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09-10 投稿


noxious 发音

英:[?nɑ?k??s]  美:[?n?k??s]

英:  美:

noxious 中文意思翻译



noxious 短语词组

1、noxious fumes ─── 有毒炮烟

2、noxious substance ─── [法] 有害物

3、noxious poisonous hazardous ─── 有毒 ─── 有害

4、noxious weeds ─── 毒草

5、noxious meaning ─── 有害的意思

6、noxious gas ─── [化] 有害气体

7、noxious odor ─── 有毒的气味

8、noxious stimulus ─── 有害刺激物

9、noxious emissions ─── 有害排放物

10、noxious bow ─── 毒弓

11、noxious stimulation ─── 伤害性刺激

12、noxious plants ─── 有毒植物

13、noxious stimuli ─── [医] 有害刺激物

14、noxious liquor ─── 有毒的酒

15、noxious weed ─── 毒草

16、noxious definition ─── 有害定义

17、noxious wastes ─── 有毒废物

18、noxious matter ─── 有毒物质

19、noxious creatures ─── 有害生物

noxious 词性/词形变化,noxious变形

比较级--more noxious;最高级--most noxious。

noxious 同义词

deadly | poisonous | foul | deleterious | pernicious | lethal | venomous | nasty | disgusting | detrimental | unpleasant | destructive |harmful | damaging | horrible | accursed | disadvantageous | toxic | injurious | offensive

noxious 常用词组

noxious gas ─── 有害气体

noxious fumes ─── 有毒炮烟

noxious 反义词

wholesome | innocuous

noxious 相似词语短语

1、innoxious ─── adj.无毒的,无害的

2、folious ─── 叶状的

3、corious ─── 革质的

4、nimious ─── 命名法

5、obnoxious ─── adj.讨厌的;可憎的;不愉快的

6、odious ─── adj.可憎的;讨厌的

7、noxiously ─── 有害的

8、copious ─── adj.丰富的;很多的;多产的

9、anxious ─── adj.焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的

noxious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In many neighborhoods, noxious fumes from factories and the stench of burning garbage drive residents indoors. ─── 在很多街道上,工厂排放的有害烟雾以及燃烧废料垃圾的熔炉使附近居民只能呆在家中。

2、Vecuronium even a relatively small dose (0.03 mg/kg) can reduce the degree of increase in SE,RE and BIS values induced by noxious stimulation such as tracheal intubation. ─── 存在伤害性刺激时(如气管插管),即使小剂量(0.03 mg/kg)的维库溴铵也可降低脑电熵指数和BIS的升高幅度。

3、Chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed ─── 化学物质混合后会放出有毒气体

4、The world and his wife will be out barbequing. There'll be screaming kids everywhere, not to mention all that noxious barbecue smoke. ─── 小孩的尖叫声将会到处都是,更不用说那些烧烤散发的毒烟。

5、It releases lots of soot and various noxious chemicals as it burns, and so has fallen out of favour in many Western countries. ─── 它会随着燃烧释放大量煤烟和有害化学物质,因此许多西方国家已经不再钟情于它了。

6、Emma: When I came into the caravan which is filled with noxious my asthma affuse. ─── 当我走进那充满有毒物质的车时,我开始哮喘了。

7、If left behind after a harvest, the seeds could grow amid new crops or in field margins; English Nature argues that the offspring could become noxious weeds uncontrollable by existing chemicals. ─── 如果作物在收成后,有这些种籽给留在当地,它们将与新作物一起生长、出现在农地周围。

8、One component of this is that the afferent input generated by injury and intense noxious stimuli triggers an increased excitability of nociceptive neurons in the spinal cord. ─── 其中重要的一点是伤害性刺激的持续传入使脊髓内伤害性神经元的兴奋性增强。

9、Discharge Provisions of Noxious Liquid Substances of MARPOL 7378 ─── 7378防污公约对有毒液体物质的排放规定

10、Once she has consulted all the oracles, she shall dry up the noxious springs simply by breathing on them. ─── 她曾经请教过所有的圣人,仅仅是通过吸入它们而把有害的泉水变干。

11、The facts of the Hathcockcase have been repeated in cities across the country. Indeed, the case is but one example of a noxious but an all-too-common phenomenon. ─── 一案的事实在全国不同城市重演,的的确确是极其平常却影响很坏的现象中的个例。

12、According to this interpretation, mirror therapy works by replacing noxious memories with innocuous ones. ─── 基于这个解释,镜像实验的原理应该是用无害的记忆替换了有害的记忆。

13、Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious liquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water. ─── 二环茂二烯:有毒液体.如常小心处理:不要摄入.如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净.

