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09-10 投稿



dephlogisticated 发音

英:[[d?fl?'d??st?ke?t?d]]  美:[[d?fl?'d??st?ke?t?d]]

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dephlogisticated 中文意思翻译



dephlogisticated 短语词组

1、dephlogisticated air ─── [医] 氧气

dephlogisticated 相似词语短语

1、dephlogisticates ─── v.减轻……的发炎

2、phlogisticate ─── 火成岩

3、dephlogisticate ─── v.减轻……的发炎

4、phlogisticated ─── 火成的

5、dephlogisticating ─── v.减轻……的发炎

6、phlogisticating ─── 燃素化

7、phlogisticates ─── 燃素

8、to dephlogisticate ─── 消炎

9、to phlogisticate ─── 煽情

dephlogisticated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、dephlogisticated air ─── [医] 氧气

2、effectiveness in sparking combustion, he called the gas "dephlogisticated air," ─── 在点火燃烧计算其效能时,他称这种气体为"没有燃素存在的空气."

3、Keywords fire;particle theory;phlogiston theory;dephlogisticated air; ─── 火;微粒说;燃素说;去燃素空气;

4、All flammable materials contain phlogiston that is liberated in burning, leaving the "dephlogisticated" substance in its "true" calx form. ─── 所有易燃材料均含有在燃烧过程中释放的发火物质,使“去表皮化的”物质保持其“真正”的杯状形式。

5、Keywords Premature infant;Bronchopulmonary hypoplasia;Dephlogisticated air; ─── 早产儿;支气管肺发育不良;氧气;

6、Noting its effectiveness in sparking combustion, he called the gas "dephlogisticated air," demonstrating his belief in phlogiston. ─── 注意其有效性,他称气泡燃烧空气,“气”的燃素学说展示他的信仰。

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