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09-10 投稿


bowhead 发音

英:[['b??hed]]  美:[['bo?hed]]

英:  美:

bowhead 中文意思翻译



bowhead 词性/词形变化,bowhead变形


bowhead 短语词组

1、bowhead logistics solutions ─── 弓头物流解决方案

2、bowhead logo ─── 弓头标志

3、bowhead whale ─── 北极露脊鲸

4、bowhead anc ─── 弓形头

5、bowhead whale extinct ─── 弓头鲸灭绝了

6、bowhead corp ─── 弓头公司

7、bowhead and omura ─── 弓头和大村

8、bowhead login ─── 弓头登录

bowhead 相似词语短语

1、bowheads ─── n.北极露脊鲸;露脊鲸科

2、plowhead ─── 犁头

3、bonehead ─── n.(非正式)笨蛋,傻瓜

4、towheads ─── n.淡黄色头发的人;沙洲

5、boobhead ─── n.狱中惯犯

6、towhead ─── n.淡黄色头发的人;沙洲

7、boofhead ─── n.蠢货

8、bolthead ─── n.机头;螺栓头;长颈烧瓶

9、boxhead ─── n.表头栏

bowhead 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As bowhead whalingdisappeared in Canada and Greenland, the Inuit had to subsist on a much poorer diet. ─── 由于北极鲸在加拿大和格陵兰岛的消失,因纽特人不得不以更差的饮食维持生活。

2、Bowhead whales, the giants of the Arctic, are using the Northwest Passage to move across the top of the Americas. ─── 北极的巨型动物――北极露脊鲸――正在用西北通道穿越美洲上端的游动。

3、Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex,haunting utterances of the bumback whales. ─── 值得注意的是,弓头鲸在夏天会发出类似唱歌的声音,而座头鲸会发出复杂得吓人的声响。

4、He has tagged and tracked a wide variety of marine mammals, including harbor seals, pilot whales, gray whales, right whales, bowhead whales, humpback whales, sperm whales, fin whales and blue whales. ─── 他标记并跟踪各种各样的海洋哺乳动物,包括港海豹、领航鲸、灰鲸、右鲸、弓头鲸、座头鲸、抹香鲸、长须鲸和蓝鲸。

5、They worried that icebreakers and drill ships would hurt the bowhead whales on which they depend. ─── 因纽皮特人担心破冰船和钻井船会伤害北极露脊鲸,这可是他们的生计来源。

6、One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died . ─── 据报道,一头北极露脊鲸死时已经活了130岁。

7、If they continue to mate with bowhead whales, goodbye North Pacific rights. ─── 如果它们继续与弓头鲸交配,那么永别了,北太平洋露脊鲸。

8、This was the first time I had ever seen a bowhead, and I would have never expected to see one ashore with people running atop it, across its length. ─── 这是我第一次看到弓头鲸,我不期望再次在岸上看到它们,还有人在它身上乱跑。”

9、bowhead whale ─── 北极露脊鲸

10、The results also suggested beaked whales (Ziphiidae) and bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) had a relatively closer affinity. ─── 分析还提示喙鲸与须鲸类的弓头鲸具有较近的亲缘关系。

11、23.Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. ─── 值得注意的例外是,弓头鲸会在夏天唱歌,座头鲸会发出复杂得吓人的声音。

12、One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130years old when it died . ─── 根据报道,一头北极露脊鲸死时已经活了130 岁.

13、One bowhead whale is reported to have been 130 years old when it died. ─── 据报道,一头北极露脊死时已经活了130岁。

14、"This photo shows a bowhead whale that was harpooned during the whale fall migration to their winter grounds. ─── “这张照片展示的是一头在鲸类前往其冬季栖息地的秋季迁徙中被捕获的弓头鲸。

15、The longest lived mammal may be the bowhead whale, which some evidence suggests can live to over 200. ─── 寿命最长的哺乳动物可能是北极露脊鲸,有证据表明其可以活超过200年。

16、Bowhead skeletons are found on elevated beaches through the Canadian archipelago. ─── 在贯穿加拿大群岛的升高了的海滩上,人们都能发现北极露脊鲸的骨骼。

17、During the summer, many polar bears gather to rest and feed on hunter-harvested bowhead whale remains near Kaktovik, on Barter Island. ─── 整个夏季,许多北极熊聚集到巴特岛的卡克托维克附近休憩觅食,因为这里有被捕猎的露脊鲸残骸。

18、meat and blubber from the bowhead, built houses using their bones and burned their oil. ─── 北极露脊鲸的鲸肉和鲸脂为食,用它们的骨头建造了自己的房子并以鲸油为燃料。

19、10. Notable exceptions are the nearly song-like choruses of bowhead whales in summer and the complex, haunting utterances of the humpback whales. ─── 在会话结构方面,那些“答非所问”,即“风牛马不相及”的两句话可以构成完美的相邻对。收藏指正

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