14、Epimetheus had in his house a jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles, for which, in fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. ─── 厄庇墨透斯的家里放着一个瓮,里面装着一些害人精。他因为一直忙着打点人类在新住地安身,还没有顾得上处理它们。

15、AP5 inhibited CRD-induced visceral noxious stimulus and its effects were dose-dependent and time-dependent. ─── AP5剂量依赖地抑制CRD诱导的内脏伤害性刺激,并有时效特点。

16、TWCs can reduce over 90% noxious emissions in the exhaust pipe. ─── 三元催化转化器能够减少排气管中90%以上的有害排放物,发挥着极为重要的排放控制作用。

17、Dicyclopentadiene : Noxious liquid. Handle with usual caution: do not ingest. If it is spilled on skin, rinse well with water. ─── 二环茂二烯:有毒液体。如常小心处理:不要摄入。如果溅在皮肤上,用水冲洗干净。

18、All the while, the number of noxious steel mills, cement kilns and power plants relentlessly increases. ─── 与此同时,有毒的轧钢厂、水泥窑和火电厂还是不加限制的建造起来。

19、He's a crank, and a noxious crank ─── 他是个怪人,而且还是个极为有害的怪人。

20、noxious retention theory of immunity ─── 免疫有害保留学说

21、Chinese herbal medicine is less noxious,side-effect and it includes necessary microelements for human,so it becomes the first choice for health care and treatment. ─── 中草药因毒副作用小,富含人体所需的多种微量元素,成为人们进行身体保健、治疗疾病的首选。

22、In contrast, the other 33 units responded to noxious stimuli in a quite different way which was manifested by a decrease in discharge frequency (pain-inhibition unit, PIU). ─── 对伤害性刺激出现抑制效应的单位33个(痛抑制单位)。注射杜冷丁对此种抑制效应有解除作用。

23、The SSC plays a crucial role in the noxious and nonnoxious somatosensory processing. ─── SSC在伤害性和非伤害性躯体感觉传导过程中起着至关重要的作用。

24、The noxious stimulation increased the frequency of evoked discharges of PEN. ─── 伤害性刺激可使PF内PEN痛诱发放电频率增加;

25、diffuse noxious inhibitory control, DNIC ─── 弥散性伤害性抑制性控制

26、They gave off a most noxious smell ─── 它们散发出一种非常难闻的气味。

27、Deficiency in origin was asthenia of both the spleen and the kidney,and excess in superficiality was pathogenic damp,noxious water and blood stasis. ─── 从微观辨证学角度认为,肾小球细胞增生、系膜基质增加、球囊粘连、纤维化等都可视为“瘀血”。

28、Noxious gases had built up in the sewer. ─── 下水道 的有害气体越积越多。

29、Maintaining General Anesthesia The main objectives of general anesthesia are analgesia, unconsciousness, skeletal muscle relaxation, and control of sympathetic nervous system responses to noxious stimulation. ─── 全身麻醉的维持全身麻醉的主要目的在于无痛、识消失、骨骼肌松弛以及控制交感神经对不良刺激的反应。

30、For Handan's 8.5 million residents, and especially the tens of thousands who live in the plant's immediate shadow, the complex is a noisome, noxious, money-spinning, job-creating leviathan. ─── 对于邯郸850万居民,尤其是居住在邯钢附近的数以万计的居民来说,这个庞大的钢铁企业就是一个嘈杂而赚钱,有毒但能提供就业机会的巨大怪兽。

