不怎么和气的晚餐,一个不断的责备,另一个则是的鲁莽,这已经是常事了。

2、But don't notice it further: I wished to punish her sauciness, that's all. ─── 可是不要再注意这事了。我只想惩罚她的无耻而已。

3、"I forgive thy sauciness for thy spirit and shrewdness. ─── 我真佩服你把我那老伙计特里斯顿的职业猜得那么准。

4、I am sick of his sauciness. ─── 我讨厌他的鲁莽。

5、I am sick of his sauciness. ─── 我讨厌他的鲁莽。

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