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09-13 投稿



galvanized 发音

英:['g?lv?naizd]  美:[?ɡ?lv?na?zd]

英:  美:

galvanized 中文意思翻译



galvanized 网络释义

adj. 镀锌的,电镀的v. 电镀;刺激(galvanize的过去式和过去分词形式)

galvanized 短语词组

1、galvanized steel ─── [化] 镀锌铁皮; 镀锌钢

2、stranded galvanized steel wire ─── [电] 镀锌钢绞线

3、galvanized steel wire ─── [化] 镀锌钢丝

4、galvanized steel wirc ─── [机] 镀锌钢丝

5、galvanized steel sheet ─── [化] 镀锌薄钢板

6、galvanized iron tube ─── [化] 白铁管

7、galvanized steel sheets ─── [化] 镀锌薄钢板

8、Galvanized Flexible Steel Wire Rope ─── 镀锌柔性钢丝绳

9、galvanized iron sheet ─── [机] 镀锌铁板, 白铁皮

10、galvanized steel bolte ─── [电] 镀锌螺栓

11、galvanized copper wire ─── [电] 镀锌铜线

12、galvanized iron ─── [化] 白铁; 镀锌铁; 镀锌钢材

13、galvanized steel pipe ─── [化] 镀锌钢管

14、galvanized steel strap ─── [电] 镀锌钢片

15、galvanized welded steel pipe ─── [化] 镀锌钢管

16、galvanized sheet iron ─── [机] 镀锌铁皮

17、galvanized vessel ─── [化] 镀锌容器

18、galvanized stranded wire ─── 镀锌钢绞线

19、galvanized angle iron ─── [电] 镀锌角铁

galvanized 词性/词形变化,galvanized变形

过去分词:galvanized 原型:galvanize

galvanized 相似词语短语

1、galvanises ─── vt.激励;镀锌;通电流于(等于galvanize)

2、galvanize ─── vt.镀锌;通电;刺激

3、Italianized ─── v.(使)意大利化(italianize的过去式及过去分词)

4、Balkanized ─── v.使巴尔干化(将某地区分裂成敌对区域)(balkanize的过去式和过去分词)

5、galvanised ─── v.镀锌(galvanise的过去分词);给…通电

6、galvanise ─── vt.激励;镀锌;通电流于(等于galvanize)

7、galvanizer ─── n.电镀工;激励者

8、galvanizes ─── vt.镀锌;通电;刺激

9、galvaniser ─── 镀锌层

galvanized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A chromium-free phytic acid passivating coatings for galvanized parts is studied. ─── 摘要对镀锌件植酸钝化膜进行了研究。

2、Galvanized steel pipe, ERW black pipe, square and rectangular hollow section, galvanized strip, square bar, flat bar, angle bar, hot rolled strip, cold rolled strip, steel plate. ─── 产品名称:镀锌管、黑管、方矩形管、热轧钢带、冷轧钢带、镀锌带、放钢、扁钢、角钢。

3、Good adhesion to steel, galvanized steel and aluminum alloy. ─── 对钢铁、锌钢材及铝合金有良好的附着力。

4、urgency of his voice galvanized them into action. ─── 他急迫的声音激励他们行动起来。

5、The jacket shall be round 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish. ─── 外壳应该是圆形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。

6、The basic design is a simple frame of square aluminium or galvanized steel tubing, reinforced with triangles of lighter tubing. ─── 基本设计是方形的铝或被镀锌的钢管材一个简单的框架,加强与更轻的管材三角。

7、During an appearance on the Fox News Sunday television program, he said the nation has been galvanized. ─── 彼得雷乌斯将军在接受福克斯周日新闻电视节目采访时说,巴基斯坦群情激昂。

8、At Guinness, the sheer ambition of the project galvanized the teams. ─── 在吉尼斯,仅仅是野心的项目激发了队伍。

9、I used a 2 "galvanized common nail." ─── 我选用一般的二号镀锌钉。

10、No change in the morphology and thickness of galvanized coatings has been ob... ─── 改变锌池中硅的添加量,对镀层结构及厚度影响较小.