31、the quality of being noxious. ─── 对人或事物不利的因素。

32、All the while , the number of noxious steel mills, cement kilns and power plants relentlessly increases. ─── 但有害的钢铁厂,砖窑,电厂数量却一直在增长。

33、We must trace the source of these noxious gases before they asphyxiate us. ─── 在我们被这些有毒气体窒息之前,必须查出其来源。

34、Ruptured cells become food for living bacteria in the gut, which release enough noxious gas to bloat the body and force the eyes to bulge outward. ─── 分解的细胞变成肠子中细菌的食物,并释放出足够的臭气,造成尸体浮肿,眼睛外凸。

35、The detection and monitor of the combustible gas and the noxious gas have become the desiderative tasks of enterprises at present. ─── 各种气体尤其是对可燃性气体和毒性气体的检测和监控已成为企业当前急需解决的问题之一。

36、Another reason to worry about global warming: more and itchier poison ivy. The noxious vine grows faster and bigger as carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere rise, researchers report Monday. ─── 对全球气候变暖担忧的另一原因是:全球变暖导致常春藤产生引起骚痒的毒素。研究人员说:当大气中二氧化碳浓度上升时,有毒常春藤会生长得更快更大。

37、This paper analyzes and evaluates the cabin noxious gas when the tank artillery fires. ─── 分析及评价坦克火炮射击时舱室内有害气体的变化。

38、From toxic toys to noxious nightwear, the list of items recalled in China just keeps growing. ─── 从有毒玩具到有害睡衣,中国被召回产品的名单还在一个劲儿加长。

39、a noxious disease; a virulent disease ─── 恶疾

40、To admit fresh air into(a mine, for example) to replace stale or noxious air. ─── 使通风,使空气流通使新鲜空气进入(如矿井)以替换不新鲜的或有毒的空气

41、Suits for bodily injury will generally involve claims arising from the exposure to the noxious gasses emitted by the drywall. ─── 一般来说,身体损害的诉讼也包括由无浆墙散出的有害气体造成的损害。

42、That subterranean world, Onstott said, is a lightless pool of hot, pressurized salt water that stinks of sulfur and noxious gases humans would find unbreathable. ─── Onstott说道,那个地下世界是一个没有光的热池,压力下的盐水散发着让人无法呼吸的硫黄和有毒气体。

43、Potent Venom renamed Noxious Stings (Tier 8 ) and is noted as NYI. ─── 强效毒液重命名为毒害钉刺(第8层):标为NYI。

44、it is a noxious practice, deserving of censure and opprobrium. ─── 它是有害的,应该受到咒骂和谴责。

45、The bristles in the inflorescence represent modified branchlets. The genus includes pasture grasses, a cereal crop, and a few noxious weeds. ─── 在花序里的刚毛描述修改的小枝。属包括牧场草地,谷类庄稼和一些有害物杂草。

46、Surveillance and control of the quality of hemodialysis water has become much necessary in order to avoid contacting noxious substances. ─── 为避免接触已知的或可能的有害物质,监测和控制透析用水的水质非常必要。

47、They were as a few fragrant flowers amidst a dense accumulation of noxious weeds. ─── 她们就象大丛毒草中的几朵香花。

48、Skunk, a noxious liquid mixture of nontoxic ingredients including baking powder and yeast, is blasted onto protesters from a water cannon. ─── 臭鼬,一种由发酵粉和酵母等无毒成分混合而成的有毒液体,从高压水枪喷到抗议者身上。

49、They should plant the suitable green plants,put some activated charcoal to help with absorbing the noxious gas and adopt the government measures suitably. ─── 应适当种植适量绿色植物、放置活性炭等以帮助有害气体的吸收。

50、Steep slopes or heights, falls or trips, collisions with unseen obstructions, snags and sharpened objects, and even noxious substances (animal droppings, etc.). ─── 客服管理 包括客服权限的分配、客服分组、客服监控等功能,强大的客服管理功能。

51、Eluants used in eluting chromatographic separation of crude oil family compositions are noxious and volatilizable. ─── 原油族组成洗提层析分离中使用的洗脱液有毒性、易挥发。

