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09-13 投稿


costliness 发音

英:[['k?stl?n?s]]  美:[['k?stl?n?s]]

英:  美:

costliness 中文意思翻译



costliness 短语词组

1、costliness meaning ─── 昂贵的意义

2、costliness definition ─── 成本定义

costliness 词性/词形变化,costliness变形

名词: costiveness |副词: costively |

costliness 同义词

costliness 反义词


costliness 相似词语短语

1、cosiness ─── n.舒适

2、ghostliness ─── n.影子;朦胧的东西,幽灵的东西

3、costliest ─── 最昂贵的;代价最高的(costly的最高级)

4、beastliness ─── n.淫猥;兽性

5、portliness ─── n.威风;肥胖;魁伟

6、comeliness ─── n.清秀,漂亮;合宜

7、costless ─── adj.不花钱的;无须付出代价的

8、coastlines ─── n.[海洋]海岸线(coastline的复数)

9、courtliness ─── n.礼让;恳挚;谦恭

costliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、So having a chance to choose is a costliness for every one. ─── 能让自己去选择是一件奢侈的事情。

2、Purple evokes sophistication, spirituality, costliness, royalty and mystery. ─── 紫色使人联想到世故老练,心灵,奢侈,皇室及神秘。

3、In addition, some ideas were displayed for the problems such as “the difficulty and costliness of medical service”, “drug-maintaining-medicine”. ─── 此外,本文还为解决“看病难、看病贵”,“以药养医”等问题提出了构想。

4、"Difficulty"and "costliness" in seeing a doctor are two major problems which are hindering the construction of harmonious society and affecting people s health. ─── "看病难"、"看病贵"两大问题,阻碍和谐社会建设、影响人民群众生命健康。

5、The two later catalyzer has themselves disadvantage: price costliness easy to lose activation etc. ─── 但后二者都存在如价格昂贵、容易失活的缺点。

6、costliness value, the high time limited efficacy merchandise ratio will increase quickly, and will make use of to gather to pack extensively. ─── 高价值、高时效性商品比率将会迅速增加,并将广泛利用集装箱。

7、The brand seed has the monopoly market advantage breaks, opposite costliness advantage and higher market competition ability. 2. ─── 品牌种子具有相对市场垄断优势、获得相对高价的优势和较高的市场竞争力。

8、We should advocate the heuristic teaching methods , trying to carry it out in the practice, if we want to walk out the corner of lack, slowness, ineffectiveness and costliness in the language teaching and improve the teaching quality. ─── 语文教学要走出少、慢、差、费的困境,提高教育教学质量,就必须进一步提倡和推行启发式教学。

9、The limitation of the system lead to the difficulty and the costliness in seeing a doctor and the bad medical morality. ─── 制度的缺陷导致"看病难、看病贵",医德不良也有其制度原因。

10、A day, A decision open the can and see:A sardine why sellses so costliness money? ─── 一天,甲决定打开罐头看看:一罐沙丁鱼为什么要卖这么高价钱?

11、But its research and clinic application has been badly restricted by these days" OAE test instrument, either ponderous or costliness. ─── 但是目前耳声发射检测产品大都功能单一、灵活性差、价格昂贵,严重地制约了对耳声发射现象的研究和临床应用的推广。

12、The costliness value, the high time limited efficacy merchandise ratio will increase quickly, and will make use of to gather to pack extensively . ─── 高价值、高时效性商品比率将会迅速增加,并将广泛利用集装箱。

13、In present, the medicine such as third strain of globulin was not only very costliness in price but also a kind of albumen preparation which did not fit to use for the patients. ─── 这些药物不仅价格昂贵而且常有过敏、发热等副作用,不宜在慢性肾衰竭的患者中长期应用。

14、Facing the costliness fishmeal who is the loser? ─── 高价鱼粉谁是输家?

15、The packages function for sales promotion and additional value expand excessively, which brought about by the excessive, costliness, and cheating packages. ─── 过度包装、奢侈包装、欺诈包装,商品包装所带来的促销功能与附加值功能过度膨胀。

16、So having a chance to choose is a costliness for every one. ─── 能让自己去选择是一件奢侈的事情。

17、At present "Costliness in Seeking Medical Treatment" has been a social phenomenon. ─── 当前,“看病贵”已成为一种社会现象。

18、But,by this time,limited by the technology,all of the marine seismic devices of our country were bought from fremdness which were very costliness and mantained discommodiousness. ─── 但是,一直到现在,由于技术发展的落后,我国海洋石油勘探设备一直都是从国外进口,价格昂贵,维修很不方便。

19、My beginning costliness begin from a junior high school, at that time the make-up exam fee of two dollars gladly Na it, the slightest do not wriggle of Tai. ─── 我开始出高价是始于初中的,那时候两块钱的补考费欣然纳之,没有丝毫扭捏之态。

20、That is because of the work with laser every day, no sunshine, all the time in dark.The warm sunshine in the winter, for me, is really a type of costliness. ─── 因为每天都跟激光一起工作,暗无天日,冬天温暖的阳光对我来说是一种奢侈。

21、Equipment of our mill flakeboard production line in our mill is imported from Germany. Its spare part prices costliness. ─── 本厂刨花板生产线横锯推板动力系统,系引进德国设备,备品备件价格昂贵。

22、Costliness, but Historic Value-assurance. ─── 昂贵,却可以历久保值。

23、But because of some disadvantages such as their complex configuration, costliness, inconvenience of maintenance, they are gradually replaced by asynchronous machines. ─── 传统的电梯采用直流电动机驱动,存在着结构复杂、制造成本高、可维护性差等系列不足,采用异步电机取代直流电机已是大势所趋。

24、Nowadays “Difficult in seeing a doctor, and costliness in seeking medical care” has been a social focus. ─── 近年来,“看病难、看病贵”已成为社会的焦点问题,是“看病贵”加剧了“看病难”。

25、A day, A decision open the can and see: A sardine why sellers so costliness money? ─── 一天,甲决定打开罐头看看:一罐沙丁鱼为什么要卖这么高价钱?

26、The quantity arrives the decoration less to wholesale a market to take goods to have to a costliness. ─── 量少到饰品批发市场拿货只好出高价。

27、The brand seed has the monopoly market advantage breaks, opposite costliness advantage and higher market competition ability. 2. ─── 品牌种子具有相对市场垄断优势、获得相对高价的优势和较高的市场竞争力。

28、Equipment of our mill flakeboard production line in our mill is imported from Germany.Its spare part priceis costliness. ─── 本厂刨花板生产线横锯推板动力系统,系引进德国设备,备品备件价格昂贵。

29、The traditional elements have had the more and the more big variety in the big tide of the international jewellery, being turned from the nobility and costliness to the civilian and personalization. ─── 摘要传统元素在国际首饰大潮中发生了越来越大的变化,由贵族化、高档化向平民化、个性化转变。

30、And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! ─── 他们又把尘土撒在头上,哭泣悲哀,喊着说,哀哉,哀哉,这大城阿。凡有船在海中的,都因她的珍宝成了富足。

31、The development of community medical service is an important measure to regulate medical policies and solve the difficulty in accessibility and costliness in affordability of medical service. ─── 发展社区医疗是国家调整医疗政策,解决群众看病难、看病贵问题的一个重要举措。

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