11、The inner sleeve is hot-dip galvanized,the outer sleeve and lining sleeves are aluminum. ─── 内接续管为热镀锌钢制件,外接续管及两端衬管为铝制件。

12、That threat of losing their jobs galvanized the men into action. ─── 失业的威胁激励那些人采取行动。

13、Placed in wooden cases and fastened with steel straps or placed on wooden pallet,bundled with galvanized steel straps,144 bars per pallets. ─── 木箱包装,铁皮紧固或采用托盘、镀锌铁皮包装,每托盘144块。

14、Our company uses the advanced process technology to produce galvanized pipe,we use the galvanized strip to weld pipe and zincify the seam on line. ─── 在此基础上,公司又制定了完备的人才储备战略,通过高技术人才的引进,提高企业管理水平,完善管理理念。

15、The fear of losing his life galvanized him into fighting back. ─── 可能丧命的恐惧激发他行动起来进行还击。

16、One of the new works, "Star Passage," made of steel galvanized and painted blue, incorporates a big guillotine for slicing steel that he found in the south of France. ─── 一项新的工程,"明星通道",是由钢和镀锌彩蓝,内嵌一个大断头台分层钢说,他发现在法国南部。

17、The cooled galvanized strip is skin passed and straightened for coating and shape improvement. ─── 冷却后的带钢经光整和矫直以提高镀层和板型质量

18、Have galvanized the presence of high voltage and high-intensity characteristics, such as temperature, the new generation is the most green steel tubes. ─── 并且具有镀锌管的耐高压,高强度,抗冲击等特性,是最新一代绿色环保管材。

19、Fast passivation process can be applied to remove the excess zinc for the galvanized small steel articles. ─── 一般小型钢件、铸铁件、铸钢件及紧固件热浸镀锌后去余锌,可采用爆钝工艺进行。

20、Issues that once galvanized the electorate fade into irrelevance(Arthur M.Schlesinger,jr. ─── 曾一度唤醒选民意识的事件已逐渐消失为不相关的事情(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

21、The crusher's ejected iron cud is later swallowed by a recycling factory and excreted as, say, galvanized roofing. ─── 压碎机反刍的铁渣后来被回收工厂吞食,而排泄出来以后,说不定就成了盖房顶的星铁板。

22、The heater unit is insulated with mineral wool and surrounded with a galvanized sheet metal protective casing. ─── 加热器由矿物棉进行绝热,再加设一层镀锌的金属护套。


24、The whole hospital was galvanized into action to save the wounded. ─── 整个医院都动员起来,抢救伤员。

25、Our business ranges cover areas including galvanized roofing nails with umbrella head, common round wire nails, hinges, bolts, wind nails, handles and latex gloves etc. ─── 已发展成为专业生产五金、钉子类产品的高知名度五金企业。

26、Immediately following the Roe decision, those who did not want to see women participate equally in society were galvanized. ─── Roe案件的判决刚刚作出之后,那些不想看到妇女平等地参与社会生活的人受到了很大的刺激。

27、The aid appeal has galvanized the country's business community. ─── 这份援助呼吁已使该国的商界采取行动。

28、We used galvanized steel joinery on the project. ─── 我们使用镀锌钢连接件。

29、The outer sleeve is aluminum , inner sleeve is hot-dip galvanized seel. ─── 外管为铝制件,内管为热镀锌钢制件。

30、Zinc, needed for producing galvanized steel used by utilities and the auto industry, is up 24% from its low. ─── 公用事业和汽车业使用的镀锌钢所需的锌金属价格目前也较低点上涨了24%。

31、Round or flat wires shall be of galvanized steel, copper or tinned copper, aluminium oraluminium alloy. ─── 圆形或扁形的金属线材应该是镀锌钢丝、铜丝或镀锡铜丝、铝丝或铝合金丝。