52、Five, if is filled in buries, directly will take the land, also in 1000 the internal calamity degraded, affects the soil texture structure: If is burnt down, then can produce the noxious gas, pollution atmosphere. ─── 五、若被填埋,将直接占用土地,且1000年内难以降解,影响土质结构:若被焚烧,则会产生有害气体,污染大气。

53、The North Wind will come as the Tree's enemy, and with its noxious breath it will tear away the third of the branches. ─── 北风就像树的敌人般地来到,连同着有害的呼吸,它的分枝会撕开三分之一。

54、The noxious manner in which cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens are raised in grave dishonor causes such poison to end up upon the dinner table. ─── 以有毒的方式饲养的牛、羊、鸡处于沉重的无尊重中,促使结果是毒害呈现在餐桌上。

55、On every continent, rivers have been straightened to ease navigation, bermed and banked for flood control, dammed and diverted for irrigation, and used as receptacles for noxious and toxic waste. ─── 在南加州,将一个流域的水导至另一个,到目前为止,这顶多属于经济、地理上的事。

56、Azo dyes wastewater is not only high chromatic, strong noxious, but also difficult to degrade and easy to discompose to carcinogenic aromatic amine under deoxidization condition. ─── 偶氮染料废水由于其高色度、强毒性、难降解,在还原条件下易分解产生致癌性芳香胺,而被视为现今急待治理的废水之一。

57、People are not as well-dressed, and huge lorries barrel down the roads, belching clouds of noxious black fumes over the children walking along the highways' shoulders. ─── 当地人衣着随便。巨型货车飞速驶出路面,并向行走公路之上的儿童喷出股股有毒的黑烟。

58、Inhaled cigarette smoke and other noxious particles cause lung inflammation, a normal response which appears to be amplified in patients who deelop COPD. ─── 吸入香烟及其他有害颗粒能引起肺部炎症反应,而这种反应对健康人而言可能是正常的防御反应而在COPD患者中会进一步放大。

59、noxious retentiontheory of immunity ─── 免疫有害[有毒]保留学说

60、Removing the subsidies also stimulates greater energy efficiency and cuts air pollution, in the form of particles and noxious gases such as sulphur dioxide. ─── 取消补贴还会提高能效、减少以颗粒和二氧化硫等有害气体为主要形式的空气污染。

61、Another experiment showed that house sparrows consumed less red food after they observed others eating red food that was treated so as to be noxious. ─── 另一项实验表明,家养麻雀在观察到其他麻雀吃红色的食物以致有毒后,会吃更少的红色食物。

62、Batteries contain heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury that can be harmful if they leak into water supplies or eventually produce noxious gases which enter the atmosphere. ─── 含有的铅、、等重金属的电池一旦泄漏进入水源或产生有害气体进入大气,将对环境产生危害。

63、In the periphery, for instance, molecules that promote inflammation may cause the nociceptors that detect noxious stimuli to become overly reactive to those inputs. ─── 例如在身体周边,促进发炎反应的分子可能影响痛觉受器,对侦测到的有害刺激过度反应;

64、As the fuels were combusting they gave off noxious vapors. ─── 当燃料在燃烧时,它们释放出有毒的烟

65、There'll be screaming kids everywhere, not to mention all that noxious barbecue smoke. ─── 那儿将会到处都是尖叫的孩子,更不用提那些有害的烤肉浓烟了。

66、We must trace the source of these noxious gases. ─── 我们必须查出毒气的来源。

67、He's a crank, and a noxious crank. He calls himself an idealist. ─── 他是个怪人,而且还是个极为有害的怪人,他自称是理想主义者。

68、MII shall, in consultation with the National Standardization Commission of China, draft national standards for control of toxic or noxious substances or elements of electronic information products. ─── 信息产业部商国家标准化管理委员会起草电子信息产品有毒、有害物质或元素控制国家标准。

69、Still I seek the most noxious herbs ─── 我仍旧在寻找最毒的药草。

70、Convention on Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances ─── 关于运输有害和有毒物质的公约

