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09-11 投稿



oilstone 发音

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oilstone 中文意思翻译



oilstone 相似词语短语

1、histone ─── n.[生化]组蛋白

2、felstone ─── 致密长石

3、oilstones ─── n.油磨刀石

4、siltstone ─── n.沙泥岩,粉砂岩

5、bilestone ─── n.胆石

6、millstone ─── n.磨石;重担

7、hailstone ─── n.冰雹;n.(Hailstone)人名;(英)黑尔斯通

8、oil stove ─── 油炉

9、milestone ─── n.里程碑,划时代的事件;n.(Milestone)迈尔斯通(人名)

oilstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Based on the industrial flatbed metal grinding theory and practice, experiment was made to solve the problem of turned edge in oilstone grinding. ─── 研究目的:通过剖析传统研磨冰刀出现卷刃的原因及消除卷刃过程中存在的问题,寻求解决该问题的途径。

2、oilstone pressing ─── 油石加压

3、Keywords groove;surface roughness;oilstone;support way; ─── 沟道;表面粗糙度;油石;支承方式;

4、Ultrasonic vibrancy honing has many advantages,such as small honing force,long oilstone life. ─── 超声珩磨具有珩磨力小、油石不易堵塞等普通珩磨所没有的优点。

5、It is used for producing resin-bond grinding wheel of diamond ,oilstone and mounted wheel. ─── 该系列产品广泛用于生产树脂结合剂金刚石砂轮、油石、磨头等;

6、Keywords oilstone clamp;positioning;efficiency; ─── 油石夹;定位;效率;

7、Abrasives factory mainly produces rubies, super oilstone grinding, honing oilstone strong for a variety of industrial uses, such as a series of oilstone. ─── 磨具工艺厂主要生产红宝石、 超级精磨油石、强力珩磨油石等用于各种工业用途的系列油石。

8、The finisher's oilstone-pressing system adopted air-pressing technology by combining shuttle valve with proportion valve,which made oilstone pressure realize classless pressure adjustment . ─── 此台超精机的油石加压系统采用了梭阀与比例阀结合的气动调压技术使油石压力实现了无级调压。

9、If the emulsion floating in the water, said that if the emulsion floating in the water, then its oilstone containing ester. Oilstone ester can cause dry skin, blocking pores. ─── 若乳液浮在水面上,表示若乳液浮于水上,则说明其含有油石酯。油石酯会造成皮肤干燥、毛孔堵塞。

10、Development of New Type Diamond Honing Oilstone ─── 新型金刚石珩磨油石的研制

11、The reasons why there has not been used to grind stone, if oilstone a rough grinding it does not apply to the back. ─── 用还来石靡磨刀时,如果油石较粗劣不离不合用于磨陈刀。

12、new type of diamond honing oilstone ─── 金刚石珩磨油石

13、oilstone slip ─── 油石

14、Stone oilstone of China turns a company, should consider its above all the actor in competition, inferior position, make oneself raise the strategy of international competition ability. ─── 中国的石油石化企业,首先应该考虑其在竞争中的优、劣势,制定自己提高国际竞争力的战略。

15、oilstone grinder ─── 珩磨机

16、Keywords roller bearings for goods train;classless pressure adjustment;oilstone pressing;over finish; ─── 铁路货车滚子轴承;无级调压;油石加压;超精;

17、Analyse these difference, change the oilstone that it is stone external the development of project service company opens train of thought. ─── 分析这些差距,将为石油石化对外工程服务企业的发展打开思路。

18、Commonly used in machinery industry only oilstone natural abrasives. ─── 机械工业中常用的天然磨具只有油石。

19、First of all, to deal with some spraying petrol, acetone for degreasing treatment with a file, fine sandpaper, oilstone will fatigue layer and oxide layer removed to expose the metal color. ─── 首先应对喷涂部分用汽油、丙酮进行除油处理,用锉刀、细砂纸、油石将疲劳层和氧化层除掉,使其露出金属本色。

20、Ultrasonic vibrancy honing has many advantages, such as small honing force, long oilstone life. ─── 超声珩磨具有珩磨力小、油石不易堵塞等普通珩磨所没有的优点。

21、Keywords ultrasonic honing local resonance vibration mode flexible lever and oilstone holder subsystem honing experiment; ─── 超声珩磨;局部共振;振动模式;挠性杆、油石座子系统;珩磨试验;

22、provides an experience with using heavy honing technology and selecting heavy honing oilstone. ─── 采用强力珩磨工艺及正确选择强力珩磨油石提供了经验。

23、oilstone clamp ─── 油石夹

24、Development of New Type Diamond Honing Oilstone ─── 新型金刚石珩磨油石的研制

25、and (super) oilstone grinding, honing oilstone, fiber oilstone, natural oilstone, double oilstone face, square, rectangular, circular, semi-circular, knife-shaped, triangular, etc. oilstone. ─── 以及(超)精磨油石、珩磨油石、纤维油石、天然油石、双面油石,正方、长方、圆形、半圆、刀形、三角油石等。

26、If scraping knife gap smaller, which can be oilstone or 2, smooth abrasive to fine sandpaper. ─── 如果刮不朱刀上的缺口比辛庞大,可用油石或细砂纸打磨至光洁裂缝。

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