32、Modified Acrylic emulsion for anticorrosive primers and matt or semigloss top-coats with good adhesion on metals and galvanized substrates. ─── 改性丙烯酸乳液,用于金属、镀锌材质防腐底漆、哑光、半哑面漆,具有良好的附着力。

33、The pretreatment and powder spraying process of galvanized plain sheet were given and discussed. The common defects of the coating and its prevention were described. ─── 摘要介绍了电镀锌钢板与冷轧钢板混线前处理及静电喷粉工艺,指出了涂层常见缺陷及预防措施。

34、Our galvanized insect screening enjoys good property of Flexible, corrosion resistant, easy cleaning and keeping forms. ─── 我厂生产的镀锌窗纱价格合理,具有韧性好、耐腐蚀、易清洁、不易变形等特性。

35、The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank. ─── 危机促使银行巨头们齐心协力发动一场“政变”,联手建立一个中央银行来作为他们的守护天使。

36、The body and keepers are aluminium alloy,thye other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel. ─── 底座和线夹为铝合金制件,其余为热镀锌制件。

37、Her approach always galvanized him into new and spasmodic life. ─── 她每次走进来都使他感到一阵阵振奋激动。

38、The upper cover is aluminium alloy,the other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel. ─── 上盖板为铝合金件,隔板为铝制件,其余为热镀锌钢制件。

39、The outer sleeve is aluminium,the inner sleeve is hot-dip galvanized seel. ─── 外管为铝制件、内管为热镀锌钢制件。

40、Galvanized Welded Mesh: This product is also known as hardware cloth. This type of product can be ... ─── 发布者:所在地:河北衡水市行业:五金、工具职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

41、He was galvanized into action by the teacher's command. ─── 他为老师的话所激励,采取了行动。

42、I thought I wanted to paint them, so I sent the steel out to be galvanized in order to get the surface right," he said. ─── 我觉得我想画,所以,我派了出钢将镀锌为了争取表面正确的,"他说。

43、They specialize in galvanized metal sculptures. ─── 他们专门珍藏镀锌的金属雕塑。

44、Good adhesion to light metal, galvanized steel and carbon steel. ─── 与钢材、镀锌钢材、轻金属有良好的附着力。

45、Surface passivation by chromate for the hot dip galvanized plate is applied to prevent the surface oxidation during the pro-cess time. ─── 热镀锌板表面钝化(铬酸盐钝化),主要是为了防止在使用过程中其表面被氧化。

46、Example applications include: galvanized equipment, electronic installation, chemical machinery, shipping manufacturing, and medical equipment. ─── 例如:电镀设备、电子设备、化工机械、船舶制造、医疗设备等。

47、Zinc at room temperature, the surface easy to generate a protective film, so The largest use of zinc are used in galvanized industry. ─── 锌在常温下表面易生成一层保护膜,所以锌最大的用途是用于镀锌工业。

48、One of the biggest changes from his past work is that he used galvanized steel rather than rusted steel. ─── 其中最大的变化,从他过去的工作,就是他用热浸镀锌钢板,而不是锈钢。

49、Special finish: paint, electricity coat zinc, hot dipped galvanized, spry plastic. ─── 其它特殊处理:油漆、电镀锌、热镀锌、喷塑。

50、Century House use galvanized steel material which is anti-corruptive and is termite resistant. So service term of the housing can be extended and maintenance cost cut. ─── 世佳联合住宅采用镀锌钢材,既防腐,又完全不受白蚁等虫害的侵入,提高房屋的使用寿命,降低维修成本。

51、The effect of Ni content in Zn bath on thickness of hot dip galvanized coating was studied using SEM. ─── 应用SEM、EPMA等方法研究了锌浴中镍含量对热浸锌镀层厚度的影响,试验结果表明:当锌浴中镍含量小于0.12% (wt)时,镀层随镍含量增加而减薄;