71、And children were warned not to play outside in the noxious air. ─── 儿童更接获警告,不要到外面有毒的空气中玩耍。

72、diffuse noxious inhibitory control ─── 弥散性有毒(物质)抑制性控制

73、Collectively, the Deccan Traps spewed enough noxious gas that some say it was the cause of the extinction. ─── 这些位于德干高原的火山口喷出大量有害气体,有人认为这正是导致恐龙灭绝的原因。

74、hazardous and noxious substance ─── 危险与有害物质

75、The city also spent $ 70 million to clean up and then rechannel water into a stagnant downtown river bed that had become a nurturing area for noxious smells and particulate emissions. ─── 太原市还花费了7000万美元将经过净化的水改道注入市中心的一个河床。 此前,这潭死水已经成为滋生恶臭的温床和颗粒物排放的集纳地。

76、An air pollution device that removes noxious gases and vapors through incineration. Afterburners are found on web presses in particular. ─── 中义把有毒气体或蒸气在焚化炉中去除的装置,印刷中在轮转印刷机上可见到此装置。

77、Noxious antidromic stimulation-induced Evans blue extravasation was used to map the RFs of C-fibers in the skin on rat foot or anterior tibial muscle. ─── 对神经干施以逆行性伤害性电刺激,在大鼠足部皮肤和胫骨前肌诱发伊文氏蓝渗出,显示C类纤维感受野分布。

78、These noxious substances limit caterpillars' growth and reduce the number of eggs that female moths lay. ─── 这些有毒物质会限制毛毛虫的生长,减少雌蛾产卵的数量。

79、The State Supreme Court erred in applying the "harmful or noxious uses" principle to decide this case. Pp. 1014-1019. ─── 州最高法院在审理该案中不当适用“有害使用”原则。(第1014-1019页)

80、He strove to tear himself away from the noxious siren that had bewitched him. ─── 他极力想从这个蛊惑了他的有害无益的海妖身边挣脱开。

81、The kidney, as do cells in culture exposed to various noxious stimuli, react in a typical manner referred to as the stress response. ─── 肾脏一样,细胞暴露于不同的文化伤害性刺激,反应在一个典型的方式称为应激反应。

82、For particularly noxious sites, these workers wear full respirators to filter out bacteria and odors. ─── 对于特殊的、有毒的地点,他们要穿全套的放毒装置,防治细菌,以及难闻的气味。

83、To make poisonous or noxious. ─── 使有毒或有害

84、Rapidly expanding industries which involve more and more complex chemical processes will produce larger volumes of liquid wastes, and many of these will contain chemicals which are noxious. ─── 快速发展的工业越来越多地采用各种复杂的化学方法,从而使废水大量增多,而很多废水中含有种种有害的化学物质。

85、Gastrodia tuber can heighten activity of antioxidase SOD and eliminate oxygen free radical,and has no noxious and side effect to animal. ─── 天麻无任何毒副作用,可反复给药,是一种药理作用广泛的中药材。

86、This procedure produces a curious effect; The new law gave rise to many complaints; These chemicals produce a noxious vapor. ─── 这道程序能够产生奇怪的效果;新法律产生很多抱怨。

87、One letter from local farmers described how a nearby factory making 8-hydroxyquinoline, used as a deodorant and antiseptic, emitted noxious fumes that “make our days and nights impassable. ─── 在一封信中当地农民描述了附近一个用偏苯三酚制造除臭剂和防腐剂的工厂如何排放有害气体,使得他们感到“日子一天也没有办法过了。”

88、For instance, those who grow herbicide-tolerant soybeans typically avoid the most noxious weed killer, turning instead to glyphosate herbicides, which are less toxic and degrade more quickly. ─── 例如,农人要是种植了耐除草剂的大豆,就会避免使用最毒的杀草剂,而改用毒性弱、分解快的苷磷除草剂。

89、There were only 28 neurons responding to noxious stimulation, of which 25 were excitatory, and 3 inhibitory. ─── 其中25个发放增加(兴奋型神经元),3个发放减少(抑制型神经元)。

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