52、Automatic protect for damaged areas Galvanized coatings corrode preferentially to steel, providing cathodic or sacrificial protection to small areas of steel exposed damage. ─── 当锌层有小面积损伤时,由于锌比钢易受侵蚀从而保护了暴露出的钢件表面。

53、We did this using a galvanized (zinc-plated) tub, a stew pot with a copper bottom, and a bottle of lemon juice. ─── 我们使用镀锌的盆、铜底的炖锅和一瓶柠檬汁来实现。

54、The announcement of the general election galvanized the party member into action. ─── 宣布举行大选促使该党成员行动起来。

55、Good adhesion on zinc-rich primers or galvanized coatings. ─── 对富锌底漆或喷锌层表面具有优良附着力。

56、For example, copper plumbing initial investment of 2.5 times for galvanized steel. ─── 例如铜水管系统的初次投资为镀锌钢管的2.5倍。

57、The jacket shall be rectangular 16-gauge galvanized steel with acrylic enamel finish. ─── 外壳应该是矩形16级电镀钢,外覆亚克力珐琅表面。

58、The body made of high-intensity malleable iron, hot-dip galvanized. ─── 主体材料采用高强度可锻铸铁,热镀锌防锈。

59、Complete Protection Every part of a galvanized article is protected even receses sharp corners and inaccessible areas. ─── 制件之每一部份都能预期镀上锌,所以即使在凹陷处、角及隐藏处都能受保护。

60、Galvanized wire for suspension bridge cable includes main cable, sling and winding package steel wire. ─── 悬索桥缆索用镀锌钢丝包括主缆钢丝、吊索钢丝和绕包钢丝。

61、A shot rang out and galvanized the patrol into action. ─── 一声枪响使巡逻队马上行动起来。

62、PVC coated wire Material: Quality mild steel wire, galvanized iron wire, stainless iron wire, br... ─── 发布者:高婷所在地:河北衡水市行业:五金、工具职位:经理工作年限:二年以上

63、Seawater corrosion behavior of hot dip galvanized steel wires,a long with0.2%Al-Zn-RE,5%Al-Zn-RE and55%l-Zn-Si alloy coated steel wires,are in vestigated in comparison. ─── 以热浸镀Zn、0.2%Al-Zn-RE、5%Al-Zn-RE和55%Al-Zn-Si合金镀层钢丝为研究对象,进行了为期6个月的室内海水浸泡试验。

64、And in accordance with the special needs of users, according to industry standards to provide a variety of galvanized wire. ─── 并可根据用户的特殊需求,按行业标准提供各种规格的镀锌丝。

65、In order to improve the corrosion resistance, the passivation process of hot-dipped galvanized steel has been studied. ─── 为提高热镀锌钢板的耐蚀性,对热镀锌钢板铬酸盐钝化工艺进行了研究。

66、Also Quote in: Black Stainless Steel galvanized strapping. ─── 另请报价:黑色不锈钢电镀的带子.

67、The APN is made of Galvanized steel plate covered with PVC. anti-corrosion、 bendable、 anti-heat features are very excellent. ─── 台制APN内部为镀锌钢板卷绕,外覆P.V.C抗拉强度高、耐蚀性、弯曲度、耐热性极佳‚实用价值高的产品。

68、EURO-shop WP04, can be appliedon steel and other metal surfaceslike: galvanized steel,aluminium,copper-nickel, bronze, cast iron and stainless steel. ─── WP04适用于钢铁或其他金属表面,如电镀钢,铝,铜镍合金,黄铜,铸铁以及不锈钢等.

69、The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action. ─── 他急迫的声音激励他们行动起来。

70、For storage of fittings galvanized boxes with drain holes aft will be arranged on suitable places, according to owner's requirements. ─── 为了储存装置件,根据船东要求,要在合适的位置安装后部带排水孔的箱子。

71、Total Menthol contents 50 plus Total Terpenes 5 to 8% Total Ketones 30 to 35% PACKING 180 kg galvanized iron drums. ─── 总薄荷成分 50以上 总烯含量 5%至8% 总酮含量 30%至35% 包装 镀锌铁桶包装,每桶180公斤。

72、In domestic systems copper should only be used downstream of galvanized piping.This will avoid the possibility of pitting corrosion. ─── 在民用水系统中铜材料只能用于热镀锌钢材料的下游,这样可以避免孔蚀。

73、Feeders and motor control circuits for all users shall be run in above ground cable tray, with galvanized conduit for drops from the cable tray to the field device. ─── 所有电力用户的馈电线路和电动机控制线路都应在架高的电缆桥架上走线,从电缆桥架上到现场装置的引入线应采用镀锌导管。

74、Some students of military word of another explain of GI.They say that instead of Government Issue or General Issue, GI came from the words galvanized iron. ─── 学习军用词汇的学生对“鸡爱”有一个新的解释,他们说,“鸡爱”不是指“一般事件”也不是“政府事件”,而是来自“镀锌铁”这个词。

75、The fear of losing their freedom galvanized them into fighting back. ─── 可能丧失自由的恐惧激发他们行动起来进行还击。

76、The MCC or control panel shall be sheet steel, totally enclosed to IP 54 and free standing on a hot dipped galvanized welded steel channel plinth. ─── MCC或控制面板应为钢板材质,完全包含IP54以及独立式热镀锌焊接钢通道底座。

77、The galvanized process is such that if coatings appear sound and continuous they are sound and continuous. ─── 其次,镀锌层的结合是否牢固和是否均匀布满所有表面亦很容易以肉眼检视。

78、There are several price galvanized in accordance with your request, we quoted at low. ─── 有几个价格按照你们的镀锌要求,我们确实报低了。

79、Abstract It is very important and difficult to control surface quality of cold rolled and hot dip galvanized strip from the strip produced by CSP. ─── 摘要 CSP工艺生产的热轧卷作为冷轧原料生产冷轧镀锌产品的表面质量较难控制。

80、The clamp of JR type is AL-Cu transition , the body and keepers of JT type are aluminium , the other parts are hot-dip galvanized steel. ─── JR型线夹是铜铝件,JT型线夹本体和盖板为铝制件,其余为热镀锌钢制作。

81、The time when we used galvanized iron has passed. ─── 我们用洋铁的时代已经过去了。

82、Material: stainless steel, plain steel, galvanized iron wire, nickel, chromium, aluminum or pol... ─── 发布者:杨帆所在地:河北衡水市行业:五金、工具职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上

83、Jilinter lestra that makes all kinds of wire e.g. black annealed wire, galvanized wir... ─── 发布者:党满囤所在地:山东临沂市行业:建筑、建材职位:经理工作年限:八年以上

84、It suitable for almost all kinds of material from the water mains, including possession of galvanized, brass and plastic tubes, and so on. ─── 它能适合几乎各种材质的水管,包括镀锌管、铜管和塑管等。

85、In Asia, prices of hot dip galvanized sheets and electrolytic galvanized sheets have continued to fall since the beginning of this year. ─── 亚洲自今年开始,其热镀白铁皮和电解白铁皮的价格就在持续下跌。

86、Outer barrel: galvanized aluminizing steel sheet, anti-corrosion, anti-aging. ─── 外桶:采用镀锌铝钢板,耐腐蚀,抗老化。

87、Also available with an 8"x8" back-plate made of black anodized aluminum or galvanized steel for attachment to concrete walls. ─── 并且可利用与8"x8"由黑正电镀的铝制成或镀锌的钢后挡板混凝土墙的附件。

88、Kitchen, storage room, the track, as far as possible choose galvanized steel. ─── 厨房、储藏室等的轨道,尽可能选择镀锌钢的。

89、Applied over properly prepared and primed --------Steel, Aluminum, Galvanized surfaces, and polyester bodyfillers. ─── 可在下列材料上刷涂,要先正确表面处理并涂上底漆-----钢,铝,电镀表面和聚酯填充物

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